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Phylogeny of the Sphagnopsida Based on Chloroplast and Nuclear DNA Sequences

Author(s): A. Jonathan Shaw

Source: The Bryologist, 103(2):277-306. 2000.
Published By: The American Bryological and Lichenological Society, Inc.

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The Bryologist 103(2), pp. 277–306
Copyright 䉷 2000 by the American Bryological and Lichenological Society, Inc.

Phylogeny of the Sphagnopsida Based on Chloroplast and Nuclear

DNA Sequences

Department of Botany, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0338, U.S.A.

Abstract. Most reconstructions of basal land plant relationships derived from morphological
or molecular data suggest that the Sphagnopsida form a critical clade at or near the base of the
mosses (Bryophyta s.s.). The Sphagnopsida include two orders: Sphagnales and Ambuchananiales,
each with one family. The Ambuchananiaceae is monotypic, with A. leucobryoides of Tasmania.
Nucleotide sequences from five genomic regions, two from the nuclear genome (ITS and 26S
nuclear ribosomal DNA) and three from the chloroplast genome (psbT, rpl16, trnL) were subjected
to cladistic analyses in order to assess 1) the relationship between Ambuchanania and Sphagnum,
2) the polarity of evolutionary change in Sphagnum (i.e., infer a root for the infrageneric phy-
logeny), 3) monophyly of the four large sections of Sphagnum (Acutifolia, Cuspidata, Sphagnum,
and Subsecunda) and 4) phylogenetic relationships of the smaller or monotypic sections. Ambu-
chanania is resolved as the sister group to Sphagnum and is not nested within the latter as a
highly derived species. Polarity of evolutionary change in Sphagnum is ambiguous; alternative
hypotheses suggested by molecular data place either the sect. Subsecunda or the sect. Sphagnum
as sister to all other species. The four large sections of Sphagnum are each monophyletic if
circumscribed to include species traditionally placed in monotypic sections. Sphagnum macro-
phyllum (sect. Isocladus) is nested within the Subsecunda. Sphagnum pylaesii (sect. Hemitheca)
is nested within the Cuspidata and is closely related to S. tenellum (sect. Mollusca). Sphagnum
wulfianum (sect. Polyclada) is nested within the Acutifolia, closely related to S. fimbriatum and
S. girgensohnii. Sphagnum aongstroemii (sect. Insulosa) is either nested within the Acutifolia, or
is sister to other species of Acutifolia. Molecular evidence supports a sister group relationship
between the sections Rigida and Sphagnum, and between the sections Squarrosa and Acutifolia.
Molecular data suggest that phylogenetic structure in Sphagnum can be accommodated by four
large sections without segregating morphologically distinctive taxa into smaller sections, as is
traditionally done. A revised classification is proposed in which the genus is divided into four
sections: Acutifolia, Cuspidata, Sphagnum, and Subsecunda.

The Sphagnopsida are one of the four major unlike any other moss, often with highly differen-
groups of mosses that are often distinguished as tiated cortical cells that may have pores, wall fi-
classes: Sphagnopsida, Andreaeopsida, Takakiop- brils, or both. In many species, some branch cor-
sida, and Bryopsida. The Sphagnopsida are char- tical cells are retort shaped with an apical pore.
acterized by a suite of morphological traits pertain- Elongation of the gametophyte is accomplished by
ing to both the gametophyte and sporophyte and a three-sided apical cell as in other mosses, but ac-
include basic developmental features of both gen- tively dividing subapical cells form an intercalary
erations (Ruhland 1924). The protonemata are thal- meristem that appears to be unique to the Sphag-
loid after a short filamentous stage and typically nopsida (Ligrone & Duckett 1998). One of the hall-
produce a single leafy gametophore (Schofield marks of the Sphagnopsida is the differentiation of
1985). Mature gametophytes generally lack rhi- chlorophyllose and hyaline leaf cells. The relatively
zoids, although plants may produce rhizoids under broad hyaline cells typically have pores and fibrils
experimental conditions (T. Mattock, pers. comm.) and are enclosed in a network of narrower efibril-
and rhizoid-bearing plants have been observed in lose, nonporose chlorophyllose cells. Differentia-
one species in nature (Iwatsuki 1986). There is con- tion of chlorophyllose and hyaline cells involves
siderable diversity in gametophyte architecture, but complex patterns of asymmetric cell divisions dur-
most typically plants of the Sphagnopsida have a ing leaf ontogeny (Holcombe 1984).
distinctive gestalt produced by fasciculate branch- The sporophyte in Sphagnopsida lacks a seta and
ing and the formation of a more-or-less well-de- the capsule is elevated at maturity on a pseudopo-
fined capitulum or cluster of young branches at the dium of gametophytic origin. Elevation of the cap-
stem apex. The anatomy of stems and branches is sule does not occur until maturity. In Sphagnum,

the foot of the sporophyte is bulbous rather than Some authors (e.g., Daniels & Eddy 1985) segre-
pointed, and unlike in most mosses, differentiated gate S. tenellum (Brid.) Bory as the monotypic sec-
transfer cells are lacking on both sides of the ga- tion Mollusca Cas.-Gil.
metophyte-sporophyte junction (Ligrone et al. Several lesser known sections have been de-
1993). The capsule has a massive central columella, scribed to accommodate morphologically divergent
as in the Andreaeopsida, but unlike the latter, tropical taxa: Cuculliformis Crum for S. cucullifome
spores are of amphithecial rather than endothecial Crum, Inretorta Crum for S. inretortum Crum, Aco-
origin. The capsule wall of Sphagnum contains nu- cosphagnum C. Müll. for S. sericeum C. Müll., and
merous pseudostomata that may or may not be ho- Mucronata Warnst. for S. mucronatum C. Müll. Of
mologous to the stomata present in the capsule wall these, molecular data are included in this paper
of many mosses. only for S. sericeum.
Morphological autapomorphies of the Sphagnop- A highly distinctive plant, S. leucobryoides Ya-
sida suggest an isolated phylogenetic position for maguchi, Seppelt, & Iwatz., was described from
the group. Recent analyses (e.g., Bopp & Capesius Tasmania (Yamaguchi et al. 1990) and placed in its
1996; Capesius 1995; Garbary & Renzaglia 1998; own section, Buchanania. More recently, Crum and
Mishler et al. 1992) are ambiguous with regard to Seppelt (1999) segregated this species as the mono-
precise relationships among the four classes of typic genus, Ambuchanania Seppelt & Crum, for
mosses, but consistently suggest that the Sphagnop- which they erected a new family and order of
sida occupy a basal or near-basal position relative Sphagnopsida. Ambuchanania leucobryoides (Ya-
to the true mosses. As such, the Sphagnopsida are maguchi, Seppelt, & Iwatz.) Seppelt & Crum is
critical to an understanding of relationships among highly distinctive morphologically, characterized
mosses, and consequently among mosses, liver- by sparsely or unbranched stems (not in itself
worts, hornworts, and tracheophytes. unique) and terminal gametangia (unlike Sphag-
Sphagnum consists of 250–450 species (Crum num, where gametangia are produced on special lat-
1984; McQueen, pers. comm.; Paul 1924). A vari- eral branches). A relationship to Sphagnum is evi-
ety of infra-generic classification systems have denced by the differentiated hyaline and chloro-
been proposed, and Isoviita (1966) provided a thor- phyllose cells, with the former ornamented by pores
ough historical account (which is not repeated and fibrils. The leaves of A. leucobryoides may be
here). Schimper (1876) first instituted a system in bistratose in places, and the pattern of chlorophyl-
which the genus is divided into four large groups, lose and hyaline cells is unlike any species of
the Acutifolia, Subsecunda, Cuspidata, and Cym- Sphagnum. Although some of the sections within
bifolia (⫽ Sphagnum), plus several smaller sec- Sphagnum have sometimes been recognized at the
tions. Russow (1887, cited in Isoviita 1966) pro- generic level (e.g., Isocladus Lindb. for S. macro-
posed two major subdivisions for Sphagnum: Ino- phyllum), Ambuchanania leucobryoides is far more
phloea (⫽ sect. Sphagnum) and Litophloea (all oth- distinctive than any other species. The critical ques-
er sections). Andrews (1911) supported this tion with regard to A. leucobryoides is whether this
two-group approach and suggested that each might species is nested within the genus Sphagnum, or
even be recognized as a separate genus. Andrews represents an independent phylogenetic lineage dis-
(1937 and elsewhere) divided the Litophloea into tinct from other peatmosses.
only two sections, Malacosphagnum (⫽ sect. Rig- The purpose of this research is to clarify phylo-
ida) and Acisphagnum. genetic relationships among species, sections, and
Most recent authors recognize four large groups genera within the Sphagnopsida. Taxon sampling
of species following Isoviita (1966) and for con- was not designed to permit a rigorous assessment
venience, these groups will be referred to as sec- of relationships between the Sphagnopsida and oth-
tions in this paper. The four sections are Sphagnum, er classes of Bryophyta. The specific goals of this
Subsecunda (Lindb.) Schlieph., Cuspidata (Lindb.) research can be presented as a series of questions.
Schieph, and Acutifolia Wils., together accounting 1) Is Ambuchanania nested within Sphagnum? 2)
for more than 90% of the species diversity of peat- Is Sphagnum monophyletic? 3) Are the major sec-
mosses. In addition to these speciose groups, sev- tions within Sphagnum monophyletic, or can their
eral smaller sections are also generally recognized circumscriptions be emended such that they are
(e.g., Crum 1984; Daniels & Eddy 1985; Eddy monophyletic? 4) What are the relationships of the
1977, 1985; Isoviita 1966; Hill 1978): Rigida smaller and monotypic sections of Sphagnum to the
Lindb., with 2–5 species, Squarrosa Russ. with two larger sections? 5) What is the polarity of phylo-
species, Insulosa Isov. for S. aongstroemii Hartm., genetic change within Sphagnum; i.e., can the in-
Hemitheca Braithw. for S. pylaesii Brid., Polyclada frageneric phylogeny be rooted in order to clarify
(C. Jens.) Horrell for S. wulfianum Girg., and Iso- directions of morphological, ecological, and bio-
cladus (Lindb.) Braithw. for S. macrophyllum Brid. geographic change?

