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ROGRAPH Pl AS SUPE OO STS 8 Put a sheet of Spirograph paper, or other paper, on the white Side of the Saseboard, Plago a RING on it'and fasten it down ‘th @! Spirograph Pin through each of the four tiny pinholes, x USE MARK No. 1 ON RING OG FOR YOUR STARTING POINT Place a WHEEL inside the Rng, With a pen in one of the I (ior your fret pattern, use ‘ane tf the holes closer to the ce ‘ined, move the Wheel earefilly around the inside of the Ring, always Kepny te els noise Hol tegen upran, apa d nt press fad of Continue until your line meets where ft sare ‘ry ths agaia Using 8 ‘dierent hole in the Wheel, then by starting at = diferent postion iy the ing. nse tne Dox lid are the Basic patterns made with Whee's inside Rings. Draw these to got to How the patio each Whee! makes. ‘Using your Sail point pont forthe first time, rub the points on a piece cf seruich paper until ine nk flows emooiny. Your Spltograph parts are Srecision ebginvered. Production requires a sighly shorter tooth at hole Wim each part which does not fleet the oporatian, It some excess past ‘Simply serape it off The shorter tooth wil leo assist You Ih Fecating te starting point ‘The numbers cn the Wheels, Rings and Racks Indicate the eumber of ‘Gn the Rings, the upper humber isthe numberof teeth on the E Shown ‘ist. Then, the pumbor of the WHEEL fe shown in a Cirle. The humbers theveattar Indicate ths HOLE In-whien to insert the pen, The Color ef this number tells you The color of the pen fo use. Ring Wheel Nov “No. M. @+ i9: Hole No. and Color of Pen 5-7 96 Draw these patterns to see how to form designs 4 Pin RING No. 144 to tho Paper and Base board with mack atthe top. lace WHEEL No, 80 co Hole 1 tines up with-mark 1-on tho Rng, With pen In Hole Taran one patter Reposition the Wheel so Hole 3 ines up vith mack on the Bing. With pen in Hole S'araw another patterns over tho first one Repeat using Hole 5. thon Holo 7 Pin RING No. ee to Paper and Baseboard, Use WHEEL No. 60, Hole 1 at mark 1 Wit» Ros pen In Hole 1 draw pattern Move tte Wheel ane ‘cinta the right in'Hole 1"draw pattern Howe With mark 2 on A utr Black pon in Hole 8. draw. pattern, Move Whee!"ene toot to” right- ang with ame, pen in Hole 5. draw patton Farm Vinee over (cumbers underneath) and ole § belwoen the two Black ‘raw with creen pon in Hole 8 Use WHEEL No56, Hole 1 a Bing. pen in tole} draw Pepostion he, Wheel, £0 tha fale 2 lines up one tooth Yo ght of orginal pat tein, Draw pattern with ben In Hale 2 ape, bang Woes 3221078 and moni Gno toa tthe righ with 22 ol S pin nina 12210 Paper and Bsseboare tse wueeihe 2, Hoe 1 at mak ig WHEEL Rua dt a eae mn Hoes Raa oonah atin Sst fon e's "Boe Sam Ete tte Taf WREEL No 45, Hole © at mar se eer ean periataeaenes Jena eal et WHEEL No, vl 1 at mark 1, bey Strnad anh ale Hepet La ae ih se WHEEL No, 79 Hol 16a ra hr Be eok ti Papel ao and the combination and ‘Racks, using afleront holes and pens ‘at op, then line up the Hole you are DAR Ts TSS TS Sea ky roots TESS, lined up at mark 2 ‘onthe Ring, a ens a0 rata $26 @ + 1-2.9-45-6-7-8-940-11-19 130. @ +1 118 oops) @ + 15-16-17-16-19 05 Towing ane foath vight every mos ©) (eee 15-16-17-16-19 fined up at hove 1 Wo tnsh) mark 2 4 ; MWA. @ + 120.45 + 129456 3) + 9 at mark te one tooth ight; {oath to the sight avery hole. @ 4 two oan gt:3 ona 2h $or49-20.24 lined tnatk nattay 12. @- ves @+ 12045 @> 2046 PET ESS eT toy te Ip My) ( eH x \ ia * @> t2rstsss corres 1-3-5-7 Move six teeth right eee ee clee prensa tenes) care rat aie nl) NETS aumteeuateet oath farther to right, hen one tooth farther @ + 141219 G+ 847-18 directly i the center between 46 @.1 @1 F =: @:1@ ws @ss On @ + testanting atmarcs ,2and3 @ +17 @ + 2, staring @® + 1, stating at macs 1,2, 9 