TN Travel Guide - Effective June 2010

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Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

Tennessee Handgun Permit

Travel Guide © (PDF)

It is the responsibility of every person who has been

issued a Tennessee Handgun Permit, to know the
rules and regulations in every state they take their
handgun. This publication helps meet this task.

© 2010
Gene Kennedy
Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

Using This Guide

Thank you for your purchase of this download publication. I
believe that anyone who has been issued a Tennessee Handgun
Permit, needs to know and understand the “restrictions” they face
in Tennessee, and the states that honor the Tennessee Handgun
Permit. This is why this guide is so useful to Tennessee Handgun
Permit Holders. Every day you strap on a gun for self-protection,
you may not use the gun in a self-defense incident but; every day
you are exposed to laws that could affect your ability to carry.
The 1st section of this publication lists states that honor the
Tennessee Handgun Permit. Turn to the page to read their codes
and restrictions. At the top of each page you will see the type of
handgun carry allowed in the state. If you see this note (concealed
carry suggested), that means the state might have some local codes
that are imposed about the wearing of a pistol in the open
(exposed). Because it is very difficult to find the regulations on
this subject for every county or municipality, it is suggested that
you carry your handgun concealed. The next section shows the
laws and restrictions in their state. I have made notes regarding
carry in restaurants or establishments that sell alcohol, because so
many people asked for more information on this subject. At the
bottom of each state page you will see the regulatory agency for
their state. Please contact them directly if you have any questions
or concerns about carrying in their state. I have found that each
state agency responds well to questions, because they want you to
know about carrying in their state.

The 2nd section lists states that do not honor the TN Handgun
Permit. This section will tell you how to transport your handgun
through each state. Some states also have an open carry law, that
information is included.

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

I hope you find this book informative and beneficial, however

please remember that laws change. You will receive download
up-dates for six (6) months regarding any changes. If you have
questions or concerns about any state, contact the regulatory
agency listed on their state page.

Please send me your comments regarding this download

publication. Let me know if it helps you also, if you would like to
have something else included. Send comments to:

Best regards and stay SAFE,

Gene Kennedy

P.S.-If you find this publication beneficial, tell your friends or rela-
tives who have a Tennessee Handgun Permit about it so they can get
their own publication.

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

States That Honor The Tennessee Permit

Alabama 5
Alaska 6
Arkansas 7
Arizona 9
Colorado 10
Delaware 11
Florida 12
Georgia 15
Idaho 16
Indiana 17
Kansas 17
Kentucky 21
Louisiana 22
Michigan 23
Minnesota 24
Mississippi 26
Missouri 27
Montana 28
Nebraska 29
Nevada 31
New Hampshire 33
New Mexico 33
North Carolina 34
North Dakota 35
Ohio 36
Oklahoma 37
Pennsylvania 38
South Carolina 38
South Dakota 39
Texas 40
Utah 42
Vermont 42
Virginia 43
West Virginia 43
Wyoming 44

States Not Honoring TN 45

Tennessee Codes 46

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010


Type of Carry Allowed:

Concealed or Open [concealed suggested]

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. You may not consume
any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal weapon (handgun).

Restricted Areas
Section 13A-11-59(b)

It shall be unlawful for any person, other than a law enforcement

officer, to have in his or her possession or on his or her person or
in any vehicle any firearm while participating in or attending any
demonstration being held at a public place. [c] It shall be unlawful
for any person, other than a law enforcement officer as defined in
subsection [a] of this section, to have in his or her possession or
about his or her person or in any vehicle at a point within 1,000
feet of a demonstration at a public place, any firearm after having
first been advised by a law enforcement officer that a demonstra-
tion was taking place at a public place and after having been
ordered by such officer to remove himself or herself from the
prescribed area until such time as he or she no longer was in
possession of any firearm.
Section 13(a)-11-72: Premises of a public school. The term
“public school” as used in this section applies only to a school
composed of grades K-12 and shall include a school bus used for
grades K-12.

Alabama Attorney General

Alabama State House
Montgomery, Alabama 36130

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. You may not consume
any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal weapon [handgun].
Restricted Locations:
• A public or private school for grades K-12 including the school
grounds, parking lot or on a bus while used for school
sponsored activities, unless the person carrying the firearm has
the permission of the chief administrative officer of the school or
the school district.
• Any place where intoxicating liquor is sold for consumption on
the premises, except a restaurant where the person carrying the
firearm did not consume intoxicating liquor.
• Any licensed childcare facility or licensed assisted living home
for the elderly or for the mentally or physically disabled. If the
facility is other than a private residence.
• Within courtroom or office of the Alaska Court System, or within
a courthouse that is occupied only by the Alaska Court System,
and other justice related agencies.
• Within a domestic violence or sexual assault shelter that
receives funding from the state. Within another person’s
residence, unless the person carrying the firearm has first
obtained the express permission of an adult residing there to
bring the firearm into the residence.


Alaska law requires a permit holder who is carrying a concealed

handgun and who comes into contact with a peace officer to
immediately inform the peace officer he/she is carrying a
concealed handgun under the permit. The peace officer may then
secure the weapon or require the permit holder to secure the
weapon for the duration of the contact.

NOTE: Contacted by a peace officer means stopped, detained,

questioned, or addressed in person by the peace officer for an
Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

official purpose.

Alaska Concealed Handgun Permit Section

5700 East Tudor Road
Anchorage, AK 99507


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed

Restaurant Carry; Yes (see below). Remember that you may not
consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal weapon

Restricted Locations: ACT 419 (I)

No license issued pursuant to this section shall authorize any
person to carry a concealed handgun into:

• Any police, sheriff, or Arkansas State Police station, Arkansas

Highway Police facility, any building of the Arkansas State
Highway Police facility, any building of the Arkansas State
Highway and Transportation Department, or onto any grounds
adjacent to such building, except that this subdivision shall not
apply to rest areas and weigh stations of the Department, any
detention facility, prison, or jail.
• Any building wherein a state office is located.
• Any athletic event not related to firearms.
• Any portion of an establishment, except a restaurant as defined
in § 3-9-402, where beer or light wine is consumed on premises.
NOTE: The establishment must post a sign telling the type of
restaurant it is so you know if you will be legal there. They can
also post a no-gun sign.
• Any community college, or university campus building or event
unless for the purpose of participating in an authorized firearms
related activity.
• Inside the passenger terminal of any airport, except that no
person shall be prohibited from carrying any legal firearm into

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

the terminal if the firearm is encased for shipment, for purposes

of checking such firearm as baggage to be lawfully transported
on any aircraft.
• Any church or other place of worship.
• Any place where the carrying of a firearm is prohibited by
federal law.
• The carrying of a concealed handgun may be disallowed in any
place in the discretion of the person or entity exercising control
over the physical location of such place by the placing of a writ-
ten notice clearly readable as a distance of not less than ten (10)
feet that the:

“Carrying of a handgun is prohibited”.

