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Microsoft Excel 16.

0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [Bafpres draft.xlsx]Sheet1
Report Created: 23/04/2021 11:56:39 am
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Solver Options

Objective Cell (Max)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$A$13Total Profit $ 7,668.00 $ 7,668.00

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$A$2 Number of Standard bags 540.00 540.00 Contin
$B$2 Number of deluxe bags 252.00 252.00 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$C$5 T otal 630 $C$5<=$D$5 Binding 0
$C$6 T otal 479.999998898 $C$6<=$D$6 Not Binding 120.0000011
$C$7 T otal 708 $C$7<=$D$7 Binding 0
$C$8 T otal 116.999999764 $C$8<=$D$8 Not Binding 18.000000236
Number of Standard bags Number of deluxe bags
540.00 252.00

Constraints T otal
0.7 1 630 630 Cutting and Dyeing
0.5 0.83333333 480 600 Sewing
1 0.66666666 708 708 Finishing
0.1 0.25 117 135 Inspection and Packaging

10 9
Total Profit
$ 7,668.00
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [Bafpres draft.xlsx]Sheet2
Report Created: 23/04/2021 7:06:02 pm
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0.047 Seconds.
Iterations: 2 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001, Use Automatic Scaling
Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Min)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$B$11Total Cost Product A 0 2.52

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$B$2 Product Produced Product A 0 2.4 Contin
$C$2 Product Produced Product B 0 1.2 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$D$5 Total 60 $D$5>=$E$5 Binding 0
$D$6 Total 30 $D$6>=$E$6 Binding 0
Product A Product B
Product Produced 2.4 1.2

Constraints Total
1 15 20 60 60
2 10 5 30 30

Cost Per Product 0.8 0.5

Total Cost 2.52

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