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Role of cytokines in inflammation

Table of contents

Content Page
1. Abstract 4
2. keywords 4
3. Introduction 4
4. Review 5
 Cytokines involved in acute inflammation 5
 Interleukin-1 6
 Tumor necrosis factor 6
 Interleukin-6 8
 Interleukin-11 8
 Interleukin-8/chemokines 11
 Eotaxin 12
 Interleukin-16 12
 Interleukin-17 13
 Colony stimulating factors
5. Cytokines involved in chronic inflammation
 The humoral inflammatory response
 Interleukin-3
 Interleukin-4
 Interleukin-5 16
 Interleukin-7 16
 Interleukin-9 17
 Interleukin-10 17
 Interleukin-13 17
 Interleukin-14 18
 Transforming growth factor-b 18
 The cellular inflammatory response 18
 Interleukin-2 19
 Interleukin-12 19
 Interleukin-15 19
 Interferons 20
 IFN-g-inducing factor 20
6. Receptors of inflammatory cytokines 20
7. Summary 23
8. Discussion and result 24
9. conclusion 25

10. References 26

Inflammation is mediate by a range of soluble factors, as well as a bunch of
secreted poly. Cytokines involved in acute inflammation peptides called cytokines.
Inflammatory cytokines may be divided into 2 groups: those concerned in acute
inflammation and people chargeable for chronic inflammation. This review
describes the role vie in acute inflammation by IL-1, TNF-a, IL6, IL-11, IL-8 and
different chemokines, G-CSF, and GM-CSF. It conjointly describes the involvement
of cytokines in chronic inflammation. This latter cluster may be divided into
cytokines mediating body substance responses like IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, and IL-13,
and people mediating cellular responses like IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-10,
IL-12, interferons, remodeling growth factor-b, and neoplasm mortification issue
a and b. Some cytokines, like IL-1, considerably contribute to each acute and
chronic inflammation. This review conjointly summarizes options of the cell-
surface receptors that mediate the inflammatory effects of the delineate
Keywords :
inflammation, Cytokines involved in acute inflammation, Interleukin-1 ,Tumor
necrosis factor ,Interleukin-6 ,Interleukin-11 ,Interleukin-8/chemokines ,Eotaxin

Introduction :
Inflammation, the response of tissue to injury, is characterised within the acute
section by augmented blood flow and tube-shaped structure porousness along
side the buildup of fluid, leukocytes, and inflammatory mediators like cytokines.
within the subacute/chronic section (hereafter observed because the chronic
phase), it's characterised by the event of specific body substance and cellular
immune responses to the pathogen(s) gift at the location of tissue injury.
throughout each acute and chronic inflammatory processes, a spread of soluble
factors area unit concerned in white corpuscle accomplishment through
augmented expression of cellular adhesion molecules and chemoattraction.
several of those soluble mediators regulate the activation of the resident cells
(such as fibroblasts, epithelium cells, tissue macrophages, and mast cells) and
therefore the recently recruited inflammatory cells (such as monocytes,

lymphocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils), and a few of those mediators end in
the general responses to the inflammatory method (e.g. fever, cardiovascular
disease, synthesis of acute section proteins, leucocytosis, cachexia). The soluble
factors that mediate these responses (reviewed in official. 1) be four main
categories: (1) inflammatory macromolecule metabolites like thrombocyte
activating issue (PAF) and therefore the varied derivatives of arachidonic acid
(prostaglandins, leukotrienes, lipoxins), that area unit generated from cellular
phospholipids; (2) 3 cascades of soluble proteases/substrates (clotting,
complement, and kinins), that generate varied pro-inflammatory peptides; (3)
gas, a potent endogenous vasodilative, whose role within the inflammatory
method has solely recently begun to be explored; and (4) a bunch of cell-derived
polypeptides, referred to as cytokines, that to an oversized extent orchestrate the
inflammatory response, i.e. they're major determinants of the make-up of the
cellular infiltrate, the state of cellular activation, and therefore the general
responses to inflammation. Most cytokines area unit multifunctional. they're
pleiotropic molecules that elicit their effects domestically or systemically in AN
autocrine or paracrine manner. Cytokines area unit concerned in intensive
networks that involve synergistic further as antagonistic interactions and exhibit
each negative and positive restrictive effects on numerous target cells. This
review can specialise in inflammatory cytokines, as well as an outline of their
primary activities associated with acute and chronic inflammation, and a
discussion of their cell surface receptors.
Cytokines concerned in acute inflammation:
Several cytokines play key roles in mediating acute inflammatory reactions,
particularly IL-1, TNF-a, IL-6, IL-11, IL-8 and different chemokines, GCSF, and GM-
CSF (Figure 1). Of these, IL-1 (a and b) and tumor necrosis factor square measure
extraordinarily potent inflammatory molecules: they're the first cytokines that
mediate acute inflammation induced in animals by shot of microorganism
lipopolysaccharide and 2 of the first mediators of septic shock.