Provided no sign shall be required for private homes and any

licensee entering a private home shall notify the occupants that
they are carrying a concealed handgun. No license issued
pursuant to this section shall authorize the participants in a
parade or demonstration for which a permit is required to carry a
concealed handgun.

Arkansas State Police / Special Services

1 State Police Drive
Little Rock, AR 72209

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: Yes Not in bar area. Remember that

you may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a
lethal weapon [handgun].


• Where posted notices prohibiting firearms are displayed,

or verbal notification.
• Public schools, Colleges, Universities, Generating
Stations, Polling Places on voting days, Correction
Facilities, and Game Refuges [except during authorized
• Any establishment or event open to the public where the
operator makes a reasonable request for you to give
custody or remove the weapon from the premises.
Signage would qualify for this request. Cities and
counties are required to offer on-site storage if they ban

Arizona Department of Safety

P.O. Box 6488
Phoenix, Arizona 85005

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

Type of Carry Allowed:
Concealed or Open [concealed suggested]

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you

may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal
weapon [handgun].


• A permit issued pursuant to this part 2 does not authorize a person to carry a
concealed handgun into a place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by
federal law.
• A permit issued pursuant to this part 2 does not authorize a person to carry a
concealed handgun onto the real property, or into any improvements erected
thereon, of a public elementary, middle, junior high, or high school; except
that: (a) A permit tee may have a handgun on the real property of the public
school so long as the handgun remains in his or her vehicle and, if the permit
tee is not in the vehicle, the handgun is in a compartment within the vehicle
and the vehicle is locked.
• A permit tee may carry a concealed handgun on undeveloped real property
owned by a school district that is used for hunting or other shooting sports.
• A permit issued pursuant to this part 2 does not authorize a person to carry a
concealed handgun into a public building at which:
(a) Security personnel and electronic weapons screening devices are permanently
in place at each entrance to the building;
(b) Security personnel electronically screen each person who enters the building
to determine whether the person is carrying a weapon of any kind; and
(c) Security personnel require each person who is carrying a weapon of any kind
to leave the weapon in possession of security personnel while the person is in the
• Nothing in this part 2 shall be construed to limit, restrict, or prohibit in any
manner the existing rights of a private property owner, private tenant, private
employer, or private business entity.
Note: Please be cautious regarding Denver. Courts have held that Saturday
Night Specials are not allowed in this region.

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

> 18-12-214(b): A peace officer may temporarily disarm a permit

tee during an official stop.

Colorado Attorney General

1525 Sherman / 5th Floor
Denver, Colorado 80203

Type of Carry Allowed:
Concealed or Open [concealed suggested]

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you

may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal
weapon [handgun].

Code 1457: Possession Of A Weapon In A Safe School and
Recreation Zone

(a) Any person who commits any of the offenses described in

subsection (b) of this section and does so while in or on a “Safe
School and Recreation Zone” shall be guilty of a crime of posses-
sion of a weapon in a “Safe School and Recreation Zone”.
(b) The underlying offenses in Title 11:
• Section 1442. Carrying a concealed deadly weapon; class G
felony; class E felony [Author Note: Includes BB Guns].
[c] For the purpose of this section, “Safe School and Recreation
Zone” shall mean:
1. Any building, structure, athletic field, sports stadium, or real
property owned or rented by any public or private school
including but not limited to, any kindergarten, elementary,
secondary, or vocational-technical school or any college or
university, within 1,000 feet thereof; or
2. Any motor vehicle owned, operated, leased or rented, by any
public or private school including, but not limited to, any

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

kindergarten, elementary, secondary, or vocation-technical

school, or any college or university; or
3. Any building or structure owned, operated, leased or rented by
any county or municipality, or by the State, or by any board,
agency, commission, department, corporation, or other entity
thereof, or by any private organization, which is utilized as a
recreation center, athletic field or sports stadium.
[d] Nothing in this section shall be construed to preclude or
otherwise limit a prosecution of or conviction for a violation of this
chapter or any other provision of law. A person may be convicted
both of the crime of possession of a weapon in a “Safe School and
Recreation Zone” and of the underlying offense as defined
elsewhere by the laws of the State.

Delaware Attorney General

Carvel State Office Building
820 N French Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed

Restaurant Carry: Yes (see below). Remember that you may

not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal weapon

Restricted Locations
Code 790.06 (12)
• Police, Sheriff, or highway patrol station,
• Detention facility, prison or jail,
• Courtroom, polling place, any district, any meeting of the
Legislature or committee there of,
• Any school administration building, any elementary or
secondary school facility and vocational technical center, and

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

college or university facility unless the licensee is a registered

student, employee, of faculty member of such college or
university and the weapon is a stun gun or non-lethal electric
weapon or device designed solely for defensive purposes and the
weapon doesn't fire a dart or projectile,
• Any premises serving alcoholic beverages and, which portion of
the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose,
• Inside the passenger terminal and sterile area of any airport,
provided that no person shall be prohibited from carrying any
legal firearm into the terminal, which firearm is encased for
shipment for purposes of checking such firearm as baggage to
be lawfully transported on a aircraft,
• Or any place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by
federal law,
• Any place of Nuisance [I.e. a place of nuisance is considered to
be; house of prostitution, crack houses, illegal gaming
locations, or any place or location that causes a nuisance to law
enforcement or law abiding residents of Florida].

In March 2009, a parking lot provision was added. Here is this

new provision:

LEGISLATIVE INTENT; FINDINGS.--This act is intended to codify

the long-standing legislative policy of the state that individual
citizens have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms, that
they have a constitutional right to possess and keep legally owned
firearms within their motor vehicles for self-defense and other
lawful purposes, and that these rights are not abrogated by virtue
of a citizen becoming a customer, employee, or invitee of a
business entity. It is the finding of the Legislature that a citizen's
lawful possession, transportation, and secure keeping of firearms
and ammunition within his or her motor vehicle is essential to the
exercise of the fundamental constitutional right to keep and bear
arms and the constitutional right of self-defense. The Legislature
finds that protecting and preserving these rights is essential to the
exercise of freedom and individual responsibility. The Legislature
further finds that no citizen can or should be required to waive or
abrogate his or her right to possess and securely keep firearms

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

and ammunition locked within his or her motor vehicle by virtue of

becoming a customer, employee, or invitee of any employer or
business establishment within the state, unless specifically
required by state or federal law.