M4. @+ 101 ®+ os al marks 1 and 2 @- 2 @- ss cariog @ « storng ot mars tus at marks 1 and 9 GIANT DESIGNS USING OUTSIDE OF RINGS Here are TWO WAYS TO DRAW GIANT SIZE CIRCULAR DESIGNS 1 « Pin down @ RING and revolve a WHEEL around the outside edge 9s shawn at the left, 2'« Pin down a WHEEL and revolve a ING around the Wheel, as shown at the right. ‘OUTSIDE EDGE OF FING INSIDE DESIGNS {he OUTSIDE of WHEEL Bs LONG PATTERNS USING RACKS Pin down a RACK with Pins through the three pinholes. Roll 2 Wheel ‘around it, Slow down as you go around the ends so the teeth will stay in, ‘contact. After each pattern move the Wheel to the next tooth or use a different hole, PIVOT THE RACK Beautiful designs can be drawn by changing tho postion ofthe Rack. Remove the {wo pin atthe anda, leaving the Genter pin, ner pivot the Rack-Pin down and ‘Save anolner pattern Fora dierent effect, remove aif the pins and move the Rack up or down about 1 quarter inch without tuning i, then pin i dawn and repeat your pattern This ian easy example of a desian made with a Rack pinnoa in en one position, and ‘sing only one Whe. Use Rack 78), Seoseien8-76.9, staring at mark Son the Rack and moving on@ tooth tthe Fight for every hole Rack 144, Wheel 72, Hole 1. ‘With Rack Sereontsl start at mark § and neo that le vertical ck per Phot o the opposite side and repeat with Bile pon, STAT SSS ES IT’S REALLY QUITE SIMPLE! To diaw the design shown at right follow these stops 1. Pin down Rack 150 with three pins. saa 2. with Ring “84 between the two Racks, pin down Rack 144 paral to Rack 150 2, Place the Ring atthe ltt end ofthe two Racks, with mark 1 at top 4, Use Whee! 28. ith the pen in Hole t draw pattern. Always line yp Hole 1 with mark 1 Inthe fing belore drawing @ patton 65, Litt the top of the Ring ans move one tooth tothe right along the upper Rack, keeping fhe teeth engaged on he lower Rack; draw a pattern Repeat url you have Grawn Sic paterns 6, Move the Ring two toeth to right along both Racks; draw a pattern. 7. Now move the Ring one tooth to right along the lower Rack, Kaeping teeth engaged Ir-upper Rack; raw a pattern Repeat unt ou have crawn six patterns. 8. Again move the Ring two teeth to right along both Racks. Keep repestin {hfough 8 unt you'reach the end of the Racks, Try other continuous designs using diferent Wheols and diferent Hotes top, begin at mark 10 on Ang and draw ‘one ioaih right top and Bottom everytime. ‘green: co this three times 1h each ‘Aer the sixth pattern, rverse procedure starting at mark 4 on fing in blue and moving et each time, $4 @ +s wough 17 Wits mark 1. of Bing at tp, te tran Tant move Ring 4 too to Np top nd bextom {or each patom -@ es = = alternating red and blue, moving Ring two teeth right on TOP Rack humbers in red. moving Ring one tooth right MAKE SUPER DESIGNS WITH INTEI RCHANGEABLE CURVES AND BARS ) i This is an ACTUAL SIZE Super Design, drawn using Wheel both outside and inside of the parts arrangement. EASY GUIDES FOR ‘SUPER DESIGNS is a TRAPEZOID 1957-10 na Bar les DIAMOND Shape > a eo 6, Hole 1, begin sx teh of comer mark ontop ee eee ener er len etrrats Supe: Seog desis ese pages are shown ‘wowiras actual 8, CROSS arrangement mee! 64, Hole 1, begin at center mark of top Cuivea "t)"secton Draw six hed ‘patton mow ing one tooth righ fr each. Then mave th Might and draw six patterns in Black moving one tooth night foreach. ‘omer designs Weel 9s, Holes 3, hu 8 begin at center mark ‘enter mark ofthe top "D section Wheel 72,Hole 1, begin at c ‘ection at fap, Ora acer in Green moving one toath right for each, Mowe wo teeth right and draw three more pattors Infed moving one tooth @ HOURGLASS shape Wheel 72, Hle 5, begin st center mark of top Show ba’ and draw 2¢ Red pattems. mowing tne tooth right for each. Then 