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Bryophytes of Jaú National Park (Amazonas, Brazil): Estimating species

detectability and richness in a lowland Amazonian megareserve

Author(s): Adriel M. Sierra, Alain Vanderpoorten, S. Robbert Gradstein, Marta R. Pereira, Cid José
Passos Bastos and Charles E. Zartman
Source: The Bryologist, 121(4):571-588.
Published By: The American Bryological and Lichenological Society, Inc.

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Bryophytes of Jaú National Park (Amazonas, Brazil): Estimating species
detectability and richness in a lowland Amazonian megareserve

Adriel M. Sierra1, Alain Vanderpoorten2, S. Robbert Gradstein3, Marta R. Pereira1,

Cid José Passos Bastos4 and Charles E. Zartman1,5

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Departamento de Biodiversidade, Av. André Araújo Aleixo, Caixa Postal
478, 69060001 Manaus, Brasil; 2 Institute of Botany, University of Liège, B22 Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège, Belgium; 3 Institut
de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité (UMR 7205), Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle - Sorbonne Universités, 57
rue Cuvier, CP 39, 75005 Paris, France; 4 Universidade Federal da Bahia, Instituto de Biologia, Laboratório de Taxonomia
de Briófitas – BrioFLORA, Campus Universitário de Ondina, 40170-280 Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

ABSTRACT. In the past decade, floristic studies have rebounded as checklists are fundamental for executing
meta-analyses which address ecological, biogeographic and evolutionary questions of broad geographic
scope. Despite the importance of checklists as baseline records of local diversity and distributions, few
attempts have been made to quantify sampling effort and species detectability within and among study
sites. Quantitative floristics, which combines the use of checklists with statistical methods for estimating
local richness, is a promising method for characterizing the completeness of checklists especially for
cryptic components of biodiversity. For bryophytes, quantifying levels of detectability among substrate
types is of central importance, especially in tropical forests where much of their diversity is harbored in
difficult to access habitats such as the tree canopy. In light of the need to establish quantifiable protocols
of detectability in poorly studied tropical regions, we present a bryophyte checklist for the Jaú National
Park (JNP), located in the heart of the Amazon, and estimate local species richness and detectability as it
relates to five substrate types (epiphytes, epiphylls, epixylic, epipetric and soil). Identifications from 712
collections made during four excursions over the past decade to JNP revealed 150 species consisting of two
new country records and five new state records, along with 20 rarely collected Amazonian endemics.
Despite our intensive sampling, which included systematic canopy collections during one of the
excursions, Chao richness index estimated that ca. 46 species (nearly one-third of those presently
observed) remain undetected from JNP. Furthermore, levels of detectability among substrates varied
widely, where observed epiphyte richness, in contrast to the other substrates types, most closely
approximated the estimates. Our results illustrate the need for quantitative richness estimates as a means
to increase the accuracy of checklist data, particularly when used in meta-analyses addressing global-scale

KEYWORDS. Amazon, epiphyte, epiphyll, Lejeuneaceae, quantitative floristics, non-parametric richness

estimators, Rio Negro, tropical forest.

^ ^ ^

The Amazon is the largest tropical ecosystem on 2001; Mahli et al. 2008). The past two decades have
Earth, and its biodiversity remains relatively unex- brought about a surge in the documentation of
plored across large areas. Despite its vast expanse, Brazil’s bryoflora (Flora do Brasil: Costa & Peralta
the Amazon is widely threatened by anthropogenic 2015; Gradstein & Costa 2003; Yano 2006a,b);
pressures contributing to continued loss of its however, most of this recent floristic work has been
biodiversity and native habitats (Laurance et al. concentrated in extra-Amazonian biomes. To date,
Richard Spruce’s Hepaticae Amazonicae et Andinae
Corresponding author’s e-mail: (Spruce 1884–1885) and Churchill’s (1998) checklist
DOI: 10.1639/0007-2745-121.4.571 of Amazonian mosses remain the most comprehen-

The Bryologist 121(4), pp. 571–588 Published online: December 10 2018 0007-2745/18/$1.95/0
Copyright Ó2018 by The American Bryological and Lichenological Society, Inc.
572 The Bryologist 121(4): 2018

sive resources on hepatics and mosses, respectively,

of the Amazon Basin.
Quantitative studies of lowland Amazonian
epiphytic bryophytes (Campos et al. 2015; Mota &
ter Steege 2013) have revealed that many recently
described taxa assumed to be narrow endemics (e.g.,
Dauphin 2003; Ilkiu-Borges & Gradstein 2008;
Zartman & Ackerman 2002) are common and
widespread at the continental scale, suggesting that
bryophytes, particularly those of the forest canopy
and rheophytes remain systemically under collected
throughout their Amazonian ranges (see also
Gradstein 1994; Gradstein & Costa 2003). In support Figure 1. Map of Jaú National Park in Amazonas state, Brazil.
of this hypothesis as well are results from bryo-
floristic studies compiled from both historical (see since such areas are interminably protected from
Costa et al. 2017) and recent (Costa 2017; Costa local anthropogenic disturbance.
2000; Sierra et al. in press) expeditions which The Rio Negro is the largest tributary of the
repeatedly report large range expansions for numer- Amazon Basin, and its upper reaches along the
ous taxa. Furthermore, a recent acceleration in the Colombian and Venezuelan borders harbor numer-
rates of species descriptions from the Amazon ous bryophyte taxa known only from either the
provides additional evidence that taxonomic knowl- holotype or few other historical collections (Costa et
edge of Amazonian bryophytes is far from complete al. 2017; Pócs 2002; Reese 1993; Schuster 1999, 1991;
(Bastos & Zartman 2017; Bastos et al. 2016; Bastos & Spruce 1884–1885). Indeed, major floristic gaps have
Zartman 2016; Brito & Ilkiu-Borges 2012a; Gradstein been documented for flowering plants (Cardoso et
& Costa 2018; Gradstein & Ilkiu-Borges 2018; Ilkiu- al. 2017; Hopkins 2007) and hepatics alike (Grad-
Borges & Gradstein 2008; Ilkiu-Borges 2011; Moura stein & Costa 2003) throughout the Amazon Basin.
et al. 2012; Pócs 2002; Zartman & Ackerman 2002). To our knowledge, no bryophyte checklist exists
Checklists are an important source of taxonom- from any National Park or Biological Reserve within
ic, systematic and distributional data that may be the 5,500,000 km2 of the Amazon forest. Jaú
used to address questions rooted in ecological and National Park (JNP), of the middle Rio Negro,
biogeographical frameworks (Söderström et al. covers ca. 2.4 million hectares of lowland Amazonian
2008). Bryophyte-based meta-analyses have taken rainforest (Fig. 1), is the second largest national park
advantage of these valuable sources of information in Brazil, and the third largest unit of protected
to tackle global-scale topics such as, for example, the tropical terrestrial ecosystem on Earth. More im-
presence of latitudinal diversity gradients (Wang et portantly, it is the only federal conservation unit in
al. 2016), spatial patterns in beta diversity (Norhaz- the Amazon Basin that encompasses an entire
rina et al. 2016), range sizes and reproductive life watershed of a major tributary. Located 220 km
history traits (Laenen et al. 2015), and climate northwest of Manaus, JNP harbors dense (77%),
change impacts on distributions (Patiño et al. 2016). open (14%), and transitional (7%) rainforest as well
However, particularly pertinent for tropical bryo- as white-sands campinarana (2%) forests (FVA
phytes, such as epiphytes and epiphylls, character- 1998).
ized by reduced gametophyte sizes of mixed colonies In light of the importance of quantifying
and inaccessible habitats, is the question of detect- detectability and estimating species richness of less
ability. That is, how can sampling completeness be conspicuous components of Amazonian biodiversi-
quantified among checklists to account for variation ty, we present a bryophyte checklist for JNP resulting
in detectability? This question is of exceptional from multiple collecting expeditions made by several
concern when dealing with survey projects in of the authors over the past decade. Our principal
conservation units, such as national parks and objectives with the present data are to: 1) present a
biological reserves, as they may serve as baseline list of the bryophyte species from JNP with their
sites for distributional and demographic studies updated geographical distributions; 2) employ non-
Sierra et al.: Bryophytes of Jaú National Park, Brazil 573

Table 1. Description of localities sites in Jaú National Park.

