Essay Alcohol 350 Words

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Effects of excessive alcohol on the brain.

The society has always been surrounded by alcohol and has suffered from the
effects of it. There are numerous negative effects of drinking like alcoholism and
binge drinking, one of the leading causes of death in America. Not only does
alcohol destroy your body and mind but it also impairs your judgment and
decreases your mobility and motor control. Abuse with alcohol is related with
problems that have always been around but the numbers are steadily increasing.

The consumption of alcohol drink has strongly entered the tradition of celebration
any significant events in the life of people. Apparently, there is nothing bad in that
and nothing bad can happen after a cup of champagne or a cup during a routine
“social drinking”. But at the moment alcohol is introduced into the body it starts its
effects. The alcohol is mixed in with our blood, and flowing to every part of our
body. The blood contaminated with alcohol will reach your brain in seconds but you
can not find any measurable effects of the alcohol for approximately 30 minutes . If
a person constantly abuses alcohol it will eventually lead to a set of permanent
transformations in the brain morphology. One of the most significant
transformations concerns the reduction of the total amount of brain tissue and the
growing size of the ventricles. The basic reason the body stops being able to
produce brain tissue is because the alcohol produce the lack of natural vitamins
that a healthy body produces. The direct effectiveness of alcohol varies from
person to person but the damage is unavoidable.

To conclude, even small doses of alcohol can do damage to a the human body.
Most people do not understand the consequences alcohol abuse because people
do not know the destructive power of alcohol. The consequences of the alcohol
abuse do not decrease with time. These factors prevent people from proper social
adaptation and therefore make their life incomplete. Social impracticability of
people suffering from the alcohol abuse is one of major problems of the
contemporary medical society. And the only way to solve this problem is to prevent
people from drinking alcohol in any quantity. There is no cure a better than alcohol

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