24 Gree” pa Ife inthe sume manner Then 24 pater in Other design: hoo 4, Holes 1 hr 8, begin centr mar on the cured on, Braw pats in loe,"mowng one Yoh ht ‘Ute he same procedure beginning atthe center mark of te Shon Bar, located at the bottom of your arrange ment. Draw these patos In ed, Try this arrangement Whoo! 48, Holes 12:3-45.07-89 19:11 121316 Bogin at canter ack of Op curved °D section ‘Mote one tooth ght for each hole ‘other aesion: Whee! 48, Holes 1-05-7.0-1, begin at center mark of “D) ection af top in ed. Move night thee teeth ana Tepest in Grou Then start three teeth let of center mark ang repeat In Grech again CLOVER LEAF arrangement we 84, Hole 12 begin at contor mark of top curved get, raw Bi pases, moving one oth taht otner designs Holes + thru 14, with Rea pen begin at cen termark of top "BD" section. Then chango to mark ot one of the 1op "C seatlons 1355, with Red pen begin at coner ‘Di 'Section af top. with Blue Bo ia aura "with Helon'8.1449 ving te Unusual SPIRAL designs ‘Blue pen begin at the center mark (change fo Red pen and use Holes Holes 15-16 at the same mark, ‘other desions: Wee! 62, Holes, begin at any center mark and draw one pattern in {tn ith ol ra one patio ined staring tne Wines! 40, Ho Baten wit ach Hole mowing at oe eth fy ech Tange to log pon and use Holes 7-29 slating one tooth fight of last Blue pattern end moving ene toot) ight for bach pattern ios 34-5, bagin at any center mark and draw Blue 7 Try this small “Y” arrangement Using Winee! 68, Hole 1, with Grocn pen begin at any center fant anc draw’ around the" arrangement 14 times. Without {changing location of wheel change to Red pen and complete the destan other designs: Wheel 50, Hole 9, wit Blue pen, bealn a e center mark on i for ‘painHoles” Change to fed pen i=19, staring at the samo contor Whoo! 1-257, begin at any center mark on “Y' piece and dra with each Rolo staring atthe same Senter mark gach time. OPEN-END arrangement Using Whee! 20, Hole, begin at any center mark an draw \\ ‘ne patlorninBlue ther desir raw with Groen pen, Then using Hole 3, che pen. Benin at the same center J wneet 64, ole 1, begin at any center mati and draw one potters in any color How to draw 4-sided designs using the SUPER SQUARE RE-CREATE ALL THE DESIGNS ON THE SUPER SPIROGRAPH BOX LID Instructions for the. SQUARE that framoe Dy PANote see Page ieee Te “The lange shape and the two round de- signs, shown Rete, ate explained Below. MAKE THis ARRANGEMENT OF SUPER PARTS Whee! G4. Hole 1, begin Yee teeth let of contor mark of ip cured "B archon ana draw six pat {tine in Blue, moving one tooth ight Tor wach For the Sprograch design at et 44 Wheel 40 + Using Hole 1 “Bg draw 9 panerns in Sng’ona! oth right for each Wineal 98+ Using ‘ele. I Staning two teeth nh a ast Bitte patter, craw 4 patierns Infed moving on foot ight foreach For te Spirogranh design at ght 180 Whee! 24 » Halo 4 in Blue 4306 Whee! 60 * Hoos 10 thru ‘nae 24 « Holes 29 thru Bon Green Use. Super Sprauraph to create {Sesigne on materia for embroicer ing, 10 decoralo sielonery, covers {af aooks, lampshades and mor, Make an aidum of your awn {SPIROGRAPHICS Guides for crawing the vvee ‘eeigne on the FRONT COVER ‘of tne book ean be found on Pages 4.11.15 To DRAW THE COLORFUL INNER OESIGN Use Ring “gg: Wheel 84 Holes 1:2.3-49 in Reg, moving ene tooth fight tor each ole For" Green tare two tenth right ola fea patern and ropoat For Blue, Hole 21 begin 2 tooth let of mare TPeraw 8 pattems moving 1 toatn night for ‘ach: For Gres, Hole 28'oegin 2 toe" (et Sf mark 2 and wiaw 8 patlorns moving * faoth right for each. For Red, Hole 32 one patter, (4) “NER PRODUCTS CANADA LIMITED, 43 HANNA AVE, TORONTO 150, ONTARIO. Hea cuuie ‘eam paitigni ieee

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