These questions were addressed using nucleotide psbT gene was amplified with the primers listed in Table
sequence variation in the chloroplast and nuclear 3. Primers for amplification of the chloroplast rpl16 intron
were as described by Jordan et al. (1996), and are also
genomes. Sequences were obtained for three chlo- listed in Table 3. We designed an additional pair of se-
roplast genes (in some cases including intergenic quencing primers for the rpl16 intron in Sphagnum, and
spacers): psbT (Hong et al. 1995; Krellwitz et al. another pair for sequencing the same region in Takakia
2000), the trnL-trnF region (Taberlet et al. 1991; lepidozioides Hattori & H. Inoue. Primers provided by P.
Manos (Duke University) were used to amplify two seg-
hereafter, ‘‘trnL’’), and the rpl16 region (Jordan et ments of the large subunit rDNA. These included LS0F
al. 1996; Kelchner & Clark 1997). psbT encodes a and LS12R for amplification of the upstream fragment
photosystem II (PS II) subunit that helps maintain consisting of approximately 1,000 nts at the 5⬘ end of the
PS II activity under adverse growth conditions gene, and LS23F and LS33R for amplifying about the
(Hong et al. 1995). The trnL region includes tRNA same number of bases at the 3⬘ end of the gene. In ad-
dition, internal sequencing primers LS8R and LS27F were
coding sequences, an intron, and an intergenic employed for the upstream and downstream fragments,
spacer between the two tRNA genes (Taberlet et al. respectively (Table 3).
1991). rpl16 codes for ribosomal protein 16 and Amplification of psbT, the rpl16 intron, and the two
includes an intron (Jordan et al. 1996; Kelchner & ribosomal DNA large subunit regions was accomplished
Clark 1997). Sequences were also obtained for two with a variety of reaction conditions and thermocycling
strategies. The most basic of these, which proved suitable
nuclear ribosomal DNA regions: ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 for the bulk of psbT and large subunit amplifications, was
(Baldwin 1992; hereafter, ‘‘ITS’’), and a portion of similar to that described for trnL by Buck et al. (2000).
the 26S RNA gene. Combined, the data include 50 ␮l reactions contained 1⫻ PCR buffer (Life Technol-
5228 characters. ogies/Gibco BRL), 0.2 mM dNTPs in equimolar ratio, 2.5
mM MgCl2, 5% DMSO, 0.5 ␮M of each primer, and 1.0
unit Taq polymerase (Life Technologies/Gibco BRL).
MATERIALS AND METHODS Platinum Taq, a hot-start Taq polymerase from Life Tech-
nologies/Gibco BRL, was used when the standard Taq did
Taxon sampling.—Sequences from a total of 122 ac-
not produce an amplified product, with results comparable
cessions were included in the analyses (Table 1). An at-
tempt was made to include taxa from throughout the to those obtained with the company’s regular Taq product.
worldwide range of Sphagnopsida in order to avoid po- Other optimization methods tried with varying success in-
tential biases introduced by making phylogenetic infer- cluded lower annealing temperatures (45–52⬚C), changes
ences from analyses of, for example, boreal taxa only. The in extension time (2–3 min. at 72⬚C), variations in cycle
analyses include species from the Northern and Southern number (25–30 cycles), and additional cleaning of the
Hemispheres, the New and Old Worlds, and from high DNA template with a Geneclean II kit (Bio101). Our strat-
and low latitude regions. Sample sizes vary among ge- egy was to use standard protocols and try various per-
nomic regions, and between single-gene versus combined mutations with samples that did not amplify the first time
analyses (Table 2). Samples were obtained from speci- around.
mens kindly provided by international collectors, from the When these methods failed to yield an amplification
author’s own collections, and from the following herbaria: product suitable for sequencing, another Taq polymerase
DUKE, HIRO, MO, and NY. In a few instances, different col- product, intended for amplification of GC-rich sequences,
lections of a species were utilized to obtain sequences was utilized with considerable success. Reactions with the
when we were unable to amplify all the genes of interest Advantage-GC PCR kit (Clontech) contained 1⫻ each of
from a single collection (usually for unknown reasons). a 10⫻ PCR buffer, 50⫻ dNTPs (10 mM each), and 50⫻
Very small amounts of gametophytic tissue derived from Advantage-GC polymerase mix. An additional reagent,
a few apical leaves of a single capitulum were sufficient ‘‘GC-Melt,’’ was added to a concentration of 0.5 M. Prim-
to obtain sequences, and sampling of herbarium material ers were present in a final concentration of 0.2 ␮M each,
was no more destructive than for the preparation of a sam- and 0.3–0.5 ␮l of stock DNA was added as template. Re-
ple for microscopic examination. We were able to obtain actions were cycled as described above, with similar op-
sequences from almost all collections made after 1990; timization of temperatures and times. After an initial series
plants collected in the 1980’s were often successful. We of reactions with the rpl16 primers, the Advantage-GC
did not make a systematic effort to determine the maxi- polymerase was found to give consistently superior re-
mum age from which well-preserved DNA could be am- sults, and this was the primary method used for amplifi-
plified, but material collected before 1980 was inconsis- cation of this region. PCR reaction cleanup and sequenc-
tent at best. Samples were rarely washed prior to extrac- ing procedures were conducted as described in Shaw
tion, but instances of amplifying sequences from nonbry- (2000) and Buck et al. (2000).
ophytic contaminants were minimal (⬍ 5%). Such Phylogenetic analyses.—Obtaining a reliable root for
contaminant sequences were readily identifiable because the infrageneric phylogeny proved problematic (see be-
of obvious differences that made them unalignable with low). Sequences obtained from Andreaea Hedw., Takakia
other Sphagnum sequences. BLAST searches in GenBank S. Hattori & H. Inoue, and Ambuchanania for ITS, trnL,
showed that the few artifactual sequences we obtained and rpl16 could not be aligned with those from Sphag-
were from fungal contaminants. num. These sequences were not artifactual (i.e., fungal),
Extraction and sequencing protocols.—DNA extraction as indicated by the existence of limited portions that could
was accomplished according to the protocol of Doyle and be aligned with Sphagnum (e.g., the 5.8S rDNA gene
Doyle (1987), modified as described in Shaw (2000). Am- within ITS sequences, conserved coding regions of trnL
plification of the ITS (nrDNA) and trnL (cpDNA) regions and rpl16), by comparisons to published and unpublished
were performed according to the specifications in Shaw sequences available for these taxa (see other papers in this
(2000) and Buck et al. (2000), respectively. symposium issue), and by BLAST searches of GenBank
A portion of the psbB operon containing the chloroplast (which demonstrated their bryophytic origin). psbT
TABLE 1. Collection identification, locality information, and Genbank accession numbers for specimens included in molecular analyses. 26S sequences from the 5⬘ and 3⬘

ends of the gene are given separate accession numbers (first and second numbers, respectively).

Genus Species Location Collector Coll. No. Herbarium Genes sequenced

Ambuchanania leucobryoides Tasmania Buchanan 9371 HIRO 26S (AF197094, AF198029)
Andreaea rothii North Carolina Shaw s.n. DUKE 26S (AF197062, AF198030), psbT (AF193625)
Sphagnum affine North Carolina Shaw 9198 DUKE ITS (AF193697), 26S (AF197063, AF197998), psbT
(AF193626), trnL (AF192573)
Sphagnum africanum Africa, Transkei Von Rooy 1802 DUKE ITS (AF193674), psbT (AF193658), trnL (AF192567)
Sphagnum alegrense Australia (NSW) Glime 7147 DUKE ITS (AF193729), trnL (AF192579)
Sphagnum amoenoides Brazil Buck 26422 MO ITS (AF193698)
Sphagnum andersonianum Alaska Andrus 8358 DUKE trnL (AF192589)
Sphagnum andersonianum New York Shaw 95-27-6a DUKE ITS (AF193730), rpl16 (AF194896)
Sphagnum angemanicum New York Town 2253 DUKE ITS (AF193747), rpl16 (AF914918), trnL (AF192618)
Sphagnum angustifolium Finland Shaw 9739 DUKE ITS (AF193686), 26S (AF197086, AF197021), psbT
(AF913649), rpl16 (AF194898)
Sphagnum angustifolium Norway Stenoien 41H DUKE 26S (AF197073, AF198008), psbT (AF193636), trnL
Sphagnum aongstroemii Norway Andrus & Flatberg 7531 DUKE ITS (AF193748), 26S (AF197083, AF198018), psbT
(AF193646), rpl16 (AF914919), trnL (AF192619)
Sphagnum aureum Panama Dauphin 1564 MO ITS (AF193750), trnL (AF192622)
Sphagnum austinii Norway Shaw 9730 DUKE ITS (AF193735), 26S (AF197084, AF198019), psbT
(AF193647), rpl16 (AF194885), trnL (AF914576)
Sphagnum austro-americanum Colombia Churchill & Betancur 18752 MO ITS (AF193695), rpl16 (AF914221), trnL (AF192625)
Sphagnum balticum Norway Andrus & Flatberg 7488 DUKE ITS (AF193707), rpl16 (AF194899), trnL (AF192594)
Sphagnum bartlettianum New Jersey Anderson 27360 DUKE ITS (AF193727)

Sphagnum bartlettianum North Carolina Shaw 9279 DUKE rpl16 (AF914939), trnL (AF192600)
Sphagnum bordasii South Africa Buck 13594 NY rpl16 (AF914938), trnL (AF192598)
Sphagnum brasiliense Brazil Buck 26633 MO ITS (AF193716), rpl16 (AF914924), trnL (AF192629)
Sphagnum brevirameum Brazil Buck 26844 MO ITS (AF193715), rpl16 (AF914922), trnL (AF192627)
Sphagnum capense Malawi Chapman & Chapman 6771 DUKE psbT (AF193651)
Sphagnum capense South Africa Snook 7352 NY ITS (AF193664), rpl16 (AF194872), trnL (AF192563)
Sphagnum capillifolium Alaska Talbot 228 DUKE rpl16 (AF914940), trnL (AF192621)
Sphagnum capillifolium New Brunswick Belland 17944 DUKE ITS (AF193724)
Sphagnum capillifolium Norway Shaw 9739 DUKE 26S (AF197088, AF198023), psbT (AF193651)
Sphagnum compactum Maine Allen 14772 DUKE ITS (AF193706)
Sphagnum compactum North Carolina Shaw 9332 DUKE 26S (AF197069, AF198004), psbT (AF193632), rp16
(AF194887), trnL (AF192578)
Sphagnum contortum Maryland Anderson 25410 DUKE ITS (AF3669), rpl16 (AF914930), trnL (AF192636)
Sphagnum cristatum Australia (NSW) Streimann 47127 NY ITS (AF193699), rpl16 (AF194888)
Sphagnum cristatum Australia (Victoria) Streimann 50625 NY trnL (AF192580)
Sphagnum cuspidatulum Philippines Withey 951 DUKE ITS (AF193749), rpl16 (AF914934)
Sphagnum cuspidatum North Carolina Shaw 9327 DUKE ITS (AF193677), rpl16 (AF914927), trnL (AF192633)
Sphagnum cyclophyllum North Carolina Shaw 8560 DUKE ITS (AF193665), 26S (AF197067, AF198002), psbT
(AF193630), rpl16 (AF194873), trnL (AF192562)
[VOL. 103
TABLE 1. Continued.
Genus Species Location Collector Coll. No. Herbarium Genes sequenced
Sphagnum cymbifolioides Australia (NSW) Streimann 47192 NY ITS (AF193713), 26S (AF197076, AF198011), psbT
(AF193639), rpl16 (AF194892), trnL (AF192584)
Sphagnum davidii South Africa Buck 13508 NY ITS (AF193670), psbT (AF193661), rpl16 (AF194876), trnL
Sphagnum ehyalinum Chile Goffinet 5782 DUKE ITS (AF193678), rpl16 (AF914936)
Sphagnum falcatulum Tasmania Moseal 13388 NY ITS (AF193719), rpl16 (AF194894), trnL (AF192586)
Sphagnum fallax Alaska Schofield 99959 DUKE ITS (AF193725), rpl16 (AF194900), trnL (AF192595)
Sphagnum fimbriatum Alaska Andrus 8554 DUKE ITS (AF193673), trnL (AF192591)
Sphagnum fitzgeraldii North Carolina Horn s.n. DUKE ITS (AF193751)
Sphagnum flaccidum Colombia Churchill 16393 MO ITS (AF193718), trnL (AF192626)
Sphagnum flavicomans Newfoundland Schofield 101051 DUKE ITS (AF193690), rpl16 (AF195880), trnL (AF192571)
Sphagnum fuscum Minnesota Bowers 24013 DUKE rpl16 (AF914941), trnL (AF192601)
Sphagnum fuscum New York Risk 1322 DUKE ITS (AF193736)
Sphagnum fuscum Norway Shaw 9678 DUKE 26S (AF197091, AF198026), psbT (AF193654)
Sphagnum girgensohnii Alaska Schofield 101946 DUKE ITS (AF193675), rpl16 (AF194905), trnL (AF192604)
Sphagnum henryense North Carolina Wilbur 65925 DUKE ITS (AF193681), rpl16 (AF914931), trnL (AF192637)
Sphagnum jensenii Norway Shaw 9695 DUKE ITS (AF193688), 26S (AF197074, AF198009), psbT
(AF193637), rpl16 (AF194907), trnL (AF192602)
Sphagnum junghugnianum China Shevock 14370 MO ITS (AF193728), rpl16 (AF914943), trnL (AF192630)
Sphagnum khasianum China Redfearn 34401 NY ITS (AF193671), psbT (AF193660), rpl16 (AF194904), trnL
Sphagnum laxirameum Colombia Linares & Churchill 3740 MO ITS (AF193703), rpl16 (AF914926), trnL (AF192632)
Sphagnum lescurii North Carolina Shaw s.n. DUKE ITS (AF3667), 26S (AF197066, AF198001), psbT
(AF193629), rpl16 (AF194875), trnL (AF192565)

