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Assessment – 1

Explain, “Why it gets colder as you go higher?” using the concept of first
law of


First law of thermodynamics is a law which is prevalent everywhere. Its implementations

are huge in our daily life. The first law of thermodynamics states that “The total energy of a
system and its surroundings remain constant, although it may change from one form to
another.” In simple words it means that total energy of the universe always stays same it just
changes its form from one energy to an other type of energy and the energy is neither created
nor destroyed. A simple example of this law can be when we rub our hands heat is created. It
is a classic example of kinetic energy turned to heat energy. This law can also be used to
explain why it gets colder as we go higher. By using this laws concepts this phenomenon can
be cracked down easily.

Air is roaming around us in the environment. Also we know there is certain amount of
pressure in our environment. According to Shepson (2003) there is difference of pressure in
the surface, down the surface and higher up from the surface and the more we go higher the
more the pressure goes down. As the surface have more pressure that’s why air is compressed
in the surface area. When gradually the air goes higher the pressure goes down and the air
expands . When the air expands it gains a certain amount of kinetic energy and finally convert
to potential energy. As it converts to potential energy because of the law of thermodynamics it
will decrease the temperature. Because of the decreasing of temperature the environment
higher up becomes cold. That’s why we feel more cold in high altitude than lower altitude.
But the question remains how this process happens.

According to a video of Khan academy (2009) about the first law of thermodynamics when
anything goes from low to high place energy transformation or energy change is bound to
happen. A simple example about throwing a rock in the sky can help us here. When we throw
a rock in the sky we throw it with kinetic energy. At some point the rock will reach a point
where it no longer can go higher and that’s where it converts to potential energy. Again when
the rock comes down potential energy converts in to kinetic energy. In the case of air we can
apply this theory. Air goes higher up in the sky using kinetic energy and at one point it
converts to potential energy. Now to the decreasing temperature part we can again understand
by the rock throwing example. When we throw the rock it goes higher with the help of kinetic
energy but there are many molecules present in the air and these molecules causes friction to
create heat energy. This heat energy and kinetic energy are turned to potential energy . As
there is no longer heat energy at that point it helps to decrease the temperature. ( Khan
Academy, 2009).Similar thing happens in our case air while going up or expansion because of
friction creates heat energy with kinetic energy and when it is converted to potential energy
the temperature decreases.

An other explanation can be given by average kinetic energy of molecules. Average

kinetic energy is actually all about temperature.( Mr Cognito , 2019). When molecules go up
higher their kinetic energy causes the decrease of temperature. According to Stack Exchange
(2016) in low altitude places there is a lot of air molecules so there is more movement as a
result more heat and temperature while in high altitude because of less air molecules less
movement and less temperature. From this we can say when air expands to higher place there
are very less molecules so the movement gets limited and the kinetic energy also turns to
potential energy . As there is less movement no heat energy is produced so the temperature

Gravitational potential energy can be more specific term for the conversion of kinetic
energy to potential energy. As the first law of thermodynamics sates that energy can change
its form. In our case air goes from kinetic energy to potential energy. This potential energy is
actually gravitational potential energy. According to Lumen(n.d) “Gravitational energy is the
potential energy associated with gravitational force, as work is required to elevate objects
against Earth’s gravity.” When air moves up it works against the gravity to go up but most of
the molecules cant go up as a result kinetic energy transforms to potential energy as very low
amount of molecules are present in higher altitude. Because of low amount of molecules less
movement happens and as a result low temperature.
So, now we can fully understand the reasons behind why it gets colder as we go higher. Its
simply a normal idea of first law of thermodynamics . In short when air expands it changes
from kinetic energy from potential energy. While expansion because of other molecules
additional heat energy gets created which also turns to potential energy and that’s why
temperature decreases and we feel colder.


Gravitational Potential Energy.(n.d). lumen. Retrieved from

Khan Academy.(2009).First law of thermodynamics/internal energy[Video].YouTube.

Mr Cognito.(February 13,2019). Why is it Colder at Higher Altitudes?[Video].YouTube

P.Shepson & M.Tinnesand.(December 22, 2003). If heat rises, why does the temperature
decrease at higher elevations? Scientific American. Retrieved from

StackExchange.(2016). Why it is colder in mountains, at high altitudes? Retrieved from

Total word count: 920.

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