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Dynamical Stabilities in Isolated

and Perturbed Barred Models

Ph.D. dissertation by
Diego Valencia Enríquez

Under the supervision of:

Dr. Ivânio Puerari
Dr. Irapuan Rodrigues de Oliveira Filho∗

*Universidad do Vale do Paraíba, Sao José dos Campos,

February 2018

Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 1 / 64

This work focuses on the study of structures (spiral and bar) and dynamic stability in disc
galaxies using N-body simulations.

The question is:

What and how do the stability limits change in a disc galaxy as the structures evolve?

• Generate galaxy models stable and unstable to bar formation.

• Follow the growth of structures and the local stabilities.
• Figure out what are the limits of Global Stabilities (GS) in disc galaxy models.
• Study the GS when the models are subjected to a perturbation.

• Growth of structures and local stability in disc galaxy models

Kuijken & Dubinski (1995) + gyrfalcON (Dehnen, 2000b)
• Global Stabilities in disc galaxy models
Springel & White (1999) + Gadget2, (Springel, 2005)
• Statistical morphological analyzes for the orbits of barred models
FORTRAN + Numerical Recipes to analyze the evolution of the models + PGPLOT
Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 2 / 64
This work focuses on the study of structures (spiral and bar) and dynamic stability in disc
galaxies using N-body simulations.

The question is:

What and how do the stability limits change in a disc galaxy as the structures evolve?

• Generate galaxy models stable and unstable to bar formation.

• Follow the growth of structures and the local stabilities.
• Figure out what are the limits of Global Stabilities (GS) in disc galaxy models.
• Study the GS when the models are subjected to a perturbation.

• Growth of structures and local stability in disc galaxy models

Kuijken & Dubinski (1995) + gyrfalcON (Dehnen, 2000b)
• Global Stabilities in disc galaxy models
Springel & White (1999) + Gadget2, (Springel, 2005)
• Statistical morphological analyzes for the orbits of barred models
FORTRAN + Numerical Recipes to analyze the evolution of the models + PGPLOT
Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 2 / 64
This work focuses on the study of structures (spiral and bar) and dynamic stability in disc
galaxies using N-body simulations.

The question is:

What and how do the stability limits change in a disc galaxy as the structures evolve?

• Generate galaxy models stable and unstable to bar formation.

• Follow the growth of structures and the local stabilities.
• Figure out what are the limits of Global Stabilities (GS) in disc galaxy models.
• Study the GS when the models are subjected to a perturbation.

• Growth of structures and local stability in disc galaxy models

Kuijken & Dubinski (1995) + gyrfalcON (Dehnen, 2000b)
• Global Stabilities in disc galaxy models
Springel & White (1999) + Gadget2, (Springel, 2005)
• Statistical morphological analyzes for the orbits of barred models
FORTRAN + Numerical Recipes to analyze the evolution of the models + PGPLOT
Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 2 / 64
This work focuses on the study of structures (spiral and bar) and dynamic stability in disc
galaxies using N-body simulations.

The question is:

What and how do the stability limits change in a disc galaxy as the structures evolve?

• Generate galaxy models stable and unstable to bar formation.

• Follow the growth of structures and the local stabilities.
• Figure out what are the limits of Global Stabilities (GS) in disc galaxy models.
• Study the GS when the models are subjected to a perturbation.

• Growth of structures and local stability in disc galaxy models

Kuijken & Dubinski (1995) + gyrfalcON (Dehnen, 2000b)
• Global Stabilities in disc galaxy models
Springel & White (1999) + Gadget2, (Springel, 2005)
• Statistical morphological analyzes for the orbits of barred models
FORTRAN + Numerical Recipes to analyze the evolution of the models + PGPLOT
Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 2 / 64
This work focuses on the study of structures (spiral and bar) and dynamic stability in disc
galaxies using N-body simulations.

The question is:

What and how do the stability limits change in a disc galaxy as the structures evolve?

• Generate galaxy models stable and unstable to bar formation.

• Follow the growth of structures and the local stabilities.
• Figure out what are the limits of Global Stabilities (GS) in disc galaxy models.
• Study the GS when the models are subjected to a perturbation.