Sphagnum lewisii Colombia Lewis 88-1446 MO ITS (AF193701)

Sphagnum liesneri Venezuela Liesner 19035 MO ITS (AF193702)
Sphagnum limbatum Costa Rica Dauphin 2065 MO ITS (AF193693), rpl16 (AF914923), trnL (AF192628)
Sphagnum macrophyllum North Carolina Shaw 9336 DUKE ITS (AF193666), 26S (AF197170, AF198005), psbT
(AF193633), rpl16 (AF194874), trnL (AF192564)
Sphagnum magellanicum Georgia Buck 27518 DUKE rpl16 (AF914932)
Sphagnum magellanicum Virginia Clampitt 1505 DUKE ITS (AF193680)
Sphagnum mendocinum British Columbia Schofield 98560 DUKE 26S (AF197082, AF198017), psbT (AF193645), trnL
Sphagnum mendocinum California Andrus 7416 DUKE ITS (AF193726), rpl16 (AF194903)
Sphagnum meridense Bolivia Lewis 38738d-1 MO trnL (AF192624)
Sphagnum meridense Honduras Allen 11978 DUKE ITS (AF193692), rpl16 (AF194882)
Sphagnum molle Kentucky Risk 6629 DUKE trnL (AF192599)
Sphagnum molle South Carolina Shaw 8729 DUKE ITS (AF193723), rpl16 (AF194906)
Sphagnum n.sp2? Norway Shaw 9680 DUKE trnL (AF192603)
Sphagnum n.sp1? Ohio Andreas s.n. DUKE rpl16 (AF914937)
Sphagnum orientale Russia Afonina exsicc. MO ITS (AF193717) rpl16 (AF914925), trnL (AF192631)
Sphagnum ovatum China Tan 91-1151 H ITS (AF193736), 26S (AF197093, AF198028), psbT

(AF193656), rpl16 (AF194908), trnL (AF192605)

TABLE 1. Continued.

Genus Species Location Collector Coll. No. Herbarium Genes sequenced
Sphagnum oxyphyllum Bolivia Lewis 89-953d-3 MO ITS (AF193685), rpl16 (AF914920), trnL (AF192623)
Sphagnum palustre North Carolina Shaw 9391 DUKE ITS (AF193679), rpl16 (AF914928), trnL (AF192634)
Sphagnum perichaetiale North Carolina Shaw 9213 DUKE ITS (AF193700), 26S (AF197064, AF197999), psbT
(AF193627), rpl16 (AF195884), trnL (AF192575)
Sphagnum planifolium Tanzania Ochyra 8812/G H ITS (AF193689), psbT (AF193663), rpl16 (AF914935), trnL
Sphagnum platyphyllum Alaska Andrus & Talbot 8573 DUKE ITS (AF3667), rpl16 (AF914929), trnL (AF192635)
Sphagnum portoricense North Carolina Anderson 26770 DUKE ITS (AF193705), 26S (AF197077, AF198012), psbT
(AF193640), rpl16 (AF194886), trnL (AF192577)
Sphagnum pseudoramulinum Brazil Laundrum 2157 NY ITS (AF193752)
Sphagnum pulchrum Norway Shaw 9707 DUKE ITS (AF193687), rpl16 (AF194909), trnL (AF192607)
Sphagnum pulchrum Norway Shaw 9797 DUKE 26S (AF197087, AF198022), psbT (AF193650)
Sphagnum pulvinatum South Africa Buck 12704 NY ITS (AF193683)
Sphagnum pycnocladulum Malawi Chapman 6573 MO ITS (AF193696)
Sphagnum pylaesii Newfoundland Schofield 101031 DUKE ITS (AF193691), rpl16 (AF194881), trnL (AF192572)
Sphagnum quinquefarium Norway Shaw 9682 DUKE ITS (AF193743), 26S (AF197089, AF198024), psbT
(AF193652), rpl16 (AF194910), trnL (AF192608)
Sphagnum reclinatum Venezuela Buck 12751 MO
Sphagnum recurvum North Carolina Shaw 9196 DUKE ITS (AF193682), 26S (AF197072, AF198007), psbT
(AF193635), rpl16 (AF194878), trnL (AF192569)
Sphagnum rubellum Finland Shaw 9842 DUKE trnL (AF192614)
Sphagnum rubellum Norway Shaw 9733 DUKE ITS (AF193742), rpl16 (AF194811)
Sphagnum rubiginosum Norway Shaw 9630 DUKE ITS (AF193745), rpl16 (AF194912), trnL (AF192609)

Sphagnum russowii New York Shaw 9259 DUKE ITS (AF193732), rpl16 (AF194913)
Sphagnum russowii Washington Anderson 27411 DUKE trnL (AF192610)
Sphagnum sancto-josephense Colombia Linares & Churchill 3978 NY ITS (AF193684), 26S (AF197075, AF198010), psbT
(AF193638), rpl16 (AF194879), trnL (AF192570)
Sphagnum santanderense Colombia Lewis 88-1440 MO ITS (AF193704)
Sphagnum schofieldii British Columbia Schofield 64344 DUKE ITS (AF193733)
Sphagnum sericeum Papua New Guinea Koponen 35300 H ITS (AF193739)
Sphagnum skyense Great Britain Flatberg s.n. H ITS (AF193737), rpl16 (AF914942), trnL (AF192611)
Sphagnum sparsum Colombia Linares & Churchill 3957 NY trnL (AF192592)
Sphagnum sparsum Costa Rica McQueen 7172 MO ITS (AF193694)
Sphagnum squarrosum New Brunswick Belland & Schofield 17919 DUKE ITS (AF193708), rpl16 (AF194889), trnL (AF192581)
Sphagnum steerei Alaska Andrus 8574 DUKE ITS (AF193721), 26S (AF197081, AF198016), psbT
(AF193644), rpl16 (AF194883), trnL (AF192574)
Sphagnum strictum North Carolina Shaw 9406 DUKE ITS (AF193714), 26S (AF197068, AF198003), psbT
(AF193631), rpl16 (AF194893), trnL (AF192585)
Sphagnum subfulvum Finland Shaw 9824 DUKE trnL (AF192612)
Sphagnum subfulvum Norway Shaw 9719 DUKE ITS (AF193734), 26S (AF197085, AF198020), psbT
(AF193648), rpl16 (AF194914)
Sphagnum subnitens Norway Shaw 9658 DUKE ITS (AF193741), rpl16 (AF194915), trnL (AF192613)
[VOL. 103

Sphagnum subnitens Norway Shaw 9723 DUKE 26S (AF197092, AF198027), psbT (AF193655)

TABLE 1. Continued.

Genus Species Location Collector Coll. No. Herbarium Genes sequenced

Sphagnum subobesum Japan S. Ono 743 H ITS (AF193736), psbT (AF193662), rpl16 (AF194916), trnL
Sphagnum subtile New York Shaw 9266 DUKE ITS (AF193731), rpl16 (AF914933)
Sphagnum tenellum Finland Shaw 9792 DUKE ITS (AF193746), rpl16 (AF914917)
Sphagnum tenellum Norway Shaw 9696 DUKE trnL (AF192617)
Sphagnum tenerum North Carolina Shaw 9335 DUKE ITS (AF193672), 26S (AF197065, AF198000), psbT
(AF193628), rpl16 (AF194895), trnL (AF192588)
Sphagnum teres British Columbia Hedderson 7928 DUKE ITS (AF193720), 26S (AF197090, AF198025), psbT
(AF193563), rpl16 (AF194902), trnL (AF192596)
Sphagnum torreyanum North Carolina Shaw s.n. DUKE ITS (AF193676), 26S (AF197071, AF198006), psbT
(AF193634), rpl16 (AF194877), trnL (AF192568)
Sphagnum troendelagicum Norway Andrus & Flatberg 7503 DUKE ITS (AF193710), 26S (AF197078, AF198013), psbT
(AF193641), rpl16 (AF194890), trnL (AF192582)
Sphagnum truncatum South Africa Buck 13599 NY ITS (AF193711), 26S (AF197080, AF198015), psbT

(AF193643), rpl16 (AF194891), trnL (AF192583)

Sphagnum viridum Ireland Andrus 4098 DUKE trnL (AF192615)
Sphagnum viridum Massachusetts Wagner 585 DUKE ITS (AF193709)
Sphagnum warnstorfii Alaska Schofield 104094 DUKE ITS (AF193722), rpl16 (AF194897), trnL (AF192590)
Sphagnum wilfii British Columbia Schofield 83645 DUKE ITS (AF193744)
Sphagnum wulfianum Minnesota Bowers 22980 DUKE ITS (AF193712), psbT (AF193657), rpl16 (AF194901)
Sphagnum wulfianum Minnesota Bowers 22665 NY trnL (AF192587)
Takakia lepidozioides British Columbia Schofield 86563 DUKE 26S (AF197061, AF197997), psbT (AF193624)

TABLE 2. Genomic regions and subregions included in the molecular analyses, the number of taxa in each data
(N), the number of characters in each aligned data set (n), the number of autapomorphic (aut) and informative (inf)
characters, the length of most parsimonious trees, and indices of support for most parsimonious reconstructions. CI
was calculated without autapomorphies.

Region Genome N n aut. inf. L CI RI RC # Trees

26S nuclear 34 2102 133 83 — — — — —
ITS nuclear 89 748 81 154 451 0.636 0.853 0.543 33
psbT chloroplast 40 480 80 49 — — — — —
rpl16 chloroplast 73 974 73 62 168 0.845 0.921 0.778 47502
trnL chloroplast 76 702 72 66 206 0.772 0.893 0.690 —
rpl16 ⫹ trnL chloroplast 68 374 142 125 374 0.786 0.883 0.694 48000
26S ⫹ psbT combined 34 2600 212 131 — — — — —
ITS ⫹ rpl16 combined 72 1695 149 230 779 0.593 0.774 0.459 22000
ITS ⫹ trnL combined 75 1434 156 240 842 0.586 0.776 0.454 9300
ITS ⫹ rpl16 ⫹ trnL combined 60 2424 221 249 959 0.634 0.764 0.484 9327
Total evidence (5 genes) combined 27 5228 371 314 984 0.760 0.724 0.550 2

