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In your own words, discuss the difference between “emerging adulthood” and “middle

Humans deal with age related changes based on their circumstances and various
factors during their lifetime. Emerging adulthood deals with the time that you are at
your peak both physically and mentally. As you age and based on various factors this
could determine your aging process. For example, if you do not practice a healthy
lifestyle (proper nutrition, exercise, etc.) by the time you reach your middle adulthood
you can face various medical conditions that can impair or perhaps shorten your

I also believe that during emerging adulthood, that you are either setting and or
focusing on your future goals and achievements and career choices that you would like
to make through your life. Generally, at the beginning of adulthood is when you are
gaining more knowledge for instance by going to school to pursue a specific field.
While you are in your prime you can learn and retain more than someone later in life
such as middle adulthood. Furthermore, women are more fertile during this time and
hence more offspring are born during emerging adulthood, rather than middle

Middle adulthood is later when you body is breaking down physically and based on the
various conditions of your lifestyle will determine, how much longer you can achieve at
a peak level. For women this can be especially troubling since conception can be more
and more difficult as you age.

2.Is the personality you display in social media different from the personality you display
in person? Please explain.

I try to be myself as much as possible while on social media. I do not want to

misrepresent myself as something that I am not. However, being online does have it’s
advantages. I feel I can express myself more freely and openly with random strangers
online rather than in person. In the virtual realm I tend to me more open. Since I
generally share video and pictures, I am generally not afraid to meet any new person
that comes into my sphere of influence. Based on the interaction and communications,
I feel that I am more in control and thus protected and shield from judgment, especially
from people I do not know, since it us up to me to communicate with them or not.
Considering I work a lot and go to school my time is very limited and within an online
environment I can manage my friendships a little better. Hence always being the same

However, in the physical word and not being online, I am more reserved with sharing
my experiences or my life for that matter with people that I do not know. I feel that I am
not in control of the situation or can lose control and thus I may exhibit various
insecurities on getting to know someone.
3.Describe how arousal, cognition, and expressive behavior interact in emotion.

There are several theories of how we come to an emotional response. The most
notable of these are the Evolutionary Theory, James-Lange Theory, the Cannon-Bard
Theory and Schacter and Singer’s Two-Factor Theory. With the latter theory it states
that in order to be an emotional response, first you must have stimulus (arousal), in
which the person gives the experience a cognitive label and develops a emotional
response to the situation.

A great example of this would be if a dog is running at you at full speed. The stimulus is
the dog running towards you, in which you attempt to gain cues from your surroundings
(cognition) to give the appropriate emotional response. Thus, if the dog is running at
you top speed and the cognitive label you give to this stimulus is danger; then you will
run for safety or attempt to get out of the situation. However, if someone presents you
with flowers for no reason while you are dating, you cognitive label could be love,
friendship or admiration or even hate based again on the cues surrounding that act and
thus would provoke the appropriate response that is needed.

4.Describe how people communicate nonverbally. Is nonverbal the same in all cultures?
Give an example of how gestures and facial expressions mean different things in
different cultures.

There are many ways that people communicate nonverbally. Some state that up to
80% of all communications can be attributed to non-verbal communications. This can
be done using various body language, gestures, emotional responses. This can be
both multifaceted and complex to overtly simple such as eye contact. By using
nonverbal communication, we convey our emotions, feelings and or thoughts without
having to express ourselves with words. To the recipient this can reinforce a message
that we are attempting to convey to providing or eliciting some form of response from
the other person.
Not all nonverbal communication is the same especially across cultures. Based on
nonverbal communication cues, the meaning is quite different. Although evident in
every culture the east and west culture are vastly different in how they communicate. A
prime example of this is In the middle east, if you were to stick your thumb out at
someone it is the equivalent of giving someone the middle finger here in the western
culture. However even in some western cultures the middle finger nor the thumb are
indicative of swearing at the individual without expressing any words and example of
this would holding up the index and middle fingers simultaneously seen more with the
cultures of Western Europe and England.

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