• Growth of structures and local stability in disc galaxy models

Kuijken & Dubinski (1995) + gyrfalcON (Dehnen, 2000b)
• Global Stabilities in disc galaxy models
Springel & White (1999) + Gadget2, (Springel, 2005)
• Statistical morphological analyzes for the orbits of barred models
FORTRAN + Numerical Recipes to analyze the evolution of the models + PGPLOT
Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 2 / 64


In the observable universe, it is found that more than half of all spiral galaxies have a bar-like
structure (Eskridge et al., 2000)

Evaluate the stability of a disc galaxy as well as disentangling the formation and evolution of a
barred galaxy from the observations is a dicult task. Analytical work and N-body simulations
are alternatives to study the dynamics of the bar evolution. By using numerical models, we
could constrain the space parameter from which the model will certainly set the regimes of
stability and instability.
Local Stabilities Global Stabilities
They are responsible for the origin of They are responsible for the origin of bar
transient structures in disc galaxies
Toomre Parameter Q Spin parameter λ

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Introductory Concepts

Disc Stabilities; analytical works

The analyzes of the stabilities is based on the determination of the dispersion relation and
then investigate the unstable modes.
Global Stabilities
We consider perturbations with
Local Stabilities wavelength that are comparable to the
disc size.
Under the assumption of tight-winding The dispersion relation obtained is
the perturbation mode can be written as q
ω =Ω± Ω20 /2 − Ω2 (3)
$ ≡ κ − (mΩ − ω) 2
relation dispersion
(1) if Ω2 > Ω20 /2 then unstable

Solving equation for κ, we get where the density perturbation mode is
σR κ
Q≡ >1 (for a stable disc) 3R2
3.36GΣ0 Σ1 = √ cos(2φ − ωt) (4)
a a2 − R2
Elliptical deformation = bar mode

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Introductory Concepts

Global Stability; analytical works

Channels of Bar formation

Lynden-bell (1996) and Polyachenko & Polyachenko (2004) reviewed other dierent
mechanisms for the bar formation:
• Two density waves are reected in the center of the galaxy and amplied via Toomre's
swing mechanism when the disc has not ILR.
• A yby of a galaxy can trigger the bar formation in the target galaxy.
• The Contopoulos's picture shows that the bar is a result of the distortion of circular
orbits into eccentric ones when the bar potential is already formed.
• Kalnajs (1971, 1977) made a full stability analyzes which led to an eigenvalue problem
for normal modes of an axisymmetric stellar disc. Sellwood & Wilkinson (1993) proved
that it is very dicult to nd these eigenvalues.
• A statistical focus that examines the bar formation from the rotating initial
congurations when their spin parameters are lower than some critical limit.

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Introductory Concepts

Global Stability; N-body simulations

Bar formation and evolution are very complex phenomena and depend on the exchange of
angular momentum between the various resonances in the various components in the galaxy.

• the corresponding distribution functions (halo, disc and bulge) near the resonance.
• velocity dispersion.
• disc-halo mass ratios.

However, what are the critical limits of such parameters? or what are the critical parameter
that assesses the stability of a disc galaxy?
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Introductory Concepts

Global Stability; analytical analyzes

On the other hand, Efstathiou et al. (1982) nd an alternative criterion for bar stability,
characterized by the parameter
m ≡ p (5)
GMd /Rd
Springel & White (1999) showed that a disc can be stable against to bar formation if
0.7 ≤ m ≤ 1.2 (6)

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Introductory Concepts

Global Stability; analytical analyzes

Mo et al. (1998) and Springel & White (1999) show that disc stability is characterized by a
lower limit of the disc spin parameter λd , then they obtain a relation for the critical limit

The angular momentum J of a halo with total energy E is often characterized by the dimen-
sionless spin parameter
Jh |Eh |1/2
λh = 5/2
. (7)
If the gravitational eect of the disc is neglected, its rotation curve is at at the level Vc and
its angular momentum is just
Jd = 2π Vc Σ(r)r2 dr = 2Md rd Vc =⇒ rd = (8)
2Vc |E|1/2 md

m,crit = 1 = q (9)
GMd / rd

We can nd the relation

λcrit = λcrit (Vmax , halo parameters, disc parameters) (10)

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Introductory Concepts

Global Stability; analytical analyzes

Growth of structures Global Stabilities

We use FT1D and FT2D methods. They are responsible for the origin of bar
in disc galaxies
Local Stabilities Spin parameter λ
They are responsible for the origin of Finding normal modes using signicant
transient structures perturbations for an original stellar disc is
Toomre Parameter Q very dicult
We will measure the Q parameter to show Instead, we will use the m parameter to-
the growth of spirals together with a bar gether with the spin parameter λ, shown
instability. This parameter will be dis- in chapter 4, to comply with our goal of
cussed in chapter 3. studying the bar instability.

