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A child born in September is usually more quiet, calm and peaceful than the other
children. At the same time, he is also quite attentive, observant, quick and swift. A
Virgo child will be very fussy about food and it is better if you do not try to feed
him something he doesn't like. Otherwise, the food will end up on the floor, on the
table, in the plate and everywhere, except his stomach. Apart from this, he will be a
very pleasant child, who throws the minimum of tantrums. Cleanliness and
neatness are the basic personality traits of a Virgo baby.

You will not have to run after him to get his room cleaned, it will always be spick
and span. He will not be too comfortable in front of strangers or a large crowd, but
you will seldom find him sitting quietly in front of friends and family. It will be
very easy to discipline him and he will be one of those who always do their
homework on time. The best way to do that is to ask him gently, because criticism
will get you nowhere with Virgo children. Infact, they will tend to think too much
about their mistakes in such cases and may end up getting ill.

You can give them the smallest of chores and they will carry them out perfectly. A
Virgo child is dependable, sincere, adaptable, responsible as well as friendly.
Usually he has a very pleasant temperament, unless teased or criticized too much.
Then, he may become too cranky for his own good. His characteristics profile
includes qualities like honesty and alertness. You will have to teach him how to
restrain himself when the teacher passes a wrong statement. Virgos find it
extremely different it to accept any fact that has no proof of its validity.

Your Virgo child will also question the facts written in the books and demand an
explanation. He will always have a need of learning more; having less knowledge
than others doesn't go well with him. Accepting close a friendship doesn't come
easily to a Virgo and if he is teased about it, he will most probably become too
conscious to go ahead with it. It's better to be conspicuous even when you get to
know about this. In addition to emotional love, he will need physical comforting

He may never show this, but he does need your hugs and kisses. Since a Virgo
child tends to be quite shy, modest and humble, he will need the constant
reassurance that he is as attractive as the most outgoing children. He likes
orderliness and it is better if you do not disturb the way he has kept the things in
his cupboard. He is also very fussy about time and you never find him running late
for school. With a Virgo, everything has to be perfect. If it is not so, be ready to
hear his criticism.

Nobody can escape his critical eyes and that includes him also. He will always
handle his responsibilities well, spend money cautiously and be helpful around the
house. A Virgo child usually matures early and will show wisdom far beyond his
years. You can spoil him, without the danger of making him too pampered.
Encourage him to indulge in his fantasies and imagination; it will help him in
attaining that perfect emotional balance. He may demand too much perfection from
you, but then, he will always be there when you need him!

Virgo Woman

One thing you need to know about a Virgo woman - she has guts and lots of them!
It doesn't mean that she is not as shy and as reserved as she seems to be. It's just
that she can do anything and everything for the people she loves. By love, she
mean real love, no other type of love exists for her. A Virgo female is a complete
woman! She has all the charms and tricks that any other female has, but she is not
weak. Infact, she has quite a determination and can do anything if she sets her
mind to it.

She will be completely devoted and loyal to you in a relationship. Still, if it doesn't
seems to be working, she will severe all the ties and become as cold as the North
Pole. Virgo women's characteristics profile is an odd mix of emotions and
practicality, romance and common sense. When they fall in love, they show such
extreme passion and intensity that only few other women can. Making them fall in
love is, however, an entirely different task. They will demand total perfection from
you, even though they may fall short in that arena.

It's better to get used to their critical nature. A Virgo girl believes that she is
extremely efficient and organized and what is more annoying is, that she is right.
She is a stickler for time and it's better not to be late when you are meeting her. She
will not break the new, expensive vase when she is upset, but she can be very
demanding and fussy. If the fault is yours, admit that you are wrong and say it
while handing her the flowers. Don't even try to argue, or she will lose her temper

It is better to leave her alone for sometime and she will cool again. On the other
hand, a Virgo woman will find it very hard to accept that she is wrong. The fact is,
most of the time she's not. When you are courting her as well as after you get
married, it is advisable to mind your manners. She cannot tolerate someone using
abusive language, coming late, dressing sloppily, not minding table manners, etc.
It's better to brush up your vocabulary too. She will not cling to you, nor will she
become totally aloof.

She is also very good with finances and extravagance is not one of her personality
traits. A Virgo female cannot stand public displays of affection and it is better to be
subtle in this area. Her taste is very good and her intellect quite developed. If you
are trying to woo her, take her to places like theatre, art gallery, etc. Just like a
typical Virgo, she is prone to worrying about things too much and she will do your
part of the job too. She is very much attached to the ground and prefers to live in
the real world.

You let a Virgo female do her part of making things seem just perfect and she will
keep you entertained with all her feminine charms. She is very sensitive and her
feelings are pretty fragile, but she will become exceedingly strong when you need
her support. With kids, she will be very considerate and you will never see them
running around in their underclothes. She will gentle, but firm and will demand
complete discipline from them. Even though a Virgo woman is very critical, she
will not take criticism very nicely. It never works the other way round for her.

The reason for this is that she is as aware of her own imperfections as she is of
yours. So, she doesn't need you to remind her of her own shortcomings every now
and then. Instead of fretting over her perfectionism, you should feel blessed to have
such a charming female who never makes your house look like a garbage dump.
Your toast will never get burnt and your coffee will always taste just perfect. She
has a witty side too and when she laughs, it seems like the ringing of little bells,
doesn't it!

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