Locality Latitude Longitude Forest type

Mouth of the Jaú River 01854 0 12 00 S 61825 0 44 00 W Campinarana/seasonal flooded forest (igapô)
Jaú River, Itaubal trail 01852 0 39 00 S 61835 0 16 00 W Dense rainforest/ campinarana
ICMBIO Base, Seringalzinho trail 01850 0 30 00 S 61837 0 35 00 W Secondary rainforest
Carabinani River 02802 0 38 00 S 61833 0 28 00 W Rocky vegetation/dense rainforest
Carabinani River, upstream of Preto creek 02803 0 07 00 S 61833 0 34 00 W Dense rainforest

parametric quantitative methods to estimate local Species richness estimation. To estimate the
species richness among Amazonian substrate types; total bryophyte species richness for JNP based on the
and 3) quantify variability in species detectability as current sampling, species accumulation curves (100
it relates to substrate type. A secondary goal of this permutations) were generated from sample based
study is to establish a protocol for bryophyte rarefactions using the Coleman method (Coleman et
documentation in tropical regions in the hopes that al. 1982). Species accumulation curves were also
tropical bryologists may standardize quantitative generated using the same method for five substrate
floristic surveys, thus allowing for more statistically types (epiphytic, epiphyllic, epixylic, epipetric and
confident inter-site comparisons. soil) in order to estimate substrate specific differ-
ences in species detectability.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Using the entire data set, species richness was
Sampling and checklist. Specimens were col- estimated by major taxonomic groups (liverworts
lected in October of 2007, February of 2008, and mosses) as well as for substrate type by
November of 2016 and September of 2017 from extrapolating the number of undetected species
the lower Jaú and lower to middle Carabinani rivers based on the current species pool using the non-
(Table 1) resulting in a total of 712 specimens. parametric estimating method Chao Index with
Collections were made in terra firme (dense rain- standard error (Chao 1987). Since the Chao
forest), campinarana (high white-sand forest), cam- estimation did not stabilize with the present
pina (low white-sand forest), and igapô (seasonally sampling number for some substrates (e.g., epixylic,
inundated forest) (Fig. 2). During the September epipetric and soil), we applied first-order Jackknife
2017 excursion, collections were made from five and Bootstrap estimators, which may reduce bias of
height zones of full size canopy trees in igapô and small sample sizes (Gotelli & Colwell 2001), with
terra firme forests. The tree canopy bryoflora was standard error estimated following Smith and van
collected using traditional Amazonian methods, Belle (1984). All analyses were carried out using R
which entails the use of a belt (peconha) cinched software (version 3.2.5) (2017). The species accu-
tightly around the ankles to allow for the climber to mulation curves and species estimation analysis were
shimmy up the trunk of mid-sized trees. From the done using the vegan package (Oksanen et al. 2016).
vantage point of the canopy, collecting pruners with
aluminium pole extenders are employed to cut outer RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
branches for study once fallen to the ground. From
the inner canopy, collections are made with Bryophyte checklist of the Jaú National Park.
machetes and knives by removal of live bark upon The bryophyte flora of the Jaú National Park is
which the epiphyte resides. In the other three represented by 19 families, 58 genera, and 150
excursions, collections were haphazardly made at species, (109 liverworts and 41 mosses), seven of
various locations within the study region as cited which we were not able to identify to species. The
above. All specimens are deposited at one of several most diverse families were Lejeuneaceae (81 spp.)
herbaria (INPA, LG, PC, UFBA) as indicated for each and Lepidoziaceae (11 spp.) for liverworts, and
sample. Nomenclature follows the Liverwort World Calymperaceae (16 spp.) and Sematophyllaceae (9
Checklist (Söderström et al. 2015) for liverworts, spp.) for mosses, in total accounting for 78% of the
with updates, and Flora do Brasil for mosses (Costa JNP flora. The richest genera Cheilolejeunea 15 spp.,
& Peralta 2015). Cololejeunea 12 spp. and Ceratolejeunea 6 spp. for
574 The Bryologist 121(4): 2018

Figure 2. Forest types in Jaú National Park. A. Water-fall on dense forest in Itaubal trail. B. Seasonal flooded forest (igapô). C. Rocky vegetation along
Carabinani River. D. Campinarana rocky forest along Carabinani River.

liverworts, and Syrrhopodon 12 spp. for mosses Diversity and species richness estimation. A
account for 30% of the bryophyte richness. total of 150 species from 1,152 records in 712
Two species of epiphyllous liverworts are new samples were collected from the five substrate types
country records for Brazil (Cololejeunea moralesiae and as follows: 104 spp. as epiphytes (trees, shrubs,
C. cornutissima). Five species are new state records for branches or twigs), 38 spp. as epiphylls (leaf
Amazonas (Cheilolejeunea ornata, C. polyantha, C. surfaces), 31 spp. epixylic (decomposing logs), 16
intertexta, Cololejeunea panamensis, Fissidens steerei). spp. epipetric (rocks) and 24 spp. on soil (white
The most common liverworts are Cheilolejeunea sand, or dirt). Considering the entire dataset, 68 spp.
aneogyna, Pycnolejeunea contigua, Cheilolejeunea ne- (45.3%) are singletons (sensu Chao 1987), either
blinensis, Cololejeunea surinamensis, Archilejeunea fus- recorded once (44 spp.) or twice (24 spp.). Among
cescens, Acrolejeunea torulosa, Vitalianthus aphanellus, substrates our data include a high percentage of
and the mosses Leucobryum martianum and Syrrho- singletons, 53.8% of epiphytes (56 spp.), 47.4% of
podon xanthophyllus. Various species common in JNP epiphylls (18 spp.), 71.0% of epixylic (22 spp.),
were previously considered rare with a restricted 68.7% of epipetric (11 spp.), and 62.5% on soil (15
distribution (Cheilolejeunea neblinensis, C. assurgens, spp.). A singleton within a substrate might occur
C. asperiflora and Vitalianthus aphanellus) as they were more frequently on another substrate as a generalist.
previously recorded from only a few localities (Bastos Rarefaction curves show that species richness is close
2017; Gradstein & Costa 2003). to saturation when the complete data set is
Sierra et al.: Bryophytes of Jaú National Park, Brazil 575

Figure 3. A. Species accumulation curves (Coleman method) for the complete dataset in the JNP. Gray shades represent the intervals of confidence. B.
Number of species observed compared to non-parametric species richness estimator (Chao Index, Jackknife, Bootstrap) for the complete dataset in the

considered (Fig. 3A); however, when subdivided by Even though the accumulation curve showed
substrate only the epiphyte curve approximated that the current species richness recorded was close
saturation (Fig. 4A compared to Fig. 4B–E). to saturation (Fig. 3A), around ~20–40 species
All three quantitative estimators, Chao index, remained undetected based on two of the quantita-
Jackknife and Bootstrap, showed that the bryophyte tive estimators (Fig. 3B). The same estimation was
observed for the richest substrate studied (epiphyte)
flora of the JNP is not completely represented, as
with estimates of ~40 species more than observed
many species remain undetected across all substrates
(Fig. 5A). In the other substrates, (epiphyll, epixylic,
(Table 2). Specifically, estimates suggest that the epipetric and soil), the species accumulation curves
local species richness of the region sampled in JNP is were far from reaching the asymptote, but the
ca. 196 species (Fig. 3B), corresponding to 134 spp. species richness estimations were inconsistent,
of liverworts and 73 spp. of mosses (Table 2), pointing to one third to a half of the species more
suggesting that nearly one-third (~46 spp.) remain than observed (Fig. 5B–E). As illustrated by the
undetected for the JNP. disparity among observed and estimated richness for

Table 2. Species estimation for the complete dataset, by substrate, and by taxonomic group (mosses and liverworts), with the following non-parametric
methods: Chao Index, First order Jackknife and Bootstrap.