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Paper I: Growth of structures

Detecting the growth of structures in pure

stellar disc models
This work was published in

Valencia-Enríquez et al. (2017)

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Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures, Methodology

In this part:
• We generated a series of high-resolution N-body simulations in which we included halo,
bulge, and disk components following the distribution functions described by Kuijken &
Dubinski (1995).
 King model for the bulge (King 1966)
ρ1 (2πσ 2 )−3/2 (eε/σ − 1) ε>0
f (ε) =
0 ε60

 Evans model for the Halo (Evans 1993). It is an oblate stellar system similar to King
 The disc model is based in the DF of Shu (1969) (fr (E, Lz ) = e−(E−Ec)/σr ), but
adding the energy in the vertical direction:
2 −E /σ 2
−(E−Ec)/σr z
fr (E, Lz , Ez ) ∼ e z

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Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures, Methodology, Initial conditions

We used the methodology of Kuijken & Dubinski (1995) to generate 26 models
(N=1.2M to 8M)

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Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Methodology. Temporal evolution

We employ the N-body code gyrfalcON, based on Dehnen (2000b, 2002) force solver falcON
(force algorithm with complexity) and the NEMO package (Teuben, 1995).
As tree-codes, falcON begins by building a tree of cells at each time-step, then determines
the potential of the system using multi-pole expansion for the cells and nally, exploits the
similarity of the force from a distance cell upon cells that are close to each other.

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Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Methodology. Analysis: spiral structures

Spiral Geometry
Fourier Transform
1 X
AR (m) = dj e−imθj
D j=1

The FT2D is implemented by

using a logarithmic spiral basis,

r = r0 exp − m p

1 X
A(p, m) = dj e−i(puj +mθj )
D j=1

where D = N j=1 dj , m is a

number of arms, and p is related

to the pitch angle P of the spiral
structure by tan P = −m/p.

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Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Methodology. Analysis: Fourier Transform FT1D

black or red

white or blue

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Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Result. FT1D Maps

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Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Result. FT1D Maps

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Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Result. FT1D spectrogrmas


κ2 (R) = R + 4Ω2

where the curves are

ILR curve Ω − κ2
OLR curve Ω + κ2

The general morphology of our modeled galaxies is due to the superposition of structures
which have dierent values of pitch angle and number of arms.
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Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Result. FT2D

Movie play

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Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Results. Local Stability Q ≡ σR κ


Measure of Q
• Density center of the disc.
NEMO : We use the bulge
Gadget2: 500 disc placed in the deep of
the potential well.
• Measurement of density prole.
Σ(ri ) = p
for the disc (11)
ρ(ri ) = p
for the halo (12)
• Measurement of the Velocity dispersion
u1 X N
σ(ri ) = t (vp − µ)2 , (13)
N p=1

where µ = 1 PN
N p=1 vp

Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 19 / 64

Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Results. Local Stability Q ≡ σR κ


Measure of Q
• Density center of the disc.
NEMO : We use the bulge
Gadget2: 500 disc placed in the deep of
the potential well.
• Measurement of density prole.
Σ(ri ) = p
for the disc (11)
ρ(ri ) = p
for the halo (12)
• Measurement of the Velocity dispersion
u1 X N
σ(ri ) = t (vp − µ)2 , (13)
N p=1

where µ = 1 PN
N p=1 vp

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Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Results. Local Stability Q ≡ σR κ


Measure of Q
• Density center of the disc.
NEMO : We use the bulge
Gadget2: 500 disc placed in the deep of
the potential well.
• Measurement of density prole.
Σ(ri ) = p
for the disc (11)
ρ(ri ) = p
for the halo (12)
• Measurement of the Velocity dispersion
u1 X N
σ(ri ) = t (vp − µ)2 , (13)
N p=1

where µ = 1 PN
N p=1 vp

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Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Results. Local Stability Q ≡ σR κ


Measure of Q
• Density center of the disc.
NEMO : We use the bulge
Gadget2: 500 disc placed in the deep of
the potential well.
• Measurement of density prole.
Σ(ri ) = p
for the disc (11)
ρ(ri ) = p
for the halo (12)
• Measurement of the Velocity dispersion
u1 X N
σ(ri ) = t (vp − µ)2 , (13)
N p=1

where µ = 1 PN
N p=1 vp

Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 19 / 64

Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Results. Local Stability Q ≡ σR κ


Measure of Q
• Density center of the disc.
NEMO : We use the bulge
Gadget2: 500 disc placed in the deep of Rotation Curve
the potential well. We azimuthally place points in the disc to
• Measurement of density prole. calculate the potential.
Σ(ri ) = p
for the disc (11)
ρ(ri ) = p
for the halo (12)
• Measurement of the Velocity dispersion
u1 X N
σ(ri ) = t (vp − µ)2 , (13)
N p=1

where µ = 1 PN
N p=1 vp

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Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Results. Local Stability Q ≡ σR κ