PROHIBITED ACTS.--No public or private employer may violate the

constitutional rights of any customer, employee, or invitee as
provided in paragraphs (a)-(e):
(a) No public or private employer may prohibit any customer,
employee, or invitee from possessing any legally owned firearm
when such firearm is lawfully possessed and locked inside or
locked to a private motor vehicle in a parking lot and when the
customer, employee, or invitee is lawfully in such area.
(b) No public or private employer may violate the privacy rights of a
customer, employee, or invitee by verbal or written inquiry regard-
ing the presence of a firearm inside or locked to a private motor
vehicle in a parking lot or by an actual search of a private motor
vehicle in a parking lot to ascertain the presence of a firearm
within the vehicle. Further, no public or private employer may
take any action against a customer, employee, or invitee based
upon verbal or written statements of any party concerning
possession of a firearm stored inside a private motor vehicle in a
parking lot for lawful purposes. A search of a private motor vehicle
in the parking lot of a public or private employer to ascertain the
presence of a firearm within the vehicle may only be conducted by
on-duty law enforcement personnel, based upon due process and
must comply with constitutional protections.
(c) No public or private employer shall condition employment upon
1. The fact that an employee or prospective employee holds or does
not hold a license issued pursuant
to s. 790.06; or
2. Any agreement by an employee or a prospective employee that
prohibits an employee from keeping a legal firearm locked inside or
locked to a private motor vehicle in a parking lot when such
firearm is kept for lawful purposes.
(d) No public or private employer shall prohibit or attempt to
prevent any customer, employee, or invitee from entering the

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

parking lot of the employer's place of business because the

customer's, employee's, or invitee's private motor vehicle contains
a legal firearm being carried for lawful purposes, that is out of
sight within the customer's, employee's, or invitee's private motor
vehicle. No public or private employer may terminate the
employment of or otherwise discriminate against an employee, or
expel a customer or invitee for exercising his or her constitutional
right to keep and bear arms or for exercising the right of
self-defense as long as a firearm is never exhibited on company
property for any reason other than lawful defensive purposes.
This subsection applies to all public sector employers, including
those already prohibited from regulating firearms under the provi-
sions of s. 790.33.

Florida Department of Agriculture &

Consumer Service
Attn: Division of Licensing
P.O. Box 6687
Tallahassee, Florida 32314


Type of Carry Allowed:

Concealed or Open [concealed suggested]

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area.

Remember that you may not consume any alcohol while you are
carrying a lethal weapon [handgun].

Restricted Locations
Code 16-11-127:
(b) For the purpose of this Code section, “Public Gathering” shall
include, but shall not be limited to:
• Athletic, sporting events, and schools,
• Churches or church functions,
• Political rallies or function, publicly owned or operated

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

buildings, or establishments at which alcoholic beverages are

sold for consumption on the premises and which derive less
than 50% of their total annual gross food and beverages sales
from the sale of prepared meals or food.
• Carrying is allowed in all parks, historic sites, or recreational
areas as defined by Code Section 12-3-10, and all management
• Nothing in the Code Section shall otherwise prohibit the
carrying of a firearm in any other place by a person licensed or
permitted to carry such firearm by this part. Any person in
possession of a valid permit issued pursuant to Code
Section 16-11-129, may carry a handgun in any location in a
motor vehicle.
Georgia Attorney General
40 Capitol Square SW
Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you may
not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal weapon
Restricted Locations
Code 18-3302 [c]
• A courthouse,
• A juvenile justice facility or jail,
• A public or private school.
NOTE: A permit issued in another state will only be considered
valid if the permit is in the licensee’s physical possession.

Idaho Department of Law Enforcement

P.O. Box 700
Meridian, Idaho 83680

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area.

Remember that you may not consume any alcohol while you are
carrying a lethal weapon [handgun].

Restricted Locations
• An airport or school,
• Locations that are posted with no firearm provisions,
• Gaming Locations (The riverboat must provide storage).

Indiana State Police, 100 N Senate Ave.

Government Center n 3rd Floor
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204


Concealed or Open [concealed suggested]

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you may
not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal weapon
1.) Pursuant to K.S.A. 75-7c10(a)(1), “common nuisance” places,
identified in K.S.A. 22-3901, where the following “unlawful
activities and the use of real or personal property in maintaining
and carrying on such activities” is located:
(a) Commercial gambling;
(b) dealing in gambling devices;
(c) possession of gambling devices;
(d) promoting obscenity;
(e) promoting prostitution;
(f) habitually promoting prostitution;

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

(g) violations of any law regulating controlled substances;

(h) habitual violations of any law regulating the sale or exchange of
alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverages, by any person not
licensed pursuant to chapter 41 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated;
(i) habitual violations of any law regulating the sale or exchange of
cigarettes or tobacco products, by any person not licensed
pursuant to article 33 of chapter 79 of the Kansas Statutes
(j) any felony committed for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in
association with any criminal street gang, with the specific intent
to promote, further or assist in any criminal conduct by gang
members. As used in this subsection, 'criminal street gang' means
any organization, association or group, whether formal or informal:
(1) Consisting of three or more persons;
(2) having as one of its primary activities the commission of one or
more person felonies, person misdemeanors, felony violations of
the uniform controlled substances act, K.S.A. 65-4101 et seq., and
amendments thereto, or the comparable juvenile offenses, which if
committed by an adult would constitute the commission of such
felonies or misdemeanors;
(3) which has a common name or common identifying sign or
symbol; and
(4) whose members, individually or collectively engage in or have
engaged in the commission, attempted commission, conspiracy to
commit or solicitation of two or more person felonies, person
misdemeanors, felony violations of the uniform controlled
substances act, K.S.A. 65-4101 et seq., and amendments thereto,
or the comparable juvenile offenses, which if committed by an
adult would constitute the commission of such
felonies or misdemeanors, or any substantially similar offense from
another jurisdiction; or
(k) use of pyrotechnics, pyrotechnic devices or pyrotechnic
materials in violation of K.S.A. 2005 Supp. 31-170, and
amendments thereto.
2.) Any “state office building,” as per K.A.R. 16-11-1, includes
the interior of any of the following buildings:
a) Those buildings named in 21-4218, and amendments thereto;
(1) K.S.A. 21-4218 prohibits firearms within the following;

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

(a) the State capitol building;

(b) the Governor’s residence;
(c) the buildings located on the grounds of the Governor’s
(d) the Docking building located in Topeka;
(e) the Landon building located in Topeka;
(f) the Kansas Judicial Center located in Topeka;
(g) any other state owned or leased buildings if firearms are
prohibited by regulation and signs are posted informing of such
(h) the office of the Governor;
(i) the office of any other state elected official;
(j) any room where the state legislature is conducting a hearing; or
(k) any county courthouse (unless the concealed carry licensee
also meets one of the enumerated exceptions to carrying concealed
in a county courthouse).
b) the following buildings located in Topeka, Kansas;
(1) the Memorial building, 120 S.W. 10th Avenue
(2) the Forbes office building #740
(3) the division of printing plant, 201 NW MacVicar;
(4) the state office building located at 3440 SE 10th Street
(5) the Dillon house, 404 SW 9th Street;
(6) the Curtis state office building, 1000 SW Jackson;
(7) the state office building located at 700 SW Harrison; and
c) all other state-owned or state-leased buildings in which firearm
possession is prohibited by posting as provided in K.A.R. 1-49-11;
1) K.A.R. 1-49-11 states: “The provisions of K.S.A. 1992 Supp.
21-4218, as amended, with respect to possession of firearms shall
apply to all state-owned or leased buildings in which the agency or
agencies occupying the building have conspicuously placed signs
clearly stating that firearms are prohibited within that building.”
3.) Federal Facilities (K.S.A. 75-7c10(a)(15)) 18 U.S.C. 930 states
that the possession of firearms, or causing a firearm to be
present, in a federal facility or federal court facility will subject the
individual to federal charges.
a.) A “federal facility” is defined as, “a building or part thereof
owned or leased