(cpDNA) and 26S (nrDNA) were, however, unambigu- sent or absent in ITS1, and two indels of three and five
ously alignable between Takakia, Andreaea, Ambuchan- nts were scored in the trnL intron. The following settings
ania, and Sphagnum. These genes, unfortunately, were so were employed for all single gene and two-gene analyses:
conserved that little resolution was obtained within steepest descent off, TBR branch swapping, MULPARS
Sphagnum using maximum parsimony, and the consensus on,100 random sequence additions saving ⱕ500 trees per
trees were largely unresolved with regard to infrageneric replicate. For ITS (the largest dataset), an alternative
relationships. In order to make even preliminary inferenc- search strategy was explored in which 1,000 replicates
es about directions of evolutionary change within Sphag- were run with NNI branch swapping (with MULPARS
num suggested by psbT and 26S sequences, neighbor join- off) and one of the MP trees was used as a starting point
ing analyses were conducted using PAUP vers. 4.01 for TBR branch swapping in which a maximum of 10,000
(Swofford, unpubl.). It should be noted that neighbor join- trees were saved. The strict consensus was identical to the
ing utilizes an algorithm that provides a single hypothesis consensus obtained from TBR branch swapping only, and
of relationships based on the distance measure employed the latter (as described above) was used for all subsequent
and is not a search strategy for finding alternative topol- analyses. For the analyses of ITS ⫹ trnL ⫹ rpl16 sequenc-
ogies, as do parsimony analyses. Neighbor joining was es combined, the same settings were used except that up
conducted using a maximum likelihood distance parame- to 1000 trees were saved per random sequence addition.
ter in which base frequencies and transition:transversion For the ‘‘total evidence analysis’’ using all five genes, no
ratios (ts : tv) were estimated from the most parsimonious limit was made to the number of trees saved per replicate.
trees, and rate heterogeneity was approximated by speci- Analyses of each of the five genes were conducted sep-
fying a gamma distribution parameter of 0.5. Support for arately. In addition, combined psbT and 26S sequences
clades identified by neighbor joining was estimated by were analyzed using neighbor joining, as above. ITS, trnL,
bootstrap analyses using the same likelihood parameters and rpl16 data were each analyzed separately, as well as
(see below). in all combinations of two genes, plus combined analyses
Phylogenetic analyses of the three more variable ge- of all three genes. Sample sizes, and therefore taxon rep-
nomic regions (ITS, trnL, rpl16) were based on maximum resentation, differed among analyses. Each of the com-
parsimony (MP), as implemented in PAUP. Because of the bined data sets involving ITS, trnL, and rpl16, as well as
size of the data sets, heuristic searches were necessary. In the combined psbT ⫹ 26S data set, contained only those
addition to nucleotides, one 7 nt indel was scored as pre- taxa shared by the single gene data sets; i.e., taxa for

TABLE 3. Primers used to amplify the psbT (cpDNA), rpl16 (cpDNA), and 26S (nrDNA) genomic regions. Ref-
erences for primer sequences used to amply ITS and trnL are provided in the Materials and Methods.

Primer name Sequence (5⬘–⬍3⬘) Reference

psbT ATGGAAGCWTTAGTWTATACWTT Krellwitz et al. (2000)

which data were lacking for any one gene were deleted ence of a clade in the strict consensus tree from parsimony
from combined analyses. The total evidence analysis, uti- analyses is itself evidence of support for that clade. Strong
lizing all five genes, and combined 26S ⫹ psbT analyses, bootstrap support (e.g., ⬎ 70%) is additional evidence.
were the only exceptions to this. Total evidence analyses Resolution of the same relationship in phylogenies in-
included all Sphagnum taxa for which sequences were ferred from different genes is also support. The degree of
available for each of the genes. In addition, Andreaea and strength in favor of specific inferences ranged from groups
Takakia were included although data were not available that are resolved by all five genes, often with strong boot-
(or were unusable because of alignment difficulties) for strap support, to those that are resolved in consensus trees
the more variable genomic regions (ITS, trnL, rpl16). trnL derived from one or two regions, but with little or no
and rpl16 sequences were scored as missing data for An- bootstrap support.
dreaea, Takakia, and Ambuchanania. 5.8S nuclear ribo-
somal regions for these taxa were included in the total
evidence data matrix, but the ITS1 and ITS2 regions were RESULTS
scored as missing data. In the combined 26S ⫹ psbT anal-
ysis, psbT was scored as missing in A. leucobryoides be- Taxon sample sizes, total sequence length (in-
cause a sequence was not available. cluding gaps introduced to preserve base homolo-
Single- and two-gene phylogenies based on ITS, trnL, gy), numbers of autapomorphic and phylogeneti-
and rpl16 were rooted by specifying S. capense Hornsch., cally informative characters, and tree statistics for
an African member of sect. Subsecunda, as the outgroup. each data set are presented in Table 2. Presentation
This represents a working hypothesis based on a basal
position of species in sect. Subsecunda in neighbor joining of results are organized systematically, rather than
analyses of psbT, 26S, and combined psbT ⫹ 26S data. by genomic region analyzed. Table 4 provides a
Moreover, Eddy (1979, 1985) suggested that sect. Subse- summary of major inferences.
cunda contains species that approach a hypothetical com- ILD tests of data incongruence indicated that all
mon ancestor for all Sphagna most closely, and specifi-
pairwise combinations of data sets were signifi-
cally identified S. capense and S. davidii Warnst. as being
most similar to that ancestor. Although we do not consider cantly incongruent at p ⬍ 0.01. Nevertheless, data
this rooting scheme to be strongly supported by our data, sets were analyzed in all combinations in order to
species relationships inferred from the present analyses are thoroughly explore any potential phylogenetic pat-
robust to other rooting hypotheses. It should nevertheless terns.
be kept in mind that inferences about monophyly of the
sections within Sphagnum depend upon where the phy-
Rooting the infrageneric phylogeny and the po-
logeny is rooted. Because the total evidence analysis sug- sition of Ambuchanania.—When Takakia was des-
gested a different root for Sphagnum than that inferred ignated as the outgroup for neighbor joining anal-
from psbT and 26S sequences alone (or in combination), yses of 26S rDNA sequences, Ambuchanania ⫹
we explored the consequences of alternative rooting Sphagnum forms a monophyletic clade with mod-
schemes in the analyses of combined ITS, trnL, and rpl16
sequences. The alternatives were to root with a member erate bootstrap support, and Sphagnum forms a
of sect. Subsecunda (S. capense) and with a member of monophyletic sister group to Ambuchanania with
sect. Sphagnum (S. palustre L.). 100% support (Fig. 1). There is no bootstrap sup-
Incongruence between data sets based on different ge- port for relationships among sections within Sphag-
nomic regions was assessed using the Partition Homoge- num, but species traditionally classified in the sect.
neity Test in PAUP (also known as the ILD test; Farris et
al. 1994). ILD tests were conducted using 1,000 replicates, Subsecunda form a monophyletic clade sister to the
each with 10 random addition replicates saving a single rest of Sphagnum. Although 26S sequences strong-
MPT (MULPARS off). The ILD test compares tree ly support a sister group relationship between Am-
lengths from the two data sets to random partitions of buchanania and Sphagnum, Ambuchanania is high-
equal size. The null hypothesis is that the two data sets
ly divergent from Sphagnum in terms of molecular
do not differ significantly more than do random partitions
of the same size, in terms of the distribution of phyloge- evolution (phylogram with branch lengths not
netically significant characters. shown). Indeed, Ambuchanania is as isolated from
Evaluation of support for infrageneric clades.—Multi- Sphagnum as is Andreaea.
ple most parsimonious trees were summarized using the Although Ambuchanania was not included in
strict consensus. Bootstrap analyses (Felsenstein 1985)
analyses of psbT sequences (we were unable to ob-
were accomplished with 300 bootstrap replicates and the
same heuristic settings used in the parsimony analyses ex- tain a psbT sequence for A. leucobryoides), neigh-
cept with five random sequence additions per bootstrap bor joining analyses with Takakia specified as the
replicate, saving a maximum of 200 trees per random ad- outgroup again yield Sphagnum as a monophyletic
dition. Maximum likelihood neighbor joining bootstrap group with 100% bootstrap support (Fig. 2). Sev-
analyses were based on 1,000 bootstrap replicates. Decay
analyses (Bremer support; Bremer 1988) were conducted,
eral species of sect. Subsecunda form a paraphy-
but are not presented. Many of the trees presented here letic grade that is basal to the rest of Sphagnum,
contain so many taxa that the figures do not provide space although S. recurvum (sect. Cuspidata) also occurs
for both bootstrap and decay values. among these basal taxa. Most of the remaining spe-
Phylogenetic inferences made in this paper represent a cies of sect. Subsecunda form a clade that is more
‘‘weight of the evidence’’ approach and no results are
without ambiguity. The results from neighbor joining derived (Fig. 2). This clade also includes S. torrey-
analyses should be considered ‘‘suggestive,’’ since the al- anum, another species traditionally classified in the
gorithm does not evaluate alternative hypotheses. Pres- sect. Cuspidata. psbT sequences do not clearly re-

TABLE 4. Phylogenetic relationships of critical species, species complexes, and small (or monotypic) sections in
Sphagnum. *** ⫽ relationship supported by a bootstrap value ⱖ70%; ** ⫽ supported by a bootstrap value 50–69%;
* ⫽ in the strict consensus but without bootstrap support; NA ⫽ insufficient data; either a particular species was not
included in the analysis or insufficient numbers of putative relatives were included to make an inference. The mean-
ing of ‘‘relationship’’ is used broadly to mean either a species is nested within another group or it has a sister-group
relationship to another species or group. ‘‘—’’ means that either a relationship is contradicted by the gene tree, or
there is no evidence for a relationship. This table is intended as an organizational force to assist the reader with
details provided in the text.

psbT rpl16 trnL ITS 26S ITS ⫹ trnL ⫹ rpL

Section Acutifolia ** — — — — **
Red acutifolia NA * * *** * *
Green Acutifolia NA ** — *** * ***
S. wulfianum ⫹ S. girgensohnii ⫹ S. fimbriatum NA *** — *** NA ***
S. meridense group ⫹ Red Acutifolia NA * *** *** NA ***
S. oxyphyllum group ⫹ Green Acutifolia NA *** * *** NA ***
Section Cuspidata * *** * ** * *
S. torreyanum ⫹ S. recurvum — — — *** *** **
S. tenellum ⫹ sect. Cuspidata NA *** * *** NA ***
S. pylaesii ⫹ sect. Cuspidata NA *** * *** NA ***
S. tenellum ⫹ S. pylaesii NA ** ** ** NA ***
Sect. Rigida ⫹ sect. Cuspidata — — — ** — —
Section Subsecunda — NA NA NA * NA
‘‘Boreal Subsecunda’’ NA ** *** *** NA ***
S. macrophyllum ⫹ sect. Subsecunda — * * * * ***
S. macrophyllum ⫹ S. cyclophyllum — ** *** * * ***
Section Sphagnum * *** — ** * —
S. steerei ⫹ S. austinii * *** *** *** ** ***
Sect. Rigida ⫹ Sect. Sphagnum * — * — * ***

solve the Subsecunda and Cuspidata as monophy- to species in sections Acutifolia, Cuspidata, and
letic groups although for the most part they are seg- Subsecunda (Fig. 4). Section Subsecunda forms a
regated. psbT contains the least number of infor- monophyletic group, with moderate bootstrap sup-
mative characters among those genomic regions in- port, sister to species in the sections Squarrosa,
vestigated (Table 2), and the lack of resolution is Acutifolia, and Cuspidata. The total evidence data
no doubt related to this lack of variation. Relation- set including all genes thus contradicts inferences
ships among the remaining sections of Sphagnum about rooting provided by psbT and 26S sequences,
differ from those suggested by 26S sequences (Fig. analyzed separately (Figs. 1–2) or together (Fig. 3).
1), but there was no bootstrap support for such re- Monophyly of the large sections: Acutifolia,
lationships in either case. Cuspidata, Sphagnum, Subsecunda.—
Combined 26S ⫹ psbT sequences, again rooted Acutifolia. ITS data identify two well-marked
with Takakia, places Andreaea (rather than Ambu- clades of species traditionally included in the sect.
chanania) as sister to Sphagnum, but with minimal Acutifolia (Fig. 5). One clade, containing S. capil-
bootstrap support (Fig. 3). Sphagnum is supported lifolium (Ehrh.) Hedw. and related species, forms a
as a monophyletic group with 100% support. With- monophyletic group with moderate bootstrap sup-
in Sphagnum, species of sect. Subsecunda form a port (73%) whereas the other is more weakly sup-
paraphyletic grade basal to the remaining species. ported (51%). The consensus tree from the ITS
Species in sections Acutifolia, Cuspidata, and analysis does not provide evidence of a monophy-
Sphagnum (plus Squarrosa and Rigida) form a letic Acutifolia with regard to the Squarrosa. trnL
monophyletic group distinct from the Subsecunda, and rpl16, as well as the data set combining se-
but without bootstrap support (Fig. 3). quences from these two chloroplast regions, also do
When data for all five genes were combined in not resolve the Acutifolia as a group (Figs. 6–8).
a parsimony analysis of 25 Sphagnum species plus ITS combined with trnL data resolve a moderately
Takakia and Andreaea, a different topology was well-supported monophyletic Acutifolia (74%), but
obtained (Fig. 4). Takakia was again specified as ITS ⫹ rpl16 reveals the same two well marked
the outgroup, and Sphagnum forms a monophyletic clades of Acutifolia as do ITS data alone (Figs. 5,
group with 100% support. However, the four (in- 10). ITS ⫹ rpl16 does not, however, resolve the
cluded) species of sect. Sphagnum form an unre- inclusive sect. Acutifolia as monophyletic. When
solved polytomy that is sister to the rest of the ge- data from the three genes are combined, the Acu-
nus. Sphagnum strictum Sull. and S. compactum tifolia, including S. aongstroemii, is resolved as
DC. form a strongly supported clade that is sister monophyletic, albeit with lackluster bootstrap sup-

