Excerpt of Ancient Rome

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Innovative architectural designs and patterns are not only appreciated in the 21st

century, but it has also been getting immense attention from the masses since Ancient
times. Romans introduced insightful architectural designs and techniques back in
Ancient times that revolutionized the entire architectural field. Persians, Egyptians,
Greeks, and Etruscans had a very conventional architectural pattern encompassing
principles of colossal architecture. The glory of those massive buildings was merely
external. The external of the monuments and buildings showcased absolute
magnificence while the internal of the buildings were extremely smothering. The
interior spaces of buildings were not only limited in size but, also the interior space
had to be devoted to supporting a heavy load, leaving less room for people. To sort
this issue Romans experimented with various materials to create better inner spaces.
Romans utilized concrete, vault, and arches to build infrastructures with better
interiors and architectural patterns.


Romans exploited various materials before using concrete as a structural component
in the construction of infrastructures. First, the Romans utilized an Italy based stone
named tufa to construct buildings, which was soon replaced by travertine. Then came
the era of marbles. However, the ancient Romans’ came up with the recipe of Roman
concrete in early 2 BCE by mixing sand, lime, and water in proper proportions,
resulting in the formulation of a mortar, which was then covered with tiles or bricks to
glorify the countenance of monuments and buildings. The Romans did not invent lime
mortar nevertheless, they were the first to see the full possibilities of using it to
produce concrete. Concrete rubble had usually been used as a filler material but
Roman architects realized that the material could support heavyweight and could,
therefore, with a little imagination, be used to help span space and create a whole new
set of building opportunities.
       Romans didn’t introduce arches, in fact, all the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians,
and Greeks used it. But they used arches to support small stores or roofs sometimes.
Romans revolutionized the structure of arches, using them to support mighty
infrastructures and heavy loads. Romans made this possible by using concrete to form
arches. Concrete was assembled by mixing lime and volcanic sand, creating a
substantial structure, in turn supporting colossal infrastructures.


 The Roman concrete was not only structurally flexible, providing Romans with
various structural benefits but also was quite cheaper than the solid stone. Romans
used concrete to construct colossal and glorious infrastructures at an economical price.
They used concrete to form water drains and change the direction of the water.
Concrete and arches revolutionized the internal spaces, making them equally
illustrious as the buildings’ external.

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