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

by the Federal Government, where Federal employees are regularly

present for the purpose of performing their official duties.” 18
U.S.C. 930(g)(1). For example, post offices (see also, 39 C.F.R.
232.1(l)), FBI branch offices, IRS branch offices, etc.
b.) A “federal court facility” means, “the courtroom, judges'
chambers, witness rooms, jury deliberation rooms, attorney
conference rooms, prisoner holding cells, offices of the court
clerks, the United States attorney, and the United States marshal,
probation and parole offices, and adjoining corridors of any court
of the United States.” 18 U.S.C. 930(g)(3).
4.) Casinos
Pursuant to the Tribal Gaming Compacts, casinos located on tribal
lands are areas where no firearms will be allowed to be carried by
the general public or concealed carry licensees.
5.) Race tracks
The possession of weapons while visiting Kansas race tracks is
prohibited per Kansas administrative regulation 112-11-21.
6.) State Wildlife Areas and State Parks
As a general matter, assume that State Parks will be off limits for
concealed carry. As of the date of this publication, the Department
of Wildlife and Parks had not yet determined how it would handle
this issue. While there is no blanket disallowance for the carrying
of firearms into state parks, DWP has a regulation which allows
them to regulate such an activity through the posting of the park.
Wildlife areas are a different matter. Since these areas are
generally allowed to be lawfully hunted upon, the concealed carry
of weapons would be allowed while lawfully hunting in and on
wildlife areas. See, K.S.A. 21-4201(c)(2).
7.) Federal lands: As a general matter, carrying concealed
weapons into National Parks, Monuments, and all other lands will
be prohibited. See, 36 C.F.R. 2.4. There are possible exceptions,
but a licensee will need to contact Park, Monument, or other
appropriate officials in order to determine the legality of possessing
weapons at said site.
8.) Tribal Lands As a general matter, tribal lands are
independently governed by their own respective tribes and state
laws have no effect upon tribal laws. Should a licensee be traveling
onto tribal lands, it is always best to contact the local policing

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

authority and inquire as to the proper manner of carrying a

firearm while traveling upon tribal properties.

Kansas Attorney General

301 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, Kansas 66612


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you

may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal
weapon [handgun].
Restricted Locations-KRS 237.110
• Police station, Sheriff department, detention facility, prison, or
• Courthouse (Court of Justice, courtroom or proceeding),
• County, municipal, or special district governing body meetings,
• General Assembly session [including committee meetings],
• Businesses that dispense beer or alcoholic beverages for
consumption on the premises with the exception of restaurants
receiving 50% of their revenues from the sale of food,
• Elementary or secondary school facilities [without the consent of
the school administration],
• Child care facilities, day care centers, or any certified day care
• Areas within an airport where restricted access is controlled by
the inspection of persons and property,
• Any place restricted by federal law.

Kentucky State Police

919 Versailles Road
Frankfort, KY 40601

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: Not in any location that sells alcohol for

Restricted Locations
R.S. 40-1379(n)

• Law enforcement office, station, or building,

• Detention facility, prison, or jail,
• A courthouse or courtroom provided that a judge may carry
such weapon in his own courtroom,
• A polling place,
• A meeting place of the governing authority of a political
• The state capitol building, Any portion of an airport facility
where the carrying of firearms is prohibited under federal law,
except that no person shall be prohibited from carrying any
legal firearm into the terminal, if the firearm is encased for
shipment, for the purposes of checking such firearm as lawful
• Any church, synagogue, mosque or other similar place of
• A parade of demonstration for which a permit is issued by a
government entity,
• Any portion of the permitted area of an establishment that has
been granted a Class A general retail permit, as defined in Part
II of Chapter I or Chapter I of Part II Title 26 to sell alcoholic
beverages for consumption on the premises,
• Any school “firearm free zone” as defined in R.S. 14:95.6
• R.S. 40:1379.3(o): No individual to whom a concealed handgun
permit is issued may carry such concealed handgun into the
private residence of another without first receiving the consent
of that person.
• R.S. 40-1379(m): No concealed handgun permit shall be valid or
entitle any permitted to carry a concealed weapon in any facility,

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

building, location, or area in which firearms are banned by state

or federal law.

NOTE: R.S. 40-1379.3(l): Anyone who carries and conceals a
handgun in violation of any provision of this Section, unless
authorized to do so by another provision of the law, shall be fined
not more than five hundred dollars ($500), or imprisoned for not
more than six months or both.

Louisiana State Police

5355 Government Street, Suite D
Baton Rouge, LA 70896


Type of Carry Allowed:

Concealed or Open [concealed suggested]

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you

may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal
weapon [handgun].

Restricted Locations - MCL 28.425:

• Schools or school property but may carry while in a vehicle on

school property while dropping off or picking up if a parent or
legal guardian.
• Sports arena or stadium.
• A hospital.
• Public or private day care center, public or private child caring
agency, or public child placing agency.
• Dining room, lounge, or bar area of a premises licensed under
Liquor Control Code but does not apply to owner or employee.
• Any property or facility owned or operated by a church,
synagogue, mosque, temple, or other place of worship, unless
the presiding official allows concealed weapons.
Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

• A entertainment facility that the individual know or should

know, has a seating capacity of 2,500 or more.
• A dormitory or classroom of a community college, college, or
• A casino.
A courtroom, office, or other space used for official court business
or by judicial employees unless the chief judge or other person
designated by the chief judge has given prior approval.
NOTE: An individual licensed to carry a concealed pistol shall have
the license in his or her possession at all times he or she is
carrying a concealed pistol. Upon request, an individual licensed
to carry a concealed pistol shall show both of the following to a
police officer; license or permit, and drivers license.

Michigan State Police

714 S. Harrison Road
East Lansing, Michigan 48823

Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you

may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal
weapon [handgun].
• a public or private elementary, middle, or secondary school
building and its improved grounds, whether leased or owned by
the school; a child care center licensed under chapter 245A
during the period children are present and participating in a
child care program;
• the area within a school bus when that bus is being used by a
school to transport one or more elementary, middle, or
secondary school students to and from school related activities,
including curricular, non-curricular, extracurricular, and
supplementary activities; and
• that portion of a building or facility under the temporary,

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

exclusive control of a public or private school, a school district,

or an association of such entities where conspicuous signs are
prominently posted at each entrance that give actual notice to
persons of the school related use.
• Private establishments if posted or if personally requested to
leave by the operator because that establishment bans guns on
• Places of employment, public or private, if employer restricts the
carry or possession of firearms by its employees.
1. A public post secondary institution may establish policies that
restrict the carry or possession of firearms by its students while
on the institution's property.
• an employer or a post secondary institution may not prohibit
the lawful carry or possession of firearms in a parking facility or
parking area.
You can carry on school property under the following:
609.66 Subdivision 1d
(1) licensed peace officers, military personnel, or 3 students
participating in military training, who are on duty,
Performing official duties;
(2) persons who carry pistols according to the terms of a permit
authorized to carry a pistol under section 624.714 while in a
motor vehicle or outside of a motor vehicle to directly place a
firearm in, or retrieve it from, the trunk or rear area of the vehicle;
(3) persons who keep or store in a motor vehicle pistols in
accordance with sections section 624.714 and or 624.715 or other
firearms in accordance with section 97B.045;
(4) firearm safety or marksmanship courses or activities conducted
on school property;
(5) possession of dangerous weapons, BB guns, or replica firearms
by a ceremonial color guard;
(6) a gun or knife show held on school property; or
(7) possession of dangerous weapons, BB guns, or replica firearms
with written permission of the principal or other person
having general control and supervision of the school or the director
of a child care center; or
(8) persons who are on unimproved property owned or leased by a
child care center, school, or school district unless the person

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

knows that a student is currently present on the land for a

school related activity.

