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Mega Smash: Attacks with magical abilities and inflicts continuous damage for 2 turns with a probability of 50%. The damage increases depending on the speed of the attack. Lv.2 Damage 5% Lv.3 Harmful Effect Speed 10% Lv.4 Damage 10% Lv.5 Damage 10% Lv.6 Harmful Effect Rate 15% Multiplier : (((Spd-210) /
0.7)% of ATK to cut Super Crush: Attacks all enemies and stuns them with a 30% chance. The damage is proportional to my MAX HP. (Multiple in 4 turns) Lv.2 Harmful Effect Speed 10% Lv.3 Damage 10% Lv.4 Harmful Effect Speed 10% Lv.5 Damage 10% Lv.6 Harmful Effect Speed 10% Lv.7 Cooltime Turn -1
Multiplier : 120% ATK stat 16% Max HP to Reduction Conversion Magic (Passive): Removes the easing effect, Except for the inability effects, on all allies each turn and restores HP by 3% for each easing effect removed. (Automatic Effect) Leadership Skills: Increases HP Allied Monsters in Dungeons by 44%. 2 - Sets
Energy, Guard, Focus 4 - Set (en) Swift, Nemesis 2 - Sets Will 4 - Set Violent, Swift GB10 (10/10): Veromos is one of the best monsters in the game for the early game of the Giants B10 team. Once you start moving to a speed team you will no longer use it for the Giants. DB10 (10/10): Veromos is also one of the best
monsters in the game for the early Dragons B10 team game. Once you start moving to a speed team you will no longer use it for dragons. NB10 (0/10): It's pretty useless in the Nerco B10 because you don't need to clean, it doesn't have any many hits, and does very little harm. ToA (7/10): He is very good for ToA
because of his leader skill, AoE stun, and clean can come in handy as well. Rift Worlds (0/10): Veromos is pretty useless in Rift content, but because its clean up won't work when the raid boss puts oblivion on it. Maze (5/10): It's decent in the standard stages of the maze because it offers a good leader skill with stun and
purification. Just make sure to use it with tank team style. Size hole (0/10): Its kit doesn't seem useful in a sized hole at all. Arena (3/10): Veromos should only be used for the arena at the beginning of the game when you don't have many monsters running up. Guild of Wars (3/10): Veromos should also only be used for
Guild Wars at the beginning of the game when you don't have many monsters running up. RTA (1/10): Choosing Veromos in RTA will most likely result in a loss if you are faced with a very early player of the game, then go ahead and pick it up just because you both probably have some of your best run on it. In Chapter
11 of our step-by-step guide, we now finally fuse Dark Ifrit (Veromos). After a few days/weeks of farming synthesis of materials, we'll see how it in your game progression. From now on, we'll use it instead of Lapis on the farm securely in GB8 with just over 3 minutes Run. Previously, our runs were more than 4 minutes
and a little unreliable. The goal of agriculture here is to improve our current run, to prepare and beat GB10 in the auto, which we are really close to! So hang in there, keep the horses as we upgrade your monster arsenal. With Veromos now in action, we are opening up new areas to conquer. One is the Ascension Test.
What makes ToA worth a farm is it issues special rewards after defeating the boss every 10 stages. Among them are Devilmon, L'D Scroll and legendary scroll. Not only that, but ToA is a good source of crystals. With our current core team, we will try how far we can clear and get these rewards. So here we go! Perhaps
the best monster you can get from monster fusion. Following the guide, he will probably be your first 6 monster. It stands out almost everywhere early on, with use in all Cairo dungeons, ToA, PvP and even as a feed farmer (I use it for the Farm Hydeni Ruins Stage 5 Hell). It's definitely worth the investment to make in
terms of time, resources and devilmons! Why did we decide to fuse it first? Not Sigmarus, Katarina or Fire Panda? First, Veromos is an awesome monster for GB10 and DB10 specifically for beginners. Issue 1: With clean every step, it effectively makes defense breaks in GB10 and DOTs in DB10 much less scary than
they normally are. Issue 2: Veromos has a good AoE stun rate on his second skill for crowd control and a decent 75% chance of a doT on his 1st when maxed out. Issue 3: It offers great leadership skill that enhances your team's overall survivability by a significant amount. New players must build Veromos on Swift to
make it as fast as possible. Only when you get a good set of violent runs do you have to make the transition. For most players at the beginning of the game, Veromos is pretty much vital in running the GB10 and DB10. Max your Veromos' skill levels as soon as possible we use Lapis for the GB8 farm, and since it is a
wind stage it is at a disadvantage that has made little use of its damage and CC potential. So as a countermeasure, we're going to replace her with Veeromos. Using the recommended stats above, it should be convincing enough that your time to work should improve. Damage over time is definitely a great way to kill the
boss faster, this strategy also applies with DB10 and NB10 so take note! The current support for monsters should be enough to cope with the GB8 boss. Just make sure 12 runs that have at least 5 and with perfect substats. Check out the GB8 line and their stats: Veromos: Swift/Energy (SPD /HP% / HP%) Minimum
stats: HP: 15k DEF: 650 SPD: 165 Precision: 35% Bernard: / Энергия (SPD / HP% / HP%) Минимальная статистика: HP: 15k DEF: 600 SPD: 180 Точность: 30% Belladeon: Swift / Энергия (SPD / HP% / HP%) Минимальная статистика: HP: 15k DEF: 700 SPD: 175 Точность: 30% Шеннон: Swift или Despair /