Measure of Q
• Density center of the disc.
NEMO : We use the bulge We calculate the circular velocity
Gadget2: 500 disc placed in the deep of
the potential well. vc2 (r) = r
• Measurement of density prole. dr
Σ(ri ) = p
for the disc (11)
ρ(ri ) = p
for the halo (12)
• Measurement of the Velocity dispersion
u1 X N
σ(ri ) = t (vp − µ)2 , (13)
N p=1

where µ = 1 PN
N p=1 vp

Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 19 / 64

Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Results. Local Stability Q ≡ σR κ


Measure of Q
• Density center of the disc.
NEMO : We use the bulge
Gadget2: 500 disc placed in the deep of We calculate the the corotating curve
the potential well.
• Measurement of density prole. Ω(r) = vc (r)/r
Σ(ri ) = p
for the disc (11)
ρ(ri ) = p
for the halo (12)
• Measurement of the Velocity dispersion
u1 X N
σ(ri ) = t (vp − µ)2 , (13)
N p=1

where µ = 1 PN
N p=1 vp

Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 19 / 64

Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Results. Local Stability Q ≡ σR κ


Measure of Q
• Density center of the disc.
NEMO : We use the bulge We calculate the epicycle or radial frequency
Gadget2: 500 disc placed in the deep of κ
the potential well. dΩ2
κ2 (R) = R + 4Ω2
• Measurement of density prole. dR
mp and the ILR curve Ω − κ
Σ(ri ) = p
for the disc (11) 2

ρ(ri ) = p
for the halo (12)
• Measurement of the Velocity dispersion
u1 X N
σ(ri ) = t (vp − µ)2 , (13)
N p=1

where µ = 1 PN
N p=1 vp

Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 19 / 64

Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Results. Local Stability Q ≡ σR κ


Measure of Q
• Density center of the disc.
NEMO : We use the bulge We calculate the epicycle or radial frequency
Gadget2: 500 disc placed in the deep of κ
the potential well. dΩ2
κ2 (R) = R + 4Ω2
• Measurement of density prole. dR
mp and the OLR curve Ω + κ
Σ(ri ) = p
for the disc (11) 2

ρ(ri ) = p
for the halo (12)
• Measurement of the Velocity dispersion
u1 X N
σ(ri ) = t (vp − µ)2 , (13)
N p=1

where µ = 1 PN
N p=1 vp

Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 19 / 64

Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Results. Local Stability Q ≡ σR κ


Measure of Q
• Density center of the disc.
NEMO : We use the bulge
Gadget2: 500 disc placed in the deep of
the potential well.
• Measurement of density prole.
Σ(ri ) = p
for the disc (11)
And nally
mp σR κ
ρ(ri ) = p
for the halo (12) Q≡
• Measurement of the Velocity dispersion
u1 X N
σ(ri ) = t (vp − µ)2 , (13)
N p=1

where µ = 1 PN
N p=1 vp

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Paper I: Growth of structures

Growth of structures. Results. Local Stability Q

This parameter do not assess the stability of a disc when it already has evolved.

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Paper II: Global Stabilities

Lower Limit on Global Stabilities in

Disc Galaxies to Generate a Bar
Second revision sent

Valencia-Enríquez et al. (2018)

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Paper II: Global Stabilities

Global Stabilities, Methodology

In this part:
• We generated a series of high-resolution N-body simulations in which we included halo,
and disk components following the distribution functions described by Springel & White
• The simulations were analyzed using 1D Fourier transform methods.
• We measure λd and λcrit

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Paper II: Global Stabilities

Global Stabilities, Methodology, Initial conditions

We used the methodology of Springel & White (1999) to generate the initial conditions.
• Dark matter halo with a Hernquist (1996) prole

Mdm a
ρdm = ,
2π r(r + a)3

where r200 p
a= 2[ln(1 + c) − c/(1 + c)]
• The stellar component is modeled with an exponential surface density prole of scale
length rd , i.e.   
1 z
ρd (r, z) = Σ(r) sech2 .
2z0 2z0
Σ(r) = Σ0 e−r/rd

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Paper II: Global Stabilities

Global Stabilities, Methodology, Initial conditions

Initial rotation curves for our models. Their structural parameters are shown in each plot.

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Paper II: Global Stabilities

Growth of structures. Methodology. Temporal evolution

We employ the N-body code Gadget2, based on Springel (2005). Tolerance parameter θtol =
0.5. The softening length for the disc particles is ε = 0.01 and for the halo ones is ε = 0.1.

