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Diego Valencia-Enríquez , Ivânio Puerari and Irapuan Rodrigues
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Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica - Puebla, México. Universidade do Vale do Paraíba - Brasil

We are performing a series of fully 3D numerical simulations of barred models under interaction with a spherical companion. The goal of this set of runs is to study the dynamics
of the disk particles in such simulations. In our calculations, the R parameter of the bar can be increased or decreased by the perturbation, depending mainly on the mass of the
perturber, the pericenter distance, and the angle between the bar and the perturber at the orbit pericenter. In our simulations, the bar evolves from slow to fast at later times. We are
calculating some morphological and dynamical quantities (disk circular velocity, bar size and strength, particles angular momentum distribution, etc) to understand how the changes
in these quantities correlate with the R parameter variation.

In this work, we show the results for 8 simulations, which The histograms follow this same color code to differen-
Gerin et. al (1990) and Sundin & Sundelius (1991) are classified into two groups: interaction angle α, and tiate between models, they are also divided into three
showed that the interaction between a barred galaxy and angular velocity Ωp of the companion at the pericenter panels; the first panel shows compact orbits (CO), the
a perturbation can increase or decrease the strength of rp, see Table 1. second panel shows loop orbits (LO), and the last panel
the bar which depending on the phase angle α relative shows barred orbits (BO) -see figure 3-. Likewise, each
Table 1 : This table shows the free parameters that were experimented in our
between the bar and the companion at the pericenter rp simulations. bar drawn in the histogram correspond to that amount
(see figure 1),but they are not clear about the behav- Mass = 17.4% of the target galaxy mass of particles (represented in percentage of the disc mass),
ior of the disk and the bar after the perturbation is far Ωp = 60km/s/kpc Ωp = 30km/s/kpc which were orbiting thereby for 1 Giga year.
away from the target galaxy. Barred galaxies are com- Name α rp[kpc] Name α rp[kpc] We can note models M30s are more affected than models
monly classified according to the distance-independent F05_o60_nh -65.3 11.4 F05_o30_nh -82.8 9.8 M60s. For example, the R parameter oscillates with more
ratio R = RCR/ab, where RCR and ab are the corota- F05_o60_ns -22.1 13.8 F05_o30_ns -25.4 9.4 amplitude between fast and slow bar for M30s than for
tion and bar radius, respectively. This parametrization F05_o60_ps 38.5 10.8 F05_o30_ps 10.4 9.5 M60s, the bar for both set of models becomes fast when
permits a classification of bars into fast (1.0 < R < 1.4) F05_o60_ph 63.4 12.0 F05_o30_ph 59.9 10.7 the angle is −45 < α < 45, and the growth of the bar is
and slow ones (R > 1.4).
stooped for M30s.
Figure 1: This figure depicts the Once we had evolved the simulations using the code Gad-
angle α between the bar and the get2 (Springel, 2005), we proceeded to analyze them
companion at the pericenter. computing the length and the angular velocity of the bar
to estimate the R parameter. Finally we classified differ-
Therefore in this work, we studied the dynamics of disk ent morphological types of orbits for the disk particles in
and bar at the moment of interaction and also after the the bar frame reference (figure 3). Furthermore, we also
perturbation is far away from the target galaxy, using a proceeded to calculate maps of the angular momentum
disk relaxed model with bar as the target galaxy and an distribution in the disk to relate to the R parameter and
elliptical/spherical galaxy model as companion. the orbits classification.

Method Figure 3: This figure show the

morphological classification of the
We present a series of fully 3D numerical simulations of
disk particles.
barred models under interaction with a spherical compan-
Figure 5: Change in angular momentum, ∆L as function of radius for different
ion embedded in live halos. time intervals for fiducial, F05_o30_ps and F05_o30_ph model respectively.
We adopted the exponential disk for the target galaxy Results Shaded rectangles are the Inner Lindblad Resonance (ILR), Corotation (CR), and
Outer Lindblad Resonance (OLR).
(Springel et. al 2005) that is designed to be dynamically
stable to the formation of bar (figure 2), and the Hern- The first row of figure 5 shows the exchange of angular
quist profile for the halos of interacting models and for momentum (∆L) of our fiducial model where material
the stellar component of the companion. at resonance in the bar region loses angular momentum
which is taken by material at resonance in the outer disc
and/or the halo. Moreover, the second and the third row
of figure 5 shows the ∆L only for models F05_o30_pq
and F05_o30_pg respectively. We observe that the ∆L is
less conspicuous than the fiducial model which it means
less exchange of ∆L so that the growth of the bar is
retarded then the bar tends to become fast. This effect is
more evident for model where the angle alpha is −45 <
α < 45.
In this work we show that a bar under interaction be-
Figure 4: This figure is explained in the text. comes fast or slow depending on the angular speed of the
companion at the pericenter as well as on the angle α.
Figure 2: The first row are snapshots on color scale of the natural logarithm of
The left columns of figure 4 show shows plots of the R The bar becomes faster when the companion pass with
the disk density, the left panel displays the face-on, and the right panel displays parameter as a function of time. The right columns show slow angular speed with angle -45 < α < 45. In a forth-
the edge-on of the disk. In the second row, the left panel shows the rotation plot of the statistical orbital analysis. Panels from row 1 coming article we will complete our study testing different
curve and parameters used to make the fiducial model. The right panel shows
the Amplitude of Fourier Transform (FT1D) in logarithmic scale as a function of
represent results when the companion flies the disk with companion mass and different pericenters.
time for different parts of disk. From this plot it can be seen that the amplitude 60 km/s/kpc at the pericenter rp (M60s), and panels
for inner radius becomes higher and constant, it represents the formation of the from row 2 represent results when the companion flies the Bibliography
bar in the disk, and the amplitude for outer radius oscillates, it represents the
formation of transient spiral structures. disk with 30 km/s/kpc at the pericenter rp (M30s). The Gerin, M., Combes, F., Athanassoula, E. 1990, A&A,
black color over these plots depicts the isolated model, the 230,37
To set down the orbit of the companion, we calculated red color depicts the models where the angle is α < 0, Springel V., 2005, MNRAS, 364, 1105
the position and the velocity of the perturbation to follow and the blue color depicts the models where the angle is Springel V., Di Matteo T., Hernquist L., 2005, MNRAS,
an hyperbolic orbit overflying the target galaxy to 60 or α > 0. Additionally, the interactions represented by the 361, 776
30 km/s/kpc at the pericenter rp ≈ 12.9kpc. Finally we shaded lines have smaller angle α than those represented Sundin, M., Sundelius, B. 1991, A&A 245, L5
rotated the disk 90, 45, and -45 to have different angles with continuous line.
α of interaction.

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