The cDNAs for IL-1a and b were cloned in one984. they're encoded by 2 totally
different genes, each placed on human body two. Their size ranges from 22-31
kDa for cell-associated molecules, and 17.5 kDa for the secreted molecule (2).
Their main cellular sources square measure mononucleate phagocytes,
fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and T and B lymphocytes. Previous synonyms--
endogenous pyrectic (EP), mononucleate cell issue, and lymphocyte-activating
issue (LAF)--emphasize the role of IL-1 in inflammation. each IL-1a and IL-1b will
trigger fever by enhancing autacoid E2 (PGE2) synthesis by the vascular epithelial
tissue of the neural structure (2) and may stimulate T lymphocyte proliferation.
additionally, IL-1 elicits the discharge of amine from mast cells at the positioning
of inflammation (Figure 2). amine then triggers early dilation and increase of
vascular porousness. The pro-inflammatory effects of IL-1 is stifled by IL-1
receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), originally mentioned as IL-1 matter. IL-1Ra is created
by immune complex- or IL-4-stimulated macrophages and by TNF- or GM-CSF-
stimulated neutrophils. It bears around 20-25% similarity at the aminoalkanoic
acid level to IL-1a and IL-1b. IL-1Ra inhibits IL-1 action by competitory with IL-1 for
binding to the IL-1 receptor (IL-1R) (3,4).
neoplasm gangrene factor:
Tumor gangrene factors-(TNF)a and b square measure cytokines that bind to
common receptors on the surface of target cells and exhibit many common
biological activities. Human TNF-a and TNF-b square measure of seventeen and
twenty five kDa, severally. Their corresponding cDNAs were cloned in 1984, and
also the genes encryption the factors are mapped to body six in humans (5),
inside the region of the most important organic phenomenon advanced (MHC).
TNF-a, or cachectin, exists as a polymer (6) and is one among the merchandise of
activated macrophages/monocytes, fibroblasts, mast cells, and a few T and
natural killer (NK) cells (7,8) (Figure 2). TNF-a and IL-1 share many pro-
inflammatory properties. Like IL-1, TNFa will induce fever, either directly via
stimulation of PGE2 synthesis by the vascular epithelial tissue of the neural
structure, or indirectly by inducement unharness of IL1 (2). each cytokines will
stimulate the assembly of enzyme and PGE2 by secretion cells and so square
measure believed to contribute to joint harm in inflammatory conditions like
arthritis (2). TNF-a additionally shares a crucial inflammatory property with IL-6
and IL-11, i.e. the induction of acute part chemical macromolecule production by

the liver. TNF-a and IL-1 any exert secondary inflammatory effects by stimulating
IL-6 synthesis in many cell varieties. IL-6 then mediates its

FIGURE 1: Cytokines involved in acute and chronic inflammatory responses

own effects and people of TNF-a and IL-1 in causation fever and also the acute
part response (2), thereby perpetuating the inflammatory response through a
cascade of cytokines with overlapping properties. TNF-b, additionally referred to
as lymphotoxin, is made by activated T and B lymphocytes. It binds to constant
high affinity receptors as TNF-a. Its properties ar kind of like those of TNF-a and
embrace the induction of necrobiosis (programmed cell death) in many sorts of
reworked, virally infected, and tumour cells, and also the stimulation of many
PMN effector functions (9). though generally the results of cytokines ar exerted
regionally at the location of their production (autocrine and paracrine), TNF-a and
TNF-b, similarly as IL-1 and IL-6, have major general (endocrine) effects once
either made acutely in giant amounts, as within the case of microorganism
infection, or inveterately in lesser amounts, as within the case of chronic
infections. throughout infection with Gram negative organisms,
lipopolysaccharides (endotoxin) free from microorganism trigger the widespread
production of TNF-a (and afterwards IL-1 and IL-6) by macrophages. The general
unleash of those cytokines has been shown to be to blame for the fever and
cardiovascular disease that characterize septic shock (8). In an identical fashion,
the assembly of enormous amounts of TNF-b by T lymphocytes in response to
"superantigens" like coccus TSS syndrome poisonous substance and enterotoxins
ar to blame for several of the general manifestations (fever, hypotension) of
infections with toxin-producing Gram positive organisms (10,11). additionally, the
chronic production of tumor necrosis factor is believed to be to blame form the
metabolic alterations that end in the cachexy related to chronic parasitic
infections and a few cancers (8).
Previous synonyms of IL-6 illustrate a number of its life activities. They embrace
interferon-b2 (IFN-b2), hybridoma/plasmacytoma protein, hepatocyte-stimulating
issue, B lymphocyte stimulatory issue a pair of (BSF-2), and B cell differentiation
issue (BCDF). IL-6 may be a compound protein starting from twenty one to
twenty-eight kDa betting on the degree of post-translational modification. The IL-
6 deoxyribonucleic acid was cloned in 1986 and also the factor encryption IL-6
was mapped to body seven in humans (12). IL-6 is made by a range of cells
together with mononucleate phagocytes, T cells, and fibroblasts (12-14).
additionally to the stimulation of acute part macromolecule synthesis by the liver,
IL-6 acts as a protein for mature B cells and induces their final maturation into
antibody-producing plasma cells. it's concerned in T cell activation and
differentiation, and participates within the induction of IL2 and IL-2 receptor
expression (Figure 2). a number of the restrictive effects of IL-6 involve inhibition
of TNF production, providing feedback for limiting the acute inflammatory
response. Upregulation of IL-6 production has been ascertained during a style of
chronic inflammatory and response disorders like rubor, sort I polygenic disease,
rheumatoid arthritis (15,16), general pathology (17), mesangial proliferative
nephritis and skin disorder, and neoplasms like viscus benign tumour, urinary
organ cell cancer, myeloma, lymphoma, and malignant neoplastic disease (15).
IL-11 is a cytokine of 24 kDa encoded by a gene located on the long arm of
chromosome 19. The corresponding cDNA was cloned in 1990 (18). IL-11