Face-on surface logarithm density maps for our models and their evolution. From top to
bottom, we present the evolution of models Aλ03, Aλ04, Aλ05, and Aλ06, respectively.
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Paper II: Global Stabilities

Global Stabilities Parameters GSP

m = p =⇒ 0.7 ≤ m ≤ 1.2 unstable to bar formation
GMd /rd
Taking m,crit ≈ 1
 2 √ √
m,crit 2fc GMd 2fc
λcrit = GMd = 2 ,
Vmax r200 fr Vmax r200 fr

"Z #−1
c 1 − 1/(1 + c)2 − 2ln(1 + c)/(1 + c)
r200 r2 vc (r)
fc = , and fr = 2 −r/rd
e dr .
2 [ln(1 + c) − c/(1 + c)]2 0 rd3 V200


stable against bar formation

λd > λcrit ,
λd 6 λcrit , unstable to bar formation

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Paper II: Global Stabilities

Global Stabilities, Measurement of GSP (λd , λcrit ), and m

Using the phase space of the simulation:

• To the spin parameter of the disc and the halo

Jh |Eh |1/2
λh = 5/2

using the fact that Jd = jd Jh  

λd = λh
• To λcrit we need vc (r), rd , and c
 vc (r) is the rotation curve
 To rd we t the disc to Σ(r) = Σ0 e−r/rd
 To c we t the prole of the halo to NFW prole.
• To
m = p
GMd /rd

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Paper II: Global Stabilities

Global Stabilities, Results of GSP (λd , λcrit ), and m

• λd is depicted with a dashed line.
• λcrit is depicted with a continuous line.
stable against bar formation
λd > λcrit ,
• We show
λd 6 λcrit , unstable to bar formation

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Paper II: Global Stabilities

Global Stabilities, Results of GSP (λd , λcrit ), and m

m = p .
GMd /rd

We show =⇒ 0.7 ≤ m ≤ 1.0 unstable to bar formation

The bar in our disc galaxies models are formed below the stability limits in isolated models,
and this depends on how close are the parameters from their critical values
Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 29 / 64
Paper II: Global Stabilities

Global Stabilities, Results of GSP (λd , λcrit ), and m

m = p .
GMd /rd

We show =⇒ 0.7 ≤ m ≤ 1.0 unstable to bar formation

The bar in our disc galaxies models are formed below the stability limits in isolated models,
and this depends on how close are the parameters from their critical values
Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 29 / 64
Paper II: Global Stabilities

Global Stabilities, Results of GSP (λd , λcrit ), and m

m = p .
GMd /rd

We show =⇒ 0.7 ≤ m ≤ 1.0 unstable to bar formation

The bar in our disc galaxies models are formed below the stability limits in isolated models,
and this depends on how close are the parameters from their critical values
Diego Valencia E. (INAOE) Dynamical Stabilities February 20, 2018 29 / 64
Paper III: Global Stabilities in Perturbed Disc

Evolution of Global Stabilities

in Perturbed Disc Galaxy Models

Valencia-Enríquez et al. (2018)

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Paper III: Global Stabilities in Perturbed Disc


Orbits of the perturbations

Dashed line represent the theoretical orbit.

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Paper III: Global Stabilities in Perturbed Disc


Face-on surface logarithm density maps for interactions of group Pm

Movie play

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Paper III: Global Stabilities in Perturbed Disc

Interactions: GSP
Global Stability Parameters for perturbed models.
• λcrit is depicted by solid line.
• λd is depicted by dashed line.

The bar in our disc galaxies models are formed below the stability limits in both isolated
and perturbed discs, and this depends on how close are the parameters from their critical
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Paper III: Global Stabilities in Perturbed Disc

Interactions: Bar growth TF1D

Time evolution of m = 2 amplitude for Time evolution of m = 2 amplitude for

Isolated models Perturbed models Pm





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Paper III: Global Stabilities in Perturbed Disc

Interactions: Bar growth TF1D

The rotation of the bar is characterized by the ratio R = RRC /ab

• Fast bars: Aλ03

1.0 < R < 1.4 Aλ04
• Slow bars: R > 1.4 Aλ06

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Paper III: Global Stabilities in Perturbed Disc

Interactions: Bar growth TF1D

Fast bars: 1.0 < R < 1.4 and Slow bars: R > 1.4




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Summary and concluding remarks

Summary and concluding remarks

• Objective: Generate galaxy models stable and unstable to bar formation.