Total Epiphyte Epiphyll Epixylic Epipetric Soil Mosses Liverworts

Species pool 151 104 38 31 16 24 42 110

Chao Index 196.96 141.94 101.38 59.54 64.21 65.22 73.84 134.95
Standard error 18.16 16.54 55.46 19.57 57.47 37.60 23.21 11.94
First order Jackknife 195.94 140.92 53.84 47.79 25.64 36.68 57.92 139.94
Standard error 7.13 6.99 4.20 4.31 3.05 3.52 3.98 5.99
Bootstrap 171.48 120.87 44.35 37.95 19.92 29.21 48.61 124.21
Standard error 3.90 3.77 2.11 2.08 1.38 1.71 2.02 3.38
Sample number (n) 712 449 103 80 28 41 200 550
576 The Bryologist 121(4): 2018

Figure 4. Species accumulation curves (Coleman method) by substrate in the JNP. A. Epiphyte. B. Epiphyll. C. Epixylic. D. Epipetric. E. Soil. Gray shades
represent the intervals of confidence.

the JNP dataset, species richness estimates generated pling of different habitats would most likely allow us
from datasets well represented by singletons are to reach the estimates of ~101 epiphylls expected for
predicted to have proportionally more undetected JNP. Indeed, the only comprehensive epiphyll survey
species than those datasets dominated by repeats conducted at a much smaller scale in the Amazon
(Gotelli & Cowell 2001). forest accounted for ~67 species (Zartman & Ilkiu-
Epiphylls are rich communities, with species Borges 2007).
usually diffusely associated with local habitat or Species estimation of epixylic, epipetric and soil
microclimate (Sonnleitner et al. 2009)—a feature bryophytes tend to surpass more than half of the
that decreases their detectability. Continued sam- observed species richness with Chao Index. On the
Sierra et al.: Bryophytes of Jaú National Park, Brazil 577

Figure 5. Number of species observed compared to non-parametric species richness estimator (Chao Index, Jackknife, Bootstrap) by substrate in the JNP.
A. Epiphyte. B. Epiphyll. C. Epixylic. D. Epipetric. E. Soil.

contrary, Jackknife and Bootstrap estimated that availability of suitable substrates (Söderstörm &
~10 species remain undetected. These incongruent During 2005), may be another reason for the
estimates could be a bias due to the unevenness of apparently low detectability of epixylic, epipetric
the rank abundance distribution, the sampling and soil bryophytes.
intensity or the performance of the estimators. When comparing the three quantitative estima-
Moreover, the patchy characteristic and lower tors, the Chao index presented the highest estima-
578 The Bryologist 121(4): 2018

tion and standard error for substrates where the rank (Churchill 1998). This is also reflected in JNP where
abundance was represented more than half by two families represent 61% of all collected moss
singletons. Chao Index uses the number of singletons species. The Calymperaceae are a major component
(those 2 registers) in the dataset to estimate species of the epiphytic flora in lowland Amazonia, and in
richness. Once species have been recorded more than the JNP are highly diverse accounting for the
twice, the Chao Index assumes that all species have majority of moss species (16 spp.) with various
been detected. Likewise, Jackknife considers the endemic and rare species, such as Calymperes
number of singletons in its richness estimation mitrafugax, Syrrhopodon annotinus, S. fimbriatus, S.
algorithm; however, it utilizes a narrow optimum helicophyllus and S. xanthophyllus (Reese 1993).
sample size range making it likely to underestimate Twenty nine species collected during this study
true species richness in small sample sizes and were considered rare due to their current worldwide
overestimate it in large ones (Gotelli & Cowell 2001). distributions; 20 are restricted to the Amazon Basin.
According to Brose et al. (2003), the performance of Four of these taxa are endemic to the Brazilian
species estimators depends on the presence of Amazon (Cheilolejeunea asperiflora, C. papulosa, C.
singletons in the data (evenness of the rank polystachya and Octoblepharum leucobryoides). Of the
abundance distribution), the sampling intensity, 29 rare species, eight are scattered throughout the
and the true species richness of the study system. Neotropics, representing disjunct distributions: Cen-
A floristic survey of the Upper Kabalebo River tral America-Amazon (Cololejeunea moralesiae, C.
in West Suriname (Florschütz-deWaard & Bekker panamensis, C. schusteri, Syrrhopodon flexifolius),
1987), an area comparable in size, altitude and Caribbean-Amazon (Cololejeunea spruceana, C. cor-
habitat types to JNP, shows similar results in species nutissima), Amazon-Atlantic forest (Vitalianthus
richness. In their inventory, however, the canopy aphanellus, Syrrhopodon cymbifolius) and Andes-
was not completely explored and epiphylls were Amazon-Atlantic forest (Cheilolejeunea ornata).
also not included. Following an update in the
nomenclature of the bryophytes of Kabalebo River CONCLUSIONS
and considering the epiphyllous species, it is most Here we present a checklist of bryophytes and
likely that species richness in this area will be shown quantify variability in substrate detectability from
to be higher than that of our estimates for JNP. This one of the largest federally protected reserves in the
putatively higher species number in Kabalebo River Amazon Basin. Despite our intensive long-term
could be due to the influence of its proximity to the sampling approach, non-parametric richness indices
Caribbean coast and influence from maritime estimate that more than one-third of the total
winds and higher annual precipitation than com- observed species remain undetected. Coincidentally,
pared to JNP. the area sampled for this study (lower and middle
Biogeography of the Jaú National Park: Rare Carabinani and Jaú Rivers) is roughly one-third of
and endemic species. The Jaú National Park is the total area of the JNP, provoking the question as
represented by 85 species with Neotropical distribu- to whether more widely scattered sampling points
tions, 16 spp. pantropical, 14 spp. Afro-American, 28 would have resulted in greater detectability. None-
spp. Amazonian endemics, and seven unidentified theless, bryophytes are inconspicuous plants, partic-
species. Two genera registered in the JNP, Verdoor- ularly in tropical forests with complex canopy
nianthus (2 spp.) and Schusterolejeunea (1 sp.), are architecture, thereby necessitating intensive surveys
Amazonian endemics (Gradstein & Costa 2003). The to ensure checklist accuracy.
upper reaches of the Amazon (particularly in the Rio Evaluating gaps in floristics surveys by using
Negro Basin) are considered a center of endemism non-parametric estimators is an important tool for
for certain genera of Lejeuneaceae such as Cheilole- quantifying patterns of diversity and distribution.
jeunea, Cololejeunea and Ceratolejeunea, which also Clearly sampling error, that is species left undetected
correspond to the most diverse genera in the JNP in a given floristic survey, is inevitable. However, the
(Costa et al. 2017; Gradstein & Costa 2003). variation in sampling error among sites, whether due
Moss richness is relatively low with only four to differences in sampling intensity or the unique
families representing more than 50% of the total collecting challenges inherent to every biome, is
number of moss species in the Amazon forest quantifiable. Such information would offer an
Sierra et al.: Bryophytes of Jaú National Park, Brazil 579

