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Assignment #

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Team Number:

Name(s) Coach(es):
Emlyn Stephens

Names of all team Jor Frencken

members: Jels van Arragon
Yu Xia de Jong
Yuran van der Graaf
Samuel da Silva Corrêa
Mark van der Gun

Number of words 1:

This will be checked and includes all words after the front page, all words in tables and all words in figures.
Excluded are words on front page and words in references. All text after the word limit is reached will not be read
and graded. No tricks and discussion please.

I Introduction 2
I.1. Phase shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
I.2. Scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
I.3. Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

II Working principles of TEM 2

II.2. Phase plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

III Volta phase plate 4

III.1. Working of the Volta phase plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
III.2. The Volta phase plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
III.3. Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
III.3. Disadvantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

IV Laser phase plate 4

IV.1. What is a laser phase plate? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
IV.2. Working of the Laser phase plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
IV.3. Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
IV.4. Disadvantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

V Pulsed laser phase plate 6

V.1. The Pulsed laser phase plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
V.2. Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
V.3. Disadvantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

References 7

I. INTRODUCTION phase plates work, it is necessary to establish some key

concepts relating to the way an EM forms an image.
An electron microscope (EM) uses electrons to make
images of very small objects. There are multiple kinds of
electron microscopes, but in this report, only the trans- I.1. Phase-shift
mission electron microscope (TEM) will be explained. To
fully understand electron microscopy, one needs to un- An electron wave can undergo two kinds of phase-
derstand that electrons can be both particles and waves, shifts. One comes from a difference in path length, while
depending on the circumstances. the other comes from a force or a change in energy [1].
An ordinary light microscope uses photons (light
To explain the phase-shift from a difference in path
waves). When imaging very small objects, the wave-
length we are going to use the analogy of waves moving
length of visible light will be too big to measure the ob-
through the ocean. Two identical waves are going to the
ject. The image will become blurred. In contrast, an elec-
same point, but wave A has to travel a greater distance
tron microscope uses electrons that have a way smaller
than wave B. When wave A reaches the point at its peak,
wavelength. That makes it possible to image smaller ob-
wave B might reach that same point at its valley. This
jects [1].
difference between these waves is the phase-shift. Due to
this phase-shift, phase contrast can be created.

I.2. Scattering

In the process of electron microscopy, electron waves

get fired at the sample one at a time. Some parts of
the wave will pass right through without interacting with
it. We call these unscattered electrons. The other parts
collide with the sample and become scattered, they come
Figure 1. A representation of the Rayleigh Criterion, showing out at different angles than the ones that passed through.
the way two peaks combine to form one. The point at which This angle will result in a difference in path length [3].
the peaks are closest, but still resolvable is called the Rayleigh
Criterion [2].
I.3. Interference

This “blurring” when using a light microscope can be

When two different waves come in each other’s proxim-
explained by figure 1. An image is formed by putting tiny
ity, they will interfere. The interference of two waves can
elements together called pixels. Every tiny light wave
be seen as these two waves combining into one. When
represents a pixel of the image. When two waves come
both peaks line up, one bigger peak will be formed. When
too close to each other, they will form one bigger wave.
both valleys line up, one bigger valley will be formed.
Therefore, blurring two pixels into one. The only way to
This is called constructive interference. When a peak
resolve this is by making the wave more narrow, in other
and valley line up, they will cancel each other out. This
words, using a shorter wavelength [3].
is what we call destructive interference. This interference
So an electron microscope uses electrons to image sam- can be nicely demonstrated by throwing two small rocks
ples, which have a shorter wavelength and carry more in a still pond. Both rocks will create ripples in the pond.
energy than light used in regular microscope. To pre- These ripples will interfere. This principle can be seen in
vent damage from the electron beam, biological samples figure 2.
imaged with TEM need to be suspended in a transpar-
ent material. Cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) uses
samples that have been rapidly frozen in water [4]. The II. WORKING PRINCIPLES OF TEM
freezing happens so fast that the water does not have time
to form ice crystals, which would interfere with the elec- The microscope emits an electron that flies towards
tron beam. Despite the protection from the ice, the ex- the sample. When this electron hits the sample, some
posure of the sample to the electron beam should still be parts of the electron wave can pass right through, while
limited, or else the sample will be damaged. This causes others interact with the sample. Their velocity decreases
Cryo-EM to have an inherently low signal to noise ratio. due to this interaction, resulting in a phase-shift. This
Phase plates are a component of a transmission electron phase-shift is 90 degrees compared to the unscattered
microscope that offer a solution to this problem, by in- electrons, meaning that the scattered waves lag behind.
creasing the signal to noise ratio [5]. To understand how This phase-shift results from a loss in energy when the