Kuijken & Dubinski + gyrfalcON + FT1D and FT2D
Springel & White + Gadget2 + FT1D
• Objective: Follow the growth of structures and the local stabilities.
Kuijken & Dubinski + gyrfalcON + FT1D and FT2D
Spectrograms and diagrams of the amplitude of the Fourier coecients as a function of
time, radius and pitch angle show that the general morphology of our modeled galaxies
is due to the superposition of structures which have dierent values of pitch angle and
number of arms
• Objective: Figure out what are the limits of Global Stabilities (GS) in disc galaxy
Global Stability Parameters =⇒ (λ, λcrit )
Experimental Stability Parameter =⇒ m
The bar in our disc galaxies models are formed below the stability limits.
• Objective: Study the GS when the models are subjected to a perturbation.
The bar in our disc galaxies models are formed below the stability limits in both isolated
and perturbed discs, and this depends on how close are the parameters from their
critical values

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Summary and concluding remarks

Summary and concluding remarks

• Objective: Generate galaxy models stable and unstable to bar formation.

Kuijken & Dubinski + gyrfalcON + FT1D and FT2D
Springel & White + Gadget2 + FT1D
• Objective: Follow the growth of structures and the local stabilities.
Kuijken & Dubinski + gyrfalcON + FT1D and FT2D
Spectrograms and diagrams of the amplitude of the Fourier coecients as a function of
time, radius and pitch angle show that the general morphology of our modeled galaxies
is due to the superposition of structures which have dierent values of pitch angle and
number of arms
• Objective: Figure out what are the limits of Global Stabilities (GS) in disc galaxy
Global Stability Parameters =⇒ (λ, λcrit )
Experimental Stability Parameter =⇒ m
The bar in our disc galaxies models are formed below the stability limits.
• Objective: Study the GS when the models are subjected to a perturbation.
The bar in our disc galaxies models are formed below the stability limits in both isolated
and perturbed discs, and this depends on how close are the parameters from their
critical values

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Summary and concluding remarks

Summary and concluding remarks

• Objective: Generate galaxy models stable and unstable to bar formation.

Kuijken & Dubinski + gyrfalcON + FT1D and FT2D
Springel & White + Gadget2 + FT1D
• Objective: Follow the growth of structures and the local stabilities.
Kuijken & Dubinski + gyrfalcON + FT1D and FT2D
Spectrograms and diagrams of the amplitude of the Fourier coecients as a function of
time, radius and pitch angle show that the general morphology of our modeled galaxies
is due to the superposition of structures which have dierent values of pitch angle and
number of arms
• Objective: Figure out what are the limits of Global Stabilities (GS) in disc galaxy
Global Stability Parameters =⇒ (λ, λcrit )
Experimental Stability Parameter =⇒ m
The bar in our disc galaxies models are formed below the stability limits.
• Objective: Study the GS when the models are subjected to a perturbation.
The bar in our disc galaxies models are formed below the stability limits in both isolated
and perturbed discs, and this depends on how close are the parameters from their
critical values

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Summary and concluding remarks

Summary and concluding remarks

• Objective: Generate galaxy models stable and unstable to bar formation.

Kuijken & Dubinski + gyrfalcON + FT1D and FT2D
Springel & White + Gadget2 + FT1D
• Objective: Follow the growth of structures and the local stabilities.
Kuijken & Dubinski + gyrfalcON + FT1D and FT2D
Spectrograms and diagrams of the amplitude of the Fourier coecients as a function of
time, radius and pitch angle show that the general morphology of our modeled galaxies
is due to the superposition of structures which have dierent values of pitch angle and
number of arms
• Objective: Figure out what are the limits of Global Stabilities (GS) in disc galaxy
Global Stability Parameters =⇒ (λ, λcrit )
Experimental Stability Parameter =⇒ m
The bar in our disc galaxies models are formed below the stability limits.
• Objective: Study the GS when the models are subjected to a perturbation.
The bar in our disc galaxies models are formed below the stability limits in both isolated
and perturbed discs, and this depends on how close are the parameters from their
critical values

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Summary and concluding remarks

Summary and concluding remarks

Growth the bar.

• Isolate: In disc dominate ⇒ from fast to slow rotator
• Isolate: In similar H and D ⇒ almost constant
• Perturbed: Pw ⇒ slow to fast then fast to slow
• Perturbed: Pm and Ps ⇒ fast to slow

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Future Work

Future Work

• Measurements of the m parameter in observed disc galaxies.

• Measurements of the GSP adding internal processes in the models (gas, star formation,
feedback, among others).
• Study the GSP in large scale simulations or Cosmological simulations.
• Study of the morphology of orbits in isolated and perturbed barred N-body simulations.

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Valencia-Enríquez et al. (2018)

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Paper IV: Morphological analyzes for the orbits

Statistical morphological analyzes

for the orbits of barred models
This work is in prep.

