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Guía de ejercicios.

3 er lapso/ Exersice guide

3rd lap.
Instructions: la guía consta de dos partes, cada una con 9 ejercicios con un valor de un punto cada uno dando
un total de 18 pts.

Los 2 puntos restantes son: 2 puntos por entrega puntual.


1- Complete the sentences with the subject, verb and predicate according to the image:



1- _ Bob always cooks every afternoon

2- __ the old man watches TV every night

3- __ the boy is swimming every day in the morning

4- _ Jose always drives to work in the morning

5- _ Maria, after arriving from work, eats

6- _ the family watches television in the afternoon

7- __ the boy sings every day

8- __ Carlos always paints

9- __ Gabriela works on the computer every day


Read the sentences. What kind of word is underline? Color in the bubble next the correct answer:

1- The doctor´s shoes are red:

o Noun
o Verb
o Adjective

2- I always walk to school:

o Noun
o Verb
o Adjective

3- The dog sleeps all day:

o Noun
o Verb
o Adjective

4- Jhon and Mary ate a pizza

o Noun
o Verb
o Adjective
5- The nurse writes the letters in the hospital

o Noun
o Verb
o Adjective

6- My Parents drive in the blue car

o Noun
o Verb
o Adjective
7- Jimmy ran because he was in a big hurry.

o Noun
o Verb
o Adjective

8- Craig really has a very mess closet!

o Noun
o Verb
o Adjective

9- Johnny is playing a blues song.

o Noun
o Verb
o Adjective

Alumno: Gabriel Alejandro Ojeda Cosse

C.I: 32.528.690

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