understanding as to how detectability levels vary Cephaloziaceae

among checklist sites which would ultimately Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche)
contribute to reducing the ‘‘noise’’ inherent in Trevis., Vanderpoorten 216.3, 216.5 (LG); Zart-
meta-analysis based on checklist data. man 10182, 10159 (INPA), on bark of living trees
Nonetheless, checklists remain the baseline along creek and logs in white sand forest, with
source of information for addressing large-scale Drepanolejeunea palmifolia, Micropterygium tra-
ecological and evolutionary questions. The principal chyphyllum, Leucobryum martianum, Cheilole-
assumption, however, of meta-analyses conducted jeunea aneogyna.
with checklist data is that there is little to no inter-
site variation in species detectability. Here we suggest Frullaniaceae
that the degree of species detectability of a particular Frullania caulisequa Gottsche, Zartman 10145 (INPA),
survey is not only based on sampling intensity, but on branches of tree in white sand forest, with
rather based on the combination of sampling Cheilolejeunea neblinensis, Pycnolejeunea conti-
intensity, approach and inherent collecting challeng- gua.
es, all of which can be jointly accounted for through Frullania gibbosa Nees, Zartman 10051, 9979, 10014,
a quantitative floristic approach. 10164 (INPA), epiphyte on open burned areas or
in tree trunk in Igapô forest, with Acrolejeunea
CHECKLIST torulosa, Cheilolejeunea rigidula, Cheilolejeunea
Liverwort and moss taxa are classified into trifaria, Pycnolejeunea macroloba, Lopholejeunea
families and listed in alphabetical order by genera. subfusca.
For each species we include voucher numbers and Frullania kunzei (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lehm. &
information on habitat conditions. When pertinent, Lindenb., Zartman 7473, 7478 (INPA). Note:
notes are included for species about currently known Fertile plants with dentate bracts.
geographical distributions as well as novel morpho-
Frullania nodulosa (Reinw. et al.) Nees, Zartman
logical features observed. New country records for
10013, 10098, 10087 (INPA), epiphyte on open
Brazil are marked with (**) and new state records for
Amazonas are marked with (*). burned areas or in tree trunk canopy in igapô
forest, with Acrolejeunea torulosa.
MARCHANTIOPHYTA (Liverworts) Frullania (subg. Diastaloba) sp., Zartman 7248
Aneuraceae (INPA).
Riccardia regnellii (Ångstr.) G.K.Hell (¼ R. amazon- Lejeuneaceae
ica (Spruce) Gradst. & Hekking), Vanderpoort- Acrolejeunea torulosa (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn.,
en 221.5 (LG); Zartman 7509, 7487, 7164 (INPA), Vanderpoorten 171.1, 174.1 (LG); Sierra 4283,
flat flooded rocks and logs by creek in white 4290; Zartman 7206, 7290, 9973, 9977, 9980,
sand forest, with Symphyogyna brasiliensis, 9985, 9989, 9991, 9993, 9998, 10001, 10013,
Pictolejeunea sprucei, and Zoopsidella integrifo- 10014, 10015, 10016, 10021, 10051, 10044,
lia. Note: As shown by Gradstein & Reeb 10047, 10103, 10104, 10093, 10164, 10143,
(2018), the name Riccardia regnellii has been 10160, 10105, 10107, 10108, 10110, 10115 (INPA),
misapplied in the past and is an older name for common epiphyte on bark in open area or
the common and widespread R. amazonica. canopy in white sand forest.
Calypogeiaceae Archilejeunea badia (Spruce) Steph., Vanderpoorten
Calypogeia tenax (Spruce) Steph., Sierra 4279 (INPA), 178.5, 173.3 (LG); Sierra 4310, 4278, 4377;
on rocks by creek in white sand forest. Zartman 7184, 7537, 9999, 10074 (INPA), on
Mnioloma nephrostipum (Spruce) R.M.Schust., Zart- bark in white sand forest with Bazzania pallid-
man 7525, 10162, 10181, 10148 (INPA). Note: evirens, Calymperes lonchophyllum, C. aneogyna,
rare species of Amazonia, Guyana Highland and C. neblinensis, C. cubensis.
the Chocó of Colombia. Archilejeunea crispistipula (Spruce) Steph., Sierra
Mnioloma parallelogrammum (Spruce) R.M.Schust., 4309, 4303, 4334, 4270; Zartman 7496, 10060,
Sierra 4328 (INPA), epiphyte on tree base. 10142 (INPA), on bark in white sand forest.
580 The Bryologist 121(4): 2018

Archilejeunea fuscescens (Lehm.) Fulford, Vander- 4310, 4275, 4308, 4276, 4257, 4306, 4277, 4301,
poorten 220.4, 227.6, 187.1, 193.2, 192.1, 205.5, 4300, 4268, 4285, 4258, 4330, 4286, 4288, 4290,
209.1, 201.2, 191.1, 186.1, 172.5, 185.6, 179.2, 4259, 4291, 4266, 4359; Zartman 7297, 7160,
210.1, 188.4, 182.6, 222.1, 194.1 (PC); Sierra 7286, 7284, 7507.1, 7471, 7472, 7473, 7476.1,
4311, 4320, 4305, 4338, 4341; Zartman 7446, 7477, 7465.1, 7439, 7305, 7311 (INPA), one of the
7180, 10015, 10100, 10107, 10131, 10044, 10046, commonest liverworts growing on bark, leaves
10047, 10102, 10058, 10092, 10070, 10128 (INPA), and dead logs in white sand forest with
one of the commonest epiphyte on bark in both Odontoschisma variabile, Drepanolejeunea pal-
terra firme and white sand forest. Note: Plants mifolia, Micropterygium trachyphyllum, Leuco-
with regenerants on dorsal leaf surfaces. bryum martianum.
Archilejeunea ludoviciana (Lehm.) P.Geissler & Cheilolejeunea asperiflora (Spruce) Gradst. & Ilk.-
Gradst. subsp. porelloides (Spruce) Gradst. & Borg., Zartman 7487, 7465, 7474.1, 7526, 10035,
P.Geissler, Sierra 4312, 4298, 4269, 4335, 4292, 10162, 10183, 10144, 10149, 10152, 10154,
4344; Zartman 7176, 7252, 7499, 7539, 7462, 10155, 10158 (INPA). Note: This rare Amazonian
10026, 10167, 10140 (INPA), robust epiphyte species is known from Spruce’s type locality in
usually on twigs with projecting growth. Venezuela, along Rı́o Negro near San Carlos
Caudalejeunea lehmanniana (Gottsche) A.Evans, and more recently in Brazil from the Serra
Zartman 7437, 10164 (INPA), epiphyte on twigs Aracá (CEZ pers. obs.). The ecology of this
or epiphyll. species from field observations entails that it
Ceratolejeunea coarina (Gottsche) Steph., Vander- usually grow on log or soil in white sand forest.
poorten 190.4 (LG); Sierra 4378, 4305, 4341, Cheilolejeunea assurgens (Spruce) Steph., Sierra 4271,
4349, 4364; Zartman 7169, 10136 (INPA), dead 4333, 4295; Zartman 7315, 7294, 7296, 7171,
logs in white sand forest with C. cubensis, 7186, 7182, 7289, 7493.1, 7490, 7276, 9982, 9983,
Octoblepharum pulvinatum, Syrrhopodon sim- 9987, 10023, 10024, 10042, 10045, 10101, 10073,
mondsii, S. hornschuchii, S. cryptocarpos, epi- 10076, 10168, 10142, 10109, 10116, 10131 (INPA),
phyte on liana and epiphyllic. common epiphyte same as C. aneogyna. Note:
Ceratolejeunea confusa R.M.Schust., Zartman 7468, This species was considered a synonym of C.
7479 (INPA), on bark. aneogyna (Bastos 2012), but is currently ac-
Ceratolejeunea cornuta (Lindenb.) Schiffn., Sierra cepted as a distinct species (Bastos 2017). It
4274, 4280, 4290, 4340, 4366, 4367, 4368, 4372, differs from C. aneogyna by the distinct trigones
4373, 4387; Zartman 7262, 7194, 7193, 7244, and intermediate thickenings and the Lejeunea-
7188, 7505.1, 7506.1, 7500, 7497, 9989, 10058, type subgynoecial branch (true, Radula-type
10093, 10178, 10140, 10115, 7521 (INPA). innovation absent).
Ceratolejeunea cubensis (Mont.) Schiffn., Vander- *Cheilolejeunea intertexta (Lindenb.) Steph., Zart-
poorten 190.4a (LG); Sierra 4310, 4298, 4335, man 7441, 10140 (INPA), epiphyte.
4270; Zartman 7516, 7532, 7469, 7260, 7294, Cheilolejeunea neblinensis Ilkiu-Borges & Gradst.,
7497.1, 7182, 10011, 10053, 10090, 10065, 10069, Vanderpoorten 220.4a (LG); Sierra 4272, 4317,
10142, 10114, 10117 (INPA), on dead logs and on 4307, 4278, 4284, 4299, 4336, 4339, 4343, 4327;
bark in white sand forest. Zartman 7316, 7192, 7299, 7306, 7302, 7300,
Ceratolejeunea minuta G.Dauphin, Zartman 7246 7160, 7161, 7188, 7187, 7185, 7251, 7508.1, 7470,
(INPA). 7477, 7496.1, 7503.1, 7468.1, 7266, 7159, 10019,
*Ceratolejeunea rubiginosa Steph., Zartman 10109 10091, 10070, 10176, 10179, 10180, 10142,
(INPA), epiphyte on twigs in white sand forest. 10145, 10146, 10149, 10152, 10154, 10155,
Cheilolejeunea acutangula (Nees) Grolle, Zartman 10157, 10158 (INPA), one of the commonest
10120 (INPA; UFBA), epiphyte. liverworts growing on bark, leaves and flat
Cheilolejeunea adnata (Lehm.) Grolle, Zartman 7309, flooded rocks by creek in white sand forest,
7287 (INPA), epiphyte on bark. with Micropterygium trachyphyllum, Leuco-
Cheilolejeunea aneogyna (Spruce) A.Evans, Vander- bryum martianum, Xylolejeunea crenata, Archi-
poorten 216.8 (LG); Pereira 766; Sierra 4314, lejeunea fuscescens. Note: Plants from JNP vary
Sierra et al.: Bryophytes of Jaú National Park, Brazil 581

