тест по англ

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1). We are late.

The film ______ already ______ by the time we get to the cinema

Ответ: will have started

2). The canoe was rather light and ______ by one man

Ответ: could be carried

3). A new hospital ______ in our neighbourhood next spring

Ответ: will be built

4). Books _______ for children are usually well illustrated

Ответ: published

5). When _______ the book he made notes

Ответ: reading

6). _______ in each other two metals form an alloy

Ответ: dissolving

7). When _______ the article the student consulted the dictionary

Ответ: translating

8). The instrument ______ atmospheric pressure is called barometer

Ответ: measuring

9). He began _________ the properties of the new material

Ответ: determining

10). I remember his _________ in languages in his childhood

Ответ: having been interested

11). _________ into outer space is a high honour for a pilot

Ответ: being sent

12). We cannot determine the temperature without _________ it

Ответ: measuring

13). They accused him of _________ the house

Ответ: having robbed

14). She seems __________ now

Ответ: to be reading

15). Составьте предложения с Complex Subject

________ one of the best students at our faculty
Ответ: She is said to be

16). Составьте предложения с Complex Object

He wanted his letters ________ at once
Ответ: to be posted

17). Составьте предложения с Complex Subject

________ a mass of compressed gasses
Ответ: The sun is known to represent

18). _______ is a small computer used for automation of real-world processes, such
as control of machinery on the factory assembly lines
Ответ: Programmable controller

19). A computer system is a collection of components that work together _______

Ответ: to process

20). A robot is a mechanical or virtual intelligent agent that can perform tasks
automatically or with guidance, typically by ________
Ответ: remote control

21). The capital of Canada is ________

Ответ: Ottawa

22). One of the chief industries of Great Britain is ________

Ответ: shipbuilding

23). Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста: The principal feature of

automation devices is _______
Ответ: their ability to correct themselves

24). Определите основную идею текста:

Ответ: Nowadays automation is used in all spheres of our life

25). Определите, является ли утверждение: All automated manufacturing

processes require much of human participation
Ответ: false

26). Ответьте на вопрос: Why are electronic computers widely used in automation?

Ответ: to process data

27). Укажите,
какой из абзацев текста 1,2,3,4 содержит следующую информацию:
Technology which simplified the labour of human workers


Ответ: 2

28). Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения:

Shop assistant (in the perfumery): «Good morning. What can I do for you? »
Customer: «I need a present for my aunt. She likes oriental fragrances»
Shop assistant: «________»
Ответ: Does she have a favourite brand?

29). Выберите слова или словосочетания для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы
они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки:
(1) _______: Joel Peters, Helger-Zorn Company, Germany
(2) _______: Valerie Joule, the French Commercial Director
Date: 9 September, 2011
Subject: Director’s next Hamburg visit
I hope all is well. Will you confirm the revised arrangements for my trip to Hamburg
next month? I’ll arrive from Paris at 18.00 on Monday 27 October on flight AF781.
Could you arrange for a driver to meet me and take me straight to the hotel? Please
send me confirmation as soon as everything is arranged.
Kind regards
(3) _______
Ответ: to, from, V.J.

30). Расположите части резюме в правильном порядке:

4. Education and qualifications
1. Work experience
3. Skills
5. References
2. Personal details
6. Interests and achievements
Ответ: 241365

1. When I saw him in the morning, he _______ ice cream

Ответ: was eating

2. The computer ______ at the moment

Ответ: is being used

3. Most of my friends _______ school in 2004

Ответ: left

6. Выберите правильный вариант перевода предложения

The machines produced here will be sent to the plant being constructed in Glasgow

Ответ: Машины, выпускаемые здесь, отправят на завод, который строится в Глазго

7. A chemist uses different chemicals _______ experiments on the properties of


Ответ: making

8. _______ for the continent Julius Cesar never returned to Britain

Ответ: having left

14. Составьте предложения с Complex Object

I know ________ a great scientist

Ответ: him to be

15. I remembered __________ a lot about Mr Rochester

Ответ: to have been told

17. Составьте предложения с Complex Subject

For a long time ________ indivisible

Ответ: the atom was thought to be

20. _______ is the use of computers to model the behavioral aspects of human
reasoning and learning
Ответ: Artificial intelligence

21. The first President of the USA was __________

Ответ: George Washington

24. Определите, какое утверждение соответствует содержанию текста:

Ответ: Industrial robots are able to perform tasks without human intervention

29. Что обозначают цифры 1,2,3,4 на конверте?

