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Unit 3

Automotive and Autonomous

Language Works
 Identifying new vocabularies about automotive
 Describing a thing relate to automotive
 Making a sequence (LINKING VERB AND PHRASES

Learning Outcomes
 Describing technical functions and applications about tech in automotive and app.
 Explaining steps in making a vehicle

A.Look at the picture 1 below! Drill the words by words! Then, describe the part of automobile!
B. Read the text below then make the sequences of making car by using link words!

Car Manufacturing Process

By Rick Cartlon

Supply Chain
To understand the car manufacturing process, you have to understand the underlying
supply chain that drives domestic vehicle assembly. Today's cars are primarily "sourced out"
to produce various sub-assemblies in over 4,000 disparate locations as far away as China. This
means a car's "production" plant is an active assembly point, where skilled workers and
robotic systems bring together all of the necessary loose components to create a final product
on a "just-in-time" basis.
The chassis of the car is the baseline component. All other parts are integrated on, or
within the chassis. This is typically a welded frame that's initially attached to a conveyor that
moves along a production line. As the frame progresses, the car is literally "built from the
frame up" to create a final product. Parts that are sequentially applied to the chassis include
the engine, front and rear suspension, gas tank, rear-end and half-shafts, transmission, drive
shaft, gear box, steering box, wheel drums and the brake system.
Once the "running gear" is integrated within the frame, the body is constructed as a
secondary process. First, the floor pan is positioned properly, then the left and right quarter
panels are positioned and welded to the floor structure. This step is followed by adding the
front/rear door pillars, the body side panels, rear deck, hood and roof. The entire process is
typically executed by robotic machines.
Before painting the vehicle, a quality control team inspects the body as it sits. Skilled
workers look for dents, abrasives or other deformations that could create a finishing problem
when undergoing the painting process. Once this step is completed, the car is automatically
"dipped" with primer, followed by a layer of undercoat and dried in a heated paint bay. Once
the primer/undercoat process is finished, the car is again "dipped" with the base coat and
again dried before moving the assembly to the next stage.
After the structure is entirely painted, the body is moved to the interior department
in the plant. There, all of the internal components are integrated with the body. These
components include: instrumentation, wiring systems, dash panels, interior lights, seats,
door/trim panels, headliner, radio, speakers, glass, steering column, all weather-striping,
brake and gas pedals, carpeting and front/rear fascias.
Chassis/Body Mating
The two central major assemblies are next mated for final setup and roll-out. Again,
this process is executed via computer and control machines to ensure speed, and perfect the
fit between the body assembly and the chassis. Once the car is rolling on its own, it's driven
to the final quality control point, inspected and placed in a waiting line for transportation to
its final dealer destination. (source:

1. independent and having the power to make your own decisions
2. an autonomous machine or system is able to operate without
being controlled directly by humans:

People today love an autonomous vehicle

What is an Autonomous Car?

An autonomous car is a vehicle capable of sensing its environment and
operating without human involvement. A human passenger is not required to
take control of the vehicle at any time, nor is a human passenger required to
be present in the vehicle at all. An autonomous car can go anywhere a
traditional car goes and do everything that an experienced human driver
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) currently defines 6 levels of
driving automation ranging from Level 0 (fully manual) to Level 5 (fully
autonomous). These levels have been adopted by the U.S. Department of

Picture 2. An autonomous car display (SELF DRIVING CAR)

Language Work
Link words
When comparing, useful link words include:
By contrast, Instead In contrast,
In spite of, Conversely Nevertheless
Otherwise, On the contrary On the other hand
When generalizing use:
As a rule, As usual Generally
In general Usually For the most part
When describing a sequence, useful link words include:
First, Second, Third, Next,
Then, Finally,

Linking words and phrases in English (also called 'connective' or 'transition' words)
are used to combine two clauses or sentences presenting contrast, comparison,
condition, supposition, purpose, etc.
They enable us to establish clear connections between ideas.

As long as You can take my car as long as/provided (that)/providing

provided (that) you don't damage it.
providing (I will lend you my car on condition that you don't damage it.)

Although/even Although/even though he is rich, he lives in a small house.

though (In spite of the fact that he is rich, he lives in a small house.)

Even if He is poor and has no house, but even if he had money, he wouldn't buy a
(Supposing he had the money, he still wouldn't buy a house.)

In case Take an umbrella in case it rains.

(It might rain, so it's a good idea to take an umbrella.)

In spite of/Despite In spite of/despite the rain, she walked to the station.
In spite of/despite being blind, he walked to the station.
(without being affected by the rain or by being blind.)

So that She arrived early so that she could help her colleagues.
(She arrived early for the purpose of helping her colleagues.)

Whatever You can count on me whatever you decide to do.

(No matter what your decision is, you can count on me.)

Whereas Tom is rich, whereas Jack is poor.

(Tom is rich; in contrast Jack is poor.)
Whenever I will lend you my car whenever you need it.
(No matter when you need my car, I will lend it to you.)

Wherever My thoughts will be with you wherever you go.

(No matter where you go, my thoughts will be with you.)

Note : A clause is a group of words that includes a subject and a verb.

The following sentence contains two clauses:
She lives in Indonesia because she likes the climate

Most linking words can either connect clauses within a sentence, or start a sentence
to form
a link with the previous statement.

NOTE : If linking words start a sentence, they are followed by a comma.

When they are used to connect two clauses, a semi-colon is used at the end of

the first clause, and a comma is often used after the linking word(s).

Below you will find some examples of linking words and how to use them. This is not
a comprehensive list.
You may want to add your own linking words and phrases.
Examples of linking words that connect two separate sentences or two clauses:


As a result Prices were reduced by 20%.As a result, sales increased.

Consequently The company is expanding. Consequently,there are jobs on
Therefore offer.
A hurricane has been announced. Therefore, air traffic will be

Besides The trip is too expensive. Besides, I don't really like hot
Furthermore weather.
In addition Computers are cheaper nowadays; furthermore, they are
Moreover lighter.
You haven't paid the rent yet. In addition, you owe me money.
The report is badly presented. Moreover, it contains

For instance There are several problems to consider;

For example for instance/for example, there is a lack of public transport.

Conversely Northern European countries had a great summer.

On the contrary On the contrary/conversely, southern Europe had poor
On the other weather.
hand Laptops are convenient; on the other hand, they can be

However The hotel was open. However, nobody came to the reception
Nevertheless desk.
Nonetheless He had severe injuries; nevertheless, he completely
The weather was bitterly cold. He went hiking nonetheless.
In the same way Alex enjoys telling jokes;
Likewise in the same way /similarly / likewise, his son adores funny
Similarly stories.
By the same Teenagers should be more respectful;
token by the same token, parents should be more understanding.

To sum up I've covered the main events of the year.

Briefly To sum up / briefly, our team is now one of the best in the
To conclude world.
In conclusion To conclude / in conclusion, I want to wish you all a very
happy holiday season.


1. Read the article above (baca artikel diatas) the BOOK

2. Record your reading, the audio must be clear ) (Rekam audio readingnya
dengan jelas)
3. Make 2 example of sentences /phrases using linking WORDs
4. Find and example of A NEW CAR TECHNOLOGY TODAY
(cari contoh teknologi computer ter update yang ada di sebuah mobil saat ini)
5. Submit the task in E-Learning (BOC) Buana Online Course ( last date 26march
(kumpulkan tugasnya di BOC paling lambat Jumat 26 maret 2021 pukul 21:00

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