Total Quality Management (TQM) : Beso 2020/2021

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Total Quality

Management (TQM)

) 1 ( ‫محاضرة‬

Management of Change
 In institutional management, Management of Change holds the key
position all over the world.
 The head of the organization occupies important position in
beginning and managing the process of change
 Head of the institute are responsible for organizational growth and

Total Quality Management (TQM)

 TQM means quality in all aspects of organization.
 The quality needs to be redefined from the fine criteria of
improvement of any field or system as education( students in
examinations to advance to quality of life in schools).
 caring of system Quality Management has to be taken.
 Quality is not incidental or accidental.
 It is a planned and purposeful process.
 It should be on a recurrentbasis

 Several Attributes that determine quality:

 Functionality, durability, repair-ability, shape and size, design,
colour, uniqueness, cost, etc.
 Quality depends upon perception of the user or the customer
Parameters of Quality

 Perceptual
 Exceptional
 Perfection
 Value for money
 Continuous improvement

Quality Management Issues

 Absolute Relative Quality

 Absolute Quality: Last words, highest standards,
 expensive, uniqueness & prestigious, very few people can

Relative Quality

Several products, services or organizations are compared at a

given time
- Same organization over time
- be the best and stay there
- Best is absolute concept but the best among the better ones
gives the relativism
- for staying there need continuous move
- Comparing quality of a consumer product is a reference to
relative quality .

Educational Institution as a System and Sub-systems

 System include:- Input – process – output Model

 Sub-systems include:-
Identify Sub-systems & understand their inter-relationships
& interdependence
 Vision Mission & Goals of TQM in education:-
Personnel; finance;
communications Linkage & Interface;
Student Services;
Rules & Regulations;
Institution Building Process and Managing People at work
TQM for Healthcare

TQM is a comprehensive strategy of organizational and

attitude change for enabling personnel to learn and use
quality methods, in order to reduce costs and meet the
requirements of patients and other customers"

 the definition of quality of healthcare

a healthcare organization management do as harmony with actual

professional standards and protocols applied within the organization".
Healthcare is "the proper implementation of an
agreement between a patient, a physician, a nurse, and a
healthcare organization regarding a medical intervention.

TQM is a management method:

Continuous Quality Improvement – is about two things: a

management philosophy and a management method".
They propose four "distinguishing functions", which are
often defined as the essence of good management which
• Empowering clinicians and managers to analyze and
improve process;
• Adopting a norm that customer preferences are the
primary determinants of quality and the term "customer"
includes both the patients and providers in the process;
• Developing a multidisciplinary approach which goes
beyond conventional departmental and professional lines;
• Providing motivation for a rational data-based
cooperative approach to process analysis and change
TQM in a healthcare setup

1- An active, visible support from clinical and managerial

leadership for continuous quality improvement.
2- A focus on processes as the objects of improvement.
3- The elimination of unnecessary variation.
4- Revised strategies for personnel management.
Specifying QUALITY
1- Fundamentals of care:
The basic level at which quality principles will apply across all areas of
care, characteristics at this level may include, privacy, communication,
responsiveness, and empathy.
2- Generate area of care:
Those areas which are common to a limited range of specialties or
conditions, such as cancer treatment services, day case surgery, and
emergency care. Quality characteristics at this level would include
acceptability, information, appropriateness and equity.
3- Clinical specialty:
This level allows principles to apply to all patients cared for by a
specialty area such as physiotherapy, radiology; quality characteristics in
this level would include accessibility, efficiency, and reliability.
4- Individual condition or care group
“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
"‫ و تسعة وتسعون بالمئة تعب وجد‬،‫"العبقرية هي واحد بالمئة إبداع‬


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