FIGURE 2: Inflammatory cytokines, their primary sources and target cells. *IFN-g
stimulates IgG2a production in the mouse.
is made by bone marrow stromal cells and by some fibroblasts. it's a practical
homologue of IL-6 and might replace IL-6 for the proliferation of sure tumour cell
lines (18) and within the induction of acute section macromolecule secretion
within the liver (19).
Additional IL-11 activities embody stimulation of T cell-dependent lymph cell
antibody secretion, hyperbolic blood platelet production, and induction of IL-6
expression by CD4+ T cells.
IL-8 and alternative low mass chemokines (e.g. blood platelet issue four, IP-10,
mig, ENA78, scavenger cell inflammatory macromolecule (MIP)-1a and b, MIP-2,
white corpuscle chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP1/JE), RANTES) belong to a
chemotactic protein family and area unit answerable for the chemotactic
migration and activation of neutrophils and alternative cell sorts (such as
monocytes, lymphocytes, basophils, and eosinophils) at sites of inflammation
(20,21). the 2 subsets of the chemokine family, “CXC” (or a), “C-C” (or b) area unit
divided supported presence or absence of associate degree organic compound
between the primary 2 of 4 preserved cysteines. A recent third set, “C”, has solely
2 cysteines and so far just one member, IL-16, has been known (22). Chemokines
are involved in inflammatory conditions from acute neutrophil-mediated
conditions like acute metastasis distress syndrome to allergic asthma attack,
arthritis, psoriasis, and chronic inflammatory disorders. To date, a minimum of
twenty seven chemokines are delineate. the merchandise of the many cell sorts,
including mononuclear phagocytes, antigen-activated T cells, epithelium and
animal tissue cells, and even neutrophils, IL-8 was antecedently called neutrophile
chemotactic issue (NCF) and neutrophile activating macromolecule (NAP1)
(20,23). it's the foremost totally studied chemokine and so is a image for
discussing the biological properties of this chop-chop growing family of
inflammatory mediators. It consists of a 6-8 kDa macromolecule whose
complementary DNA was cloned by 3 totally different laboratories between 1987
and 1989. The corresponding factor has been mapped to body four in humans
(24). Its main impact lies in its chemotactic effects on neutrophils and its ability to
stimulate leucocyte activity. additionally, IL-8, IL-1, and cytokine area unit
concerned in neutrophile enlisting by upregulating cell-surface adhesion molecule
expression (such as epithelium white blood corpuscle adhesion molecule, ELAM-
1, and intracellular adhesion molecule, ICAM-1), thereby enhancing neutrophile
adherence to epithelium cells (2) and facilitating their organic phenomenon
through vessel walls. Thus, IL-8 mediates the enlisting and activation of
neutrophils in inflamed tissue (25). IL-8 will be detected in secretion from patients
with varied inflammatory rheumatic diseases (26), and tissue layer levels of IL-8
area unit elevated in patients with active inflammatory bowel disease (27).Other
members of this protein family, like NAP-2, GROa, GROb, GROg, ENA-78, RANTES,
MCP-1, MCP-2, MCP-3, blood platelet issue four, MIP-1a/b, and MIP-2, are
seemingly to play necessary roles in acute inflammation via their shared effects
on cell migration. MCP-1 could be a chemokine known in supernatants of blood
mononuclear cells. Its production in monocytes is increased by inflammatory
cytokines. MIP-1a and MIP-1b induce white corpuscle and lymphocyte migration.
MIP-1a, MCP-1, and MIP-2 are involved within the pathologic process of arthritis
wherever they're believed to recruit mononuclear cells into the inflamed regions
of the synovial membrane (28). many alternative members of the IL-8/chemokine
family are known however their biological effects area unit til now poorly
outlined. 2 recently known chemokines, eotaxin and IL-16, have some distinctive
properties and area unit delineate below.
Eotaxin was at first delineate in gnawing animal models of asthma attack. The
human homolog has since been cloned and consists of a 74-amino acid
macromolecule. Eotaxin has 2 of 4 adjacent cysteines that area unit extremely
preserved among b (C-C) chemokines. At the organic compound level, it's most
homologous to the MCP proteins. Eotaxin could be a specific chemoattractant for
eosinophils. it's made by cytokine-stimulated animal tissue and epithelium cells
moreover as IL-3- excited eosinophils. Eotaxin is involved in inflammatory
intestine unwellness wherever its template RNA levels area unit markedly
elevated, particularly in inflammatory bowel disease (29)
IL-16 was originally known as a chemotactic issue called white blood corpuscle
chemoattractant issue or lymphotactin. it's the sole member of the “C” family of
chemokines. The factor secret writing IL-16 has been mapped to human body one
(22). IL-16 is associate degree uncommon protein in this preformed IL-16 is hold
on in CD8+ lymphocytes and is secreted upon stimulation with amine or
monoamine neurotransmitter (30). It induces taxis of CD4+ T lymphocytes (31,32)
(Figure 2) and is believed to initiate T-cell mediate inflammation in asthma attack
The human IL-17 complementary DNA was cloned in 1995 supported similarity
with murine CTLA8 (34). A 1.9 KB complementary DNA was found to code a
macromolecule of seventeen.5 kDa homologous to a product of Herpesvirus
mammal genus (HVS13) (34). IL-17 could be a product of activated T lymphocytes
and its biological activities embody stimulation of IL-6 and IL-8 production and
increased ICAM-1 expression on human foreskin fibroblasts (34).
Colony stimulating factors:
Colony stimulating factors (CSF) area unit named per the target cell kind whose
colony formation in soft agar cultures of bone marrow they induce (35). Of the

