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———- Forwarded message ———

From: mary rose lenore eng <>

Date: Fri, May 14, 2021 at 10:46 AM

Subject: Fwd: Charity Corruption and Sexual Predator at SEPRD

To: <>,
<>, Heffner, Kayla
<>, <>,
<>, <>

Regarding your appointment to the Board of Directors at Seaside


Erika Marshall,this morning i confirmed your Mercy Corps

employment with the DC office.

Given Mercy Corps extensive attempts to deal with the sexual

abuse, i would like to know why you are not in any way recognizing
the pain and suffering the sexual abuse i suffered when i was
attacked by Seaside Oregon Parks employee Chris Duffy.

Your silence and disregard of me, feels indicative of possible

participation in the whistleblower retaliation culture fostered by the
people who appointed you.

The consequent discrimination and additional harassment i faced

when i chose to whistleblow his abuse has been extremely
disgraceful and dishonorable.I would like to know what you will do
to make me feel safe and included at the park as a survivor of
severe violent slam down and sexual attack by Chris Duffy who
1. Skyler Archibald asked to resign2. Skyler Archibald admits
needs to be separated from the vulnerable and be FIRED3. Skyler
Archibald has read adult protection reports of the assailant
admitting to “wrestling and tussling” me after i called him an abuser
and suffered harassment, groping, innuendo, attempted
molestation.4. Skyler Archibald has taken extensive background
material about the circumstances of the assault: a violent slam
down and pin down with genitals grinded on me against my will.5.
Skyler Archibald has told other victims families the harasser was
asked to resign.6. Skyler Archibald has actively dismissed assault
of a senior citizen female at the center.7. Skyler Archibald has
actively retaliated against me, threatened me, and tried to silence
me, when his political whim changes to smother my story.8. Skyler
Archibald has told me to stay away from the Bob Chisholm
Community Center where the sexual attacker works.

are you a part of the coverup culture, or a part of the future?

i would like to knowDid you help to smother mercy Corps sexual

abuse victim(s)?

Would you like to see the extensive paper trail?Are you aware of
this situation, and do you feel the dangers and liabilities of
continuing to put a very violent groping, slamming down, leg
pinning, genitals grinding, bruising attacker in a place around the
elderly is EVER appropriate best practice?

Of course, i want you to be safe, and if you don’t know about how
severe this situation is, i hope you will take measures to protect
yourself from the rape culture at SEPRD.

———- Forwarded message ———

From: mary rose lenore eng <>

Date: Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 10:49 PM

Subject: Charity Corruption and Sexual Predator at SEPRD

To: <>,
<>, <>,
<>, <>,

Dear Board of Directors:

I wish to register my dismay at the lack of transparency in which the

District has engaged regarding the sexual assault by Meals on
Wheels Chris Duffy.

District taxpayers have a right to know the extent and nature of

potential financial and legal obligations surrounding sexual assault,
and if those obligations appear to outweigh the benefits of such a
coverup, then the public must have the opportunity to refuse. As the
process is currently unfolding, this is clearly not the case.

As long as I have lived in Seaside, I have supported the District and

most decisions. However, without sufficient information about the
sexual assault coverup, I cannot determine whether this plan is
sensible and beneficial.

I urge you to immediately make public all proposed costs and

confirmed revenue sources surrounding the sexual assault, and to
allow the District’s taxpayers to determine whether this purchase is
a realistic investment and not a source of community anger,
frustration and ill will.
Additionally, i am deeply concerned about children anywhere near
asbestos, black mold, or sexual predators.

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