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Chapter 5 of Brave New World chapter 5 is focus on drugs drugs

the use of drugs for mind control how specific recreational drugs
recreational drugs that you'll see phrase in the news sometimes
or online Recreation needs fun for fun do drugs for fun drugs to
escape in our world right now that means things like marijuana
alcohol cocaine heroin all those kind of drugs are recreational
drugs people do them to to feel good right there not drugs for a
medical problem there drugs for feeling good and that's really
what chapter 5 is about how these drugs are used to control us go
live on let's begin Jump Right In was just jump in with our book
club and then I'll come back as usual for the, question two parts
again we saw this with the last chapters of this part one and part
two part one is about lenina woman date with Henry and part 2 is
about Bernard character Bernard and they're both do basically the
same thing cuz so they both do a kind of a drug ceremony and
remembering this world they have what they call the perfect drug
the perfect drug in Brave New World Soma Soma what is the
perfect drug the perfect drug it's like we never had to use a
modern drugs I would say it's a combination of like ecstasy and I
don't know maybe LSD combination to exit Caesars they feel
really warm and 1/2 LSD because they kind of Imagine visual
things like visually everything looks beautiful and interesting so it's
kind of a combination of these two but with no side effects no no
negative side effects they have designed as drug soma so there
no side effects so like for example you know we have alcohol the
most popular drug is alcohol in our world now and alcohol you
know alcohol makes people feel more relaxed it relaxes people
physically and mentally ill people react differently to alcohol some
people get kind of angry drunks we say Facebook people feel
more free and relaxed right when they're drinking most people get
kind of happy and there we call them happy drunks and others
are we might even call like Angry drunks or whatever right but still
there but there side effects to drinking this is the thing drinking
alcohol it's not all just positive there are negative side effects right
physical side effects to feel terrible the next day some people feel
terrible the same day even while they're drinking so digestion is
not good for you you know there's a hangover as I said they're
also side effects is that how many people who drink I drink a lot
they actually don't get happier they get more angry and they do
stupid things and they get in fights all this kind of stuff happens if
the negative side effects to drinking this is true for all you know all
these other drugs that we have now you do marijuana feel pretty
relaxed marijuana is not too terrible but you know we did it makes
you lazy and has a side effect of makes you lazy food people who
smoke a lot of marijuana off and get fat and lazy again negative
side effects so the idea in Brave New World with Soma that have
summer they have Engineers have created the perfect drug in
their mind from their side their thinking is they have the perfect
drug so it just makes people feel happy and fun imagining
amazing stuff but none of the side effects there's no hangover
afterwards angry and upset it's like just makes them sickly
wonderful and happy all the time forget all their problems
everything's wonderful is soma and Soma is very important for
Brave New World is a very part of this important why because
they said in the last chapter that you don't even with Brave New
World even with all the mind-control I have all this mind control all
this programming from before birth but still still people get upset
when people get depressed and of course we know why right
because this is an empty life they have it's an empty evil life their
living they don't realize it but it is but that's why the people will
start to feel sad upset and they're just they don't feel happy so the
world controllers need a solution what do they do cuz you know
when people get on Happy then they might start the fight then
they might start to think what's wrong why am I unhappy then they
might start to notice all the bad things maybe eventually fight back
so it's not good the world controllers don't want people to become
angry upset depressed because those emotions might eventually
lead them some of them to wake up everybody's always happy
and relaxed all the time so they the row controllers need this drug
they need this drug is very important part of their society because
it's in Brave New World any time any time someone starts to feel
bad have a problem in their life lets be angry any strong feeling
like that any waking up what do they do when they they program
them immediately take this drug soma take the drug soma forget
all the problems they all disappear and I just feel wonderful it's
like heroin but without the bad if a end this way the people never
wake up because they start to wake up but they take the drug and
then they've just forget it all it's okay I feel good they have in the
society they've made the Soma the drug it's like a ritual it's
important that everybody take this drug often so they have these
different ways to encourage people to take the drug the first way
is like with his kind of like a party like a dance party just like we
have now right what do people do now this this first part with
lenina is really no different at all not different at all then Club what
do people do in nightclubs I'll tell you in San Francisco they take
drugs or drink a lot go crazy the same purpose we get all their
problems yeah party right so that's what happened so this first
section part one is lenina and Henry they go to a nightclub