CSF's, leucocyte-CSF (G-CSF) and granulocyte macrophage-CSF (GM-CSF)
participate in acute inflammation. G-CSF was cloned in 1986 and its factor was
mapped to body seventeen (36). it's a non-glycosylated macromolecule of
nineteen kDa mass. GM-CSF could be a twenty two kDa macromolecule. Its full
length complementary DNA sequence was obtained in 1985 and its factor was
mapped to body five in humans (36). Monocytes, T cells, fibroblasts and
epithelium cells activated by scavenger cell product like IL-1 or cytokine, will turn
out G-CSF and GM-CSF. Both CSF's will stimulate neutrophils, whereas GM-CSF
may activate effector functions of eosinophils and mononuclear phagocytes
(Figure 2). associate degree example of the pathophysiologic role of GM-CSF is
that the airway inflammation related respiratory disorder, wherever the involved
cytokines embody IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF that preserve white blood cell activation
and survival. during this state of affairs, the supply of GM-CSF could also be the
alveolar macrophages that square measure reported to supply 2 to threefold
higher levels of GM-CSF than management macrophages (37). Another potential
supply for all 3 cytokines square measure T cells gift within the airways. further
cytokines such IL-4, IL-13 (both stimulatory) and IFN-g (inhibitory) could also be
in the management of Ig synthesis, whereas IL-1 and TNF-a could contribute to
the airway inflammation by upregulation of epithelium adhesion molecule
expression (37).
Chronic inflammation could develop following acute inflammation and should last
for weeks or months, and in some instances for years. throughout this part of
inflammation, protein interactions end in leucocyte taxis to the positioning of
inflammation wherever scavenger cell activating factors (MAF), like IFN-g, MCP-1,
and alternative molecules then activate the macrophages whereas migration
inhibition factors (MIF), like GM-CSF (38) and IFN-g, retain them at the
inflammatory web site. The macrophages contribute to the inflammatory method
by inveterately elaborating low levels of IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor which
square measure accountable for a number of the ensuing clinical symptoms like
eating disorder, cachexia, fever, sleepiness, and blood disease.

The cytokines glorious to mediate chronic inflammatory processes are often
divided into those collaborating in body substance inflammation, like IL-3, IL-4, IL-
5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-9, IL-10, IL-13, and remodeling growth factor-b (TGF-b), and those
contributing to cellular inflammation like IL-1, IL2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-10, IL-12,
interferons (IFNs), IFN-g inducement issue (IGIF), TGF-b, and TNF-a and -b (Figure
1) Cytokines primarily concerned within the body substance inflammatory
IL-3, additionally known as multi-CSF, is made by activated T cells and mast cells.
The mass of IL-3 ranges from fourteen to thirty six kDa. The biological research of
the corresponding deoxyribonucleic acid was reported in 1984, and therefore the
IL-3 factor has been localized to body five (39). It stimulates eosinophils and B
lymphocyte differentiation whereas it inhibits lymphokine-activated killer (LAK)
cell activity (40) (Figure 2). IL-3 shares many biological activities with GM-CSF (41).