Valencia-Enríquez et al. (2018)

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Paper IV: Morphological analyzes for the orbits

Morphological analyzes for the orbits

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Paper IV: Morphological analyzes for the orbits

Morphological analyzes for the orbits

With Bulge Without Bulge

s37_z10M Aλ03
s37_z10MS Aλ04
s37_z10MX Aλ05
s37_z10MXS Aλ06

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Paper IV: Morphological analyzes for the orbits

Morphological analyzes for the orbits

Frequency map for integrated orbits in a

xed potential
The frequency map for the orbits of model
Aλ03 N-body simulation

The disc resonances of the form m1 ωΩz +

m2 ωκ = 0 are shown by black lines. Orange
points represent Bar orbits, and purple ones 200 orbits in 3D potential integrated with
depict Loop orbits. a Dehen halo, a Miyamoto-Nagai disc
and a Ferrers bar. Similar to the rotation
curve of model Aλ03.
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Paper IV: Morphological analyzes for the orbits

Morphological analyzes for the orbits

Statistical orbital analyzes in the bar frame for all simulations

(a) Isolated models. (b) Pw models.

(c) Pm models. (d) Ps models.

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Paper IV: Morphological analyzes for the orbits

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Growth of structures. Result. FT1D Maps

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Global Stabilities, Measurement of GSP (λd , λcrit ), and m . Fitting the

disc and halo prole

Fitting the Halo prole:

We t the Halo to a NFW prole
Fitting the disc prole: We use the lt
Numerical-Recipes routine ρ(r) = ρcrit
(r/rs )(1 + r/rs )2
To rd we t the disc to
where ρcrit = 2.776 × 10−8 , c = r200 /rs
Σ(r) = Σ0 e−r/rd and,
200 c3
δ0 = .
3 ln(1 + c) − c/(1 + c)

yi − y(xi ; a1 , ..., aM ) 2
χ2 ≡

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Global Stabilities, Measurement of GSP (λd , λcrit ), and m . Fitting the

disc and halo prole

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Interactions: Bar growth TF1D

The average of the FT1D amplitude for some The average of the FT1D amplitude for some
radial ranges for m = 2 of Isolated models radial ranges for m = 2 of Perturbed models

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Interactions: Bar growth TF1D

The rotation of the bar is characterized by the ratio R = RRC /ab

• Fast bars: Aλ03

1.0 < R < 1.4 Aλ04
• Slow bars: R > 1.4 Aλ06




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Growth of structures, Galaxy Dynamics, Epicycles


In lineal theory, the κ frequency is depicted by

∂ 2 Φef f
κ2 ≡ ; Φef f can be measured from the simulation (14)
the epicyclic frequency is:
κ2 (R) = R + 4Ω2 (15)
dR Rg

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Growth of structures, Galaxy Dynamics, Resonances

The resonance condition occurs when the and the curves for the main resonances are
epicycle frequency κ is synchronous with the given by
relative motion of the spiral pattern.
Ω − Ωp = −κ/2 at OLR (17)
Ω − Ωp = ± (16) Ω − Ωp = +κ/2 at ILR (18)

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Growth of structures, Galaxy Dynamics, Density Waves

Density Waves: Lin & Shu (1964) and Bertin & Lin (1996).
In this theory, the spiral arms are explained as long-lived quasi-stationary density waves
with a constant pattern speed.

• The waves are the result of global modes

(Bertin & Lin 1996) or couple modes
(Masset & Tagger 1997).
• Swing-amplication (Toomre 1981).
• N-body simulations show that the spiral
arms fade out after some galactic rotations
(Sellwood & Carlberg 1984).
• The spiral arms are considered to be
corotating with the rest of the disc at every
radius; they are material spiral arms
(Roca-Fàbrega et al. 2013)

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Disc Stabilities; analytical analyzes

The analyzes of the stabilities is based on the determination of the dispersion relation and
then investigate the unstable modes.