incoming wave hits the sample, many different parts of

the wave will scatter in different directions. When all
these parts go through the lens, they are focused on a
single point. Here, the whole wave recombines again [3].
Because of the scattering angle, some parts travel a longer
distance than others. That causes a difference in phase
between all the parts of the wave, so when they recom-
bine they will interfere. The magnitude of the phase-shift
determines if the waves interfere constructively or de-
structively [7]. Constructive interference makes the wave-
amplitude bigger, while destructive interference makes
the amplitude smaller. When the wave-amplitude de-
Figure 2. This image shows the way waves from two sources creases, the intensity decreases, leading to a darker con-
interfere, depending on the difference in path length [6]. trast of the microscope image. Constructive interference,
on the other hand, leads to a higher intensity and thus,
to lighter spots on the image. The working principles of
electrons collide. An additional phase-shift is created by phase contrast can be seen in figure 4.
the longer trajectory of the scattered electrons. [3].
Phase Contrast
To be able to form a clear image, there needs to Electron emitter
be enough contrast. Contrast is the difference between
light and dark, or when using colours, between multiple
colours. An electron microscope has two kinds of con-
trast: amplitude contrast and phase contrast. Amplitude Sample

contrast (see figure 3) is dependent on the thickness and

density of the sample. The denser or thicker the sam-
ple at a specific point, the fewer electrons can make it
through and still have enough energy to create a part of Lens
the image. That causes some darker and lighter spots on
the image.
Phase plate
Amplitude Contrast
Electron emitter Image plane

Figure 4. The diffraction of electron beams by hitting the

sample. The greater the angle of diffraction, the longer the
Sample path length will be. When the waves recombine, they will be
out of phase and interfere, creating phase contrast [3]. (This
image is created by the authors using Adobe Illustrator.)

Phase plate
Both phase- and amplitude contrast will be used to cre-
ate a clear image with the electron microscope. Ampli-
Image plane tude contrast, like the name suggests, contributes most
to the amplitude of the image. Phase contrast has a
smaller amplitude. Thereby it contributes more to the
Figure 3. A visual representation of amplitude contrast due to small details. To create a detailed image, phase contrast
the interaction of electrons with the sample. The blue beams needs to be optimal. For this purpose phase plates are
are the ones reacting with the sample. These get diffracted or used [8].
lose energy due to interaction with the sample, thus having a
smaller total amplitude. The red beams do not interact with
the sample. By keeping all of their energy, these will have
a bigger total amplitude [3]. (This image is created by the II.1. Phase plates
authors using Adobe Illustrator.)
Phase plates are electron-optical instruments in mi-
croscopes used to increase contrast when imaging weak
Phase contrast is a bit more advanced but can be ex- phase objects by affecting the phase contrast. To do this,
plained by looking at the electron as a wave. When the the phase plate shifts the phase of the scattered electrons

to 90 degrees. The closer the phase-shift is to this angle,

the clearer the image at that specific point [7]. A perfect
phase plate would create an image with perfect visibility
at every point.


III.1. Signal to noise ratio

Figure 5. The figure shows a simulation of a portrait of Frits
As mentioned previously, traditional Cryo-Em suffers Zirnike, who invented this technique of TEM, as if it were
from having a low signal to noise ratio, which might cause imaged by an electron microscope. The first image uses no
a loss of detail in the final image [9]. Signal to noise ratio defocus or phase plate, the second image uses some defocus,
can be thought of in the following way: imagine talking and the final image uses the Volta Phase Plate without defo-
over the phone while you are standing near a highway. cus [5]. It can be seen that the VPP significantly improves
the image contrast. (This image is adapted from a paper by
The person on the other side of the line will hear the
Danev and Baumeister, 2017.)
loud sound of the cars on your end, which is the noise.
You want to reduce the noise as much as possible, or the
other person might not be able to hear you. In electron
the sensor is not exactly in the focal point of the lens. In
microscopy (EM), noise also is unwanted. Recently a
normal photography, this would be bad, since it causes
solution to this problem has been discovered, the Volta
the image to look blurry. But in TEM it actually in-
Phase Plate (VPP). Results in a study by Fukuda et al.
creases contrast and the signal to noise ratio. The effect
[9] show that “the VPP improves contrast significantly
of this can be seen in figure 5.
and consequently the signal-to-noise ratio”.