IL-4 is expressed as a 15-19 kDa supermolecule and exists as a chemical
compound. The IL-4 factor has been mapped to human body five, and therefore
the corresponding deoxyribonucleic acid was cloned in 1986 (42,43). IL4 is made
by CD4+ (TH) cells, mast cells, and basophils. It induces CD4+ T cells to
differentiate into TH2 cells whereas suppressing the event of TH1 cells. It
additionally acts as a B lymphocyte, T cell, and vegetative cell protein, it enhances
category II MHC expression on B cells, and it promotes Ig category shift to IgG1
and Ig (42,43) (Figure 2). In fact, IL-4 is critical for Ig response induction, and its
absence additionally ends up in considerably lower levels of IgG1 in T cell-
dependent immune responses (44). The stimulatory effects of IL-4 on IgG1 and Ig
production and on MHC category II induction square measure downregulated by
IFN-g, a protein whose functions square measure antagonized by IL-4 and the
other way around. IL-4 additionally stimulates scleroprotein (45) and IL-6
production (46) by human dermal fibroblasts, and should so play a job within the
pathological process of fibrotic diseases like general induration. In arthritis, on the
opposite hand, IL-4 seems to exhibit some medicine properties by inhibiting the
assembly of many unhealthy cytokines like IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-a, by secretion
membranes of arthritis patients (47).
Cloned in 1987, the IL-5 deoxyribonucleic acid encodes a supermolecule of 20-22
kDa that has an obvious mass of forty five kDa upon dimerization. Like
IL-4, the factor for IL-5 has additionally been mapped to body five in humans (43).
IL-5, additionally called B lymphocyte protein II (BCGFII) and lymphocyte
substitution factor (TRF), is made by CD4+ T helper cells likewise as NK cells, and
exists as a chemical compound joined by disulfide bonds (40). IL-5 is concerned in
white blood cell differentiation and activation and stimulation of Ig category shift
to immunoglobulin A. alternative properties of IL-5 embody exaggerated
activation of B lymphocyte proliferation, and sweetening of lymphocyte toxicity
(43). The combined production of IL-4 and IL-5 by CD4+ TH2 cells so ends up in Ig
and immunoglobulin A production and vegetative cell and white blood cell

IL-7 may be a protein of regarding twenty five kDa whose deoxyribonucleic acid
was cloned in 1989. Its factor has been mapped to human body eight (48). IL-7, a
protein pure as a pre-B cell protein, may be a bone marrow and thymic stromal
cell product. It stimulates the event of pre-B and pre-T cells and acts as a protein
for B cells, T cells, and early thymocytes (48) (Figure 2).
IL-9 is another protein made by CD4+ T helper (TH2) cells likewise as some B
lymphomas First delineated within the mouse, IL-9 was referred to as mast cell
growth-enhancing activity (MEA) and murine Tcell protein P40 (49). The IL-9
desoxyribonucleic acid was cloned in 1989 (50) and also the cistron cryptography
it absolutely was mapped to human body five (51). Its production is IL-4 and IL-10,
and so IL-2-dependent. IL-9 is regulatory in nature in this it inhibits cytokine
production by IFN-g-producing CD4+ T cells and enhances the expansion of CD8+

T cells (52). In addition, IL-9 promotes the assembly of immunoglobulins by B cells
and also the proliferation of mast cells (53).
IL-10 is additionally noted as B cell-derived T cell protein and protein synthesis
repressive factor (CSIF) as a result of it inhibits IFN-g production by activated T
cells. The desoxyribonucleic acid for human IL-10 was cloned in 1990 and located
to code Associate in Nursing eighteen kDa protein. IL-10 is made by a spread of
cell varieties, including CD4+ T cells, activated CD8+ T cells, and activated B cells
(54). Its effects embrace reduction of antigen-specific T cell proliferation,
inhibition of IL2-induced IFN-g production by NK cells, and inhibition of IL-4 and
IFN-g iatrogenic MHC category II expression on monocytes (55). Since IL-10 may
be produced by TH2 cells and inhibits TH1 operate by preventing TH1 protein
production (such as IFN-g), IL-10 is taken into account a T cell cross-regulatory
issue and has so been noted as Associate in Nursing "anticytokine" (56). IL-10
additionally acts as a co-differentiation issue for cytotoxic T cells and a co-factor
for T cell growth. Human IL-10 (hIL-10) shares eighty four identity at the amino
acid level with a homolog, infectious agent IL-10 (vIL10), that is encoded by the
herpes (57).
vIL-10 shares with hIL-10 repressive effects on cytokine production and
stimulatory effects on B lymphocyte growth (58).
IL-13 was originally known as a supermolecule produced by activated murine TH2
lymphocytes and referred to as P600 (59). The desoxyribonucleic acid for IL-13
was recently cloned and also the cistron was mapped to human chromosome five,
closely connected to the cistron cryptography IL-4 (60). A 12-17 kDa
supermolecule, IL-13 exhibits antiinflammatory activities by inhibiting the
assembly of inflammatory cytokines, like IL-1b, TNF-a, IL8, and IL-6, by human
peripheral blood monocytes induced with lipopolysaccharide (60). Inhibition of
inflammatory protein production is additionally a characteristic of 2 different
cytokines made by TH2 lymphocytes, particularly IL-4 and IL-10. additionally, IL13
enhances WBC and B lymphocyte differentiation and proliferation, will increase
CD23 expression, and induces IgG4 and immunoglobulin category (61).