Фокус (SPD / HP% / HP%) Минимальная статистика: HP: 13.5k DEF: 550 SPD: SPD: Precision: 25% Darion: 3x Energy (HP% / HP% / HP%) Minimum stats: HP: 20k DEF: 650 Precision: 25% 1/3/5 Run cost up to 12: Support units: HP, SPD, Precision, DEF% Tank: HP%, DEF%, Resistance % Damage Dealer:
ATK%, CR%, CD%, HP% Veromos (L), Shannon, Bernard, Belladeon, Darion Trial Ascension (ToA) is a PVE content game with various awards after completing certain floors/stage. Unlocked at level 15, the ToA has 100 floors and increases in difficulty as you advance further. Players must fill each floor to advance on
top. Now with Veromos on our monster list, we can use our GB8/10 core team to clear some floors and get amazing rewards. First let's try ToA ok. On each floor there are 3 waves of monsters with a mini-boss on the last wave. The main strategy for the ToA is crowd control (CC) and damage over time (DOT). Enemy
units, especially on the upper floors, cause tremendous damage and high HP, so it is important to hold them and cause continuous damage (-5% hp) per turn. Familiar, what kind of monster has DOT and CC potential? Exactly! None other than Veeromos. Requirements 4e: (Same as your current core Giants team)
Results: Floors 1-49 automatically, 50F can be cleaned of manual or automatic depending on the ToA/monthly rotation season. Toa (hard) to 30F. The reward is claimed as below. 64x Call of Stones 205 Crystals 200 Energy 2x 3 Max Rainbowmon 4 Mystical Scrolls In the future as we shape our DB10 team, we will try to
clean the ToA 100 and get more amazing rewards like Devilmons, Light Scrolls and the legendary Scroll. In the meantime, make sure you clear those 50 floors (normal) and 30 floors (hard) each toe reset. As you progress and enhance your monster's capabilities, you can try to clear the higher floors. Check out our ToA
in depth guides too to see recommended monsters, stats requirements, team composition, and niche units to conquer the tower! Veromos 5 Max 5 feeds up to 6 Veromos Farm ToA to 50F (normal) and 30F (hard) at least based on the current capabili of your monsters. Try to clean the 10F element of the halls using the
current main team and 1 friend Republic Each Hall will give you 150 crystals award for a total of 750 crystals at your first completion. Watch out for 6 Hero and Legend runs on The Magic Shop. Buy when it matches the desired statistics. Sell 4 Rare Runs if they slot 1/3/5. Keep usable 4 Rare Runs with perfect stats from
the 2/4/6 slot. Keep 5 can run and run. Don't forget to collect guaranteed crystals from the victory over rivals times when they're up. Priority Power Rune: Slots 2.4 and 6. Keep 4 and 5 runs and up to 12 pounds. Save the Mana Stones for 6 runs and. Only power-up run and up to 12 if they are at least 4 and with good
stats/substats. Collect rewards from events, they give a lot of resources. Continue upgrading your sanctuary energy, Mysterious Plant and Sky Sky Totem. The Veromos War Guides I believe is every Dream Inductees, or at least one of their first goals, is to get Veromos into war conscripts. Veromos is an important part
for many teams, and will help you progress quickly in the game. With this said today I would like to look back and rally the Summoners War Veromos Guide with some tips and tricks I found trying to acquire my own Veromos. I also hope this will help you prepare and be more effective in your approach to getting
Veromos. The Conscripts of War Veromos Guide here as a contribution to you Summoners War gaming experience, but certainly not the way of form or form is the only way to go about getting Veromos. Veromos Fusion Getting all the monsters for Veromos can definitely take some time. It's important to know what
comes into it, and don't accidentally use something you shouldn't if you're trying to get it. Here's a chart of what it takes for its Fusion. Starting from the beginning of the merger process at a very high level you will need to get 12 monsters to 4 stars and awaken them. Then fuse these 12 monsters into three four-star
monsters. Each monster can be obtained by calling, however with this said that it will probably be quite rare that you have called all the parts. Dark Yeti is probably the hardest to get as light and dark scrolls are few and far between. On the bright side, most of the base monsters are farm monsters. You will need to pay
attention to what you need. The good thing is a few updates back they added merging charts to the game and now highlight the monsters you have that are part of the merger process. For example, looking at the chart again you can see I have a few monsters for Veromos Fusion, like the vampire wind that I purchased
through the challenge. Veromos Youtube Guide Veromos Strategies - Buying Monsters Now that we know what's going on in Veromos Fusion, we can pay attention to day 1 game Summoners War. First, pay attention to all the mystical scroll causing you to use, and every time you call a piece I would go and block the
monster so you don't accidentally use them. As you line your account and grow from noob to mid game you will quickly gain many monsters for Veromos as long as you don't use them for feed. You'll even be able to get a few monsters from using a regular call scroll. Next, after what I call the acquisition of most of your
