For 10 Points Each, Answer The Following

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For 10 points each, answer the following:

1) What are the advantages of the new SHRM approach? Name three elements of
HRM. What must HRM do to be a true strategic partner of the company? What
benefits does a diverse workforce provide the company? If you were an HR
manager, what steps would you take to minimize the outsourcing of jobs in your
- There are a lot of advantages in using the new Strategic Human Resource
Management approach. These advantages are the following, it will help reduce
or decrease turn-over rate, reduce absenteeism, increases job satisfaction, and
will lead into a higher employee commitment. Also, if top management will
implement this new approach, surely, the organization will meet its desired goals
which is to attain a higher profit. HRM has three elements these are the following:
Selection and placement, job design and compensation and reward. The things
that the HR must do to be a strategic partner of the company is that, they must
carefully choose the applicants that will fill up the desired vacant position that
they have, in order to avoid the wrong selection of applicants, if HR choose the
wrong person or applicants, the company or organization would invest much
money to train that person, but if they choose the right person in that job,
company will save time, money and effort in that employee. The benefit of having
a diverse workforce is that, since there are different employees with different
values, skills, talent, knowledge and etc., surely, it will greatly help company in
thinking of a creative and effective ways on how to solve future problems that will
come along their way. If I were an HR manager, the steps that I would take in
order to minimize the outsourcing of jobs in my department is that, I will motivate
all of the employees within the organization, I will do my best to present or deliver
the main objectives and goals of the company and how to attain it. I will also train
them to enhance their skills in order to excel in their job. By doing this, the
company will avoid outsourcing of jobs in the organization.
2) How might a manager go about identifying the skills that the company will need in
the future? Describe the “make or buy” option and how it can be applied to human
resources management. How would you go about attracting and recruiting talented
workers to your organization? Suggest ideas you would use to retain stars and keep
them happy in their jobs. What skills might an organization like a bank need from its
- Manager might identify the skills that they will need in the future by making a list
of what kind of employee, skills, potential and talents that they would need in the
near future, in order to find a suitable employee in that vacant job position. The
“make or buy” option is where you will outsource some employees or you will
seek or find a potential employee that is very qualified with the job position, in
this state the company will look for the right employee that is suitable in that
certain position. As an HR manager we can attract and recruit talented workers
or employees to our company by making a good employee benefits, giving
employee appraisal, giving rewards to those employees who do their work or job
successfully and making our employees as an important asset of the company.
So as a result, talented and skillful employees will be attracted to apply to our
company due to the programs, benefits and treatment that the company gave to
our existing employees. As an HR manager the ideas that I want to suggest in
order to retain the stars and keep them happy with their job is that, giving them a
benefit, better training program, better rewarding and recognition system, and HR
would implement a regular feedbacking to their employees, in order to hear the
voices or the reasonings of their employees and improve our treatment in our
employees or to correct wrong doing of each employees. By doing this, we can
make our employees happy and at the same time satisfied with their job. If the
employees’ is happy and satisfied with their job, surely it will boost the
productivity rate and commitment of every employee in the workplace. The skills
that an organization like a bank need from its employees are, good in
multitasking, time management skills, leadership skills, problem solving skills,
mathematical or numerical skills and lastly customer service skills.
3) What kind of information would you include in a job description? Do you think it is
important to hire employees who fit into the company culture? Why or why not? List
questions that you would ask in a future-oriented situational interview. What
requirements must personnel tests meet? If you were hiring to fill a position
overseas, how would you go about selecting the best candidate?
- The information that must be included in a job description are the job title, duties
and responsibilities, the required qualifications of the applicants and its job, the
purpose of the job, job experience and working conditions. Yes, for me it is
important to hire employees who is suitable into the company’s culture, having
the same culture is very vital because it will reduce any conflicts and
misunderstanding within the organization. Having the same culture can boost or
increase productivity because organization and employees has the same goals
and objectives to look for or to hold on to, and lastly can possibly reduce turn
overrate. The future-oriented situational interview questions that I would like to
ask are “If we hire you, how could you help in the achieving the company’s
goal?”, “tell me about a time you had to choose something else over doing a
good job.” and “tell me about a time you reached a big goal at work. How did you
reach it?” In order for the personnel test to be effective, the personnel should
have an ample experiences and knowledge in doing this kind of tests, in order to
be effective. For me, there are several factors that I want to know that the
applicant or the selected best candidate for an overseas position. These are the
following: first is candidate must have a working experience, it is very important
to know if the applicant has any experience about the work because applicants
can exactly know what are the things that they must do. Has a high self-esteem
or confidence, know how to communicate with his/her co-workers, friendly or
approachable, has the ability to understand the behaviors of its subordinates.
And lastly know what exactly he/she should do if there has a problem within the

4) What factors would you consider when setting a pay level for a particular job? What
might be the “A” level positions in a bank? If you were running a business, would you
implement a pay-for-performance scheme? Why or why not? Describe the difference
between a basic salary, a bonus, and a gain sharing plan. Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of rewarding individual versus team performance.
- The factors that we need to consider in setting a pay level for a particular job are
the following: years of experience of the employees, educational attainment,
performance, number of employees in that certain job, and lastly the working
conditions of the job like for example hazardous jobs or field work, these are the
factors that we need to consider in compensating your employees. The “A” level
positions in the bank are called bank tellers, they are called “A” level position
because they are the one who provides a specialized service to their customers
and as we observe they are the frontline of the bank. If I am running a business, I
would use or implement the pay-for-performance scheme because if I would
implement this kind of pay or compensation surely employees will be motivated
to work hard and will do their best to perform the certain job and to those
employee that doesn’t perform their job well will be motivated too in performing
well in their current or specific job. The difference of basic salary, bonus and a
gain sharing plan is that when we say basic salary it is the money that the
employees’ get every month or twice a month. Bonuses are the additional
incentives that is given to the employees aside from their basic salary, this is
usually given on the month of December. Gain sharing plan, it is the type of pay
and it was given to a group of employees, it is given to those employees who
perform their job very well, and they were given a portion of profits due to their
performance. The advantages of rewarding individuals and team performance is
it help motivate each employee to work hard, and as a result it increases the
performance or productivity of each workers with the organization. Additionally, it
reduces or minimize absenteeism and increase employee retention. While the
disadvantages of the individual rewarding and team performance are the factors
not rewarded may be overlooked, and unrealistic standards can hamper

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