A product of malignant B and T cells as well as traditional T cells, IL-14 may be a
fifty three kDa B-cell growth factor (BCGF). Like IL-4, IL-14 has been shown to
induce B lymphocyte proliferation. However, IL-14 inhibits human gamma
globulin secretion (53). it's been suggested to play a vital role within the
aggressive form of B-cell sort non-Hodgkin’s malignant neoplastic disease (62).
reworking growth factor-b:
The transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) family of cytokines includes 3 isoforms,
TGF-b1, b2, and b3 that ar encoded by separate genes nonetheless bind to an
equivalent high affinity receptor. TGF-b functions as a twenty five kDa homodimer
consisting of 2 12-kDa polypeptides (63). The human desoxyribonucleic acid for
TGF-b one was cloned in 1985 (64). it's made by T cells, platelets, and monocytes.
TGF-b inhibits T cell and NK cell proliferation and activation (Figure 2) and may
play a vital role in inflammation (64). At a web site of injury, TGF-b hold on in
platelets is released upon degranulation. TGF-b then attracts monocytes and
different leukocytes to the positioning, thus participating within the initial step of
chronic inflammation. TGF-b then completely regulates its own production and
also the production and deposition of extracellular matrix elements similarly
because the expression of integrins leading to increased cell adhesion. It
additionally inhibits enzyme production, and if expression is prolonged, it should
lead to progressive pathology analogous to unregulated tissue repair. Conditions
during which a job for TGF-b has been suggested embrace mesangial proliferative
glomerulonephritis and diabetic renal disorder in rats, pulmonary pathology, and
general pathology (63). Another example of the role vie by TGF-b in inflammation
is collagen-induced inflammatory disease in rats. In this model, TNF-a and TGF-b,
once injected into the rat articulatio plana, accelerate malady onset (65).
Cytokines concerned primarily within the cellular inflammatory response:
The human IL-2 desoxyribonucleic acid was cloned in 1983 and the corresponding
cistron has been mapped to the long arm of body four (66). IL-2 may be a fifteen
kDa glycoprotein originally referred to as T cell protein (TCGF). it's secreted
primarily by activated T helper cells. It acts as a growth factor/activator for T cells,

NK cells, and B cells and promotes the event of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK)
cells (40,53) (Figure 2). It thus plays a important role in regulating each cellular
and body substance chronic inflammatory responses. Binding of IL-2 to the IL-2
receptor on T lymphocytes results in cell proliferation, increased cytokine
secretion (IFN-g, lymphotoxin, IL-4, IL-3, IL-5, GM-CSF), and increased expression
of class II MHC molecules.
IL-12, antecedently referred to as natural killer cell stimulatory issue (NKSF) and
cytotoxic lymphocyte maturation issue (CLMF), was originally isolated from
herpes remodeled B cells. It is a heterodimer composed of 2 subunits of thirty
five and 40 kDa. The cDNAs for each subunits were cloned in 1991 (67). Its
biological activities embrace enhancement of cytotoxic T cells and
lymphokineactivated killer (LAK) cell generation and activation, increased natural
killer (NK) cell toxicity, induction of activated lymphocyte and NK cell
proliferation, induction of IFN-g production by NK cells and T cells, and inhibition
of immune globulin synthesis by IL-4-stimulated lymphocytes via IFN-g-dependent
and independent mechanisms (67-69) (Figure 2). IL-12 is secreted by activated B
cells, macrophages, and other antigen-presenting cells (APCs), however its
production is inhibited by IL-4 and IL-10. additionally, the stimulatory result of IL-
12 on TH1 development is antagonized by IL-4, a protein that promotes TH2 cell
development. Therefore, IL-12 plays a vital role in cell-mediated inflammation
and conjointly contributes to the regulation of human gamma globulin
IL-15 could be a protein of roughly fifteen kDa originally discovered as a
lymphocyte stimulatory activity (70) made by activated monocytes, epithelial
cells, and fibroblasts. IL-15 shares several biological properties with IL-2 and
mediates its activity via a multi-subunit high affinity receptor comprised of a
unique alpha chain and also the beta and gamma chains of the IL-2R. The human
IL-15 sequence has been mapped to chromosome four (70), equally to IL-2.
However, IL-15 does not exhibit any sequence similarity with IL-2. IL-15 is made
by an oversized type of cells together with T lymphocytes and monocytes. It
stimulates T lymphocyte and NK cell proliferation, moreover as CTL and LAK