FIGURES 1–4. Phylogenetic relationships of the Sphagnopsida. Maximum likelihood neighbor-joining trees obtained
from analyses of—1. nuclear-encoded 26S.—2. Chloroplast-encoded psbT—3. Combined 26S and psbT sequences.—
4. Strict consensus tree from parsimony analyses of the ‘‘total evidence’’ data set containing combined sequences from
the ITS, 26S, psbT, rpl16, and trnL regions. Outgroup taxa (Takakia and Andreaea) were scored as missing data for
trnL and rpl16. ITS1 and ITS2 were likewise scored as missing for the outgroups, but 5.8S nuclear ribosomal DNA
sequences were included. Bootstrap values for 1–3 are based on 1,000 neighbor joining replicates. Taxa traditionally
included in the section Subsecunda are shaded (including S. macrophyllum; see text). Bootstrap values for parsimony
tree (4) are based on 300 random addition replicates (see Materials and Methods).

port (71%; Fig. 11). Support for a monophyletic trnL ⫹ rpl16 data, when S. palustre (sect. Sphag-
Acutifolia is stronger (80%) when S. palustre is num) was used to root the tree, the Subsecunda are
used as the outgroup to root the phylogeny (Fig. resolved as monophyletic, with moderate (72%)
12). The sect. Acutifolia is clearly heterogeneous support (Fig. 12).
with respect to the genomic regions sequenced, but Relationships of the smaller sections: Hemithe-
the weight of the evidence suggests that the group ca, Insulosa, Isocladus, Mollusca, Polyclada, Rig-
is monophyletic. ida, Squarrosa.—
Cuspidata. Monophyly of sect. Cuspidata is Hemitheca. Sphagnum pylaesii, a morphologi-
strongly supported by ITS (Fig. 5), rpl16 (Fig. 6), cally distinctive species that is often segregated as
and trnL (Fig. 7). The two chloroplast genes com- the sect. Hemitheca, is nested within sect. Cuspi-
bined (rpl16 ⫹ trnL) likewise support monophyly data. This relationship, in which S. pylaesii appears
of the Cuspidata (Fig. 8), as do other two-gene to be a highly derived member of the Cuspidata, is
combinations (Figs. 9–10). Combined ITS ⫹ trnL resolved by ITS (Fig. 5), rpl16 (Fig. 6), trnL (Fig.
⫹ rpl16 analyses (Figs. 11–12) resolve the Cuspi- 7), and all two- and three-way combinations of
data as a monophyletic group, although with lower these data sets (Figs. 8–12). Moreover, each data
bootstrap support that appears to result from con- set, separately and in combination, suggests a close
flicts between nuclear versus chloroplast sequences relationship between S. pylaesii and S. tenellum,
(discussed below). The total evidence (five gene) which is sometimes segregated at the monotypic
analysis, also based on both chloroplast and nuclear sect. Mollusca. These two species, which bear some
sequences, similarly resolves the Cuspidata but morphological similarities, are evidently derived
with low bootstrap support (Fig. 4). species nested deeply within the Cuspidata. The
Sphagnum. Support for a monophyletic sect. two chloroplast genes (rpl16 and trnL) suggest that
Sphagnum is weak (57%) in the ITS reconstruction within the Cuspidata, S. pylaesii and S. tenellum,
because S. austinii Sull. and S. steerei Andrus are are closely related to S. troendelagicum (Figs. 6–
highly divergent from the remaining species sam- 7). This relationship is supported with a strong
pled. Bootstrap support for the clade containing all bootstrap value (96%) by trnL sequences (Fig. 7).
sect. Sphagnum species other than S. austinii and Nuclear DNA data from the ITS region, however,
S. steerei is 100% (Fig. 5). The divergence of S. suggest a different relationship for S. troendelagi-
steerei and S. austinii is evident in every genomic cum, with S. jensenii H. Lindb., and S. balticum
region sampled, and will be discussed below. Nev- (Russ.) C. Jens. (Fig. 5).
ertheless, monophyly of section Sphagnum, includ- Isocladus. Sphagnum macrophyllum, generally
ing these two species, is supported by rpl16 data segregated as the sect. Isocladus, is nested within
alone (Fig. 6), and combined rpl16 ⫹ trnL (Fig. 8), sect. Subsecunda. A position for S. macrophyllum
although trnL data alone do not resolve the section within the sect. Subsecunda is indicated by all five
(Fig. 7). Data sets in which ITS sequences were genomic regions sequenced, analyzed separately
combined with either trnL (Fig. 9) or rpl16 (Fig. and in all combinations (Figs. 1–12). Within the
10), or both trnL and rpl16 (Fig. 11), consistently Subsecunda, a close relationship between S. macro-
resolved the sect. Sphagnum as monophyletic with phyllum and S. cyclophyllum Sull. & Lesq. is re-
strong bootstrap support (⬎ 85%). Although S. aus- solved with strong bootstrap support by 26S (Fig.
tinii and S. steerei are divergent, the molecular data 1), combined 26S ⫹ psbT (Fig. 3; although not
overwhelmingly support monophyly for sect. psbT alone: Fig. 2), rpl16 (Fig. 6), and trnL (Fig.
Sphagnum. 7). Although a close relationship between these two
Subsecunda. Phylogenetic reconstructions based southeastern U.S. species is suggested by ITS, trnL,
on separate ITS, trnL, and rpl16 sequences were and rpl16 in all combined data sets (Figs. 8–12),
rooted using S. capense (sect. Subsecunda) as the ITS analyzed alone does not resolve them as a
outgroup, so monophyly of the Subsecunda could monophyletic group. It is clear, nonetheless, that S.
not be assessed. In these reconstructions, the Sub- macrophyllum is a member of the section Subse-
secunda form a paraphyletic grade basal to the re- cunda, and that it has a close phylogenetic rela-
maining species of Sphagnum (Figs. 5–7). In the tionship to S. cyclophyllum.
total evidence tree (Fig. 4), the Subsecunda are re- Insulosa. Sphagnum aongstroemii, classified in
solved as monophyletic with moderate (74%) boot- the monotypic section Insulosa, is closely related
strap support. In the analysis of combined ITS ⫹ to the sect. Acutifolia. The ITS ⫹ trnL combined

FIGURE 5. Strict consensus tree obtained from parsimony analyses of nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences. Sphagnum
capense was designated as the outgroup. Bootstrap support is indicated for those branches with higher than 50%.

FIGURE 6. Strict consensus tree obtained from parsimony analyses chloroplast-encoded rpl16 sequences. Sphagnum
capense was designated as the outgroup. Bootstrap support is indicated for those branches with higher than 50%. The
plant labeled ‘‘S. n.sp. 1’’ was collected in Ohio by B. Andreas. It is close to or conspecific with S. girgensohnii based
on morphological features.

FIGURE 7. Strict consensus tree obtained from parsimony analyses chloroplast-encoded trnL sequences. Sphagnum
capense was designated as the outgroup. Bootstrap support is indicated for those branches with higher than 50%. The
plants labeled ‘‘S. n.sp.2’’ was collected in Norway (Shaw 9680; DUKE) mixed with S. fuscum, and K. I. Flatberg (pers.
comm.) suggested it might represent a new species.

FIGURE 8. Strict consensus tree obtained from parsimony analyses of combined chloroplast-encoded rpl16 and trnL
sequences. Sphagnum capense was designated as the outgroup. Bootstrap support is indicated for those branches with
higher than 50%.

data set (Fig. 9) and the ITS ⫹ trnL ⫹ rpl16 anal- sister group relationship between the sections Rig-
yses (Figs. 11–12) group S. aongstroemii with the ida and Sphagnum is resolved in the consensus tree,
Acutifolia and suggest a sister group relationship although without bootstrap support (Fig. 11). Data
between S. aongstroemii and the rest of the section. from the 26S and psbT regions also support a re-
trnL and rpl16 alone or in combination do not re- lationship between sections Rigida and Sphagnum,
solve the affinities of S. aongstroemii (Figs. 6–7). although again without support (Figs. 1–3).
Data from psbT (Fig. 2), psbT ⫹ 26S (Fig. 3), and Squarrosa. Section Squarrosa, represented by S.
the total evidence analysis, suggest that S. aongs- squarrosum Crome and S. teres (Schimp.) Aongstr.
troemii is nested within the Acutifolia (Fig. 4, with is strongly supported as a monophyletic group by
⬎ 85% support). ITS data alone do not resolve the separate analyses of ITS and trnL data (Figs. 5, 7).
Acutifolia as monophyletic, and suggest a sister Data sets including two-way combinations of ITS
group relationship between S. aongstroemii and one ⫹ trnL, and ITS ⫹ rpl16 sequences, resolve the
of the two Acutifolia clades (Fig. 5). The same re- sect. Squarrosa with bootstrap values of ⬎ 95%
lationship is resolved in the consensus tree from (Figs. 9–10). The three-way combined data set (ITS
analyses of the ITS ⫹ rpl16 combined data set (Fig. ⫹ trnL ⫹ rpl16) resolve the Squarrosa with a boot-
10). The weight of the evidence suggests that S. strap value of 100%. Oddly, rpl16 alone separates
aongstroemii is either sister to the inclusive sect. S. squarrosum and S. teres, and positions the latter
Acutifolia, or is nested within the section, possibly among species of sect. Acutifolia (Fig. 6). This
sister to one of the two major clades that comprise same separation of S. squarrosum and S. teres is
it. retained in the combined rpl16 ⫹ trnL reconstruc-
Polyclada. Sphagnum wulfianum, consistently tion (Fig. 8). There is little question that S. squar-
segregated as the monotypic section, Polyclada, is rosum and S. teres form a monophyletic clade.
nested within the sect. Acutifolia. A close relation- Sect. Squarrosa forms a polytomy with the two
ship between S. wulfianum, S. fimbriatum Wils. & groups of Acutifolia species in analyses of ITS se-
Hook. f., and S. girgensohnii Russ. is strongly sup- quences alone (Fig. 5) and the combined ITS ⫹
ported by ITS (Fig. 5), rpl16 (Fig. 6), rpl16 ⫹ trnL rpl16 data set (Fig. 10). trnL data resolve the
(Fig. 8), ITS ⫹ trnL (Fig. 9), ITS ⫹ rpl16 (Fig. Squarrosa as the sister group to a clade that in-
10), and all three data sets combined (Figs. 11–12). cludes species of sections Acutifolia, Sphagnum,
All three species are not included in every data set, and Rigida (which are not resolved), but without
but when they are, S. fimbriatum is sister to a clade bootstrap support (Fig. 7). Combined ITS ⫹ trnL
consisting of S. girgensohnii and S. wulfianum data, and the three-way combination of ITS ⫹ trnL
(Figs. 5, 9). ⫹ rpl16, suggest a sister group relationship be-
Rigida. Section Rigida, represented by S. com- tween sections Squarrosa and Acutifolia (Figs. 9,
pactum and S. strictum, forms a monophyletic 11–12). Bootstrap support for this relationship is
group in all analyses of ITS, rpl16, and trnL, sep- moderate at best, although when the three-way
arately and in combination (Figs. 5–12). Bootstrap analysis was rooted using S. palustre as the out-
support for monophyly of section Rigida in sepa- group, bootstrap support is 72% (Fig. 12).
rate analyses of each gene is weak or moderate, Species relationships within sections Acutifolia,
although the clade is in each of the strict consensus Cuspidata, and Sphagnum.—Limited taxon sam-
trees. In every case where two or more of these pling precludes detailed analyses of species level
data sets were combined, bootstrap support for a relationships within the sections Cuspidata and
monophyletic section Rigida is very strong (⬎ Sphagnum, although sampling was more exhaustive
90%). in the Acutifolia. Nevertheless, species level pat-
ITS data suggest a sister group relationship be- terns do emerge in each section, and selected phy-
tween sections Rigida and Cuspidata, although with logenetic relationships are described briefly below.
only 53% bootstrap support (Fig. 5). The relation- Acutifolia. The section Acutifolia, as tradition-
ship between sect. Rigida and the larger sections of ally defined morphologically and supported by two-
Sphagnum is unresolved in reconstructions derived and three-gene combined analyses (Figs. 9, 11–12),
from trnL and rpl16, as well as in all two-way com- includes at least two well-marked clades. Indeed,
binations of these data sets and ITS (Figs. 6–10). these clades are resolved in single- and two-gene
When all three data sets are combined; however, a phylogenies even when the inclusive Acutifolia is