basically highlight Club there was a place where they have music
and it's called centa This is Syfy cells called the scent which
means smell and color organ synthetic music so maybe it's like
techno or something right kind of like now we have techno
synthetic music but they also have like nice smells because again
it's kind of like his drug is like a little bit like LSD so it makes their
Visual and can make their eyesight play see all the colors look
amazing the smells are great wonderful and then they're feeling
their bodies feel wonderful when they take the drug so they go to
the clubs and they have music but also they have you know light
shows like at concerts now and I also like good smells and then
they all definitely dance so the Nina and Henry they take this drug
soma and they take a few doses and they listen to this great his
music and they basically they just party and they forget everything
go good they just focus on what sensory pleasure that's what this
drug does right sensory mean give me the senses so that means I
sight sound physical feelings in your body sensory pleasure again
this drug increases pleasure that's the whole point of the drug
huge amount of sensory pleasure not deeper spiritual pleasure
and just immediate your body feels really good so they basically
just stay out all night dancing taking this drug and they go back
and then they have sex with each other with while taking the drug
go again pleasure pleasure pleasure sensory pleasure addicting
and it makes them forget everything they never fight back they
always feel wonderful I think about it like think of this in our world
now heroin addicts think of a heroin addict of heroin right if it's
super pleasurable makes them feel wonderful so do do heroin
addicts do they start revolutions to heroin addicts you no fight
back or do political protest they don't do anything all they care
about is heroin they just keep trying to get more money to get
more heroin so they can lay around and steal the pleasure of
heroin that's all they do their whole life is focused on it and they
do nothing else they're totally under control their slaves their
slaves to the drug that's what someone does to how far to leave
Bernard Bernard also it's another Soma another drug ritual but
this one's different this one is more like trying to replace religion.
The first one is partying like party culture is lenina and Henry and
we have this now with nightclubs the second one is Bernard goes
is called a solidarity Circle basically it's this whole ritual this whole
organize thing where if 12 people six men and six women are in a
circle they take the drug and then the leader of the group they
kind of like sing the song and a chance and it's like religion like
they're saying we will become one forget yourself we will all come
together and be 1 it says here's the quote that's what they're
saying is they get to their taking the drug and they all start saying
together the same time we are 12 make us one like drops within
the social River all right what is this mean what's the purpose of
this one the first one is just pleasure this one's a little different
they're using the drug again but this time with the drug what
they're doing is there trying to destroy individuality we've already
seen this that Brave New World that they must destroy all
differences between people everybody must be equal in the same
just like in our world now all these social justice Warriors equality
equality they want everybody all individual differences completely
destroy them cancel that use this drug to do at this drug and then
they do the drums and they stay chance you know we are 12
make us one they're trying to destroy any feeling of being
individual right remember yesterday I talked about independence
and interdependence and they're both necessary well they're
trying to destroy Independence completely and Brave New World
they must destroy that is independent strong independent people
think differently independent people are hard to control their self-
reliant they're very tough to control so they must destroy all
independent and so they use this drug also to do that interesting
thing we find is that Bernard it doesn't work on him again we're
seeing Bernard is slowly red pilled person slowly waking up and
so he can't he's disappointed he's unhappy because he
everybody else the other 11 people the other 11 people they all
feel it and they all forget themselves they forget their individual
they destroy their independence completely using the drug and
they feel so great but Bernard does not he pretends he's just he
said yes it's wonderful. I forget myself but not really he actually
does not even with the drug Bernard still awake Bernard just
doesn't feel it like the others still feel separate you still feels
individual now of course deals on happy about this because he
realizes I'm different I'm not like everybody else you remember in
the beginning of the red pill people can be sad and depressed or
they can be angry right the beginning parts of waking up or not
good just just as we'll see with Neo in The Matrix when he first
gets the red feeling wakes up it's horrible already makes him feel
depressed makes him feel lonely he's different than everybody
else everybody else seems so happy and enjoying the drugs but
he can't enjoy the drug he's not happy and he's like what's wrong
with me I don't know why am I so different so he's not awake
completely yet he has not woken up yet to the Red pill he does
not really see what's wrong with Brave New World yet right now
he just feel something's wrong right now he just feels different by
now he just feels he's an individual but he sees he doesn't realize
