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Ret N ba eal STEVE - MORSE - BAND COAST-TO-COAST Transcribed by Kerry O'Brien Tablature Explanation User Friendly Collateral Damage Get It In Writing Morning Rush Hour Runaway Train |36 Long Lost |44 The Oz |51 Over Easy |59 Cabin Fever Jes Flat Baroque |75 User Friendly Music by Stave Morse ee er) Moderately fast d= 148 7 xe Ne. Play 4 times RiP Buaveeseeeeeeeeee z : Lisa )3251213231 4192 413291 4192916132 eigaddai32313132 ras. (end RITA) Ds ES Ds DC en Ds ES bs as RBG To Cody ts bs DG A bsus___ os 2S seyret CCopyrgnt © 1992 Droge Musi (2M) ‘Th Arangerent 6 1980 rage Muse Inmate! Copyright Sacute. Al Figs Rasorved 5 cs bs cs D cs Mt B (*Gte TD) — a I So Barn tering oot Trine clean tone * 4 z z . = = = aca 2 ; 5 trea te treet att ia eae to ae at yg “ead by 1s to, i) © @) ps oe cs noe > ta2 (end Rift B) a (Gtr. I out) [eee letinge-4 let rings---=4 Tervinge--==-4- let rings lepring-- = z let Ping et rings Tet ring ce © © 5 SS ring-4terring--4 Tet ring -4 S Tate LECT Fem ir Cat getters 4 i W/RIATC.(2 times) (end Rittc) NC. Fa ‘Hid each nate forthe ae of one quater note ‘so tat it oveaps the folowing note (oles {he following notes the me sn) wiRhy. Fig. 1 (2 times) & Ful 1 Ds FS Ds bs ES Ds as ves Fat AYN of > og aA Ds ES bs as Fat Pau (Gtr.1V ov ; 2 psessasssnenannaanenas et i ben cud Dstt cas? Dst BR oe = SSS Gtr. e— cs o cs D cs > © © P%_os Fn 1 ase ras : a re © © — vw Gem aaa Fat LanGte.1 we CS > os oi ————— Gtr. ee iar T op Fines let rings w/Rhy. Fig. 1 (Ist 7 bars only) coda PS ES bs D A DS ES bs é 8 § gt WRIA CQ times) we DS. al Coda Tet rings ---4 let ringe=-4 let ring es SS S= - SSS nas pe ee ce : - = = 6 ee meen nc a 5 eee 2 a t Collateral Damage Music by Steve Morse eh EG RE HE he hn BE itr. se ise. ETH = 3, ste, Pero 3te. oa a geet ae a AP a Aa triplet feet 9-59) a crneiee® 13 @13O14O1 201308 TP Sa TP Pa SS re ‘clog numbers ndint RL ee = 7 ww Nw Pa Tea TPR TR TPH ‘ rH Tere we TH TPH TPH TH TPH TPH GPR Tp yee Copy ©1952 regs Music (BMD) “Ine rangement © 1988 Drege Muse 10 Imation! Copyright Secured AE Figs Resend "Ari Famonia prodeced by Toely ousting sg w/RHLidex nae izecty over fet inahatedin pentose and pking frm teed pick (Geld beeen thumb and mide ng BS straight 16ths 2 aria 3 Piatadad siieegsEegagizal " 6 f "Es c D A ES c e - = = ~ ies = BR ee chord names refer to ta. (oext 12 ba a poems weet ; ———— = oe pee tt eee en. = ee oS =e : = = 4 ES NC. straight 16ths : ‘ : % 23 FF n a - 5 a eae sy. Gs FiGem Asus GIA i oiiih talon rae: es om see beer if: afireeaiaTon sneer s ato ia ope — a i Sa =. 