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Reading and Writing Skills

Module 2
Reading and Writing Skills
Module 2
First Edition, 2021

Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Veronica F. Vargas

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team

Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II

Management Team:

Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief

Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS

Belen C. Aquino, EPS in Charge of English

Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II

Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II

From your waking up in the morning until your bedtime; from your readings,
viewings, talking and all other sorts of activities, you meet situations that make you
think deeply. Examples of that are the selection of food for breakfast, the clothes to
wear, and the program to watch. The occurrence of the coronavirus pandemic has
created fears among many people. Social media bring us tons of information about
it that adversely affected our way of thinking. It is for this reason that you have to
consider learning the skills to think and read critically because it is too dangerous
to just believe in what you read or hear.

The previous lesson taught you how to evaluate written texts based on their
properties. Your knowledge of how texts are formed and organized will help you
identify and analyze the implicit and explicit information in the texts of our next

Content Standard
The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected and
organized for a particular purpose.

Performance Standard

The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development

focusing on information selection, organization, and development.

Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)

1. Identify claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written text

a. Claim of fact
b. Claim of policy
c. Claim of value

2. Identify the context in which a text was developed

a. Hypertext
b. Intertext
Explicit and Implicit Information
A. Study the picture. Afterward, read carefully the written information that
follows. Based on the picture, which of the given information are explicit
and which are implicit? Write your answer for each item on a bond paper.

The Making of the Philippine Flag by Fernando Amorsolo

1. The Philippine flag was sewn by three women.

2. The three women are skilled Filipina sewers.
3. It took several days for the flag to be made.
4. Each sewer had a part of the flag to work on.
5. There is a dominant star at the center of the triangle of the flag.
By this time, it is expected that you are done with your answers on the explicit
and implicit information based on the picture or painting. But before we proceed to
another text, check first your work using the key answer at the end page of this
B. Now, let us consider another text type. Read carefully the boxed text

I want our people to grow and be like the molave, strong and resilient,
rising on the hillside, unafraid of the raging flood, the lightning, or the storm,
confident of its strength. If we have the will to survive and the will to achieve
social efficiency, we cannot delay this task of spiritual regeneration. Let us
begin to mold the typical Filipino.

- “The Policies and Achievements of the Government and Regeneration of the

Filipino “ by Manuel L. Quezon
Based on the boxed paragraph, identify which of the information below are
explicit and implicit.
1. Manuel L. Quezon wanted the Filipino to be strong and resilient.
2. Molave grows strong even after a storm.
3. The delay of Filipino spiritual regeneration is due to unwillingness.
4. Quezon urged the Filipinos to change.
5. To hasten social change, Filipinos have to be confident of their strength.

Check your work by referring to the key answers at the end of this material.
After doing the two activities, what do you understand about explicit and
implicit information? Why are they important for you to learn?

Explicit information is written and explained in the text so you, the learner, will
not be confused. On the other hand, implicit information is something that is not
written or seen in the text but is suggested.

To read critically means to be able to distinguish the information that is clearly

stated (explicit) in the text from those that are implied (implicit). This will help you
make inferences about what you read.


Defining Claims
Evaluating the claims made by an author is one of the most important skills
needed in critical reading. Your ability to identify the explicit and implicit information
in a text will help you recognize the writer’s arguments and evidence so you can begin
judging the writer’s work.

Whenever you read something, you find yourself looking for the writer’s point
or position regarding the chosen topic. That point is also known as the claim, or the
central argument or thesis statement of the text. This claim is what the writer tries
to prove in the text by providing details, explanations, and other types of evidence.
As such, it is usually found in the introduction or the first few paragraphs of the text.
Consider the paragraph below. Read it carefully and answer in a separate
bond paper the questions that follow.
The Filipino culture I have learned is one that is a very vibrant and alive.
It is a blend of many cultures that have come to our shores & rooted in our
own native Filipino culture. Many scholars say that culture is constantly
changing that is why it is very hard to define. While this is true, sometimes, it
is not changing for the better. In some ways, I believe this is happening to
Filipino culture. Filipinos tend to put more importance to foreign culture and
things as compared to our own. Many foreign ideas and ways of thinking is
what we, Filipinos believe will bring the country progress. However, this is a
mistake because our culture is such a rich melting pot from which we can draw
inspiration and ideas.

-The Importance of Recognizing Our Culture by Pammy Macasaet

1. What is the topic of the paragraph?

2. What is the claim of the writer about the topic?

3. What proofs are provided to support the claim?

4. Where in the paragraph is the claim written?


The claim is the most important part of the text. It defines the quality and the
complexity of the reading as it gives direction and scope to the text. The claim is a
sentence that summarizes the most important thing that the writer wants to say as
a result of his/her thinking, reading, or writing experiences.