it's the whole society this crazy right now he thinks that he's crazy
right he's blaming himself right now which is very common make
what's wrong with me what's wrong with me but he doesn't realize
he's the normal one and everybody else is crazy and so the the
chapter ends with Bernard being unhappy because enjoy this
drug ritual all right that's it that's it this very much focused on the
use of drugs now again let's just quickly talk about the meaning
behind this but it's actually saying remember Huxley wrote this a
long time ago so once again you wrote it you know 80 + years
ago drugs were not so big then now again we have it we don't
have the one perfect Soma drug but we have heroin and ecstasy
LSD and marijuana and all these drugs and of course the legal
ones to get alcohol that are pushed pushed pushed and it's with
the same purpose is the same purpose we want people to be
distracted it's another distraction it's another pleasure addiction
Instax in these other things it's another one it's another way that
make people forget it's going if people focus on doing drugs then
they won't solve their problems right if you're unhappy happy it is
kind of 2 things you can do you can really feel it really feel it be on
a happy and that pain the pain of being happiness is very
motivating energizing right it will make you search for a solution
here I come I'm really unhappy I'm really unhappy I've got to do
something what do I need to do how can I become happier and
you look at your life and you may be make changes in your life
and you say I'm unhealthy I've got to change my eating I've got to
start fasting I've got to exercise or maybe you look at your social
life and you think oh my God I have no friends I have to go meet
people or maybe you're a Slave at your job and you hate it and
you think I've got to do something what can I do maybe find a new
job maybe do something else maybe start a business maybe live
more simply does motivating the pain of unhappiness is
motivating when things are bad in your life focus on the
unhappiness he can lead you to find Solutions make changes and
therefore have better long-term happiness and deeper long-term
happiness another solution not really solution but another strategy
a lot of people to is when they're unhappy they don't focus on the
unhappiness they just they don't like the feeling and they want to
hide the feel right the feeling is just a symptom but they just want
to get rid of that feeling get rid of the symptom and what's the
fastest way to do that well pleasure drugs are good way just drink
and you forget it so you're unhappy your job instead of really
being honest really feeling the unhappiness and then making
some difficult choices and changing your job quitting your job
doing other things those are difficult sometimes add what some
people do they just get drunk after work they go to a bar and they
drink and they drink to forget about their unhappy life to forget
about their own happy job and they do it again and again and
again and then what happened they never change they never let
themselves feel the unhappiness completely they hide it with the
alcohol or the marijuana or whatever or the facts or the food
highlight it with those shallow pleasures just to avoid the bad
feeling but that's the problem when you avoid bad feelings then
you never really change the roots you don't find the root of the
problem in the root of the problem is something in your life may
be of a bad job maybe bad relationship maybe on healthy
whatever but you just try to hide the bad feeling you don't find the
root I need to feel this bad feeling have a purpose a message for
you to text me good to feel them it's actually good to feel the your
self angry and examine your life why am I so depressed why am I
so bored why am I unhappy why am I angry what's the root and
find the root and change it that's makes you more powerful it
makes you strong and independent gives you more freedom in
your life and long-term not right now but long-term over years
months and you won't have much much stronger happiness
purpose meaning in your life a solution the best solution not the
drugs but in Brave New World and in our world they want you to
take the drugs because they all the drugs make you easy to

chapter 6 of Brave New World the story now really getting into the
story you know really really up to now there has not been much
story but not might not much just happened in terms of like a plot
so I can Normal book right where you have characters and they
do things and there's a conflict and problems not so much mostly
chapter 1 through 5 introduced us to the world of Brave New
World and of course the purpose Aldous Huxley is to show us the
plans for the world of course of the world controllers to show us
their plans those plans are now real we also met a main
characters well finally they're going to do something in this
chapter they're finally doing something and in fact the real story
the real plot plot means a story in a book or movie the plot really
finally beginning finally in this chapter
I want to quickly go through the 3 parts of this chapter because
we really starting to get into the story now all right let's go let's do
it Jump Right In you're watching a video you can kind of see my
Kindle reader you can see that my ebook and highlighted a few
key points okay for now what's happening what's finally happened
Bernard our main character has a dates finally with lenina and I
remember he kind of is feeling something special for lenina now in
this world that's bad right because this world they got rid of love
get rid of love and the idea is everybody should have sex with
everybody else no emotion no commitment nothing like that and