Because of this, VPPs have superior resolution over

III.2. The Volta phase plate traditional methods, a 2018 study by von Loeffelholz
et al. [13] shows that the VPP was able to reach a
The VPP is a thin film made from amorphous car- 3.2Å (0.32 nanometers) resolution with 13,469 particles
bon, which means that the atoms in the material have whereas traditional methods could reach a 3.1Å resolu-
a very irregular structure. The film is placed between tion with 35,717 particles. You can imagine how small
the sample and the sensor of the EM. The film is heated 1Å is by thinking that one Å is the width of a pencil tip,
to about 200 °C. The electron beam causes a so-called and a meter the size of the earth [14].
“Volta-potential” on the plate, which in turn adds addi-
tional phase-shift to the scattered electron [5]. The VPP
replaces other types of phase plates, which also uses a III.4. Disadvantages
thin carbon film, but with a small hole in the middle.
A big drawback of this type of plate is that the electron It is, however, not fully understood how these phase
beam and the hole must be lined up perfectly. plates work [10]. This makes it unclear whether there is
much room for improvement in the technique.
III.3. Advantages
The VPP, despite being very thin, scatters some elec-
trons causing a loss in signal, and thus image quality [12].
The Volta Phase Plate has, compared to other phase This causes the VPP to not be entirely predictable, and
plates, a long service life. A study from Danev et al. to sometimes be unreliable during usage [15]. This prob-
[10] states: “The VPP has a long service life and has lem is caused by the fact that a solid piece of material is
been used for more than six months without noticeable put in the electron beam’s path. The slightest imperfec-
degradation in performance”. In the VPP, exact centring tions in the material can cause a lot of noise in the final
of the electron beam is not necessary, the phase-shift can image.
be created at any place on the plate. Consequently, this
allows for automatic data collection. No other Phase
plate is able to do those two things; create a phase-shift at
any point on the plate and have automatic data collection
IV.1. The Laser phase plate
When the VPP is used with a small amount of defo-
cus, it makes the acquisition and analysis of the data a A laser phase plate is, unlike the name suggests, not a
lot easier [12]. Defocus is an imaging technique where plate. The laser phase plate consists of a high-intensity

laser inside the microscope that is trapped in an opti- reflect the exact same way it came, creating a ‘standing
cal cavity. An optical cavity is a cavity/pocket with a wave’, a wave that oscillates in a constant position. By
certain arrangement of mirrors where light bounces back reflecting many times, the power of the laser will be re-
and forth. In the focal point of the cavity, which is the cycled. This process amplifies the intensity of the light
point where all the light rays come together after they at the focal point of the cavity [18].
pass through the lens, electrons can feel the oscillating
field of the light [16]. (The oscillation can be seen as a
spring extending and contracting, where the same move- IV.3. Advantages
ment will repeat many times each second.) When they go
through this focal point, the electrons undergo a phase- Using the laser phase plate, macro-molecules that are
shift, which improves the contrast of the image. currently too small for cryo-EM analysis can be depicted
by improving the resolution [19].

IV.2. Working of the Laser phase plate Contrary to other micro-fabricated phase plates, the
laser phase plate does not have any materials in the (elec-
The idea behind the laser phase plate is based on the tron) beam path. Therefore, blurred and distorted im-
interaction between electrons and light. The photons ages can be avoided, as the required optical elements for
from the laser create an electromagnetic field. At the the laser can be sufficiently far away. Besides, the laser
focal point of the laser, all the intensity comes together phase plate has a negligible electron loss, making elec-
in a very tiny area, causing a peak in this field. When tron microscopy more productive as it does not generate
the electrons go through this focal point, they will feel a partial loss of signal [8].
a repulsive force. This force will cause the phase-shift.
This setup can be seen in figure 6. The photon density Moreover, the laser phase plate is very reliable, as it
in the light beam is proportional to the phase-shift of can hold off an indefinite exposure to the electron beam,
an electron. Additionally, the electron phase-shift is also making them last way longer than other phase plates.
equivalent to the time interval that the electron remains Because there are no interruptions due to replacing a
in that field [16]. phase plate that had aged, the laser phase plate will make
electron microscopy more efficient [20].

Another advantage of the laser phase plate is that it

offers precise control of the phase-shift. By controlling
the phase-shift, the contrast of the final image can be
controlled as well. This happens using the phase contrast
function, a function that represents how much contrast
is transferred into the image. [4] The idea of the phase
contrast function can be seen in figure 7.