Southern California Gas Company

6729 South 23 Road
(1)San Diego, (2)SD 786901
(3)Mr. Jon McCabe
Corporate Section Manager
Eastern Bank
(4)PO Box 3455

Ответ: 1-H , 2-B, 3-A, 4-C

40). Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке

5. Robinson’s publishing house
1740 West End Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60634
2. Dear Sir,
6. We were very interested in your display at the latest Exhibition held in Chicago.
We would be very much obliged if you sent us your illustrated catalogue of your
products together with the pricelist. If you can guarantee prompt delivery we will be
prepared to place a large order.
4. Yours faithfully,
7. Gregory Fisher
3. June 15 2015
1. Gregory Fisher,
Sales manager
Acumen Management Group Ltd.
15 York Street
Cambridge Lancs.
Ответ: 1352647

2). My friend ______ London by the time I got there

Ответ: had left

7). The theatre _______ in the last century needed reconstruction

Ответ: built

13). She likes __________ fairy tales by her grandmother

Ответ: being told

15). This young scientist’s report will be discussed at the meeting ________ on the
23rd of January

Ответ: to be held

16). Составьте предложения с Complex Object

He expected ________ quite differently

Ответ: her to behave

17). He was happy _________ for many years with the famous scientist

Ответ: to have been working

18). _______ is the study of modeling of human mental functions by computer


Ответ: Artificial intelligence

19). Automation is the use of control systems and information technologies _______
the need for human work in the production of goods and services

Ответ: to reduce

22). The 16th President of the USA, speaking against slavery is _________

Ответ: Abraham Lincoln

2). I don’t know Carol’s husband. I ______ never ______ him

Ответ: have seen

6). The man _______ us the weather map is our professor

Ответ: showing

10). He insisted on __________ to solve that difficult problem

Ответ: trying

15). This method was introduced at the factory _________ better results

Ответ: to achieve

16). He seems _________ since morning

Ответ: to have been reading

19). _______ is a process in which parts are added to a product in a sequential

manner to create a finished product

Ответ: Assembly line

30). Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке:

2. Mr. Thompson
218 Brittany Road
Bridgeport, CT 06601
7. April 26, 2009
3. Mike Powell
Towns Road
Oxford OX43PP
5. Mr.Thompson
1. Dear Mr. Powell,
6. I am writing to confirm our appointment on May 17th. Of course, I have your
address, but I wonder if you could send me instructions on how to get to your office
because I will be coming by car. Thanks a lot. I am looking forward to meeting you.
4. Yours sincerely,

Ответ: 2731645

18). SCADA stands for supervisory control and data acquisition, and generally refers
to industrial computer systems _______ infrastructure, industrial or facility-based

Ответ: monitoring

6). The water _______ now is sea water

Ответ: being evaporated

18). are the signals or data _______ by the information processing system

Ответ: received

20). _______ is the of converting a line or machine from running one product to

Ответ: Changeover

22). The form of the government of Canada is a ________

Ответ: constitutional monarchy

16). Составьте предложения с Complex Object

I saw ________ to a picture on the wall

Ответ: him point

20). One of the main advantages of automation is _______ human operators in tasks
which involve hard physical or monotonous work

Ответ: replacing

21). Great Britain is governed bу _________

Ответ: the Parliament

17). This question is too complicated _________ at once

Ответ: to be answered

28). Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения:

Interviewer: «Well, thank you for your time. We will be making a selection in a
couple of days and will call you later»
Interviewee: «________»