FIGURE 9. Strict consensus tree obtained from parsimony analyses of combined nuclear-encoded ITS and chloro-
plast-encoded trnL sequences. Sphagnum capense was designated as the outgroup. Bootstrap support is indicated for
those branches with higher than 50%. The plant labeled ‘‘S. n.sp.2’’ is discussed in the legend to Figure 7.

FIGURE 10. Strict consensus tree obtained from parsimony analyses of combined nuclear-encoded ITS and chloro-
plast-encoded rpl16 sequences. Sphagnum capense was designated as the outgroup. Bootstrap support is indicated for
those branches with higher than 50%. The plant labeled ‘‘S. n.sp.1.’’ is discussed in the legend to Figure 5.

FIGURE 11. Strict consensus tree obtained from parsimony analyses of combined nuclear-encoded ITS and chloro-
plast-encoded rpl16 and trnL sequences. Sphagnum capense was designated as the outgroup. Bootstrap support is
indicated for those branches with higher than 50%.

FIGURE 12. Strict consensus tree obtained from parsimony analyses of combined nuclear-encoded ITS and chloro-
plast-encoded rpl16 and trnL sequences. Sphagnum palustre was designated as the outgroup. Bootstrap support is
indicated for those branches with higher than 50%.

not (Figs. 10–11). One of these groups includes S. nested within the true peatmosses, nor is it a basal
subnitens Russ. & Warnst. S. subfulvum Sjörs, S. species within Sphagnum. This is in contrast to oth-
molle Sull., and S. angermanicum Melin, among er morphologically distinctive species of Sphagnum
others, and also two Neotropical species, S. laxi- such as S. macrophyllum and S. pylaesii, which are
rameum Crum and S. oxyphyllum Warnst. Sphag- clearly nested within the genus as highly derived
num wulfianum, S. girgensohnii, and S. fimbriatum elements. Species of Sphagnum (exclusive of A.
may be part of this group (Figs. 5, 9–10), or it may leucobryoides) share numerous synapomorphic
have a sister group relationship to the two major base substitutions that unite them as a monophyletic
clades (Figs. 11–12). group. The specific branching sequence at the base
The other major clade within the Acutifolia in- of reconstructions from analyses in which A. leu-
cludes S. capillifolium and related species, S. rus- cobryoides, Andreaea, and Takakia are included is
sowii Warnst., S. warnstorfii Russ., S. fuscum not resolved and the combined 26S ⫹ psbT recon-
(Schimp.) Klinggr., and S. quinquefarium struction actually places Andreaea rothii Web. &
(Braithw.) Warnst., plus another group of Neotrop- Mohr rather than A. leucobryoides as the sister
ical species including S. limbatum Mitt., S. sparsum group to Sphagnum. Ambuchanania shares signifi-
Hampe, S. austro-americanum Crum, and S. meri- cant morphological features (discussed below) with
dense (Hampe) C. Müll. (Figs. 5–7, 9–12). The ‘‘S. Sphagnum, and ambiguity in molecular reconstruc-
capillifolium complex’’ itself forms a well-marked tions result from the fact that A. leucobryoides is
clade in almost all analyses. so highly divergent from Sphagnum. Molecular
Cuspidata. A sister group relationship between data clearly support the taxonomic separation of A.
S. torreyanum Sull. and S. recurvum is supported leucobryoides as a separate genus, family, and or-
by 26S (Fig. 1), combined 26S ⫹ psbT (Fig. 3), der of Sphagnopsida, as proposed by Crum and
total evidence analyses (Fig. 4), ITS (Fig. 5), ITS Seppelt (1999). Morphological data link it to the
⫹ rpl16 (Fig. 10), and ITS ⫹ trnL ⫹ rpl16 (Figs. Sphagnales.
11–12). The Neotropical S. sancto-josephense The high level of divergence between A. leucob-
Crum & Crosby forms a clade with S. recurvum ryoides and Sphagnum was observed in 26S se-
and S. torreyanum in reconstructions from 26S quences, which are highly conserved within Sphag-
(Fig. 1), combined 26S ⫹ psbT (Fig. 3), total evi- num. Moreover, although A. leucobryoides se-
dence (Fig. 4), ITS (Fig. 5), ITS ⫹ trnL (Fig. 9), quences from other genomic regions were not for-
ITS ⫹ rpl16 (Fig. 10), and the combined ITS ⫹ mally included in the phylogenetic analyses, data
rpl16 ⫹ trnL analyses (Figs. 11–12). from ITS and trnL also support an isolated position
Sphagnum. A close relationship between the cir- for A. leucobryoides relative to all other Sphagnum
cumtropical S. perichaetiale Hampe and the Neo- species. Sequences from these regions in A. leu-
tropical endemics, S. brevirameum Hampe and S. cobryoides were obtained, but could not be aligned
brasiliense Warnst. is supported by ITS (Fig. 5), with those from any Sphagnum species because of
trnL (Fig. 7), ITS ⫹ trnL (Fig. 9). ITS ⫹ rpl16 their high levels of divergence. Short portions of
(Fig. 10), and the three data sets combined (Figs. ITS and trnL that are alignable between A. leucob-
11–12). In every case, S. brevirameum and S. bras- ryoides and species of Sphagnum show that the A.
iliense form a clade that is sister to S. perichaetiale. leucobryoides sequences are not artifactual (i.e.,
Other Neotropical species including S. aureum from fungal or algal contaminants), and the con-
McQueen, and the more widespread S. portoricense served 5.8S gene within ITS sequences was fully
Hampe are part of a different clade within the sect. alignable with those from Sphagnum. Other por-
Sphagnum. Sphagnum crispatum Andrus and S. al- tions of these sequences, although readily alignable
egrense Warnst., based on samples from Australia, across all species of Sphagnum sampled, are too
are also members of this group, as are the such highly divergent in A. leucobryoides to safely infer
northern species as S. affine Ren & Card., S. pal- base homology between A. leucobryoides and
ustre, and S. henryense Warnst. (Figs. 5–6, 8–11). Sphagnum. Data from the chloroplast-encoded rps4
gene (Cox & Hedderson 1999), not included in the
DISCUSSION present analyses because there is very little varia-
tion within Sphagnum (unpubl. data), provides
Ambuchanania and the polarity of evolutionary more evidence of an isolated position for A. leu-
change in Sphagnum.—Certainly one of the most cobryoides. Although an rps4 sequence is not pres-
significant inferences gained from molecular anal- ently available for A. leucobryoides, the amplified
yses of the Sphagnopsida is that Ambuchanania fragment is substantially smaller than that obtained
leucobryoides and the genus Sphagnum appear to for any Sphagnum species. All of these genomic
be sister groups. DNA sequence data indicate that regions thus strongly support an isolated position
A. leucobryoides is not a highly derived species for A. leucobryoides outside the genus Sphagnum.

Ambuchanania leucobryoides was first described ing, which places the root along the longest branch,
in 1990, and placed in its own monotypic section, resolves sect. Sphagnum as the sister group to other
Buchanania, of Sphagnum (Yamaguchi et al. 1990). species of the genus (not shown). This raises the
It is still known from only two Tasmanian collec- possibility that long branch attraction (Felsenstein
tions, the holotype from a coastal locality in south- 1978) between sect. Sphagnum and the outgroups
western Tasmania, and a subsequent one made in could be involved in the basal placement of sect.
1986 from an inland site in the Tasmanian central Sphagnum in the total evidence analyses, and may
plateau (Crum & Seppelt 1999). Ambuchanania be erroneous. Furthermore, the total evidence anal-
leucobryoides shares morphological features with ysis included both Andreaea and Takakia, but data
Sphagnum that clearly place it in the Sphagnopsida: for the more variable regions (ITS, trnL, rpl16)
branches sometimes weakly fasciculate, differenti- were scored as missing in the outgroups. (The 5.8S
ation of chlorophyllose and hyaline leaf cells, de- gene in ITS sequences were included for the out-
velopment of fibrils and pores in the hyaline cells, groups because this region was alignable with the
sporophyte with a massive, dome-shaped columella ingroup, but the spacer regions were scored as
overarched by sporogenous tissue, absence of a missing.) Large amounts of missing data can also
seta, and elevation of the sporophyte on a game- lead to unpredictable and possibly erroneous out-
tophytic pseudopodium. However, morphological comes.
differences between A. leucobryoides and Sphag- Eddy (1977, 1979) considered species of the
num are also significant. Unlike Sphagnum, both sect. Subsecunda as least modified from the ances-
hyaline and chlorophyllose cells of A. leucobryoi- tral condition in Sphagnum, and speculated that de-
des are sometimes bistratose, archegonia and an- spite its morphological isolation, the section Sphag-
theridia are borne terminally on stems rather than num is highly derived and related to the Acutifolia.
on separate lateral branches, and the antheridia are Andrews (1937) also interpreted sect. Sphagnum as
oblong rather than globose. Significantly, anther- derived within the genus. Eddy (1977) suggested
idial shape in A. leucobryoides is a closer match to that the sect. Acutifolia is paraphyletic, with sect.
those of true mosses (Bryopsida) than to Sphag- Sphagnum derived from within it. Evidence in fa-
num. Additional characters that distinguish A. leu- vor of a basal position for the Subsecunda include
cobryoides from Sphagnum include the absence of the wide distribution and high level of morpholog-
a differentiated wood cylinder and enlarged cortical ical diversity relative to other sections (Eddy 1985,
cells in the stem, leaves bordered by narrow thin- p. 80). Eddy (1977) further argued that unbranched,
walled (rather than thick-walled) cells, and poor de- isophyllous stems with serially and/or randomly ar-
velopment of fasciculate branching. Although some ranged pores in leaf hyaline cells provides further
derived species of Sphagnum lack or nearly lack evidence of primitivity in the Subsecunda. Such un-
fasciculate branching (e.g., S. pylaesii), this appears branched isophyllous forms are common in the
to represent a secondary loss from a fasciculate an- Subsecunda (e.g., S. cyclophyllum, S. simplex Fife,
cestral condition, whereas sparsely branched stems some forms of S. subsecunda Nees and S. lescurii
in A. leucobryoides may represent a plesiomorphic Sull.), and the fact that Ambuchanania also has
condition. non- or weakly fasciculate branching may support
Polarity of evolutionary change within Sphag- Eddy’s hypothesis. Sampling of Subsecunda is in-
num inferred from outgroup rooting of molecular sufficient at present to resolve patterns of evolution
data is ambiguous and this important issue requires within the section, but S. simplex, recently de-
additional work. Separate and combined analyses scribed by Fife (1996) from New Zealand, should
of 26S and psbT sequences suggest that species tra- be examined carefully because of its simple mor-
ditionally classified in the sect. Subsecunda are bas- phology and geographic proximity to Ambuchan-
al, but total evidence analyses including all five ania.
genes resolve the sect. Sphagnum as sister to re- Circumscription of sections Acutifolia, Cuspi-
maining species, and place the Subsecunda in a data, Sphagnum, and Subsecunda, and relation-
more derived position as sister to a clade containing ships of the smaller sections.—A revised classifi-
the Acutifolia and Cuspidata. Both of these con- cation for Sphagnum is presented below, but first
trasting inferences should be viewed with caution. some modifications of sectional circumscriptions
Reconstructions that suggest the Subsecunda as that are well-supported by molecular data are pro-
basal are based on neighbor joining analyses and posed.
the topologies are without bootstrap support. Sim- Acutifolia. Molecular evidence derived from the
ilarly, resolution of sect. Sphagnum as basal in total combined analyses of multiple genes (ITS, trnL,
evidence parsimony analyses is without bootstrap rpl16) supports a monophyletic origin for the sect.
support. Moreover, Sphagnum is the most patristi- Acutifolia, although the two major clades that com-
cally isolated section of the genus. Midpoint root- prise it are so distinct that single-gene phylogenies