considerably in size, lobule length and shape, Cheilolejeunea trifaria (Reinw. et al.) Mizut., Sierra
and presence of low lens shaped papilla on leaf 4260, 4287, 4263; Zartman 7204, 7203, 7481.1,
cells. Fertile plants differ from typical C. 10011, 10051, 10095, 10090, 10065, 10069,
neblinensis (Ilkiu-Borges & Gradstein 2008) by 10079, 10141, 10153, 10117 (INPA), occurring
being autoicous, with small trigones and on bark in exposed area or logs in igapô forest.
gynoecia on very short branches lacking inno- Cheilolejeunea urubuensis (Zartman & I.L.Ackerman)
vations. Although Costa et al. (2017) claimed R.L.Zhu & Y.M.Wei, Zartman 10031, 10091
this species was only known from its type (INPA), occurs as epiphyte on canopy branches.
locality and Serra Bela Adormicida of the upper Cololejeunea camillii (Lehm.) A.Evans, Sierra 4374,
Rio Negro, it is actually widely distributed 4351; Zartman 7503, 10111, 10113, 10114, 10134
throughout Amazonia (Mota & ter Steege 2013; (INPA), epiphyll.
Campos et al. 2014; Bastos 2017), and is a Cololejeunea cardiocarpa (Mont.) A.Evans, Zartman
common epiphyte in JNP. 7279, 10030, 10172, 10111, 10113 (INPA),
Cheilolejeunea oncophylla (Ångstr.) Grolle & epiphyll.
E.Reiner, Zartman 10119, 10126 (INPA), epi- **Cololejeunea cornutissima (R.M.Schust.) Stotl. &
phyte. Crand.-Stotl., Zartman 7490 (PC; INPA), epiphyll.
*Cheilolejeunea ornata C.Bastos, Zartman 10011 Note: This species is extinct at its type locality
(INPA), epiphyte. in Florida and is a rare species in the Neotropics
Cheilolejeunea papulosa Schiffn., Zartman 7197, known only from Cuba, the Dominican Re-
7178, 10092, 10049, 10033; Sierra 4327 (INPA, public and the Peruvian Amazon (T. Pócs
UFBA), rare epiphyte. Note: Also found in pers.comm.).
collections from Serra do Aracá (Zartman Cololejeunea diaphana A.Evans, Sierra 4329, 4345,
9622, INPA) and Roraima (G.T. Prance et al. 4346, 4349, 4350, 4353, 4355, 4356, 4358, 4359,
19993, INPA). The species seems restricted to the 4360, 4361, 4362, 4363, 4364, 4365, 4380, 4384,
Brazilian Amazon region, since there are no 4387; Zartman 7267.1, 7261, 7244, 7493 (INPA),
references to other localities. one of the commonest epiphyllic bryophyte.
*Cheilolejeunea polyantha A.Evans, Zartman 9999, Cololejeunea gracilis (Jov.-Ast) Pócs, Sierra 4345,
10049 (INPA), epiphyte. 4357, 4360, 4364, 4365; Zartman 10113, 10114,
Cheilolejeunea polystachya (Spruce) Gradst. & Ilk.- 10134 (INPA), epiphyll.
Borg., Zartman 7469.1, 10122 (INPA), rheophyte **Cololejeunea moralesiae (Bernecker) Bernecker &
on sand near river. Note: This species is a Pócs, Zartman 7542 (INPA), epiphyll. Note: A
rheophyte growing on rocks in fast flowing rare species known only from Costa Rica. This
streams and rivers of the Rio Negro basin in the represents the first record for Brazil and South
Amazon. Also, found in collections from São America.
Gabriel, along Rio Cariua from Rio Curicuriari Cololejeunea obliqua (Nees & Mont.) Schiffn, Sierra
to Cachoeira Piraiauara (Schuster 79-16-831, F). 4357; Zartman 7506, 7267, 7262, 7261, 7267.1,
Endemic from Brazil. The species seems re- 7478 (INPA), epiphyll.
stricted to the Amazon region, since there are *Cololejeunea panamensis G.Dauphin & Pócs, Zart-
no references to other localities. man 10054, 10055, 10074 (INPA), epiphyte on
Cheilolejeunea rigidula (Mont.) R.M.Schust., Van- bark. Note: A rare species known from its type
derpoorten 186.4a (LG); Sierra 4267; Zartman locality in lowland forest in Panama (Dauphin
7312, 7174.1, 7208, 7486, 7209, 7474, 9979, et al. 2006) and for Brazilian Amazon in the
10011, 10014, 10020, 10021, 10027, 10051, state of Pará (Brito & Ilkiu-Borges 2012b)
10036, 10044, 10094, 10098, 10055, 10090, Cololejeunea schusteri Pócs, Zartman 7509 (INPA),
10064, 10164, 10115, 10117, 10129 (INPA), on epiphyll. Note: A rare species, known only from
bark and dead logs in white sand forest with the type locality (Pócs 2002) and one collection
Leucobryum martianum, Octoblepharum pulvi- from lowland forest in Panama (Dauphin et al.
natum, Syrrhopodon cryptocarpos. 2006).
582 The Bryologist 121(4): 2018

