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CMPG 313
AI History, Applications and Impacts on Society

Artificial intelligence is related to highest level of human intelligence, but humans still
remain superior to the computer machines. There are certain tasks that artificial
intelligence machines can perform ten times if not hundred times better than human
beings yet human intelligence still remain superior. This due to humans are able to
adapt new things by learning thus changing behaviour to accommodate the change
taking place, which is what machines cannot do effectively. Artificial intelligence in
short AI systems are still being improved to reach the highest cognitive level of
human through researches by developing neural networks and working hand in hand
with neuroscience. The question is if the AI machines surpasses the human
intelligence will the humans remain be in control of the planet.
The AI systems are contributors to the society’s economy. However there seems to
be a threat posed to the human labour in terms of generating their own income to
contribute to the society’s economy by paying tax, since the AI machines can
outperform humans in some occupations such as ATM machines that can deposit
money, cell phone banking thus replacing banking tellers.

AI history
The beginning of AI development to now starts with the completeness theorem by
Kurt Gödel’s in 1930 which states that in the first-order predicate logic each true
statement is logically provable if its only true in all interpretations. In 1937 Alan
Turing followed by showing the limits of machine intelligence with the halting problem
which demonstrate the is no computer program that can determine that a code of
any program will stop running, unless the program runs an infinite loop to determine
that the other program stops running. In 1943 McCulloch, Pitts and Hebb modelled
neural networks model which likened to biological neurons, the neurons are directed
by weight paths which allows binary activation “1- ON” and “0- OFF”.
Newell and Simon introduced the first Logic Theorem which was the first automatic
theorem prover that enabled computers to only work with numbers as well by
processing symbols only. McCarthy also introduced the programming language LISP
in the USA that processes symbolic structures. Both of these systems were
introduced in the Dartmouth conference this is where artificial intelligence was
introduced and formalised in 1956. Later in the 1970s the European counterpart to
LISP in the USA introduced a programming language PROLOG. The combination of
these logic AI systems came with a rise of impressive achievements but later in the
1980s fell short of expectations which resulted in funds budgets being cut off for AI
logic researches.
The new connectionism
The development of neural network advanced further. The neural networks were
capable of learning through training they were now able to perform tasks without
difficulty and because they were modelled to be fault-tolerable patterns were
recognised with no difficulty. Face recognition and handwriting recognition are one of
the good examples of neural network systems. The pattern recognition enabled the
Nettalk to use example text in order to learn speech. Through neural networks great
capabilities were acquired but learning was challenging the particular reason for the
circumstance was that learned concepts were not captured with simplicity which
limited the re-usability. The combination of neural networks with human experts in
expert systems met with difficulties. The attempt to modularize neural networks into
larger systems was never successful therefor no solution was found.

Distributed, Autonomous and Learning Agents

Computer were in parallel operation in order to increase efficiency of problem
solvers. Autonomous software agents and robots cooperated in solving problems
intelligently. Robots and are also enabled to learn new skills in an environment
without being programmed.
AI grows up
Most of the tools are well developed tools and finished software libraries whereby
one can choose any tool to hone their software developing skill and increase their
engineering knowledge. AI matures and branch out of computer science by
becoming interdisciplinary into diverse fields such as logic, operations research,
statistics, control engineering, image processing, linguistics, philosophy, psychology
and neurobiology.
The AI revolution
From 2010 till today great improvements in AI continue to take a leap.

AI applications
AI model is used in different areas. Firstly, let us explore its role transportation
industry the cars manufactured with AI are energy- renewable the likes of first tesla
car that was created, this results in reduction of emission of carbon dioxide, and
lower accident rate since its driven in a precise with high intelligence. The second
application of AI is in service robots; the service robots do not only assist humans
but also increase productivity in workforce therefore making life easier. In games
such as single player games such as Decision Trees, AI is used to interact with the
actual players. Human intelligence Modelling is based from neural network systems
which allow us to understand ourselves better in term of our behaviour, thinking and
the origin thereof. Logistics and robotics software is used in help finding path using
the coordinates of a location via satellites maps.
Agent model enables us create AI into any application if architectural model is

The impact of AI in the society

The great advances in AI machines have led into simplifying life and boosting the
economy. The goal of introducing these super intelligent AI machines was to have
the government to employ these machines to do heavy-duty and unpleasant work for
human thus providing human with simple and quality. But then that’s far from reality
the particular reason the circumstance is that the machines are resulting in replacing
humans thus taking jobs from humans which was their only source of income. That
will not only the unemployment rate but also decrease the tax which contributes to
the society’s economy. The employment of the machines will not benefit the public
as a whole but certain individual who can afford to purchase those machines to work
for them.
Ertel, W, 2017. Introduction to Atrificial Intelligence.

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