Ответ: Thank you for seeing me. Have a pleasant day

16). Составьте предложения с Complex Subject

________ six languages

Ответ: He was said to know

14). Составьте предложения с Complex Subject

________ two electrons
Ответ: The helium atom was found to have

15). The conference _________ in a few months will consider various ways of
establishing contacts among scientists of different countries

Ответ: to be held
1) I don’t know Carol’s husband. I ______ never ______ him

Ответ: have seen

2) My friend ______ London by the time I got there

Ответ: had left

3) The canoe was rather light and ______ by one man

Ответ: could be carried

4) Выберите правильный вариант перевода предложения

The machines produced here will be sent to the plant being constructed in Glasgow

Ответ: Машины, выпускаемые здесь, отправят на завод, который строится в


5) The man _______ us the weather map is our professor

Ответ: showing

6) The theatre _______ in the last century needed reconstruction

Ответ: built

7) When _______ the book he made notes

Ответ: reading

8) The water _______ now is sea water

Ответ: being evaporated

9) We cannot determine the temperature without _________ it

Ответ: measuring

10 ) She likes __________ fairy tales by her grandmother

Ответ: being told

11) I remember his _________ in languages in his childhood

Ответ: having been interested

12) __________ air pressure is the function of barometer

Ответ: measuring

13) He insisted on __________ to solve that difficult problem

Ответ: trying

14) She seems __________ now

Ответ: to be reading

15) This method was introduced at the factory _________ better results

Ответ: to achieve

16) Составьте предложения с Complex Object

I saw ________ to a picture on the wall

Ответ: him point

17) Составьте предложения с Complex Object

He wanted his letters ________ at once

Ответ: to be posted

18) In the scope of industrialization, automation is a step beyond _______

Ответ: mechanization

19) are the signals or data _______ by the information processing system


20) SCADA stands for supervisory control and data acquisition, and generally
refers to industrial computer systems _______ infrastructure, industrial or facility-
based processes
Ответ: monitoring

21) One of the chief industries of Great Britain is ________

Ответ: shipbuilding

22) Great Britain is governed bу _________

Ответ: the Parliament

23) Ответьте на вопрос: Why are electronic computers widely used in


1. “Automation” is the term coined in 1946 by Ford Motor Company engineer
and is used to describe a wide variety of systems in which there is a
significant substitution of mechanical, electrical and computerized actions
for human efforts and intelligence. In general usage, automation can be
defined as the technology concerned with performing a process by means of
programmed commands combined with automatic feedback control to
ensure proper execution of the instructions.
2. Automation is the automatic operation and control of machinery or
processes by such devices as robots, which can make and execute decisions
without human intervention. The principal feature of such devices is the
appliance of self-correcting control systems that employ feedback, i.e. they
use part of their output to control their input. Once the automated process is
set up, human participation in the manufacturing process involves little more
than maintenance and repairing of the equipment.
3. In a typical automated manufacturing process, the feeding of materials,
the machines operation, the parts transfer from one workstation to another,
the final assembly, the removal and the packing are all done automatically.
Since electronic computers are able to store, select, record and present data
systematically, they are widely utilized to control automated systems.
4. Automation is applied in industry for the manufacturing of foodstuff,
chemicals, pharmaceutical and electronic equipment, medicines, etc., and is
used in coal mines, steel and automobile plants. Another application of the
automation is its use in the launching, aiming and guidance of military
rockets. Automation has also been applied to information handling, resulting
in automatically prepared bills and reports and the solution of many
engineering problems.

Ответ: to process data

24) Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста: The principal feature