Cololejeunea spruceana Tixier, Sierra 4359 (PC; INPA), forest, with Syrrhopodon fimbriatus and Odon-
epiphyll. Note: A rare species collected from a toschisma variabile.
few localities in the Brazilian and Venezuelan Drepanolejeunea polyrhiza (Nees) Grolle & R.-
Amazon (Dauphin et al. 2008; Gradstein & L.Zhu, Sierra 4329, 4348, 4350, 4352, 4361,
Costa 2003), and from Trinidad (Pócs et al. 4363, 4366, 4367, 4368, 4375, 4378, 4379, 4381,
2014). 4385, 4386, 4387; Zartman 7265, 7247, 7250
Cololejeunea surinamensis Tixier, Sierra 4329, 4347, (INPA ), one of the commonest epiphyllic
4352, 4353, 4354, 4356, 4357, 4358, 4362, 4363, bryophytes.
4365, 4375, 4388; Zartman 7489, 7307, 7267, Drepanolejeunea (subg. Rhaphidolejeunea) sp., Zart-
7264, 7191, 7157, 7245, 7244, 7298, 7170, 7251, man 7510 (INPA), epiphyllic.
10030, 10172, 10151, 10111, 10113, 10114, Harpalejeunea stricta (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Steph.,
10132, 10134, 10135, 10136 (INPA), one of the Zartman 7465 (INPA), epiphyte.
commonest epiphyllic bryophyte. Lejeunea boryana Mont., Sierra 4300; Zartman 7310,
Cololejeunea winkleri (M.I.Morales & Bernecker) 7167, 7166, 7283, 7484, 10120 (INPA), on bark in
Bernecker & Pócs, Sierra 4350 (INPA), epiphyll. terra firme forest.
Colura greig-smithii Jov.-Ast, Sierra 4329, 4357, 4360, Lejeunea flava (Sw.) Nees, Sierra 4367, 4373, 4378;
4370; Zartman 7173, 10113 (INPA), epiphyll. Zartman 7262, 7254, 7267 (INPA), epiphyll.
Colura tortifolia (Nees & Mont.) Trevis., Zartman Lejeunea tapajosensis Spruce, Zartman 10021, 10027,
7173.1, 7478, 7437 (INPA), epiphyll. 10041 (INPA), epiphyte.
Leptolejeunea jamaicensis Schust., Sierra 4367, 4375,
Cyclolejeunea convexistipa (Lehm. & Lindenb.)
4376; Zartman 7492, 10172, 10151, 10185 (INPA),
A.Evans, Sierra 4371, 4372, 4382; Zartman
7267.1, 7264, 7262, 7254, 7261, 7265, 7246,
Leptolejeunea elliptica (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn.,
7245, 7244, 7253, 7172, 7496, 10114, 10133,
Sierra 4329, 4357; Zartman 7278, 7533, 7522,
10136 (INPA), one of the commonest epiphyllic
10043, 10185, 10113 (INPA), epiphyll.
Leptolejeunea moniliata Steph., Zartman 7196, 10151,
Cyclolejeunea luteola (Spruce) Grolle, Vanderpoorten
10185 (INPA), epiphyll.
217.2a, P424a (LG); Zartman 7165, 10142,
Leptolejeunea sp., Zartman 10023, 10026, 10055, 9987
10125 (INPA), on humus along the creek with
(INPA), epiphyll.
Micropterygium trachyphyllum, Syrrhopodon
Lopholejeunea nigricans (Lindenb.) Schiffn., Zartman
simmondsii, Monodactylopsis monodactyla, Oc- 10161 (INPA), epiphyte.
toblepharum pulvinatum, Leucobryum martia- Lopholejeunea subfusca (Nees) Schiffn., Sierra 4260;
num. Zartman 7205, 7208, 9984, 9994, 10021, 10027,
Cyclolejeunea peruviana (Lehm. & Lindenb.) 10051, 10036, 10041, 10094, 10095, 10096,
A.Evans, Zartman 7264, 7253, 7496 (INPA), 10098, 10090, 10074, 10164, 10105, 10108,
epiphyll. 10110, 10115 (INPA), epiphyte.
Diplasiolejeunea brunnea Steph., Sierra 4329, 4346, Metalejeunea cucullata (Reinw. et al.) Grolle, Zart-
4357, 4358, 4364, 4366, 4371, 4375, 4376, 4381, man 7189, 10000 (INPA), on bark.
4384, 4385; Zartman 7264, 7278, 7261, 7247, Microlejeunea bullata (Tayl.) Steph., Sierra 4267,
7493, 7481, 10172, 10151, 10113 (INPA), one of 4354 (INPA), epiphyll.
the commonest epiphyllic bryophytes. Otolejeunea schnellii (Tixier) R.L.Zhu & M.L.So,
Drepanolejeunea crucianella (Tayl.) A.Evans, Sierra Zartman 7259 (INPA), epiphyll on filmy fern
4373, 4357; Zartman 7261, 7506 (INPA), epiphyll. (Hymenophyllaceae). Note: A rare Amazonian
Drepanolejeunea orthophylla (Nees & Mont.) Bischl., liverwort endemic to Amazonas, Brazil, known
Zartman 7478 (INPA), epiphyll. from type collection near Manaus (Tixier 1995),
Drepanolejeunea palmifolia (Nees) Steph., Vander- the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments
poorten 216.5b (LG); Sierra 4327, 4336; Zartman Project north of Manaus (Zartman & Ilkiu-
7503, 7502, 7495 (INPA), on soil on base of trees Borges 2007), Serra da Bela Adormecida on the
and on bark of trees along creek in white sand upper Rio Negro (Costa et al. 2017), Chocó of
Sierra et al.: Bryophytes of Jaú National Park, Brazil 583

