Jinnah University For Women Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

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Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Software Engineering (CSS– 2111)


 The assignment must be submitted on JUW LMS. Email submission will not be accepted.
 Each student should solve the assignment individually.
 You are advised to go through the related topics before solving the assignment.
 Make your work clear and understandable.
 Plagiarism may lead to marks deduction.
 Use references where necessary.
 Students can solve questions on paper and include image in assignment. 

Question No.1

An information system is to be developed to maintain information about assets owned by a

utility company such as buildings, vehicles, and equipment. It is intended that this will be
updatable by staff working in the field using mobile devices as new asset information becomes
available. The company has several existing asset databases that should be integrated through
this system. Discuss and design a layered architecture for this asset management system

Question No.2

Discuss the relationship between the concept of information hiding as an attribute of effective
modularity and the concept of module independence.

Question No.3

a. What is stress testing? How does stress testing work for websites?
b. Write at least two test cases of your assigned term project
c. What are the benefits of involving users in release testing at an early stage in the testing
process? Are there disadvantages in user involvement?

Question No.4

Explain why design conflicts might arise when designing an architecture for which both
availability and security requirements are the most important non-functional requirements

Question No.5

a. Considering each of the four aspects of the cost of quality, which do you think is the most
expensive and why?
b. It is cheaper and faster to fix known bugs before you write new code. Why?

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c. What are various types of software maintenance? Give example of each type
d. Give a brief outline of a traditional software-process-improvement (SPI) model used in large
organizations, and discuss the challenges very small software companies might face when
implementing these models

Question No.6

You are working as project manager for a major software company. You have been asked to lead
a team that is developing “next generation” word-processing software. What types of risk
associated with this project? You are also required to do risk analysis (Probability and its effects)
and risk planning for the risk identified for this project.

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