activity (53). It enhances B cell enlargement and human gamma globulin
production (71) (Figure 2). It is also a T cell chemoattractant. IL-15 could also be
responsible for the achievement and activation of T lymphocytes within the tissue
layer of patients with rheumatoid arthritis wherever its levels are found to be
elevated (72).
The interferons ar a bunch of cytokines originally known by and named for his or
her anti-viral activity (73). Their corresponding cDNAs were cloned in 1980-81.
sort I interferons embrace IFN-a, an 18-20 kDa product of leukocytes, and IFN-b,
a product of fibroblasts. They exhibit anti-viral moreover as anti-proliferative
properties and upregulate MHC class I expression. IFN-a is encoded by many
genes clustered within the short arm of body nine. However, only 1 sequence,
conjointly localized to chromosome nine, codes for IFN-b . sort II antiviral drug,
immune antiviral drug or IFN-g, could be a homodimer produced by activated T
cells and NK cells. A single gene placed on body twelve encodes human IFNg that
contains a relative molecular mass of twenty or twenty five kDa (monomer)
counting on the extent of glycosylation (74). IFN-g is thought to boost MHC
category I and II expression on nucleate cells and to stimulate several of the
effector functions of mononucleate phagocytes.
While IFN-a and -b bind to a typical receptor, IFNg acknowledges a definite and
specific cell surface receptor. IFN-g has been concerned within the pathogenesis
of a spread of response and chronic inflammatory conditions (75) together with
murine models of general autoimmune disorder (76), Type I diabetes mellitus
(77,78), adjuvant-induced inflammatory disease (79), and experimental cerebral
protozoal infection (80). Based on experiments with IFN-g knock-out mice, one of
its primary functions in vivo seems to be the activation of macrophages to kill
animate thing pathogens like Mycobacteria (81).
IFN-g-inducing factor:
An IFN-g-inducing activity was known in murine Kupffer cells and activated
macrophages and referred to as IFN-g-inducing issue (IGIF) (82). IGIF induces IFN-
g production a lot of powerfully than will IL12 and is concerned within the
development of TH1 cells. The human homolog has been recently delineate and
shares functions with the murine protein like the induction of IFN-g production by
stirred up PBMC and the improvement of NK cell toxicity (83). In addition, human
IGIF augments GM-CSF production and decreases IL-10 production. it's been
planned that IGIF be selected as Interleukin-18 (IL-18) (83).
Cytokines elicit their responses by binding to specific high affinity cell-surface
receptors on target cells and initiating a series of animate thing signal
transduction pathways. The receptors of several cytokines and growth factors ar
homologous within their extracellular domains. These receptors have been
classified into families, the biggest of that is the hematopoietin receptor
taxonomic group that includes one or multiple chains of the receptors for
erythropoietin, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-9, IL-11, IL-12, IL-13, IL-15, v-mpl
factor, GM-CSF, G-CSF, prolactin, and somatotrophic hormone. The receptors in
this family share a typical motif of 4 preserved cysteine residues within the
amino-terminal portion of the ligand-binding domain, moreover as a preserved
stretch of amino acids (WSXWS = Trp-Ser-X-Trp-Ser; X representing a
nonconserved residue) proximal to the membrane-spanning region. The
receptors conjointly share fibronectin sort III domains (84) (Figure 3). Of the
preceding members of the erythropoietin receptor family, one amongst the
simplest characterized is that the IL-2 receptor (IL-2R). It consists of 3 peptide
chains: IL-2Rb (p70) and IL-2Rg (p64), that ar expressed on resting T cells, and
IL2Ra (p55; lymphocyte activation matter or Tac), which is expressed upon
lymphocyte activation. Association of those subunits yields a high affinity
receptor for IL-2 (85,86). additionally, Tac (IL-2Ra) is shed from cell in a soluble
kind, however it's low affinity for IL-2 Soluble IL-2R ar elevated within the sera of

FIGURE 3: Common motifs shared by the erythropoietin receptor family.
with chronic inflammatory disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and general lupus
erythematosus (SLE) and also the humor levels of soluble IL-2R square measure
according to correlate with clinical sickness activity (87). Another member of the
glycoprotein receptor family, IL-6 receptor (IL-6R), consists of Associate in
Nursing 80 kDa ligand-binding molecule and a one hundred thirty kDa nonligand
binding signal-transducing fractional monetary unit (gp130).
Both molecules exhibit the motifs shared by members of the hematopoietin
receptor taxonomic category (14,88). Such a unit complicated is additionally
delineated for IL3R, IL-5R, and GM-CSFR. For these receptors, the polypeptide
beta c (KH97) is according to be the accessory molecule (84). one among the life
consequences of those receptor complexes is that although cytokines bind to
specific receptors, some may share common pathways in eliciting the target cell's
response as a results of shared receptor components. As Associate in Nursing
example, IL-6, IL-11, leukemia inhibitory issue (LIF), and oncostatin M
acknowledge different cellular receptors (by virtue of distinctive ligand-binding
subunits), however share an equivalent signaltransducing receptor fractional
monetary unit (gp130) and similar biological activities (Figure 4). These cytokines
might therefore exert their effects via common signal transduction pathways

A group of receptors distantly associated with the erythropoietin receptor family
consists of the receptors for kind I (a and b) and sort II (g) interferons (89).
Receptors during this category share a homologous binding domain of concerning
210 amino acids and four aminoalkanoic acid pairs divided equally between the
amino and carboxy termini. Another cluster of connected receptors includes the
two receptors for tumor necrosis factor, the receptor for nerve growth factor
(NGF), a transmembrane macromolecule, FAS (Apo-1 or CD95), concerned within
the necrobiosis of activated T lymphocytes (90), and CD40, a cell surface receptor
necessary in B lymphocyte growth and isotype change (91). The tumor necrosis
factor receptors square measure fifty five kDa (TR55) and seventy five kDa (TR75)
proteins that bind TNF-a and b equally. Their living thing domains share twenty
eighth identity. there's growing proof that the two receptors might mediate
totally different cellular responses to tumor necrosis factor (92,93), though there
could also be crosstalk between the receptors, maybe at the amount of the
signalling pathways to that they're coupled. The chemokine receptors square
measure members of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) taxonomic category
and embody IL-8R-A, Associate in Nursing IL-8-specific receptor, IL8R-B, a receptor
recognized by IL-8, and other chemokines of the CXC set. Recently, receptors for
the CC set of chemokines are identified. They embody CC-CKR-1, CC-CKR-2,
CCCKR-3,and CC-CKR-4 and CC-CKR-5 (94). A recently delineated receptor, the
Duffy blood type antigen receptor for chemokines (DARC), binds both CXC and CC
chemokines. additionally, the identification of latest ‘orphan’ chemokine
receptors, for which no ligands are known, has been reported (95). Recently, 5
teams according that CCCKR-5 could be a co-receptor for sure strains of HIV-1
(96). A 32-bp deletion in CKR5 is according to delay progression to AIDS in
infected people and will be chargeable for the antibody-negative standing of
individuals exposed to HIV-1 (97).