Colombia (Benavides & Sastre-De Jesús 2011), Thysananthus auriculatus (Wilson) Sukkharak &
and now reported from JNP along the middle Gradst. (¼ Mastigolejeunea auriculata (Wils.)
Rio Negro. Schiffn.), Sierra 4262; Zartman 7192, 7203,
Pictolejeunea sprucei Grolle, Vanderpoorten 221.5b 10011, 10015, 10021, 10027, 10041, 10095,
(LG); Sierra 4265, 4318, 4337; Zartman 7505 10090, 10107, 10108, 10117 (INPA), on bark in
(INPA), flat flooded rocks by creek in white sand exposed habitat. Note: This species unusually
forest, with Riccardia regnellii, Symphyogyna presents long flagelliform branches at both stem
brasiliensis, Zoopsidella integrifolia. Note: This bases and apices.
rare species is endemic to the Amazon. Thysananthus innovans (Spruce) Sukkharak &
Pycnolejeunea contigua (Nees) Steph., Sierra 4273, Gradst. (¼ Mastigolejeunea innovans (Spruce)
4290; Zartman 7206, 7290, 7181, cf. 7485, 7483, Steph.), Zartman 10161 (INPA), epiphyte.
7488, 9973, 9974, 9977, 9980, 9985, 9986, 9989, Verdoornianthus griffinii Gradst., Zartman 10066
9991, 9993, 9998, 10001, 10015, 10016, 10022, (INPA), canopy epiphyte.
10026, 10028, 10031, 10051, 10038, 10044, Verdoornianthus masupiifolius (Spruce) Gradst.,
10046, 10047, 10100, 10104, 10053, 10055, Zartman 10000, 10031 (INPA), canopy epiphyte.
10057, 10089, 10093, 10065, 10067, 10070, Vitalianthus aphanellus (Spruce) Bechteler et al.,
10074, 10083, 10085, 10145, 10105, 10107, Sierra 4304, 4300, 4297, 4296, 4359; Zartman
10108, 10110, 10128 (INPA), on bark of trees. 7175, 7497, 9980, 9982, 9983, 9992, 10040,
Pycnolejeunea macroloba (Nees & Mont.) Schiffn., 10052, 10053, 10054, 10057, 10061, 10071,
Vanderpoorten 221.8 (LG); Sierra 4316, 4274, 10073, 10076, 10081, 10082, 10083, 10168,
4308, 4332; Zartman 7179, 7195, 7192, 7188, 10118, 10120, 10121, 10123, 10124, 10131 (INPA),
7255, 10051, 10038, 10070, 10163, 10166, 10176, on bark in white sand forest along the
10141, 10146, 10147, 10156, 10160, 10117, 10129 Carabinani River, growing with Pycnolejeunea
(INPA), bark of trees along creek in white sand species. Note: Originally considered a very rare
forest, with Archilejeunea fuscescens. species known only from the type locality from
Rectolejeunea versifolia (Schiffn.) L. Söderstr. & Amazonia, one collection made by Yano &
Hagborg, Zartman 7265 (INPA), only collected Zartman (Bechteler et al. 2016), and one from
as epiphyll. the Colombian Amazon (Campos et al. 2014).
Rectolejeunea emarginuliflora (Schiffn.) A.Evans, In JNP it is a common and locally abundant
Zartman 7291 (INPA), occurring as epiphyte epiphyte along the Carabinani River.
and epiphyll. Xylolejeunea crenata (Nees & Mont.) X.-L.He &
Schiffneriolejeunea amazonica Gradst., Zartman 9987, Grolle, Vanderpoorten 220.3 (LG); Sierra 4314,
10094, 10110 (INPA), epiphyte. 4342; Zartman 7186, 7501.1, 7466, 10130 (INPA),
Schusterolejeunea inundata (Spruce) Grolle, Sierra on logs and flat flooded rocks by creek in white
4313; Zartman 7547 (INPA), rheophyte on sand sand forest, with Micropterygium trachyphyllum,
along Carabinani River. Note: This is a rare Leucobryum martianum, Archilejeunea fusces-
rheophyte belonging to a monotypic genus cens, Cheilolejeunea neblinensis.
endemic to lowland Amazonia. Known only for Lepidoziaceae
localities along the Rio Negro in Brazil and Bazzania hookeri (Lindenb.) Trevis., Vanderpoorten
Venezuela (Costa et al. 2017; Dauphin et al. 188.1, 200.1, 204.2, 205.3, 215.1, 221.6, P426
2008; Gradstein & Costa 2003). (LG), epiphytic in terra firme and white sand
Symbiezidium barbiflorum (Lindenb. & Gottsche) forest with Syrrhopodon cryptocarpos, S. pro-
A.Evans, Zartman 10098 (INPA). lifer, Archilejeunea fuscescens, Octoblepharum
Symbiezidium transversale (Sw.) Trevis., Zartman pulvinatum, Leucobryum martianum, Micro-
7305, 10051 (INPA), on bark of trees. pterygium trachyphyllum, Microcalpe subsim-
Thysananthus amazonicus (Spruce) Schiffn., Zart- plex.
man 7189, 7538, 10140 (INPA), on tree branch- Bazzania longistipula (Lindenb.) Trevis., Zartman
es. 7508 (INPA), epiphyte in white sand forest.
584 The Bryologist 121(4): 2018

Bazzania pallidevirens (Steph.) Fulford, Vanderpoort- regnellii, Zoopsidella integrifolia and Pictolejeu-
en 214.4, 223.4, 178.3, P431 (LG); Zartman 7181 nea sprucei.
(INPA), epiphyte in white sand forest with
Micropterygium trachyphyllum, Syrrhopodon Plagiochila disticha (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lindenb.,
prolifer, Octoblepharum albidum, O. pulvina- Sierra 4282 (PC, INPA), on bark in white sand
tum, Leucobryum martianum, Calymperes lon- forest.
chophyllum. Plagiochila montagnei Nees, Vanderpoorten 182.3,
Micropterygium leiophyllum Spruce, Sierra 4315, 175.1 (LG), on bark of living trees in both terra
4264, 4319, 4286, 4331 (INPA), forms large mats firme and white sand forest, with Octoblepharum
on rock and base of living trees in both terra albidum, O. pulvinatum, Syrrhopodon graminico-
firme and white sand forest. la, S. cryptocarpos, Archilejeunea fuscescens.
Micropterygium parvistipulum Spruce, Zartman 7162
(INPA), on log. Radulaceae
Micropterygium pterygophyllum (Nees) Trevis., Zart- Radula flaccida Lindenb. & Gottsche, Sierra 4375;
man 7500.1, 7470 (INPA), on soil. Zartman 7267.1, 7291, 7170 (INPA), one of the
Micropterygium trachyphyllum Reimers, Vanderpoort- commonest epiphyllous bryophytes.
en 178.2, 195.2, 199.1, 204.4, 205.3bis, 214.1, Radula javanica Gottsche, Zartman 10161 (INPA),
216.6, 217.1, 218.1, 220.1, 227.1, 230.1 (LG); Sierra epiphyte.
4289; Zartman 7163 (INPA), common on dead BRYOPHYTA (Mosses)
logs and bark of living trees in both terra firme
and white sand forest, with Syrrhopodon anno-
Philonotis uncinata (Schwägr.) Brid., Sierra 4261
tinus, Bazzania hookeri, B. pallidevirens, Calym-
(INPA), on rock in exposed area near river.
peres lonchophyllum, Archilejeunea badia, A.
fuscescens, Leucobryum martianum, Odontoschis- Calymperaceae
ma variabile, Sematophyllum subsimplex. Calymperes lonchophyllum Schwägr., Vanderpoorten
Monodactylopsis monodactyla (Spruce) R.M.Schust., 178.4, 195.1 (LG), epiphyte.
Vanderpoorten 217.2a (LG); Zartman 10170, Calymperes mitrafugax Florsch., Zartman 7469 (IN-
10181 (INPA), mixed with Syrrhopodon sim- PA), epiphyte.

mondsii and Cyclolejeunea luteola on humus Calymperes rubiginosum (Mitt.) W.D.Reese, Zartman
along creek in white sand forest. 7484, 10119, 10126 (INPA); Vanderpoorten 190.3
Pteropsiella metzgeriiformis Steph., Zartman 10173 bis (LG), epiphyte.
(INPA), on soil. Syrrhopodon annotinus W.D.Reese & D.G.Griffin,
Telaranea pecten (Spruce) J.J.Engel & G.L.Merr., Vanderpoorten 172.1, 172.AD, 174.2, 173.4,
Zartman 7500.1, 7473 (INPA). Note: This species 178.1, 205.4, 212.1, 217.4 (LG); Pereira 756;
is common to the greater Amazon Basin (Brazil, Zartman 7476, 7480, 7488, 10169, 10173, 10175,
Colombia, Guyana and French Guiana; Grad- 10148 (INPA), species growing on soil and logs in
stein 1997; Campos et al. 2014). white sand forest.
Zoopsidella integrifolia (Spruce) R.M.Schust., Van- Syrrhopodon cryptocarpos Dozy & Molk., Vander-
derpoorten 221.5c (LG); Sierra 4314; Zartman poorten 182.4, 182.7, 186.4, 188.2, 205.2, 206.1,
213.3 (LG); Pereira 755 (INPA), occurs in various
7526, 10173, 10181, 10148 (INPA), flat flooded
substrate as epiphyte, on log and rocks.
rocks by creek in White sand forest with
Syrrhopodon cymbifolius Müll.Hal., Sierra 4366;
Riccardia regnellii, Symphyogyna brasiliensis
Zartman 10015, 10020, 10164 (INPA), epiphyte
and Pictolejeunea sprucei.
on twigs and epiphyll.
Pallaviciniaceae Syrrhopodon fimbriatus Mitt., Vanderpoorten 210.5,
Symphyogyna brasiliensis (Nees) Nees & Mont., 216.2 (LG); Pereira 778; Zartman 7301 (INPA),
Vanderpoorten 221.5a (PC); Sierra 4281 (INPA), epiphyte.
on rocks near river fall and flat flooded rocks by Syrrhopodon flexifolius Mitt., Zartman 7550 (INPA),
creek in white sand forest with Riccardia epiphyte.
Sierra et al.: Bryophytes of Jaú National Park, Brazil 585