Minnesota Attorney General

1400 Bremer Tower/ 445 Minnesota Street
St. Paul MN


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you

may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal
weapon [handgun].
Restrictions: Section 45-9-101
• Police, Sheriff, or highway patrol station,
• Detention facility, prison or jail,
• Courtroom, pooling place, governmental meeting, Legislature,
Legislative meeting,
• Public park, school, college or university,
• Passenger terminal of any airport unless the firearm is encased
for shipment,
• Any church or other place of worship,
• Any place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal
• The carrying of a pistol may be disallowed in any place in the
discretion of the person or entity exercising control over the
physical location of such place by the placing of a written
notice clearly readable at a distance of not less than ten (10) feet
that the:
“Carrying of a pistol or
Revolver is prohibited”.
• No license or permit pursuant to section 45-9-101, Mississippi
Code, shall authorize the participants of a parade or demonstra-
tion for which a permit is required to carry a concealed pistol
or weapon.

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

• Any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic

beverages or any portion of an establishment in which beer or
light wine is consumed on the premises.

Mississippi State Police

P.O. Box 958
Jackson, Mississippi 39205


Type of Carry Allowed:

Concealed or Open [concealed suggested]

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you

may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal
weapon [handgun].

Restricted Locations [Code 571.107] :

1. Police, Sheriff, Highway Patrol Station or Office.
2. Within twenty-five feet of any Polling Place on election day.
3. Any Correctional Facility.
4. Any Courthouse or Building used by the Court.
5. Any Government Meeting including the State Legislature.
6. Government owned buildings except public housing.
7. Bars.
8. Secured locations within airports.
9. Any place prohibited by federal law.
10. All schools including colleges.
11. Any Child Care Facility.
12. Any Casino.
13. The gated areas of an Amusement Park.
14. Churches and places of worship.
15. Private property with a 11X14 sign and 1” letters at
conspicuous locations.
16. Arenas and Stadiums seating over 5,000 people.
17. Publicly accessible hospitals.
Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

18. Commercial bus transportation.

NOTE: #’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.

Possession of a firearm in a vehicle on these premises shall not
be a criminal offense as long as the firearm is not removed from
the vehicle.

Missouri Department of Public Safety

Truman State Office Building Room 870
P. O. Box 749
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: No. Not in any location that sells alcohol for
Restricted Locations
Code 45-8-328
Title 16 for the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the
premises. It is not a defense that the person had a valid permit to
carry a concealed weapon. A person convicted of the offense shall
be imprisoned in the county jail for a term not to exceed 6 months
or fined an amount not to exceed $500, or both.

• Portions of a building used for state or local government offices

and related areas in the building that have been restricted;
• A bank, credit union, savings and loan institution, or similar
institution during the institution’s normal business hours.
NOTE: It is NOT an offense under this section to carry a
concealed weapon while:
1. Using an institutions drive-up window, automatic teller
machine, or un-staffed night depository; or
2. At or near a branch office of an institution in a mall, grocery
store, or other place unless the person is inside the enclosure
used for the institution’s financial services or is using the

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

institutions financial services.

Montana Attorney General

P.O. Box 201401
Helena, Montana 59620


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed

Restaurant Carry: Yes (see below). Not in bar area. Remember

that you may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a
lethal weapon [handgun].

• Police, Sheriff, or Nebraska State Patrol station or office,

• Detention facility, prison, or jail,
• Courtroom or building which contains a courtroom,
• Polling place during a bona fide election,
• Meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district,
municipality, or other political subdivision,
• Meeting of the Legislature or a Committee of the Legislature,
• Financial Institution, Professional or semiprofessional athletic
• Building, ground, vehicle, or sponsored activity or athletic event
of any public, private, denominational, or parochial school or
private or public university, college, or community college,
• Place of worship,
• Hospital, emergency room, or trauma center,
• Political rally or fundraiser,
• Establishment having a license issued under the Nebraska
Liquor Control Act that derives over one half of its total income
from the sale of alcoholic liquor,
• Place where the possession or carrying of a firearm is prohibited
by state of federal law,
• A ;lace or premises where the person, persons, entity, or entities
in control of the property or employer in control of the property

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

has prohibited permit holders from carrying concealed

handguns into or onto the place or premises
• Into or onto any other place or premises where handguns are
prohibited by law or rule or regulation. A permit holder carrying
a concealed handgun in a vehicle or on his or her person while
riding in or on a vehicle into or onto any parking area, which is
open o the public, used by any location listed in subdivision (1)
(a) of this section, does not violate this section if, prior to exiting
the vehicle, the handgun is locked inside the glove box, trunk,
or other compartment of the ( vehicle, a storage box
securely attached to the vehicle, or, if the vehicle is a
motorcycle, a hardened compartment securely attached to the
motorcycle. This subsection does not apply to any parking area
used by such location when the carrying of a concealed
handgun into or onto such parking area is prohibited by federal
• A permit holder shall not carry a concealed handgun while he or
she is consuming alcohol or while the permit holder has
remaining in his or her blood, urine, or breath any previously
consumed alcohol or any controlled substance as defined in
section 28-401. A permit holder does not violate this subsection
if the controlled substance in his or her blood, urine, or breath
was lawfully obtained and was taken in therapeutically
prescribed amount.
{Source: Laws 2006, LB 454, § 15; Laws 2007, LB97, § 1 Effective

Nebraska State Patrol

P. O. Box 94907
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509
(402) 471-4545

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010


Concealed or Open [concealed suggested]

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you

may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal
weapon [handgun].

NRS 202.3667 Permit tee to carry permit and proper identification

when in possession of a concealed firearm; penalty.
1. Each permit tee shall carry the permit, or a duplicate
issued pursuant to the provisions of NRS 202.367, together with
proper identification whenever the permit tee is in actual
possession of a concealed firearm. Both the permit and proper
identification must be presented if requested by a peace officer.
2. A permit tee who violates the provisions of this section is
subject to a civil penalty of $25 for each violation.