4 St ee d F Fis 3 3 cad we us ip ins f re ete + = - + + % = wt lars 0 oer “ Guitar solo NCES) Fa, Fat PoP ns Gow DFT f i ‘ asvmvinn : == =o 2 : a : an 7 ) “ ys na : z Fu Fat) Fatt ooo, ee ee —= get a= A SS devig ten , hago. os a5 Pay Istine onl. aL Play 2nd time only Para a 7 a anne he ee SE et ye = = = " eso fen - yard rat on semen ee E+ + tad = = = Wu TH tru Tea TRH TPH qpy TPH TPM TPH TRH TPH TPH TPA TP Thr w Get It In Writing Moderately J=96 Music by Steve Morse cs ss FS Cmajtinoand) G/B as Phe ue SO he Fle Ds == we ae ue nto ae eee eee 3 icecalataat Te aes a aay a 497 4373 Chord nae te to yan ta (dol t)- Dm cs os bss Fs oon “ te + Gm cs 8 Copyright © 1902 Dregs Muse (BMI) ‘Thi Arangoment © 1989 Drege Muse Irrational Copyright Socaroa A Fights oserved w/Rhy. Fig. 1 (2 times) cs BES GS ef PEERS gf inet iy SS = = Ff wjaistortion Fr TIT Testi ator 7 7 TTT ® wiRhy. Fie. 2 BS AMS ESS EDS AbS EBS BIS CS ies eee ono 7 7 T3242 To? asa¢ 21737 wiRhy. Fig. 1 BSS ADS EBS iS ENS ASS EDS BS NC. ro fe acre seen (end RITA) TTB. epee fae ieerer Rhy. Fig.2 EDS AbS ESS BOS EDS ABS ESS BbS CS EAS ABS EDS BSS EAS AbS EAS BS N.C. peep FS Biss cs Bis (Gtr. I ou ws Rhy. FLA (Gtr, 1)-=-- Bb GGte. Mou FS BS FS. Ds = be yy a eee ote ; = vs a = a Gs ass Gs SSS eet ee ST phase ke ==— Ses fet f—— (Gtr. Tout) === es ee wee ee eee E ies a)at permeate ne east Ne Gu lVn HP ett re —Semes- Guitar solo Fy G5 sw/Rhy. Fig. 3 (2times) ep Sis eT TAT Os oistes Dido DATO? 2 S.-i “Doaked by Ga “Doubled by Ot I w/Rhy. Fig. 3 2 times) Gs Fat Pa a Ds FS DS Gs ms uglGte. IV out) et = 7 bend ye ibe nner w/Rhy. Fig. 1 BS Gs FS BAL DS cs BS Gs ESBS. DS Gf Ieemrnrnrnenns py (fiat) w/Rhy. Fig, 2 and RTA BSS Ab ENS BIS EASAS EOS BES CS EBS ABS EDS. BOS EAS ASS B9S BESN.C. w/Rby. Fig, Land RAB —. FS BS Ds BIS GS ES, BOS. DS cs oS Gs Ao. bs — +w/Rhy, Fil Fs Biss Ee FT) Gm FOS os ate pe fe be be Hold a hoe of Ry FHI wit ermal ey Morning Rush Hour ‘Music by Steve Morse PS, OS cs As Bs Bs = (gt a a a Moderately fast Rock J = 166 Halt ime fet ‘wjtratic & weather reports a “Approx (Ome Hs 13 1 31423 13103 0 3142 6 ea 0 11oesr0e ed r Vi. top note oa Copyright ©1062 Droge Musi (2M) The Arangoront © 1969 Droge Ne lntrnatonal Copy Secured Al Fights Recerved % Bs/E CSIE (end Rhy. Fig.) Rhy, Fig 1 (Both gts) es) ee, jamay vw)Rby. Fig. 1 (1% times) Es Bie | CSE IE Em BS/E SIE En Bie CSE ‘ =< apie £ siptelecie SS 4 rad end weveneeennnnennnnns a s = Zs Tear a Pasa? Tea (end Rhy. Fig.) — = SS TF TrTI ILE w/a BS el m2 (end Rhy. Fig. 3) (Gtr. 1V out) Cu a w/Rby. Fig 1 (%times) ae BSE CSE JE Em BS/E C/E ote pS Ful y TRA BE Oe Bs 2 BS/E CSE DIE Er sma) AY 4 me = ipogaaietaietaagigh sags) T cao T 7 t fo. 1 2 3 3 Apten:G PSIG. cena 6 Fy z Ts pa 73 cm aad 7 aa ceo: BoD G8 cer > oP “Arlificial harmonica