fail to combine them as a monophyletic group. The Some authors include S. pylaesii in the Subsecunda
two groups correspond closely (although not iden- (e.g., Andrus 1980; Isoviita 1966) whereas others
tically) to the ‘‘green- and red-Acutfolia’’ that are segregate it as the sect. Hemitheca (Braithwaite
resolved by isozyme loci (Cronberg 1996). (Red 1878; Crum 1984). Daniels and Eddy (1985) rec-
pigmentation can be developed in species of both ognized the sect. Hemitheca, but considered it a
groups, although the ‘‘red’’ Acutifolia are more typ- segregate of the Subsecunda. Lindberg (1882, cited
ically red in color.) The green Acutifolia include S. in Isoviita 1966) grouped S. cyclophyllum with S.
subnitens, S. subfulvum, S. angermanicum, and S. pylaesii in the sect. Hemitheca. Sphagnum pylaesii
molle, among others, whereas the red Acutifolia in- has a number of autapomorphic morphological
clude S. capillifolium and related species, S. fus- characters including isophyllous, nonfasciculate
cum, S. quinquefarium, and S. meridense. There stems; immersed or emergent, hemispheric capsules
may be ecological correlates to this division as that are borne on slender side branches below the
well, with the red Acutifolia typical of ombrotroph- capitulum; and the absence of pseudostomata
ic habitats and the green Acutifolia more typical of (Braithwaite 1878; Crum 1984). Nevertheless, se-
minerotrophic wetlands (Cronberg 1996). There is quence data are unambiguous in placing S. pylaesii
ecological heterogeneity within each group, how- deeply within the Cuspidata, and provide no evi-
ever. dence of a relationship to the Subsecunda. Mor-
Schimper (1876) included S. aongstroemii in his phological similarities between S. pylaesii and S.
sect. Mollia, with S. molle and S. compactum (as S. tenellum, including the broadly concave, more or
rigidum (Nees & Hornsch.) Schimp.). Andrews less isophyllous leaves, is apparently synapomorph-
(1913), Isoviita (1966), and Daniels and Eddy ic, as these species appear to have a sister group
(1985), noted morphological similarities between S. relationship within the Cuspidata. The sections
aongstroemii and the Squarrosa. Nevertheless, Mollusca and Hemitheca should be abandoned in
most recent authors have separated S. aongstroemii favor of a monophyletic sect. Cuspidata.
as the monotypic sect. Insulosa (e.g., Crum 1984; Andrews (1911, 1913), among others, has sug-
Daniels & Eddy 1985; Isoviita 1966). The position gested that the sections Cuspidata and Subsecunda
of S. aongstroemii is not fully resolved by molec- intergrade morphologically. DNA sequence data,
ular data, but the species is clearly either nested however, indicate that the two sections are distinct
within the Acutifolia, or sister to the rest of the and each monophyletic. On the other hand, several
section. In either case, segregation of S. aongstroe- species, including S. mendocinum Sull. & Lesq. of
mii in its own section is not justified. The sect. In- the North American Pacific northwest, the subant-
sulosa should be abandoned and S. aongstroemii arctic S. falcatulum Besch., and S. ehyalinum Shaw
should be included within a monophyletic sect. & Goffinet from Patagonia, provide evidence of
Acutifolia. past hybridization involving members of the Sub-
Sphagnum sericeum, a species of uncertain affin- secunda and Cuspidata (unpubl. data). Similar ev-
ities sometimes grouped with S. macrophyllum be- idence of past reticulation has been reported in var-
cause of the absence of leaf cell fibrils (e.g., Warns- ious angiosperm groups (Rieseberg & Wendel
torf 1911), has been segregated in its own section, 1993) and does not negate evidence for a mono-
Acocosphagnum C. Müll. (Isoviita 1966). Molecu- phyletic origin of the groups.
lar data strongly suggest that S. sericea is nested Sphagnum. The sect. Sphagnum is well-marked
within the sect. Acutifolia. The only sequence avail- morphologically and molecular evidence corrobo-
able for S. sericea comes from the ITS region. If rates a monophyletic origin for the group. The de-
this relationship is true, S. sericea must be included gree of isolation of S. austinii and S. steerei from
in the sect. Acutifolia for the latter to be monophy- other members of sect. Sphagnum is surprising, es-
letic. The same is true for S. wulfianum, for which pecially considering the close morphological rela-
there is strong multigenic molecular evidence of tionships between these species and S. affine Ren.
membership in the Acutifolia. The section Polycla- & Card. Indeed, Crum (1984) considered S. austinii
da should be abandoned. to be a synonym of S. imbricatum Russ. which he
Cuspidata. The sect. Cuspidata is clearly re- defined broadly to include S. affine and closely re-
solved by molecular data. Furthermore, there is lit- lated taxa that Flatberg (1986) recognized at the
tle question that S. tenellum (sect. Mollusca) and S. specific level. The species in this group, including
pylaesii (sect. Hemitheca) are nested within the both S. austinii and S. steerei, are distinguished by
Cuspidata as highly derived, morphologically di- relatively minor differences in hyaline cell orna-
vergent species. Although most authors (e.g., An- mentation, as well as general aspect and color. No
drus 1980; Crum 1984; Isoviita 1966) include S. obvious explanation can be provided for the mo-
tenellum in the sect. Cuspidata, Daniels and Eddy lecular divergence of S. steerei and S. austinii, and
(1985) classified it in the monotypic sect. Mollusca. their isolation is not limited to sequences from a

single gene. Nevertheless, in analyses of combined ships among European species of Sphagnum. Their
data from multiple genes, the sect. Sphagnum is tree also divides Sphagnum into two major clades.
resolved as a monophyletic group despite the di- One consists of the sections Rigida, Mollusca (S.
vergence of these two species. Molecular data from tenellum), Cuspidata, Subsecunda, and Hemitheca,
additional collections of S. austinii and S. steerei and the other consists of sections Polyclada, Insu-
might shed light on this surprising situation. losa, Squarrosa, Acutifolia, and Sphagnum. In the
Subsecunda. In analyses of 26S and psbT se- first clade, section Rigida is featured as sister to the
quences in which outgroup taxa were included, spe- clade including sections Cuspidata, Subsecunda,
cies traditionally classified in the sect. Subsecunda and Hemitheca. Sphagnum pylaesii (Hemitheca)
form either a monophyletic clade without bootstrap and S. tenellum (Mollusca) represent isolated clades
support (26S) or a paraphyletic grade (psbT). Sin- unrelated to each other, and outside the Cuspidata
gle-gene analyses based on ITS, trnL, and rpl16 s.s. This is in conflict with strong molecular evi-
were arbitrarily rooted with a member of the Sub- dence, which suggests that S. pylaesii and S. tenel-
secunda as the outgroup, so monophyly of the Sub- lum are derived sister species nested within the
secunda could not be independently evaluated. The Cuspidata. The other of the two major infrageneric
only test of monophyly for the Subsecunda comes clades hypothesized by Daniels and Eddy (1985)
from the combined ITS ⫹ trnL ⫹ rpl16 analysis in shows S. wulfianum as sister to a clade that contains
which S. palustre was designated as the outgroup, the sections Insulosa (S. aongstroemii), Squarrosa,
and in that case the Subsecunda were resolved as a Acutifolia, and Sphagnum. This also is in conflict
monophyletic group, albeit with weak bootstrap with the molecular data. Sequences from three
support. genes provide strong support for a position for S.
Virtually all permutations of the molecular data wulfianum within the Acutifolia, closely related to
indicate a close relationship between S. cyclophyl- S. fimbriatum and S. girgensohnii. Daniels and
lum and S. macrophyllum. Both species are mor- Eddy (1985) showed S. aongstroemii as sister to
phologically atypical and Lindberg (1862, cited in the Squarrosa, whereas molecular data suggest that
Isoviita 1966) raised S. macrophyllum to generic it is either sister to the Acutifolia or nested within
rank as Isocladus. Andrews (1937) suggested a re- that section. However, the Squarrosa and Acutifolia
lationship for S. macrophyllum to the Subsecunda. may have a sister group relationship, so although
Maass (1967) noted similarities between S. macro- the weight of the evidence places S. aongstroemii
phyllum and the Cuspidata. Isoviita (1966) sug- closer to the Acutifolia, the hypothesis of Daniels
gested that the sect. Isocladus should be classified and Eddy should not be dismissed. Andrews (1913)
between the Subsecunda and Cuspidata. The mo- also hypothesized a sister group relationship be-
lecular evidence is unambiguous that S. cyclophyl- tween S. aongstroemii and the sect. Squarrosa. Iso-
lum is a member of the Subsecunda, and is closely zyme data suggested a close relationship between
related to S. macrophyllum. The high level of con- the Acutifolia and Squarrosa, and in fact support a
sistency across all five genes representing both the position for the Squarrosa nested within the Acu-
nuclear and chloroplast genomes argue strongly tifolia (Cronberg 1996). Unfortunately, S. aongs-
that S. macrophyllum, however atypical morpho- troemii was not included in the isozyme analyses.
logically, belongs in the Subsecunda. The section Morphological and biogeographic implica-
Isocladus should be abandoned. tions.—Morphological evolution. A formal cladis-
Phylogenetic relationships among the sections tic analysis of morphological variation in the
of Sphagnum.—Only two previous phylogenetic Sphagnopsida has not yet been completed, but phy-
trees for Sphagnum have been published. He and logenetic hypotheses derived from molecular data
Aur (1991) provided a cladogram illustrating their permit a few preliminary statements about the evo-
hypothesis of relationships among species of lution of morphological characters. Based on the
Sphagnum represented in Northeast China. The tree inference that Ambuchanania leucobryoides is the
shows two main branches, one with the sections sister group to Sphagnum, unbranched or sparsely
Squarrosa and Sphagnum as sister groups, and the branched stems appear to be plesiomorphic in
other including species of sections Subsecunda, Po- Sphagnum. Nonfasciculate forms are especially
lyclada, Acutifolia, and Cuspidata. Sphagnum wul- common in the sect. Subsecunda, but it is unclear
fianum (sect. Polyclada) is shown as sister to the at present which, if any, represent retained ancestral
Subsecunda in a monophyletic clade, and this clade states and which are derived by secondary reduc-
is in turn sister to the Acutifolia plus Cuspidata. tion from fasciculate ancestors. It is clear that non-
These relationships are not supported by molecular fasciculate branching is not homologous across
analyses. Sphagnum. The simplex growth form of S. pylaesii,
Daniels and Eddy (1985) provided a phyloge- nested within the Cuspidata, evolved independently
netic tree illustrating their hypothesis of relation- of similar morphologies in the Subsecunda. Al-