Figure 6. Schematic representation of the setup (with LPP):

A high-intensity (standing) laser wave is used as a phase plate.
It is positioned between two mirrors and brought into the Figure 7. Representation of the phase contrast transfer func-
path of the electron beam. In the back focal plane, the elec- tion. When the electrons go through the lens of the micro-
tron diffraction pattern is created, which is then enlarged and scope, they will all be scattered at a different angle, result-
transferred to the section of the TEM column holding the ing in different phase-shifts. This makes the electrons travel
optical cavity. There, the unscattered electron beam goes different path lengths, which then result in a different con-
through the laser wave. Finally, the scattered (phase-shifted) tribution to the contrast. The different, coloured dots in the
and unscattered electron beams come together in the image image represent the different (scattered) electrons and their
plane [17]. contribution to the image contrast, where 1 is full contrast
and -1 is low contrast.

The laser phase plate uses a so-called resonant optical The control of the phase-shift and its contrast transfer
cavity to decrease the laser power requirements. The op- can be seen as an orchestra. In an orchestra, different in-
tical cavity has a specific length that allows the laser to struments are playing different notes. For instance, the

violins are playing high notes. Then there are the cel- ties while maintaining the same average power consump-
los, playing the medium notes and then there are the tion [22]. This can be seen in figure 8.
low notes, played by the basses. When you are in the
audience listening to the orchestra, you can hear all of
the notes combined. That would be like a perfect mi-
croscope, where all of the particles are transferred in full

Unfortunately, this is not the case in current micro-

scopes; not all components of the signal are transferred
into the final image. Some of them are fully transferred,
while others are silenced and others are transferred with
opposite contrast. In the orchestra analogy, this would
be like putting a microphone above the cellos so that you
can hear them fully, but not microphoning the violins Figure 8. The difference between the average power level of a
pulsed laser in comparison to the peak energies. High energy
or the basses so that you do not hear them at all. The
levels and thus, intensities can be achieved while still main-
contrast transfer function tells us how much each of the taining a relatively low average energy consumption(power)
components arrives at the image. Therefore, controlling by using a pulsed output. [22]
the contrast transfer function is like placing the micro-
phones at different positions in an orchestra, controlling
which instruments you hear strongly and which are si- That is also the reason that it does not need the opti-
lenced. cal cavity to amplify the beam. The optical cavity was
needed in the LPP to reach the higher intensity required
to get the desired phase-shift. When you use a pulsed
IV.4. Disadvantages beam, however, these intensities can be reached without
the optical cavity [16]. With a higher peak intensity, you
One of the main disadvantages of the laser phase plate can create a higher resolution by creating a larger phase-
is that it is questionable if it will fit into current TEMs. shift so the contrast is more visible (G. Jensen, 2015).
Therefore, TEM modifications are needed. These ad- Just like the LPP the PLPP does not have a physical
justments include a stable, high power laser field inside phase plate so it has negligible electron loss due to the
the TEM (just as shown in figure 6 which automatically phase plate. Besides, the phase plate does not deteriorate
aligns itself in the centre of the electron beam. When the over time as some physical phase plates do. [16].
cavities of the TEM are used at high power, the align-
ment of the cavity and its elements (like the mirrors)
slowly drift over time. Therefore, the elements inside the V.3. Disadvantages
TEM must be properly stabilised.
Due to the pulsed, and thus time-dependent, nature
Another technical issue is that the laser requires a lot of the laser beam the induced phase-shift is also pulsed.
of power to reach the desired phase-shift of 90 degrees This means that an additional step has to be taken into
[8]. account when processing the gathered data. This might
lead to additional time, needed for the data collection
and processing[15].
Because you want to keep the complexity of the PLPP
V.1. The Pulsed laser phase plate as low as possible a few constraints are introduced, an im-
portant one being that you can not have more electrons
in the beam than in a continuous beam like the LPP be-
The laser phase plate (LPP) and the pulsed laser phase cause otherwise the density would be higher and the elec-
plate (PLPP) are quite similar. The main difference is in trons would also start to interact with each other. This
the name. The PLPP uses a pulsed laser beam instead means that fewer electrons will pass through/ past the
of a continuous beam. The difference is that the pulsed studied object per second so fewer data can be collected
beam can charge up in between pulses [21]. per second [16]. A problem that increases the complexity
of the system is that the maximum possible phase-shift
induced in the electron beam only happens for a part of
V.2. Advantages
the electron beam and not the whole beam. This might
be a cause for additional time needed in the data collec-
Because the Pulsed laser phase plate can charge up in tion but it also might be a problem that can be solved
between pulses, it can produce much higher peak intensi- with further research [21].

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