indeed of course that's what our modern world now is pushing all
the time in the media and movies Bernard feel differently about
her and so they go on a date now part 1 they're planning the
dates and part 1 is lenina part 1 of this chapter is from lenina
woman's point of view it's from her point of view is her thinking
about the date Bernard this coming and she's thinking about
Bernard so we get her viewpoint that remember lenina is still very
very very very blue pilled in fact she always will be when you're
not going to wake up in this story she has a few little things that
are different I think that's why Bernard likes her but she's really
never able to fully wake up the story that she will remain mostly
blue pill Bernard is waking up quite quickly the first lenina thinking
about Bernard and she's thinking he's so strange he's a weird guy
he's strange he's not like everybody else that's it makes it
interesting and she's thinking well weird strange is on normal
maybe I should cancel my date but then she thinks well there's
some other guy who wants to go on a date with her but the
problem is that the other guys kind of boring and he wants to do
the same thing as always but Bernard has an interesting idea this
is important for our plot Bernard wants to take her to the Savage
reservation Savage reservation that's the date what is this
Savages like a wild man or woman not civilized in a reservation is
a place like a protected place so now we have in America Indian
reservations right the Native Americans have reservations it's
their own land right technique supposedly they have their own
government they're not really kind of but they're not totally free in
reality but the idea is that they're totally free that it's kind of a
protected area for them to the Savage reservation with we realize
now we learn now get in this world they have a place where it's
not Brave New World it's just something tiny little place right there
was a big electric wall around it and inside people live the old way
the traditional way this is kind of a strange and interesting date so
she thing she's just excited cuz it's new all right so then she starts
describing Bernard think you were kind of just in in her head she's
thinking about him and she's thinking of how he's so weird why is
he different what's strange about Bernard number one thinks he
likes to do things in private he's a private person he likes to have
time alone or maybe just with one person like his friend helmholtz
or lenina to the first time they go on a date next to go on a date
before the reservation they do a normal date first and I'm in
normal date does not want to go around a lot of people 4 nor does
not like crowds Bernard does not like being around a lot of people
he likes quiet time alone or with just like one or two people end in
Brave New World this is very strange Lenina thinks this is weird
it's strange privately why that's not good and then he says like you
know what she asked what do you want to do wants to go for a
walk go for a walk and talk he wants to just go walk in nature with
her and talk to her that's all and she thinks this is super strange
she says all what's wrong with you here take some so my take
some drugs maybe you're in a bad mood right because they don't
like being alone they don't like quiet I don't like being alone
because then they might think then they might think it makes
them feel uncomfortable so they always wants to be around a lot
of people always distracted by activities the other thing isn't
walking in nature they're not spending any money they're not
spending money they're not doing anything social just it´s too
much next another example they're in their little flying car there in
the flying car and they are flying over the ocean and Bernard and
a few stops over the ocean right there flying and he's just it's night
and he's looking at the ocean at night and the waves are kind of
big and it´s very dark and she likes she becomes very
uncomfortable because it's quiet and this kind of nature like this
the kind of power of nature scares her it makes her feel very
uncomfortable you know this dark ocean you know what the big
waves and their flying just on top of it or just over it but he thinks
it's beautiful he thinks he's very beautiful he says I want to look at
the sea I want to look at the ocean peacefully it makes me feel
good it makes me feel like there's something more to life but she
what does she do she's uncomfortable she immediately turns on
the radio turns the radio on play some loud music but he gets
angry and he turns the radio back off turns it off because I want to
look at the ocean in peace I hate that noise I don't want to hear
that noise the music this section I found very interesting because I
know people like this I have had friends like this that they can
never have quiet they are so uncomfortable with quiet for example
have a friend if you get if we're driving with a maybe we're taking
a trip for driving 2 hours and I'm driving the car and we start
driving and it's just quiet and we talked a while and then maybe
you know we stop talking and the car just very very quiet I love
that I enjoy it maybe I'm thinking sometimes I'm just looking out
I'm looking at the road I'm looking at the trees and this friend
always has to turn on the radio always always always cannot take
it right it is very uncomfortable with quiet even at home always the
TV must be on or the radio must be on so again this reminds me
of Brave New World exactly with lenina does we have people like
this now why do people not like quiet because then they start to
think and the thinking makes them uncomfortable maybe they
might start thinking about their life maybe they remember some
problems they have maybe they noticed some emotions and I