produced by lightly touching sting w/RL sndx Hinge diely ove ft indicated in prontheses a sucking from belied w/pick (held between thumb and mide finger. Notes n patentee donot sound. w/Rhy. Fig. 3 and Fil 2 BS fa Gtr. V Ls a 7 asm & (end Rhy. Fig. 4) Za STI TTT A, wiRby 2 24 w/Rhy. Fig. 4 (lend) and RIT A (2 times) Peete eneeetes Gea Rin’ay 8 AS BS csp Gs a 252 Rift B Both gts) Git. Ce. I ya both gers vib, (next & bars) ‘Wild shor for Spa "RE Cpe to Gel oy ia ese 6s GS, Ds ag g ES ——— — Gad RAB) o w/Ritfs B& C (both tll end) Gs S ‘4 Rift (Gur. VIP = Bs Tatetat si Tetaiaiets Ts Repeat and fade E TET? Tessa sie =] Tretstsieiaiiiet Fade owt in th T Runaway Train Music by Steve Morse Fast Bluegrass ¢ = 142 Double time feel, Pat NCAA) Gtr Iga F clean tone sw fingers steady glise. val ye 3 x 7 4 Plc with thumb and mide Rage: ol pick wah dex get. Copyright ©1902 Dregs Music (BMI) ‘This Arangemnt © 1989 Droge Mane 96 Imvemnabonel Copy Soeute A Fights Reserved 37 2,483) 421 1193 314211 3 4 6 12 3 31 42 11120 ‘Po th thumb de a ing ngs: old pk with hee ge 5 a a c A Fat, F © ¢ DOA Fah =) sit > Sey >e 34a saat ti 23 330311 38401? 331 6270 a 2nd time substitu Fill 1 F a D Fy 39 __ =—. SS Sa ot at 7 = F Toco 5 eS : =+ a == wingers aaa t ae a oe w/fingers: A sk S é “ 2 = Long Lost Musicby Steve Morse eae ee cepa een Say. Fe Rate . ie —— ig SS Bie SS SS Se ae == SSF eae PF bet ring let ringes fet inge---+ let rings et ring let ring-« let ring {—+ = a3 aH et ie tal ge ee ee “Artic barmonic produced by Auhly touching st w/R index Singer directly over fet nated in parentheses and plucking rom behind w/pick (ld tetween chub and mile Gnper)Allnonhuronic nots re pckedwithe RH inky. AH and va apply to mond apes notes ly. Fin G D 4 letring-+ let ring-+ let ving-+ let ring eis + + letrnges ering et ing letrngs+etrine+ terra leringes tering tet rngennanna HE 4 ae — sy ah Fea] te tw ‘7 ee eee eee: oe oe Let ringe« let ringe+ lee ring-----4 let ring tet ringe4 tet ring- fret pst etboard Copyright © 1992 Oregs Muse (54) Thi Arangomont¢ 1988 Drage Muse “ \osrnabonel Copy Socutes Al Pgs Reserved ay ye t¢ ETA x = 7 ya ip 1p + “ —+— mad had arr i iW Gmaj7(no3rd) adds Gmaj7(no3ed) Em? 4 DIFF G Em Ray. Fig. 2 J Tee swipick and fingers ‘When two (or more) nots are struck together, pty bottom note with pick Td fop tet) mith Ginger). Alter ates ae payed wit he pk Bb FIA ciG G F EmDm Cc Be DIFF os 3 aaa Perea dt bee eed beets a7: F cH/EDmIF AS ms CSE EBV Be mee = te = eS = Ow /pick) a Pt gb 3S SSS EWG we one plbele ze oy Z. Spee v4 i 1 > 3 = > > Bmsust Daj? Bm? ey As Bmsust Dmj7 —G c (a) : eee | letring-----+ letring-—4 let ring == erring eee remade ing ee ee (eel SSS + Tetring=+ let rings + et ring crete AMS ——a SS = 2 oe las = let ringes let ringes et rngeo--> 6+ HOHE gee tring — — = = = t 6 tet a = wy. Fe Caddo GmajTino3rd) Em? “h oe. tg eee 6 Em Dyjrt hos A A ue a ‘ S¢ Sete Sieg pe ee HP renner IP . a : r “ (Gtr. Wout) eames oeeto mae 72 7 208 7 ? 