NRS 202.3673 Permit tee authorized to carry concealed firearm

while on premises of public building; exceptions; penalty.
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 2 and 3, a
permit tee may carry a concealed firearm while he is on the
premises of any public building.
2. A permit tee shall not carry a concealed firearm while he is
on the premises of a public building that is located on the property
of a public airport.
3. A permit tee shall not carry a concealed firearm while he is
on the premises of:
(a) A public building that is located on the property of a public
school or the property of the Nevada System of Higher Education,
unless the permit tee has obtained written permission to carry a
concealed firearm while he is on the premises of the public
building pursuant to paragraph (c) of subsection 3 of
NRS 202.265.
(b) A public building that has a metal detector at each public
entrance or a sign posted at each public entrance indicating that
no firearms are allowed in the building, unless the permit tee is

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

not prohibited from carrying a concealed firearm while he is on the

premises of the public building pursuant to subsection 4.
4. The provisions of paragraph (b) of subsection 3 do not
(a) A permit tee who is a judge from carrying a concealed
firearm in the courthouse or courtroom in which he presides or
from authorizing a permit tee to carry a concealed firearm while in
the courtroom of the judge and while traveling to and from the
courtroom of the judge.
(b) A permit tee who is a prosecuting attorney of an agency or
political subdivision of the United States or of this State from
carrying a concealed firearm while he is on the premises of a
public building.
(c) A permit tee who is employed in the public building from
carrying a concealed firearm while he is on the premises of the
public building.
(d) A permit tee from carrying a concealed firearm while he is on
the premises of the public building if the permit tee has received
written permission from the person in control of the public
building to carry a concealed firearm while the permit tee is on the
premises of the public building.
5. A person who violates subsection 2 or 3 is guilty of a
6. As used in this section, “public building” means any
building or office space occupied by:
(a) Any component of the Nevada System of Higher Education
and used for any purpose related to the System; or
(b) The Federal Government, the State of Nevada or any
county, city, school district or other political subdivision of the
State of Nevada and used for any public purpose.
E: If only part of the building is occupied by an entity described in
this subsection, the term means only that portion of the building
which is so occupied.
(Added to NRS by 1995, 2725; A 1997, 63; 1999, 2767)
Office of the Attorney Genera
100 North Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you
may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal
weapon [handgun].
Restrictions: Title 12 Section 159:19
Courtroom Security:
No person shall knowingly carry a loaded or unloaded pistol,
revolver, or firearm or any other deadly weapon as defined in RSA
625:II,V, whether open or concealed or whether licensed or
unlicensed, upon his person or within any of his possessions
owned or within his control in a courtroom or area used by a
New Hampshire Department
Of Public Safety
NH State Police Permits Unit
James H. Hayes Safety Bldg.
10Hazen Drive
Concord, New Hampshire 03305

Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open
Restaurant Carry: No. Not in any location that sells alcohol for consump-

• On school, pre-school, College, University.

• Any establishment selling liquor.
• Courts, Tribal Land, State Parks, Airport Security Zones, Bus, Federal
Properties, while under the influense of alcohol/drugs.
• On any private property that is posted.

NM Dept. of Public Safety-Special Investigations

P. O. Box 1628
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504
505-841-8053 Ext. 1127
Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: No. Not in any location that sells alcohol for


§ 14-269.2. Weapons on campus or other educational property.

(4) Weapon. - Any device enumerated in subsection (b), (b1), or (d)

of this section. (b) It shall be a Class I felony for any person to
possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any gun, rifle,
pistol, or other firearm of any kind on educational property or to
a curricular or extracurricular activity sponsored by a school.
However, this subsection does not apply to a BB gun, stun gun,
air rifle, or air pistol.

(b1) It shall be a Class G felony for any person to possess or carry,

whether openly or concealed, any dynamite cartridge, bomb,
grenade, mine, or powerful explosive as defined in G.S. 14-284.1,
on educational property or to a curricular or extracurricular
activity sponsored by a school. This subsection shall not apply to

c) It shall be a Class I felony for any person to cause, encourage, or

aid a minor who is less than 18 years old to possess or carry,
whether openly or concealed, any gun, rifle, pistol, or other
firearm of any kind on educational property. However, this
subsection does not apply to a BB gun, stun gun, air rifle, or air

(c-1 It shall be a Class G felony for any person to cause, encour-

age, or aid a minor who is less than 18 years old to possess or
carry, whether openly or concealed, any dynamite cartridge, bomb,
grenade, mine, or powerful explosive as defined in G.S. 14-284.1

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

on educational property.

This subsection shall not apply to fireworks.

Section 14-269.3: Where alcohol is both sold and consumed on

the premises.

Section 14-269-3: Assemblies and establishments where admis-

sion is charged.

Section 14-269-4: Government Building.

Section 14-415.119[c]:Financial Institutions.

Section 14-415.11[c]: Correctional Facilities.

Section 14-277.2:Events that occur in the public [I.e. Parades, picket

line, funerals, demonstrations].

Section 14-415.11[c]: Wherever a posted notice or statement

has been displayed banning firearms.

North Carolina Highway Patrol

512 N. Salisbury Street
4702 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699
(919) 733-7952


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed

Restaurant Carry: No. Not in any location that sells alcohol for
Restricted Locations

62.1-02-04.: Places that serve Alcohol and Gaming Sites. 62.1-02-

05. A person who possesses a firearm at a public gathering is
guilty of a class B misdemeanor. For the purpose of this section,
Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

"public gathering" includes athletic or sporting events, schools or

school functions, churches or church functions, political rallies or
functions, musical concerts, and individuals in publicly owned
parks where hunting is not allowed by proclamation and publicly
owned or operated buildings.
North Dakota Office of Attorney General
The Bureau of Criminal Investigations
Bismarck, ND 58502


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: No. Not in any location that sells alcohol for


Sec. 2923.126. (B) … does not authorize the licensee to carry a

firearm in:

• A Police Station.
• Sheriff’s Office
• State Highway Patrol Station
• Premises controlled by the Bureau of Criminal Identification and
• State Correctional Institution, Jail, Workhouse, or firearm in
any room in which liquor is being dispensed in premises that
has been issued a class “D’ license. Code 2923.121.
• From the Ohio Attorney General Web Site: other Detention
• Airport Passenger Terminal,
• School
• Courthouse or building that Houses a Court.

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

• Public or Private College/University (May keep locked in Vehicle

in Parking lot)
• House of Worship.
• Child Day-Care Center.
• Any and all areas of a building that is owned or leased by this
state or any political subdivision of this state,, and Any place in
which federal law prohibits the carrying of handguns.
Attorney General
State Office Tower / 17th Floor 30 E. Broad St
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Type of Carry Allowed:
Concealed or Open [concealed suggested]
Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you
may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal
weapon [handgun].

Restrictions: Code 21-1277

Any structure, building, or office space, which is owned or leased

by a city, state, or federal governmental agency who is conducting
business with the public.