don't want to they want to be distracted all the time by noise and
media and phones and Music and movies always distract then
they're having a argument and he´s criticizing Brave New World
Bernard says what if we could be free what if we could be free I
want to be free not just free to do what I was tought but free to
make another Choice free to try something new and then he says
don't you want to be free and she can't even understand it
because I am free I'm free to have a good time always
everybody's happy now and he answers he says but don't you
want to be free to be trying to be happy in a different way don't
you want to be free to choose a different kind of Happiness not
just feeling physically good not just sex not just distraction and
games but maybe there's another kind of Happiness may a
deeper happiness don´t want that freedom but she can't even
understand she's so programmed she just cannot even
understand the idea of this kind of Freedom so you can already
see he's much more awake already Bernard is thinking some very
red pill thoughts now she still totally blue pill so then what's her
answer because she's getting very uncomfortable with Bernards
ideas and his question so she does here take some drugs here
take some of the Soma take some drugs you're in a bad mood
her reaction immediately to feeling uncomfortable to something
different is take drugs and forget and again we know in this world
now a lot of people also do this they get uncomfortable they have
a problem they have uncomfortable thoughts and immediately
what they want to take a drink take drugs turn on the radio just
forget it don't think forget then are they actually go and they have
sex on the first night he does take drugs finally he finally does it
she keeps bugging him he's getting unhappy he realizes he's
making her unhappy so he said okay fine he takes the Soma you
know just feels good and because of that he's not really thinking
and so they have sex and of course in this world it's normal night
first date have sex if it's totally normal again in our world how
many people have sex now 1 date we call it one night stand how
many people go to a bar meet a girl or a boy or a man or a
woman and have sex the same night and then maybe never see
them again not an accident Brave New World Its programming is
to know if they're create they have created this world that's what
happens but he feels bad the next day no she's totally fine
because it's normal but he feels bad he feels bad because he
likes her and he says he's like I'm sorry I didn't want to do that on
the first day first date she can understand it and he realizes don't
you like me don't you think I'm really sexy that's what a Pneumatic
means by the way if I leave figured out and just it's kind of in a
science fiction story you see the word pneumatic pneumatics
describe women are good at sex that's what it means in this story
that's not the normal meaning just the meaning just for the story
the kind of slang in the story pneumatic spelled with a silent P at
the beginning it´s just mean really good at sex play the yeah yeah
he says you're good at sex but then in his mind he's thinking
lenina she's just she thinks of herself as meat she only thinks
she's good for sex she doesn't respect herself or anything else
just sex sex sex she's only good for sex like meat like meat
there's nothing deeper there's no Spirit there's nothing there's no
virtue there's nothing deeper and that makes him unhappy they
continued their argument or discussion and here's a very
important point I put it in Orange on my screen here I´m gonna
read the sentence this is the key to Brave New World it's one of
the it is probably actually a nice summary of their big strategy this
is their overall strategy to control people listen carefully adults
intellectually and during working hours infants we are feeling and
desire are concerned what is this mean he´s saying he's
describing everybody in Brave New World he saying we are
adults intellectually so they're they're still intelligent specially that
like the Alphas is the high ones right so intellectually like they can
do math they understand technology at their jobs they're adults
they can make good decisions they're very intelligent so they can
act like adults they have discipline and control intellectually right
but on the other side with their feelings with their emotions and
their desires they are like babies infants and infant is a small baby
with their desires with their emotions are like tiny baby
zero control they have zero self discipline they have zero wisdom
they have zero understanding they have zero experience they're
like little babies emotionally anything they want any desire they
want immediately they have no courage they have no strength
emotionally right they're babies they have no ability to love they
have no ability to deal with strong emotions anytime they have a
strong feeling negative or positive they just take drugs to forget it
this is what they are doing in this is what they're doing to us right
now they are creating so the school system does this too so yeah
they teach you math and science so intellectually you can do work
at your job you can be an adult you can function at your job but
with the relationship with emotions with your desires with your
addictions you're like a little baby you are controlled through your
desire and your emotions that's how they control you that's how
they control us that's how they control everyone in Brave New
World not intellectually through intellectual arguments nothing of
not that not by convincing you not by persuading you with a good
argument no no no no no by controlling you through your
emotions and your desires your pleasure desires ad then Bernard