Syrrhopodon graminicola R.S.Williams, Vanderpoort- Octoblepharum cocuiense Mitt., Pereira 760; Zartman
en 182.2 (LG), epiphyte. 7156, 7524, 10118, 10075, 10123 (INPA), occurs
Syrrhopodon helicophyllus Mitt., Vanderpoorten 221.2, as epiphyte, on logs and rocks.
224.1 (LG); Zartman 7501 (INPA), epiphyte. Octoblepharum leucobryoides O.Yano, Zartman
Syrrhopodon hornschuchii Mart., Vanderpoorten 10169, 10170, 10177, 10148 (INPA), on soil in
180.1, 190.2, 197.1, 198.1, 211.1, P431.2 (LG); white sand forest.
Pereira 773, 761; Zartman 7259.1, 7267 (INPA), Octoblepharum pulvinatum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt.,
epiphyte. Zartman 10037, 10039, 10050 (INPA), ussually
Syrrhopodon ligulatus Mont., Zartman 7158 (INPA), occurs as epiphyte and on log.
epiphyte. Octoblepharum rhaphidostegium Broth., Pereira 759
Syrrhopodon prolifer Schwägr. var. prolifer, Pereira (INPA), epiphyte.
779 ( INPA ), epiphyte. var. scaber (Mitt.) Octoblepharum stramineum Mitt., Vanderpoorten
W.D.Reese, Pereira 752 (INPA), epiphyte. 227.3, 230.3 (LG); Zartman 10035, 10099 (INPA),
Syrrhopodon rigidus Hook. & Grev., Pereira 751, 771 epiphyte.
(INPA), epiphyte. Orthotrichaceae
Syrrhopodon simmondsii Steere, Vanderpoorten 173.2, Macromitrium punctatum (Hook. & Grev.) Brid.,
178.7, 185.5, 190.1, 203.1, 205.1, 216.1, 217.2, Zartman 7495.1 (INPA), epiphyte.
228.3 (LG); Pereira 770, 772; Zartman 7507,
10039, 10050, 10182 (INPA), occurs in various
Callicostella pallida (Hornsch.) Ångstr., Zartman
substrate as epiphyte, on log, soil and rocks in
7509.1 (INPA), on log.
white sand forest.
Crossomitrium patrisiae (Brid.) Müll.Hal., Zartman
Syrrhopodon xanthophyllus Mitt., Pereira 762, 777,
7444 (INPA), epiphyll.
750; Sierra 4280, 4300; Zartman 10005, 10118,
10120, 10123, 10127 (INPA); Vanderpoorten Pottiaceae
172.1, 210.2, 227.2, 227.7, 181.1, 190.3, 190.4, Hyophila involuta (Hook.) A.Jaeger, Vanderpoorten
197.1, 210.4, 213.1, 210.3, 172.1bis2, P420.2 (LG), 174.2 (LG), on soil.
occurs in various substrate as epiphyte, on log Pterobryaceae
and soil in white sand forest. Henicodium geniculatum (Mitt.) W.R.Buck, Zartman
Fissidentaceae 10015, 10021, 10036, 10096, 10098 (INPA),
Fissidens pellucidus Hornsch. var. pellucidus, Pereira epiphyte on mid trunk and canopy.
763 (INPA), on soil. Sematophyllaceae
Fissidens prionodes Mont., Pereira 753 (INPA), on soil. Brittonodoxa subpinnata (Brid.) W.R.Buck,
*Fissidens steerei Grout, Zartman 7520 (INPA), on soil P.E.A.S.Câmara & Carv.-Silva, Pereira 749;
in terra firme. Zartman 7205, 9978, 9994 (INPA), occurs as
Leucobryaceae epiphyte and on log.
Leucobryum martianum (Hornsch.) Müll.Hal., Van- Vitalia galipensis (Müll. Hal.) P.E.A.S.Câmara et al.,
derpoorten 172.2, 177.2, 178.6, 184.2, 186.2, 187.2, Pereira 754, 767 (INPA), on log.
193.1, 195bis.2, 195.3, 197.2, 199.2, 204.3, 210.9, Microcalpe subsimplex (Hedw.) W.R.Buck, Pereira
765; Zartman 7491, 7285, 10032, 10039, 10050,
214.5, 216.7, 217.5, 220.2, 221.7, 221.9, 223.2,
10080, 10084, 10164, 10107, 10112 (INPA);
225.2, 227.4, 228.1, 230.2, P423 (LG); Pereira 774,
Vanderpoorten 215.1 (LG), occurs as epiphyte
757, 775, 768; Zartman 10142, 10062, 10150
and on log.
(INPA), occurs in various substrate as epiphyte,
Taxithelium planum (Brid.) Mitt., Pereira 764 (INPA),
on log, rock and soil in white sand forest.
on log in white sand forest.
Octoblepharaceae Trichosteleum papillosum (Hornsch.) A.Jaeger, Van-
Octoblepharum albidum Hedw., Pereira 776, 758, derpoorten 221.1 (LG); Zartman 7474, 9988,
769; Zartman 10003, 10012, 10035, 10102 (INPA), 10004, 10007, 10009 (INPA), flat flooded rocks
occurs as epiphyte, on rock and soil. by creek with Riccardia regnellii, Symphyogyna
586 The Bryologist 121(4): 2018

brasiliensis, Pictolejeunea sprucei, Zoopsidella Brose, U., N. D. Martinez & R. J. Williams. 2003. Estimating species
richness: sensitivity to sample coverage and insensitivity to
spatial patterns. Ecology 84: 2364–2377.
Trichosteleum vincentinum (Mitt.) A.Jaeger, Zartman Campos, L. V., S. R. Gradstein, J. M. Uribe & H. ter Steege. 2014.
7280, 7281 (INPA), on log in white sand forest. Additions to the catalogue of Hepaticae of Colombia II.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Moraes, S. A. Mori, T. S. Nunes, T. D. Pennington, J. R. Pirani,
Fieldwork was funded by the Projecto Bilateral Brasil/Bélgica
G. T. Prance, L. P. de Queiroz, A. Rapini, R. Riina, C. A. Vargas
processo 49518/2013-3 (CNPq), and by the Conselho Nacional de Rincon, N. Roque, G. Shimizu, M. Sobral, J. R. Stehmann, W. D.
Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico (CNPq, Grant No. Stevens, C. M. Taylor, M. Trovó, C. van den Berg, H. van der
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do Amazonas (FAPEAM, Grant No. 015/2016) for funding through plant diversity revealed by a taxonomically verified species list.
the project PELD/MAUA (Ecologia, Monitoramento e Uso Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 114:
Sustentável de Áreas Úmidas Amazônicas). AMS acknowledges 10695–10700.
financial support for a Master grant fellowship from CAPES. MRP Coleman, B. D., M. A. Mares, M. R. Willis & Y. Hsieh. 1982.
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