though it could be that nonfasciculate branching is studying peatmoss diversity in South America, and
plesiomorphic in the sect. Subsecunda, it is almost his unpublished treatment for the Flora Neotropica
certainly derived in the Cuspidata. The fact that recognizes more than 180 species (Crum, pers.
many species in the Subsecunda have a propensity comm.). Crum has suggested that the Neotropics
to display isophyly and nonfasciculate branching may in fact be the center of diversity for Sphagnum,
under some environmental conditions, and that the even though they do not form extensive peatlands
growth form is fixed in such species as S. cyclo- there. Gams (1932) considered Brazil a center of
phyllum and S. simplex, may well result from ho- diversity for Sphagnum and suggested that many
mologous genes or gene combinations shared by ‘‘old’’ species have survived there. Andrews
the Subsecunda. (1937), on the other hand, argued that most South
It is noteworthy that A. leucobryoides does not American taxa are closely related or identical to
have fibrillose stem or branch cortical cells, as is northern species. The exceptionally broad species
diagnostic (or near diagnostic) for the sect. Sphag- concepts of Andrews are well known, and molec-
num. Evidently, fibrillose cortical cells are not ple- ular data do not support the contention that Neo-
siomorphic in the genus Sphagnum, and are instead tropical Sphagna are conspecific with boreal taxa.
a synapomorphy for the sect. Sphagnum. Other sig- Even if Crum’s estimate, based in an inadequate
nificant morphological states shared by species of number of collections (at no fault of Crum’s), is off
sect. Sphagnum include the presence of a marginal by 50%, the diversity of Sphagnum in South Amer-
resorption furrow on the branch leaves, and an ab- ica may be greater than in any other region of the
sence of retort-shaped branch cortical cells. A sister world. Some of the questions that arise are what
group relationship between the sections Sphagnum are the phylogenetic relationships between tropical
and Rigida is suggested by several of the molecular and boreal species? Where did the genus originate?
analyses, and although that relationship does not Is the dominance of Sphagnum in many boreal hab-
have strong support, it shows up in the results from
itats a relatively recent development (in the context
multiple genes and makes sense in terms of mor-
of Sphagnum evolution)? Were there multiple dis-
phological evolution. A sister group relationship
persal events between low and high latitudes? What
implies that the marginal resorption furrow shared
were the directions of such dispersal events?
by species in these two sections is homologous.
Eddy (1985) hypothesized that Sphagnum origi-
Species of the sect. Rigida have poorly developed
nated in Africa and that species of sect. Subsecun-
retort cells in the branch cortex, another feature that
da, specifically the ‘‘S. capense group,’’ are most
suggests a relationship to the sect. Sphagnum. An
similar to the hypothetical ancestor of all Sphagna.
alternative hypothesis suggested by ITS sequences,
He further suggested that the sections of Sphagnum
that sections Rigida and Cuspidata have a sister
diversified prior to the breakup of Pangaea, thus
group relationship, is less parsimonious in terms of
the evolution of these morphological traits. Phylo- accounting for the worldwide distributions of the
genetic inferences derived from the molecular anal- large sections. The sect. Acutifolia, which is not
yses, on the other hand, indicate that the resorption diverse in tropical or Southern Hemisphere regions,
furrow found in S. molle of the sect. Acutifolia may have diversified later, after the breakup of
evolved independently of those in sections Rigida Laurasia and Gondwanaland (Eddy 1977, 1979).
and Sphagnum. Sphagnum costae Crum & Da Cos- Eddy (1985) pointed out that in tropical regions,
ta, from Brazil, also has a resorption furrow and is most species are endemic to particular continental
thought to be related to S. molle (Crum & Da Costa areas, notwithstanding the occurrence of a few such
1994). pantropical species as S. perichaetiale and S. stric-
Biogeography. More extensive sampling of spe- tum (the latter also widespread at northern lati-
cies within sections and resolution of polarity for tudes). He (Eddy 1977) suggested that boreal taxa
the Sphagnum phylogeny are crucial for making are derived relative to basal species, especially Af-
biogeographic inferences. Nevertheless, prelimi- rican, in the genus.
nary inferences suggest that Sphagnum will provide The geographic origin of Sphagnum remains un-
a valuable model for biogeographic studies. clear because of uncertainty about rooting the in-
Sphagnum-dominated peatlands are most exten- frageneric phylogeny. The question of ultimate or-
sive in boreal regions of the Northern Hemisphere igins has to await resolution of this problem. There
and most people think of boreal regions as the are, however, geographic patterns that support
‘‘home’’ to Sphagnum. While it is true that the bio- Eddy’s view of regional speciation in some groups.
mass produced by species of Sphagnum is by far In the Subsecunda, although polarity of evolution
greatest in the boreal zone, the highest species di- is not resolved for the section as a whole, it is clear
versity is not found in northern areas (Halsey et al. that S. macrophyllum and S. cyclophyllum, both
2000). Howard Crum has been especially active in species of the southeastern U.S., are closely related

and probably sister taxa. Boreal Subsecunda, in- virameum and S. brasiliense) are closely related to
cluding S. orientale Sav.-Ljub., S. platyphyllum the pantropical species, S. perichaetiale. Another
(Braithw.) Warnst., and S. contortum Schultz form tropical species of sect. Sphagnum, S. portoricense,
a clade distinct from southern species of this sec- is not closely related to the S. perichaetiale group,
tion in most analyses. Sphagnum lescurii of eastern but rather to such boreal species as S. affine. Such
North America is not a part of that clade. (S. sub- a relationship was suggested by Warnstorf (1889)
secundum s.s. was not included in the analyses.) and Andrews (1912). Andrews (1912) provided a
African and Asian species appear to have a closer diagram illustrating his concepts of relationships
relationship among themselves than to any boreal among species of sect. Sphagnum, and showed S.
or New World species, although it should be men- portoricense as the most derived species, descend-
tioned that none of the numerous South American ed directly from S. imbricatum. Interestingly, the
Subsecunda have been included in the analyses yet. Australian S. cristatum is also apparently related to
In the sections Cuspidata and Sphagnum, sam- this group. A specimen collected in Australia and
pling is too restricted to date to make many gen- labeled as S. alegrense, a species otherwise restrict-
eralizations, and in particular, to determine if boreal ed to the Neotropics, is also a member of this clade.
versus low latitude taxa are basal in the section. It More extensive sampling of species will undoubt-
is clear, however, that at least two of the endemic edly show that the Sphagnum flora of particular re-
South American species of sect. Sphagnum (S. bre- gions such as northern South America have com-

FIGURE 13. Strict consensus tree obtained from parsimony analyses of combined nuclear-encoded ITS and chloro-
plast-encoded rpl16 and trnL sequences, as an unrooted network.

plex biogeographic origins that involve multiple ar ribosomal DNA and the psbT chloroplast gene
lineages, even within sections. can be compared between Sphagum and outgroups,
Some species of sect. Cuspidata are widespread but more variable genomic regions are so different
at high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere and in Sphagnum that comparisons cannot be made.
these species invite additional investigations at the The same problems encountered in rooting any
population level to elucidate patterns of dispersal phylogeny of Sphagnum based on morphology are
and vicariance. It is noteworthy that the present also encountered with molecular data. The Sphag-
analyses corroborate a close relationship between nopsida are so highly divergent that homologies are
S. cuspidatum and such Southern Hemisphere spe- obscure.
cies as S. falcatulum and S. cuspidatulum C. Müll., An unrooted network showing relationships
which comprise the ‘‘S. cuspidatum complex’’ based on combined ITS ⫹ rpl16 ⫹ trnL data (Fig.
based on morphological similarities. This relation- 13) suggests that phylogenetic diversity in Sphag-
ship is evident even though the sample of S. cus- num is ‘‘packaged’’ in four major lineages, even if
pidatum sequenced for this study was collected in sister-group relationships among these lineages are
North Carolina. Population-based sampling of such unresolved. A classification for the genus that in-
widespread Sphagna as S. cuspidatum, S. magellan- cludes the four large sections, without segregation
icum, and the bipolar S. fimbriatum, would un- of any of the smaller groups from these, would re-
doubtedly prove to be informative. flect phylogenetic relationships accurately.
Basal species of the section Acutifolia are un- Molecular results are unambiguous in placing the
ambiguously northern. The northern distribution of sections, Hemitheca, Isocladus, Insulosa, and Poly-
species in sect. Squarrosa, which is probably the clada within the larger sections. A case could be
sister group to Acutifolia, supports a northern origin made, however, for recognizing the sections Squar-
for both sections. The Acutifolia are not diverse in rosa and Rigida. Squarrosa may be sister to the rest
most tropical areas, but in his unpublished Flora of the Acutifolia and, as such, could be afforded sec-
Neotropica treatment, Crum (pers. comm.) recog- tional rank. Nevertheless, in the context of the whole
nized 34 species in Central and South America. genus, it makes more sense to define the Acutifolia
Molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest at least in the more inclusive way to include the Squarrosa
two origins of Neotropical Acutifolia from boreal as well. Placement of the sect. Rigida relative to oth-
ancestors. One group, including S. meridense, S. er sections is less clear, but the weight of the mo-
austro-americanum, S. lewisii Crum, S. limbatum, lecular evidence argues for a sister group relation-
and S. sparsum, are derived within the ‘‘red Acu- ship with sect. Sphagnum. This placement is consis-
tifolia.’’ The other group, represented by S. laxi- tent with morphological characters. Andrews (1937)
rameum and S. oxyphyllum, are derived within the argued that sect. Rigida shares significant features
‘‘green Acutifolia.’’ Sphagum junghunianum Dozy with the sections Acutifolia, Cuspidata, and Subse-
& Molk., a widespread species in Asia as well as cunda, and consequently separated it from the sect.
the New World may be part of this group. Crum Sphagnum (as subgenus Litophloea) and included it
(1993) compared S. austro-americanum to S. sub- in a subgenus with those sections (as subg. Lito-
nitens, but the affinites of this species appear to be phloea). The phylogenetic placement of Rigida as
with the red Acutifolia. Evidently, there have been sister to the sect. Sphagnum is consistent with the
at least two dispersal events from boreal to tropical hypothesis that morphological character states
latitudes within the Acutifolia, independently within shared by Rigida and the sections Acutifolia, Cus-
the red and green clades. Tropical green Acutifolia pidata, and Subsecunda are plesiomorphic. Rigida
are closely related to S. subnitens, S. subfulvum, appears to simply lack the autapomorphic morpho-
and the eastern North American S. flavicomans logical features that characterize sect. Sphagnum.
(Card.) Warnst. Sampling of additional Acutifolia The following classification for Sphagnum, including
from the Neotropics may require hypothesizing ad- a partial list of synonymy, is proposed based on the
ditional dispersal from boreal to low latitude areas. results of molecular analyses.
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phological autapomorphies and it is difficult to po- sect. Squarrosa (Russ.) Schimp.
section CUSPIDATA (Lindb.) Schlieph. Synonyms:
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