74? @ fo 4 029 3 hs tere, ° D Rite Brgy Dirt cs c Am op c (Gtr, MT out) (end Rhy. Fig. 4) nied : : : : PIR. Fie 4G tines) Dirt G c iy cp Gs €5/C Repeat and fae Gt wsaeennrennreennnnnnnnnnne a Gtr. 1 tetring--- o 3 4 3 0 1 4 9 “Gtr 11 old note il fae out. Do not attack omepe Moderately = 124 Gte1 The Oz Music by Steve Morse gad a) mf _Teantone wipiek and fingers + 1989 rege Muse RELIN S182 rege Mae nse Copy Secured Al igs Reese ert ++ + + CE 2 aa $ = 2 * 23 — ——-s SSS SS= pg a Fw 4 <= = a Let ing nouns 2nd time WF 5rd time w/Fil 3 us aa Ansi0318) 5 agit B ES, BO Cm ‘Amaj(no 3rd) B ye 2 2nd time 10 Code ‘Amano 3d) 3rd ime to Coda It eee Fim chm D> E Dmai? F « Abadd2 B a B RTA (Gtes. 1&1) wi aa Too a1 3 14ea 4 3 1 1 4 1 4 *9 13 8 9 PM applies to Gu I only: Gt. Let each chor ig ‘Bar tt Singer acrot op stings at imerons apy #0 Gt nly: rt pce a ote, ‘ts ret (ext bas) ua ager serou top Senate ret (next 2 ba. w/Ritt A Emaj7 ar Abmal? Bs? Gtr IL oe 2 (end Rif A) 2 14t 4 3 1 1 © *@O 2 1 OO 3 1 O©OF1 OO 3 1 O cite ingens refer to Ra DS. al Coda 1 Coda ¢ ES ae EF ce DIA PHAR 4 3 i i "Stte al chord with upetokes (next be) Gus 1 tL ot 4 f 38 2 faa t a 4 3 4 2 S08 PM apples to Gu I only; Gte. Let ach chard ing B E DIF F Bm A Ne Gtr v whpickand fingers — 0+ + r++ + + + =. 2 I 5 = j SSeS === St week fingers as ere 1 = = = = NC. nal KB F Cmaj7(no 3rd), D eee = — eae ; 4 = ee sae ee a : ; ‘a DF = SSS (fen) 12 pone 1 a = 7 = = Z — +- — a Wp - A = 4 Qe =a SS ae zt q ts a Sr > = = (nites eee 2 =a = —— — 2 —T- — ° Taare 3 1324 Guitar solo wiRhy. Fig. 1 puss op piles A, BIA BIA ay as AmajTino 3ed) BS Gusrounti a ea (cont. in Rhy. Fig. 1) a 7 To 87 Wttieteistte oe * geese porter eteie BIA 2 fpe tee ee pists —— . fee eS Se == oa ae = a BIA BA as SESS STEP SAS ETESTIT TT TEP TSE SATE TAT ETI Boacoday tA _— a Eoieacteteieaciot. ot * eo fe eerie ere = 7 ; ree Sas . 46 +9 a at = = =e ase eae ee SSeS TED PPS ERT TET 7 % Gusta a piemaa erring: Over Easy Music by Steve Morse Moderately ¢) 110 NC Gel ete LSE ara ; a ¢ N.ciGs) RiP T0147401014002701 To 14240101401410 "Pick with thumb, mie and sng ‘ingrs Rol pik with ade Fg as) Tors 240101400201 To1a24eoi01so1aai (end Riff A) ps Lcopyrat © 1920 Dregs Must (8M) ‘The Atangorent © 1958 Dregs Muse Imation! Copyright Sacuod At Fights Reserved 59 N.CUGs) toes aS z Fa ; eeeeeereeerereenes HPP Heeeweeereeenenerennnennnnens zy —— —- ; = Teas 0i4 2 4318 4 iiannome es é