of automation devices is _______

1. “Automation” is the term coined in 1946 by Ford Motor Company engineer
and is used to describe a wide variety of systems in which there is a
significant substitution of mechanical, electrical and computerized actions
for human efforts and intelligence. In general usage, automation can be
defined as the technology concerned with performing a process by means of
programmed commands combined with automatic feedback control to
ensure proper execution of the instructions.
2. Automation is the automatic operation and control of machinery or
processes by such devices as robots, which can make and execute decisions
without human intervention. The principal feature of such devices is the
appliance of self-correcting control systems that employ feedback, i.e. they
use part of their output to control their input. Once the automated process is
set up, human participation in the manufacturing process involves little more
than maintenance and repairing of the equipment.
3. In a typical automated manufacturing process, the feeding of materials,
the machines operation, the parts transfer from one workstation to another,
the final assembly, the removal and the packing are all done automatically.
Since electronic computers are able to store, select, record and present data
systematically, they are widely utilized to control automated systems.
4. Automation is applied in industry for the manufacturing of foodstuff,
chemicals, pharmaceutical and electronic equipment, medicines, etc., and is
used in coal mines, steel and automobile plants. Another application of the
automation is its use in the launching, aiming and guidance of military
rockets. Automation has also been applied to information handling, resulting
in automatically prepared bills and reports and the solution of many
engineering problems.

Ответ: their ability to correct themselves

1. The canoe was rather light and ______ by one man Ответ: could be carried
2. The computer ______ at the moment Ответ: is being used
3. Most of my friends _______ school in 2004 Ответ: left
4. A chemist uses different chemicals _______ experiments on the properties of materials
Ответ: making
5. _______ in each other two metals form an alloy Ответ: dissolving
6. _______ for the continent Julius Cesar never returned to Britain Ответ: having left
7. The theatre _______ in the last century needed reconstruction. Ответ: built
8. Выберите правильный вариант перевода предложения
The machines produced here will be sent to the plant being constructed in Glasgow
Ответ: Машины, выпускаемые здесь, отправят на завод, который строится в
9. She likes __________ fairy tales by her grandmother ответ:being told
10. I remember his _________ in languages in his childhood Ответ: having been interested
11. We cannot determine the temperature without _________ it Ответ: measuring
12. They accused him of _________ the house Ответ: having robbed
13. _________ into outer space is a high hon our for a pilot Ответ: being sent
14. This question is too complicated _________ at once Ответ: to be answered
15. Составьте предложения с Complex Subject

________ two electrons Ответ The helium atom was found to have
16. Составьте предложения с Complex Object
I saw ________ to a picture on the wall Ответ: him point
17. Составьте предложения с Complex Object
He wanted his letters ________ at once Ответ: to be posted
18. _______ is a small computer used for automation of real-world processes, such as
control of machinery on the factory assembly lines Ответ: Programmable controller
19. In the scope of industrialization, automation is a step beyond _______
Ответ: mechanization
20. One of the main advantages of automation is _______ human operators in tasks which
involve hard physical or monotonous work Ответ: replacing
21. The capital of Canada is ________ Ответ: Ottawa
22. The first President of the USA was __________ Ответ: George Washington
23. Укажите, какой из абзацев текста 1,2,3,4 содержит следующую информацию:
Technology which simplified the lab our of human workers Ответ: 2
24. Ответьте на вопрос: Why are electronic computers widely used in automation?
Ответ: to process data
25. Определите, какое утверждение соответствует содержанию текста: Ответ:
Industrial robots are able to perform tasks without human intervention
26. Определите, является ли утверждение: All automated manufacturing processes
require much of human participation Ответ: false
27. Определите основную идею текста: Automation
Ответ: Nowadays automation is used in all spheres of our life
28. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения:
Interviewer: «Well, thank you for your time. We will be making a selection in a couple
of days and will call you later»
Interviewee: «________» Ответ: Thank you for seeing me. Have a pleasant day
29. Расположите части резюме в правильном порядке:
4. Education and qualifications
1. Work experience
3. Skills
5. References
2. Personal details
6. Interests and achievements Ответ: 241365
30. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке:
2. Mr. Thompson
218 Brittany Road
Bridgeport, CT 06601
7. April 26, 2009
3. Mike Powell
Towns Road
Oxford OX43PP
5. Mr.Thompson
1. Dear Mr. Powell,
6. I am writing to confirm our appointment on May 17th. Of course, I have your address,
but I wonder if you could send me instructions on how to get to your office because I
will be coming by car. Thanks a lot. I am looking forward to meeting you.
4. Yours sincerely, Ответ: 2731645

