Word Study: The Greek Prefix Para-Can Mean "Beside" or "Alongside." For Example

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Name: Date:


Word Study: The Greek prefix para- can mean "beside" or "alongside." For example,
the word paraprofessional refers to a person who works alongside and aids a
professional, such as a doctor or lawyer.

A. DIRECTIONS: In each of the following items, think about the meaning of the
italicized word. Then, answer the question. Use a dictionary if needed.
1. Gabe worked as a paralegal in the Boston law firm. True or false: Gabe is a
lawyer. Explain your answer.

2. Brianna was considered a paragon of good manners by her teachers. Is Brianna

polite? Explain your answer.

3. Oak Street runs parallel to Park Street. True or False: Oak Street and Park
Street share an intersection or corner. Explain your answer.

4. When Julianna wrote her paper, she paraphrased the President's speech.
Would you expect Julianna's paper to include direct quotes by the President?
Why or why not?

B. DIRECTIONS: Select the correct word from the box on the right to complete each
sentence. Each word will be used once.
1. The
arrived in an ambulance at the scene of the accident.
2. Nate couldn't move; he was with fear. paramount
3. Lamar's goal was to get a high score on his final paralyzed
math exam.
4. Eliza wrote a about her experience working on the cattle
ranch in Texas.

pg. 1

Name: Date:


A. DIRECTIONS: Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. There were many (paraplegics/parallels) between their experiences and those
of the neighbors.
2. The new gym teacher did not allow misbehavior. The
(parameters/paradoxes) she set were clear to everyone in the class.
3. The novel involved a beautiful young woman whose (paradox/paramour)
was a secret agent.
4 Mistletoe is a (parasitic/parallel) plant that sometimes kills the trees it lives
off of.
5 The book provided a new (parameter/paradigm) for the study of genetics.
6 The country was in chaos as a (paralegal/paramilitary) force stormed the
capital and took over the reins of government.

B. DIRECTIONS: Use each of the following words in a complete sentence. Use a

dictionary if needed.
1. parameter
2. paralysis
3. parable
4. parachute
5. paradigm
6. paradox

pg. 2



A. 1. false; a paralegal is “train in legal matters but not fully qualified as a lawyer.”
2. yes; Brianna is polite because paragon means “a model or example of good
3. false; Parallel means “extending in the same direction, never converging.”
4. No, because to paraphrase means “to reword or restate.”

B. Possible responses:
1. paramedic
2. paralyzed
3. paramount
4. paragraph

pg. 3



A. 1. parallels
2. parameters
3. paramour
4. parasitic
5. paradigm
6. paramilitary

B. Sample responses:
1. The teacher outlined the parameters of the discussion.
2. A stroke can lead to partial or total paralysis.
3. Her grandfather liked to use parables to make his points.
4. She made her first parachute jump at the age of 67.
5. James had become the paradigm of the successful man.
6. It is a paradox that in such a wealthy country there is so much poverty.

pg. 4

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