• Any meeting of a city, town, county, state or federal offices,

school board members, legislative members, or any other
elected or appointed officials.
• Prison, jail, or detention facility.
• Elementary, secondary or technical school.
• Any place where Para-Mutual betting is authorized by law.
• College or university premises or property.
• Any property designated by a city, town, state, or governmental
agency as a park, recreational area, or fairgrounds.

Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations

6600 N. Harvey Suite 300
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116
Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you

may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal
weapon [handgun].
Restrictions Title 19, Section 913

• Possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapons in a court

Title 18 Section 912
• Possession of weapon on school grounds.
• Anywhere a “No Firearm” Posting is displayed
• Where federal law forbids carrying.

Pennsylvania Attorney General

Strawberry Square, 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17121


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: No. Not in any location that sells alcohol for

Restricted Locations:
Code 23-31-215
• Premises of a publicly owned building.
• Private residence without permission.
• Any place where prohibited by sign.
• Any law enforcement office or facility.
• Any detention or correctional facility.
• Courthouse or courtroom,
Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

• polling place on election day. Office of or meeting of county

council, public school district, city council, special purpose
district, school or college athletic event, day dare or pre-school,
• Any place prohibited by federal law,
• Hospital, medical clinic, doctor’s office, any place mental
procedures are performed.
• Carrying a firearm into a business selling alcohol.

P.O. Box 21398
Columbia, SC 29221


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: Yes (see below). Not in bar area. Remember

that you may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a
lethal weapon [handgun].
The permit is valid throughout South Dakota except in any
licensed on-sale malt beverage or alcoholic beverage establishment
that derives over one-half of its total income from the sale of malt
or alcoholic beverages: SDCL 23-7-8.1
Any county courthouse as defined in SDCL 22-14-22: or any ele-
mentary or secondary schools SDCL 13-32-7.

South Dakota Attorney General

500 East Capitol Bldg.
Pierre, SD 57501

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed

Restaurant Carry: Yes (see below). Not in bar area. Remember

that you may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a
lethal weapon [handgun].

Restrictions: Title 10 Chapter 46 § 46.03

• A place of business that derives 51% or more of its income from
the sale or service of alcoholic beverages for on premises
• On premises of a correctional facility.
• On the physical premises of a school, an educational institution,
or a passenger transportation vehicle of a school or an
educational institution, whether the school or educational
institution is public or private.
• On the premises where a high school, collegiate or professional
sporting event of interscholastic event is taking place, unless
the license holder is a participant in the event and a handgun is
used in the event.
• On the premises of a polling place on the day of an election or
while early voting is in progress.
• racetrack; and secured area of an airport.
• In any government court or offices utilized by the court, unless
pursuant to written regulations or written authorization of the
• *On the premises of a church, synagogue, or other established
place of religious worship.
• *On the premises of a Hospital licensed under the Health and
Safety Code.
• *On the premises of a nursing home licensed under the Health
and Safety Code.
• *Amusement parks. Amusement Parks means a permanent
indoor or outdoor facility or park where amusement rides are
available for use by the public that is located in a county with a
population of more than one million, encompasses at least 75
acres in surface area, is enclosed with access only through
Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

controlled entries, is open for operation more than 120 days in

each calendar year, and has security guards on the premises at
all times. The term does not include any public or private
driveway, street, sidewalk or walkway, parking lot, parking
garage, or other parking area.
• Public or private premises conspicuously posted with this sign
• [ see sign provision below ].
Items above marked * Do not apply if the actor was not given
effective notice under Section 30.06.
30.06(e) It is an exception to the application of this section that
the property on which the license holder carries a handgun is
owned or leased by a governmental entity and is not a premises or
other place on which the license holder is prohibited from carrying
the handgun under Section 46.03 or 46.035.
In order to provide notice that entry on property by a license
holder with a concealed handgun is forbidden, Penal Code Section
30.06(c)(3)(A) requires that a written communication contain the
following Language: 30.06 Sign.
Penal Code Section 30.06(c)(3)(B) further states that a sign must
meet the following requirements: includes the language described
by Paragraph (A) in both English and Spanish;
ii. appears in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch
in height; and
iii. is displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the

Texas Department of Public Safety

Concealed Handgun Section
P.O. Box 4143
Austin, Texas

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed

Restaurant Carry: Yes (see below). Not in bar area. Remember

that you may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a
lethal weapon [handgun].

Restricted Locations
Public Safety Rule R 724-4-13
• A courthouse,
• Federal building or where federal employees work,
• Secure area of an airport.

Utah Department of Public Safety

Bureau of Criminal Investigation
388 W. 5400 S
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

Restaurant Carry: Yes (see below). Not in bar area. Remember

that you may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a
lethal weapon [handgun].

• It is unlawful to carry within any state institution or upon the

grounds or lands owned or leased by such institution.
• It is unlawful to carry a firearm within a courthouse.
• It is unlawful to carry or possess a firearm “upon a school”.

Vermont Attorney General

109 State Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05609
Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed Or Open

Restaurant Carry: Yes (but only in the open...NOT

CONCEALED see below). Not in bar area. Remember that you
may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal
weapon [handgun].

Restricted Locations
Virginia Code 1802-308
• Any restaurant or club as defined in Code 4.1.100, for which a
license has been granted by the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage
under Title 4.1 of the Code of Virginia.
• Courthouse,
• Private property when prohibited by the owner of the property,
or when posted as prohibited,
• School property or school function,
• Places of worship,
• Virginia Commonwealth University.

Virginia State Police

Firearms Special Programs
P.O. Box 85608
Richmond, Virginia 23285

Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed Or Open

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you

may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal
weapon [handgun].

• Correctional facilities ( §61-5-8 )

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

• Primary or secondary school property ( §61-7-11a )

• School buses ( §61-7-11a )
• Primary or secondary school-sponsored functions or events
( §61-7-11a )
• Courthouses ( §61-7-11a )
• Anywhere on the State Capitol Complex, including the grounds
outside the buildings ( §61-6-19 )
Wherever signs are posted indicating weapon restrictions or where
notice has been given by other means ( §61-7-14 )

West Virginia Attorney General

West Virginia State Capitol Building 1,
Room 26-E
Charleston, WV 25305
(304) 558-2021


Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed Or Open

Restaurant Carry: Yes. Not in bar area. Remember that you

may not consume any alcohol while you are carrying a lethal
weapon [handgun].


Section 6-8-104. Wearing or carrying concealed weapons;

penalties; exceptions; permits.
(i) Any facility used primarily for law enforcement operations or
administration without the written consent of the chief
(ii) Any detention facility, prison or jail;
(iii) Any courtroom, except that nothing in this section shall
preclude a judge from carrying a concealed weapon
(iv) Any meeting of a governmental entity; or determining
who will carry a concealed weapon in the courtroom;
(v) Any meeting of the legislature or a committee thereof;
Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

(vi) Any school, college or professional athletic event not related to

(vii) Any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic
liquor and malt beverages for consumption on the premises, which
portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to that purpose;
(viii) Any place where persons are assembled for public worship,
without the written consent of the chief administrator of that
(ix) Any elementary or secondary school facility; (x) Any college or
university facility without the written consent of the security
service of the college or university; or (xi) Any place where the
carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal law or regulation or
state law.