monsters the next thing you need to pay attention to what day of the week it is. I say this because it's Monday when the Dark Dungeon is open, and that's when you'll need to be especially vigilant when watching the dark yeti Secret Dungeon. Be sure to pay attention to the chat, and nice to invite. On the other hand, it's
also your day for the Dark Dungeon farm as well, and if you happen to get lucky and get dark dark Please be kind and pay it forward to your fellow callers. Keep a few friend slots open to invite, and because of them farming Dark Yeti, and you get pieces from them hitting the dungeon. Veromos Strategy - The level and
evolution is a great piece of getting Veromos this time when it will take you to a level and evolve all the monsters. This is probably one place where this Summoners War Veromos Guide will hopefully help you. First of all the level of monsters you need can happen in tandem while you are trying to farm or summon the
necessary monsters. The key is to use your Booster experience properly. Be prepared when you plan to use them, and store energy. Don't waste the Booster Experience. I also highly recommend when you decide to really click that you go to the store and use some crystals for a three day steering experience. Next, this
is my opinion, you want to farm Faimon volcano. Definitely the first area of the Way. Chances are you will use your knight water magic for the Faimon farm. At 5 stars, awakened, four to five stellar run level 12 or higher, and the maximum level you should be able to farm the way on hard. Mine also works with Vampire
and Revenge runs going speed in 2 slot, HP's 4 slot, and HP's 6 slot. Knight of Water Magic makes a great farmer for Faymon, and the monster everyone will have. I also believe that this is actually one of the reasons it is not a bad idea to 6 stars of it, because most of the game as you know grind and you spend a lot of
time aligning and developing monsters. After aligning the monsters comes the next important part of the evolution of the feed. To give you an example just to get one monster to 5 stars, you will need 5 four-star monster stars. One monster that you develop is a complete aligned, and four more 4 star monsters. To quickly
break it down into the same 5-star monster you need: 16 three stars, 48 two stars, or 96 single star monsters evolve to a five-star monster. This is clearly, in my opinion, the time to suck Veromos Fusion, and why you should constantly do it throughout the game using experience boosters. Coinciding with evolution and
alignment I would add a good way in my opinion to get the feed needed, and perhaps saving time to get again to spend crystals on premium packages to call. Buying premium packages during your game will immediately speed up the Veromos Fusion process, getting you the monsters you need in synthesis and fodder
material. Also, you can be a very lucky summoner and get some other necessary stuff for your account. Veromos Strategy - Awakening Beyond actually completing Veromos Fusion one of the latest parts has enough material to awaken all the monsters. That's what you can accidentally work for a week, and slowly
accumulate materials for awakening thermonuclear materials. When getting to this point it will also be a little more sensitive time if you don't have all the proper materials to wake up the monsters because you will have to farm the right dungeons on the right day of the week. Along with the actual level of your monsters it
may take some time, especially to get the high elementary piece of material that you need. However, I still find aligning monsters much more work when the push comes to poke then collecting materials. On top of that, it will depend heavily on where you are as a call. Obviously, the higher the level you are, the stronger
your monster team is and run wise, you will be able to complete your runs faster. However, this Summoners War Veromos Guide is more focused on the cumulative look of How to Get Veromos from day one and ditched the collective inclusive web when approaching Veromos Fusion. Summoners War Veromos Guide
Summary Concluding any call can take big steps towards getting Veromos, paying attention very early in the game, and being educated about the approach. I hope this guide doesn't land on deaf ears and helps many early callers fuse Veromos. As stated in the Veromos strategy I believe there are indeed three main
elements of Fusion. Get the appropriate monsters you need by paying attention to the dungeons and subpoenas. Use your mystical scrolls or buy premium packages to help speed up the process, and for the love of God to block the monsters so you don't accidentally use them if they are the monsters needed for
Veromos. Farm Faimon to align your monsters so that you can develop them. Keep an eye on the availability of appropriate feed as it takes a lot of materials, and again use premium packages to help speed up. Finally, you can slowly accumulate the necessary materials to wake up during the week. When I first started
playing Summoners of War I was a bit lost on the track. Hopefully this Summoners War Veromos Guide will help provide some navigational pointers for you. I was able to get Veromos for the first 6 months of gameplay as a free player. This should give a small guide to the timing it takes to get it. The last thing I wanted
to give is one last piece of advice. Make sure you have enough mana because it will definitely suck to have everything and won't be able to call Veromos because you didn't have mana available for this. However, with this said make sure you enjoy the game! Game!

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