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Chapter 6 Worksheet:

Fill in the Blank

1. Octaves
2. Eight
3. Nine
4. Accepted
5. Mendeleev
6. Atomic mass
7. Elements
8. Atomic number
9. Moseley
10. Protons
11. Periodic law
12. Properties

Complete the Table

Atomic Mass: 14.007

Atomic Number: 7
Electron Configuration: [He] 2 s 2 2 p3❑
Chemical Name: Nitrogen
Chemical Symbol: N

Vocab Matching

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. E

True and False

6. F - three
7. F - metals
8. T
9. F - transition metals
10. T
11. F - noble gases
12. F - nonmetals

13. Sodium and potassium have similar chemical properties because they both have similar
properties to each other. Since sodium and potassium are in the same group, they both
have 1 valence electron and 1+ oxidation number. They are also both alkali metals.
14. The energy level of an element’s valence electron is related to its period on the periodic
table because the energy level indicates the period. Since hydrogen has 1 valence
electron it can be found in period 1.

Matching (most similar chemical property)

15. H
16. F
17. N
18. A
19. K
20. D
21. L
22. O
23. I
24. G
25. B
26. M
27. C
28. J
29. E


30. 4
31. Groups 1 and 2
32. The s-block of the periodic table spans 2 groups because the s orbital holds two
33. Groups 13 through 18
34. Members of group 18 are virtually unreactive because they have filled their 8 energy
35. 40
36. Groups 3 through 12
37. The f-block portion of the periodic table spans 14 groups because there are seven f
orbitals that hold 14 electrons.
38. The electron configuration for of the element in period 3, group 6A is [Ne] 3 s 2 3 p 4❑

Multiple Choice

39. B
40. C
41. A
42. B
43. A
44. C

More Questions

45. Ionization energy is the energy needed to remove the outermost electron.
46. An atom with a high ionization energy is not likely to form a positive ion because it would
require a lot of energy to move it due to the strong hold.
47. As you move from left to right the ionization energy increases because the atom is
smaller making the valence electron closer to the nucleus making it harder to remove an
48. The group trend for ionization energy is when moving from top to bottom the ionization
energy decreases because the shielding effect lessens the pull of the nucleus on
valence electrons.
49. The octet rule is atoms gain, lose, or share electrons in order to achieve a full set of
valence electrons.
50. The electronegativity of an element indicates the ability of an element's atoms to attract
electrons in a chemical bond.
51. The period trend for electronegativity increases when going from left to right and
decreases for groups when going from top to bottom.

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