Writing the dynamical quantities as a sum of Σ = Σ0 + Σ1 (the surface density), vR =

vR0 + vR1 , vφ = vφ0 + vφ1 , Φ = Φ0 + Φ1 (the gravitational potential), and h = h0 + h1 (the
enthalpy), the basic equations in a self-gravitating gaseous disc without halo can be written
∂Σ1 1 ∂ ∂Σ1 Σ0 ∂vφ1
+ (Σ0 RvR1 ) + Ω + = 0, (19)
∂t R ∂t ∂φ R ∂φ
The Euler equations in cylindrical coordinates are
∂vR1 ∂vR1 ∂
+Ω − 2Ωvφ1 = − (Φ1 + h1 ) (20)
∂t ∂φ ∂R

∂vφ1 ∂vφ1 κ2 1 ∂
+Ω + vR1 = − (Φ1 + h1 ), (21)
∂t ∂φ 2Ω R ∂φ
and the Poisson equation relates Φ and Σ
∇2 Φ1 = 4πGΣ1 δ(z) (22)

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Disc Stabilities; analytical analyzes

In general, we can expand a perturbation in the form
Q1 = Qa (R)ei(mφ−ωt) ,

where Q1 is a physical quantity (e.g. Σ1 ) Taking the real part of Eq.(23) and substituting;
we have
1 d imΣ0
i(mΩ − ω)Σa + (Σ0 RvRa ) + vΦa = 0, (24)
R dR R
i d 2mΩ
vRa = (mΩ − ω) (Φa + ha ) + (Φa + ha ) , (25)
$ dR R
1 κ d m(mΩ − ω)
vφa = (Φa + ha ) + (Φa + ha ) , (26)
$ 2Ω dR R
where ha = c2s Σa /Σ0 , and
$ ≡ κ2 − (mΩ − ω)2 relation dispersion (27)

Under the assumption of tight-winding the perturbation mode can be written as

Solving equation 27 for κ, we get
Q≡ σR κ
>1 (for a stable disc) (28)

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Local Stability; analytical analyzes

The size of the perturbation is much smaller than the size of the disc. Under the assumption
of tight-winding the perturbation mode can be written as
Σ1 (R, φ, t) ≈ Σa eik(R0 ,t)(R−R0 ) , (29)
Σa = A(R0 , t)ei(mφ0 +f (R0 ,t)) (30)
∂f (R, t) 2π
k(R0 , t) ≡ = . (31)
∂R R0 ∆R
for m = 0 the the dispersion relation is

ω 2 = κ2 − 2πGΣ0 |k| + kc2s (32)

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Disc Stabilities; analytical analyzes

In general, we can expand a perturbation in the form

Q1 = Qa (R)ei(mφ−ωt) ,

where Q1 is a physical quantity (e.g. Σ1 ) Taking the real part of Eq.(33) and substituting;
we can get

$ ≡ κ2 − (mΩ − ω)2 relation dispersion (34)

Under the assumption of tight-winding the perturbation mode can be written as

Solving equation 34 for κ, we get

Q≡ σR κ
>1 (for a stable disc) , (35)

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Local Stability; analytical analyzes

ω 2 = κ2 − 2πGΣ0 |k| + kc2s (36)

if cs = 0 equation (36) becomes if cs 6= 0 then

ω2 = κ2 − 2πGΣ0 |k|
w2 < 0, the disc is unstable
Solving equation 60 for κ, we get
is real and disc is stable
w2 > 0, w
cs κ
w2 < 0, w is complex and disc is unstable Q≡ >1 (for a stable disc) (37)

The analyzes of the stability for the stellar disc is similar, in which the eective pressure is
due to the random motions of the stars. In this case, the stability parameter that we get is
Q≡ σR κ
>1 (for a stable disc) (38)
where the parameter Q is also know as the Toomre parameter

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Global Stability; analytical analyzes

We consider perturbations with wavelength that are comparable to the disc size.
It is not possible to get a universal dispersion relation because the perturbation is not lin-
ear like in the tight-winding approximation. Nevertheless, the Maclaurin disc can be work

Σc (1 − R2 /a2 )1/2 (R ≤ a)
Σ0 (R) = , (39)
0 (R > a)

The dispersion relation obtained is

ω =Ω± Ω20 /2 − Ω2 (40)

where the density perturbation mode is

if Ω2 > Ω20 /2 then unstable (41)

Σ1 = √ cos(2φ − ωt)
a a2 − R2

Elliptical deformation = bar mode

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Global Stability; analytical analyzes

it needs high random motion to keep stable
From the virial theorem T + Π = −W/2, the disc can be stabilized with the condition
Π T 1
> 0, and 0 ≤ ≤ (42)
T |W | 2

kinetic energy in random motion rotational kinetic energy self-gravitational energy

Kalnajs (1972) found for a Maclaurin disc that
Π T 125
> 5.776, and ≤ ≈ 0.13. (43)
T |W | 972
Nevertheless, in N-body simulations Ostriker & Peebles (1973) found
< 0.14, and & 5, (44)
T |W |

and in the solar neighborhood it is found that ∼ 0.15
Which implies that there must be some unseen component of matter with Π/T  1 to
stabilize the disc.
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Morphological analyzes for the orbits

With Bulge
Without Bulge

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