that says he is again he's asking questions what if we were adults
all the time what if we also were adult emotionally and with our
desires as you see he´s starting to wake uphe´s starting to think
of a different way to live part 2 parts to the end part 2 Bernard´s
planning for the big date to the reservation but he needs
permission everybody cannot go to this reservation they're not
allowed to go everybody right so is it's like a special thing to go to
the Savage reservation part 2 just going to keep going part 2 he
goes to see his the boss the director has his boss and he needs
the director just as the Director must agree you must give
permission as a sign something he talks to the director the
director says where you going where you going and Bernard says
we're going to the reservation we're going to go to the Savage
reservation and he surprised the director surprise and he's kind of
starts to remember something and starts talking to himself the
director 20 years ago 20 years ago something happened to the
director 20 years ago reservation on a date I need your
permission I need your permission so the director start talking
about 20 years ago the director went to the reservation that
director has his boss and his boss Bernard boss that's 20 years
ago Bernards boss went to the reservation he went on a date also
with a girl and the girl got lost the girl got lost there walking
around this reservation and the girl got lost and she disappeared
they never found her they never found her so he realizes that no
other something that something happened to the director his boss
20 years ago 25 years ago something like that and it's kind of
weird right the director realized oh my god I've been talking about
my personal life is not good so the director gets mad and then the
director says to Bernard I don't like your behavior I don't like your
behavior and he tells Bernard that Bernard is he needs to act
more infantile infantile Bernard needs to act more infantile what
does that mean he needs to act more like a baby telling them
directly do you need to act more like a baby you need to be more
childish emotionally you're too serious or too much like an adult
you should stop doing that that's not that's not good it is your duty
it's your duty to be infantile it's your duty act like a child
emotionally then he threatens Bernard he says to Bernard if you
don't change if you don't improve if you don't act more like a child
emotionally then I'm going to send you to Iceland this is a threat
send you to Iceland so I guess Iceland in this story in this world
Iceland is like a bad place it´s a place that people don't want to
live all right let's keep going finally part 3 of this chapter the last
part they go on the dates they fly to New Mexico in the United
States that's where the reservation is and during this time you
know the lenina constantly repeats her programming constantly
repeats her programming so she's constantly saying sentences
for example she says progress is lovely progress is lovely and
every time the lenina repeats some programming sentence
Bernard gets annoyed he said he's he says 500 repetitions once
a week so another words Bernard knows why she's saying this
she's repeating these phrases she's repeat these beliefs
but Bernard knows it's just programming you know that since the
baby you know they've just been repeating these sentences in her
head all the time so he knows it's not really her own thoughts
its just the programming so they go to the office of the
reservation and they meet the Wardon he's the boss of the
reservation and the warden says you know no one can escape
they have an electric fence around it then he described it he says
inside the reservation the children are born they're born they don't
grow them in in a office for a laboratory they come from their mom
and because they're Savages they're not civilized they have
marriage they're still getting married inside the reservation they
still have families they have no conditioning no programming
inside they still have Christianity they still believe in God the
speak languages like Spanish and other languages and they have
wild animals so he´s just describing all this to make the
reservation sound scary oh my God it's so horrible then Bernard
has a phone call with helmholtz his friend and his friend helmholtz
tells him the director doesn't like you and he is planning to send
you to Iceland and there's kind of an interesting part where
Bernard when he realizes that it's real maybe I will be sent to
iceland is maybe king of a more wild place and more isolated
place in brave new world he realizes that on one hand he's
scared about it he's really upset but on the other hand something
inside him something inside him once something bad to happen
something inside him imagines having a really difficult challenge
having to fight and survive a difficult challenge there's some part
of him that wants this this is interesting because this is human
nature that we need difficulty we need challenges if life is always
pleasurable and distracting then we have no meaning in our life
we can't get stronger we can't get better we don't get wisdom we
actually need some difficulties and challenges and he's kind of
feeling this but he's also scared next they go into the reservation
and they go to like there's a little hotel inside there so they just
starting their date and the guy says at the hotel says don't worry
the savages the the wild people here they won't hurt you it won't
hurt you because we've already killed a lot of them anytime if they
do something bad we killed them and now they're afraid of us the
end of this chapter

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