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Assessment 14.

● 1. What is the key factor that determines the growth rate of a
human population?
mmigration, births, emigration, and death determines growth rate of population.

● 2. How does a population’s age structure help analysts make

predictions about how its size might change?

Yes, age-structure diagrams allow scientists to determine if the number of

individuals likely to have children will increase or decrease in the future. Tells us
whether a population is growing, stable, or declining in numbers

● 3. In general, how do age structures differ between more- and

less-developed countries?
In MDCs (More-Developed countries), the age structure is much more
rectangular-shaped if you were to represent it in a population pyramid, as there is
about an even number of people in each age group. The US is an example of one
country that displays this. In LDCs (Less-dev. countries), however, the age
structure contains much more people who are younger; if you were to draw the
age structure for one of these countries, it would look like a triangle. This is due to
a couple reasons: first off, there is likely not a solid health care system, education
is likely not, so to speak, top-notch, religion likely has a much greater influence on
the people, leading to lots of births and a very high TFR (total fertility rate).
Second, numerous people cannot reach old age due to, again, the reasons above.

● 4. Describe three ways to slow population growth.

Make education entertaining. Promote family planning. Empower women.

Assessment 14.3
● 1. What are the three major trends related to urban populations?

Urbanization, Urban growth, and Megacities/megalopolises.

● 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of urbanization?
the upward urban growth always has a negative connotation. upward urban
growth degrades the environment because they will create community in areas
where animals live. by disrupting the natural habitat of the animal, will lead to
decrease in their number.

● 3. Make Judgments Should it be the responsibility of city

governments to provide clean water, sewers, electricity, and
roads to squatter settlements, or should local governments have
the right to bulldoze these areas? As mayor of a large city, how
would you handle this problem?
because a weak mayor system would mean that 0 power is in the mayors hands
strong mayor system would be the opposite where all power resides in the
mayors hands a special purpose system would basically mean that each power
holds a different purpose and a council manager system means that the power
only has control over the council and the council is one of the powers

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