1. The canoe was rather light and ______ by one man Ответ: could be carried
2. Most of my friends _______ school in 2004 Ответ: left
3. We are late. The film ______ already ______ by the time we get to the cinema Ответ:
will have started
4. The water _______ now is sea water Ответ: being evaporated
5. The man _______ us the weather map is our professor Ответ: showing
6. A chemist uses different chemicals _______ experiments on the properties of materials
Ответ: making
7. The instrument ______ atmospheric pressure is called barometer ответ: measuring
8. They accused him of _________ the house Ответ: having robbed

9. We cannot determine the temperature without _________ it Ответ: measuring

10. He began _________ the properties of the new material Ответ: determining
11. He insisted on __________ to solve that difficult problem Ответ: trying
12. _________ into outer space is a high hon our for a pilot Ответ: being sent
13. Составьте предложения с Complex Subject
________ a mass of compressed gasses Ответ: The sun is known to represent
14. Составьте предложения с Complex Object
I saw ________ to a picture on the wall Ответ: him point
15. Составьте предложения с Complex Subject
________ one of the best students at our faculty Ответ: She is said to
16. Составьте предложения с Complex Object

He wanted his letters ________ at once Ответ: to be posted

17. _______ is a process in which parts are added to a product in a sequential manner to create a
finished product Ответ: Assembly line

18. are the signals or data _______ by the information processing system Ответ: received
19. _______ is the study of modeling of human mental functions by computer programs Ответ:
Artificial intelligence
20. The form of the government of Canada is a ________ Ответ: constitutional monarchy
21. Great Britain is governed bу _________ Ответ: the Parliament
22. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста: The principal
feature of automation devices is _______
Automation Ответ: their ability to correct themselves

23.Что обозначают цифры 1,2,3,4 на конверте?

Southern California Gas Company
6729 South 23 Road
(1)San Diego, (2)SD 786901
(3)Mr. Jon McCabe
Corporate Section Manager
Eastern Bank
(4)PO Box 3455

A. addressee’s full name

B. the ZIP Code in the Return address
C. addressee’s ZIP Code
D. addresser’s country
E. addressee’s street address
F. addresser’s full name
G. addressee’s country

H. sender’s city Ответ: 1-H , 2-B, 3-A, 4-C

__________ air pressure is the function of barometer

Ответ: measuring
In the scope of industrialization, automation is a step beyond _______
Ответ: mechanization
Выберите правильный вариант перевода предложения
The machines produced here will be sent to the plant being constructed in Glasgow
Ответ: Машины, выпускаемые здесь, отправят на завод, который строится в
Составьте предложения с Complex Subject
For a long time ________ indivisible
Ответ: the atom was thought to be
Составьте предложения с Complex Subject
________ two electrons
Ответ: The helium atom was found to have
The 16th President of the USA, speaking against slavery is _________
Ответ: Abraham Lincoln
Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения:
Shop assistant (in the perfumery): «Good morning. What can I do for you? »
Customer: «I need a present for my aunt. She likes oriental fragrances»
Shop assistant: «________»
Ответ: Does she have a favourite brand?
Выберите слова или словосочетания для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы
они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки:
(1) _______: Joel Peters, Helger-Zorn Company, Germany
(2) _______: Valerie Joule, the French Commercial Director
Date: 9 September, 2011
Subject: Director’s next Hamburg visit
I hope all is well. Will you confirm the revised arrangements for my trip to
Hamburg next month? I’ll arrive from Paris at 18.00 on Monday 27 October on
flight AF781. Could you arrange for a driver to meet me and take me straight to the
hotel? Please send me confirmation as soon as everything is arranged.
Kind regards
(3) _______
Ответ: to, from, V.J.
This young scientist’s report will be discussed at the meeting ________ on the
23rd of January
Ответ: to be held
In the scope of industrialization, automation is a step beyond _______
Ответ: mechanization
Расположите части резюме в правильном порядке:
4. Education and qualifications
1. Work experience
3. Skills
5. References
2. Personal details
6. Interests and achievements
Ответ: 241365

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