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Student name: Valentina Gomez Vergara Teacher Name: Breinner

Class: English class DER6 A Date: 25/02/2021

Problem / Solution
A Price to Pay

Problem: A school in united states the students need pay for the infractions because the school think you do
an infraction you have pay and you learn but this is an absolute abuse and you really don´t learn anything,
the parents of the child’s are very indignant, and the unique solution was going out the child´s to the school
and found other.
The Schools’ Solution My Solution

You do an infraction as stupid as it is you need pay You do an infraction you choose your sanction,
because is the rule to the school because you know the damage you´ve caused.
Here you used the moral and the conscience

The students decide to go out to the school or Here the students decide what am I doing, is
prefer to do more infractions and pay because good or is bad? Many questions, but the
RESULT here don´t have anything to conscience unique responsible person is you, because
anything taken this decision and to be
imposing your sanction

My. Solution is better because you don´t use a scholar imposition, you choose your moral imposition, and now
you learn to the life because here you will be alone and the unique answer that you can have is for you, this
solution make more conscience and more honest with yourself, and you learn and you will try don´t do again.

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