Division Of Criminal Investigation

316 West 22nd Street
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002

How To Transport Your Handgun

In StatesThat Do NOT Honor The
Tennessee Handgun Permit.
CALIFORNIA: Handguns must be in a locked case, in the trunk. If you are in
a motor home going to a campground on a “public” site, you are allowed to
carry if your stay is “temporary”.
CONNECTICUT: If you are traveling through this state with no “overnight”
stops, you may transport your gun in a locked case in the trunk. If you are
planning to stay for any length of time, don’t take your gun. If you are
interested in getting a non-resident permit for this state, contact the
Connecticut State Police.
District Of Columbia: Unless you are in law enforcement in this region, a
thug, criminal, or terrorist, the law does not allow law abiding citizens to carry
or transport here.
HAWAII: If you take a pistol into this state, you must register it with the
police within 48 hours of your arrival. Carry is only allowed if you possess a
Hawaii permit [like any have been issued].
ILLINOIS: Pistols must be unloaded and locked in the trunk in a locked pistol
IOWA: Pistols must be unloaded, in a case, and locked in the trunk.
MAINE: Open carry is allowed but in a vehicle, the pistol must be unloaded

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

and in plain view. If you plan to stay for a period of time, get a non-resident
MARYLAND: Pistols must be unloaded, in a case, and in the trunk.
MASSACHUSETTS: Don’t travel this state with guns unless you have a
non-resident permit. Contact: Dept. of Public Safety, Commissioner, 1010
Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Massachusetts 02215.
NEW JERSEY: Please be careful when you pass through New Jersey. Title
18 of Federal Law says that any law abiding citizen may transport a firearm
as they pass through any state as long as the firearm is unloaded, and the
ammunition is separated from the firearm. In New Jersey it is suggested that
your pistol be in a locked pistol case, no hollow point ammunition is allowed,
and your ammunition is in a separate location far away from your pistol. If
you can take a Ferry or some other transportation, take it so you don’t have to
pass through this state with your firearm. This is a very big anti-gun state.
NEW YORK: Transporting a pistol through New York is allowed if no stops
for any long period of time is involved. Keep the guns unloaded.
NEW YORK CITY: Don’t take any guns into New York City!
OREGON: Pistols must be unloaded & in plain view, or in a gun case.
RHODE ISLAND: If traveling through this state with NO stops, you can carry
a loaded pistol in the vehicle. Otherwise, Pistols unloaded in a locked case, in
the trunk.
WASHINGTON: Pistols can be transported unloaded in a “opaque” case in
the trunk.
WISCONSIN: Pistol must be unloaded and in a gun case.

Tennessee Laws & Restrictions

Type of Carry Allowed: Concealed or Open

NOTE: Recent law changes allow a handgun Permit Holder to carry a loaded
rifle or shotgun in their vehicle.

Restaurant Carry: Although the restaurant carry law was passed, a judge
has stopped this law until further review. It is anticipated that the next
General Assembly, the law will be amended. You will receive any updates
when available.
Restricted Locations

• Any room in which judicial proceedings are in progress.

• Any public or private school building or bus, on any public or private
school campus, grounds, recreation area, athletic field or any other
property owned, used or operated by any board of education, school,
college or university board of trustees, regents or directors for the
Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

administration of any public or private educational institution.

• It is not an offense for a non-student adult to possess a firearm, if such
firearm is contained within a private vehicle operated by the adult and is
not handled by such adult, or by any other person acting with the
expresses or implied consent of such adult, while the vehicle is on school
• An individual, corporation, business entity or government entity or agent
thereof is authorized to prohibit possession of weapons by any person
otherwise authorized by this subsection, at meetings conducted by, or on
premises owned, operated, managed or under control of such individual,
corporation, business entity or government entity. Notice of such
prohibition shall be posted in prominent locations, including all entrances
primarily used by persons entering the building, portion of the building or
buildings where weapon possession is prohibited.

Carrying in locations where alcohol

is sold for consumption

• A person who is authorized to carry a firearm under § 39-17-1351 who is not

consuming beer, wine or any alcoholic beverage, and is within the confines of a
restaurant that is open to the public, serves alcoholic beverages, wine or beer, and
is not an age-restricted venue as defined in § 39-17-1802.
• As used in this subdivision (c)(3), “restaurant” means any public place kept, used,
maintained, advertised and held out to the public as a place where meals are
served and where meals are actually and regularly served, such place being
provided with adequate and sanitary kitchen and dining room equipment, having
employed therein a sufficient number and kind of employees to prepare, cook and
serve suitable food for its guests. At least one (1) meal per day shall be served at
least five (5) days a week, with the exception of holidays, vacations and periods of
redecorating, and the serving of such meals shall be the principal business
• This subdivision (c)(3) is subject to the provisions of § 39-17-1359, permitting a
property owner to post notices on such property prohibiting firearms. Note: A
Tennessee Judge has placed Restaurant Carry on hold. When we hear more, you
will be advised by your up-dates.

Carrying in state parks

A Tennessee resident possessing a handgun while within the boundaries of any state
park, if the resident is in immediate possession of a valid handgun carry permit issued
to such resident pursuant to § 39-17-1351.
• Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any Tennessee resident from
possessing a handgun while within the boundaries of any state park, if the
residents in immediate possession of a valid handgun carry permit issued to such
resident pursuant to § 39-17-1351.
• Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, neither the department of environment

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010

and conservation nor any other entity of state or local government shall prohibit any
Tennessee resident from possessing a handgun while within the boundaries of any
state park, if the resident is in immediate possession of a valid handgun carry
permit issued to such resident pursuant to § 39-17-1351. This law allows govern-
ment entities to opt out of this law. With 95 counties and various municipalities
within each county, it is up to you to check on being able to carry is local parks.

Tennessee Department of Safety

1150 Foster Avenue
Nashville, TN 38249

Thank you for your purchase of this product. It is important that you
know the rules and regulations when you carry your handgun in any state. This
publication will assist you in this difficult task.

You will receive updates for six months from the date of your purchase of
this download. If this publication and the up-dates help you, we look forward
to your next purchase of this same product and our services for the next six
months. If you would like to print a state carry card for your wallet listing the
states that honor the Tennessee here is the website location:

This product is protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States of

America. All rights are reserved.

No reproduction, either by duplication equipment, digital downloads, any

storage device, or by any means, is allowed without the permission of the
Copyright owner Gene Kennedy.

The purchase of digital downloads from the website, or any

affiliate website, will be available to the purchaser of the download for a set
period of time so downloads of the publication can be completed.

Any questions regarding this product may be sent to:
Because laws and regulations change, if you have questions or concerns about
any state that honors the Tennessee Handgun Permit, please contact the state
regulatory agency. The office of the state regulatory agency for each state, is
located at the bottom of their state information.

Again, thank you for your purchase of this publication. Gene Kennedy

Tennessee Handgun Permit Travel Guide © 2010


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