FIGURE 4: Receptors (ligand-binding subunit) and accessory molecules (non-
ligand-binding signal-transducing subunit). Abbreviations: IL = Interleukin; LIF =
Leukemia inhibitory factor; OSM = Oncostatin M; CNTF = Ciliary neurotrophic
factor; GM-CSF = Granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor.
In summary, cytokines area unit key modulators of inflammation. They participate
in an exceedinglycute and chronic inflammation in a complicated network of
interactions. many cytokines exhibit some redundancy in operate and share
overlapping properties similarly as subunits of their cell surface receptors. higher
understanding of the pathways regulated by cytokines can enable the
identification and/or development of agents for improved modulation of the
inflammatory response for the treatment of response, infectious, and growth

Discussion and Result
During the postoperative period, the average temperature for all patients was
37.2°C. The highest average body temperature recorded after 36 h was 37.8°C
and did not tend to decline on the first postoperative day. This study showed the
increase of postoperative temperature in all patients. Since none of the patients
had any clinical symptoms of infection, the febrile response was likely related to
postoperative trauma that included release of cytokines. Indeed, there is
evidence showing that typical postoperative fever was inflammatory in its
etiology and the inflammatory response may be a primary cause of these fevers.
These results are consistent with findings published by Kennedy et al. and Shaw et
al. , concerning the inflammatory etiology of fever in patients undergoing total
knee arthroplasty.
In agreement with other studies on orthopedic surgery , we found a rise in blood
IL-6. We report that the concentration of IL-6 either in blood or in drainage fluid
showed an increasing trend and reached maximum levels at 24 h after the
surgery. In contrast to our results, others have shown that levels of blood IL-6 fall
between 6 and 12 h . However, those studies included patients suffering from
diseases other than RA and concerned more than one type of operation.
Therefore, it is likely that the observed discrepancies are related to different
patient groups. The initial blood level of IL-6 was significantly higher in
comparison to healthy blood donors. However, in contrast to our results, other
studies demonstrated a relatively low level of IL-6 before surgery. That could be
explained by the absence of chronic inflammation in patients, all of whom were
diagnosed with OA in one study . In another study, when patients with RA were
included, the disease was probably less advanced because they did not get
steroids while our patients did. This base line elevation of blood IL-6
concentration possibly reflects chronic inflammation and association with joint
destruction due to RA conditions that eventually led to joint replacement surgery
in our patients. Cytokine release is the initiating step in the immune response
after various inflammatory stressors. Increased serum concentrations of cytokines
have been reported after physical exercise or surgery. Moreover, it is known that
type of anesthesia exerts a stronger or weaker influence on the postoperative
concentration of IL-6 .

The proinflammatory cytokine IL-8 was initially identified as a neutrophil-
activating peptide and is secreted by several cell types (mononuclear phagocytes,
endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and epithelial) . Our results show that the
determination of IL-8 concentration in drainage fluid was significantly higher than
in blood after surgery. This increase could be a consequence of mainly local
activation of IL-8 production. Our results suggest that the determination of IL-8
concentration in drainage fluid could be a useful marker for assessing the local
inflammatory response. In this context, it is noteworthy that levels of IL-8 are also
significantly higher in several inflammatory conditions such as pancreatitis . The
concentration of CRP in blood was observed at baseline on a persistently high
level followed changes of blood IL-6 levels during the postoperative period. The
increased blood values of CRP were apparent postoperatively. These changes
indicated that local trauma and overproduction of IL-6 is capable of inducing
systemic response from the liver, the main source of CRP. Accordingly, the
correlation between blood concentration of IL-6 and CRP in connection with the
surgery was reported by others . Regarding the slow changes of CRP in drainage
fluid, it is possible that the acute phase reaction may have had limited influence
on local (i.e. operated joint) complications related to infection. After the surgery,
no correlation between CRP and cytokines (IL-6, IL-8) in blood has been
observed. The obtained results demonstrate a much greater concentration of
proinflammatory cytokines, IL-6 and IL-8, in the drainage fluid than in the blood.
This confirms our initial hypothesis that suggested the domination of the local
response over the systemic one. A persistent, significantly lower level of IL-8 in
blood in comparison to drainage fluid after the surgery seems to be another
argument to confirm this notion.
Several folds higher levels of cytokines (IL-6 and IL-8) in drainage fluid in
comparison to peripheral blood indicate that local inflammatory response to
surgical trauma was dominant during the first 36 h postoperatively even in
patients with already elevated levels of these cytokines in RA patients. The
chronic inflammatory state due to RA may contribute to high level of cytokines
before surgical procedure.

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