Vaeat sai aaavaaae aiaaistiaaarasie g 8 Bs cs cs FIA Bhmai7 cS Bb cs QF a sn FA SR = z oa 3 (se = > = : = ; r =n Sorat i a) no i ' oe . os (Gtr. Tout) Faia ceo gsm eee TOE Guitar solo NCGS) sia. 3 1p 5 hae An as 7 (Sma) 7 6 AH pce D " A, pitches: E F B as) An Bes na) —- === —— aS —_ = ————— >S— ie Se ieee ee 2a P Atle — = T . — = SS 5+ + + ‘A pte CF @ Fou Fu Gtr. Hou ru Fan. Fath ma Full we a , By Gtr cs Gs FIA Bimaj?_ C5: c bs Tastastei’ Emadd9 Dirt G Asus? Emadd9 Diet c A Emada9 Dirt G Asus Emaddo Dirt Bm A (tr. synth. off) aE B e = ca 7 F Outro slo ‘WRGICA (Gt. ID and Rhy. Fie. 1 (both il end) rat Neus) 3 ist mn Gum a D4 = ao é = == e ca ‘wad. Sond ru yu at . * % steady iss al ea POD at An PY Fan y o Cabin Fever Music by Steve Morse Moderately J = 110 Fa "ean tone lerring swlfingers Ir 4 + m1 a24 00102110 ee eon Ainge: hla pick with nde ae det ring rie wipick wingers fr, owe ee + fs 5 ee 2 2 Ee + yt 13s ast 3 pS es levring eifngers i! (ow fingers) aso v20 V1 01017131 o4301102018 Copyright ©1002 Orage Muse (MD ‘Tht Arangemont © 1989 Droge Muse 6 trtratonl Copyright Secuted AI Nips esored M6 Gur.tow) 7 oe Bae eS bs GN > = 3 ¢ oa : — — oe > “ 3 = = SSS ff SS = - + $ = + 40 —_ “e eigi42i4at ° y ails (end Bit A) at ea uell amar eae afte ol ats aai2 40413 14214 24242 4012 Tih, sy Olastiiaaaiat43i 0134111841311 431 O1341)1342121431 say tac note at @ (4h aged wba. yc RAEB. a Tet ring * pose wifingers) Toasa4a100102 wiRi (end Rift) N.C Fatt Gtr fem na > By Tis ¢aaigaie V4. 313 444134145 123 431431414 F3LatSE aoragtere 1ateis c NG = pas ssi * Guitar solo A oe Gee, Chord ramen afer tobe (een 5S). ‘eS w/o kn, c Dd SS wat. synth, n Fada9 Arce D Dade Bm ou cy te — ¢ cows te Tout — jones see . = cas a esp Tadeo Act ada Bm Fu Eaaao ach Gmaj7 Daca Faddo Aict Gmaj7 Dado iva apple to Gr IV only. pss GB ps cs NG ' SSH SSS Ss + az aan eee 9 Sear - + t I cs bs cs NG Ds om NG s tg hres Porn == sb Wit synth Gx ound) ~ ate 4 “8- —— +e] “ = ene Gut SS = = =s 7 # a Z ™ bs Aict cs Ne. Gers. 111 Te2seae ES Flat Baroque Music by Steve Morse Modesty fst J = 156 gail Ae A 1 gies = or oa ——— € a a —— — * 5 —— eo lata. with 1 i es nd Sth raw panned : " Sendra! ‘oe 7” z = = ot op = ag iS eee py i = Msesanresn ® r rae ® 2 t oS = — —s = = a > Coppi © 1982 Orgs Musi (8M) ‘Tha Aangarent © 1050 regs Muse Invrnabonal Cpright Secured At Fights Reserved % SY BBV I == ee eons eeeseeegeeeencny ‘i = | > = — poe = SS : = apoio 2Nonr acoA BV AABN 2BK- ay 258K LAW : A hd LB lg : = se Ca yt yoy ne / ; : weg ge gt os £ 5 + = = 1aBxiv---~+ Y2BIX-—-- = i : a mo Fe a A oo 8 amd a. i = ae ' es = — he +e | aii i ’ a =! pa ote “T, tE a a See eu

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