When reading a long argument, start by skimming the first couple paragraphs
(and last paragraph if necessary) to figure out what the author is trying to persuade
you to believe or do. There may be more than one claim in a long argument so find
the most important claim.
It may help to pay attention to certain words that tell you that the statement
is a claim. Claims sometimes begin with words that indicate that it is a claim such
as "therefore", "so", and "thus". Claims often include qualifiers such as "maybe",
"probably", "perhaps", "usually", "often", "I believe", "I think", "in my opinion". But
these qualifiers are used for reasons as well. So be careful relying on them.
Characteristics of a Good Claim
The following are the characteristics of a good claim:

1. A claim should be argumentative and debatable.

When a writer makes a claim, he/she is making a case for a particular
perspective on the topic. Readers expect to be able to object to your claim, and
they can only raise objections if the claim is something that can be reasonably
challenged. Claims that are only factual or based on opinion, thus, are not
2. A claim should be specific and focused.
If the claim is unfocused, the paper will be too broad in scope and will lack
direction and a clear connection to the support provided. It may also lead to
over generalizations and vague assertions.
3. A claim should be interesting and engaging. It should hook the reader, who
may or may not agree with you, to encourage them to consider your
perspective and learn something new from you.
4. A claim should be logical. It should result from a reasonable weighing of
support provided.
Here are some questions to help you determine the writer’s claim while you
are reading a text:
• What is the author’s main point?
• What is the author’s position regarding it?

There are three common types of claims. They are claims of fact, policy, and
value. Identifying claims is easier if you know a little about each claim type. Let us
study briefly each of these claims.

Distinguishing Between the Types of Claims

Now that you know the characteristics of a good claim, you will be introduced
to the different types of claims that a writer can make: fact, value, or policy. You can
usually determine this by examining the type of questions they answer about the

First, a claim of fact states a quantifiable assertion or a measurable topic.

They assert that something has existed, exists, or will exist based on data. They rely
on reliable sources or systematic procedures to be validated; this is what makes them
different from inferences.
Claims of fact usually answer a “what” question. When determining whether
something is a claim of fact, the following questions are useful:

• Is this issue related to a possible cause or effect?

• Is this statement true or false? How can its truthfulness be verified?
• Is this claim controversial or debatable?
Take a look at the two examples below. What makes the claims of fact?

1. Smoking causes cancer.

2. People can reduce the severity of depression by increasing their
sunlight exposure each day.

In the first claim, what causes cancer? The answer is smoking. Is it true? Can
it be verified? How? Does it exist? Is this debatable? Is there someone saying

If most of your answers to these questions are yes, then it is a claim of fact.
How about the second claim? How will you prove its type? Can you use the
same process of questioning? The answer is yes.

Remember that when you are trying to find factual claims, terms don’t help
much, but you could look for time-related terms such as "in the past," or "in the
future" and causal terms such as "leads to", "improves", "destroys", or "is caused by."

Next, the claim of value asserts something that can be qualified. They consist
of arguments about moral, philosophical, or aesthetic topics. These types of topics
try to prove that some values are more or less desirable compared to others. They
make judgments based on certain standards, on whether something is right or
wrong, good or bad, or something similar.

Claims of value attempt to explain how problems, situations, or issues ought

to be valued. To discover these explanations, you may ask the following questions:

• Which claims endorse what is good or right?

• What qualities should be considered good? Why?
• Which of these values contend with others? Which ones are more
important, and why? Whose standards are used?
• What are some concrete examples of such values?

Consider this example: Your idea is valuable to the project. What makes
this claim a value? Aside from the give-away term valuable, the question that will
guide you is “Whose standard is it valuable?
When trying to find value claims look for terms like "valuable/ beautiful/
interesting", "good/ bad/ evil", "right/ wrong", "superior/ best/ worse".

Finally, claims of policy attempt to persuade you or others to take some

action or change a behavior usually to solve a problem. You can easily identify a
claim of policy for it uses terms like "should", "ought" and "must".

The following questions will be used in evaluating a claim of policy.

• Does the claim suggest a specific remedy to solve the problem?

• Is the policy clearly defined?
• Is the need for the policy established?
• Is the policy the best one available? For whom? According to whose
• How does the policy solve the problem?
Now, study the two ideas below. What makes the claims of policy?

1. Voluntary prayer should be permitted in public schools.

2. Smoking should be prohibited in public places.

Both claims use the word should which is associated with claims of policy.
The questions “Is there a policy that supports the claim?”, “Is there a problem? “,
“Does it suggest a specific remedy to solve the problem?” when ask are answered.
These qualify the two ideas as claims of policy.

We are now done with our discussion on the types of claims. How do you feel?

Do you know now how to identify a claim? Let us find out if you are ready.


The discussion on the different types of claims is over. Let us check your
understanding of the lesson. Different activities are provided for your practice. Read
carefully the instruction in each activity so that you will be properly guided toward
an expected output.

A. Direction: For each claim below, identify whether it is a value, policy,

or fact. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

1. Alcoholism is a genetic disorder.

2. Teachers face numerous problems today.
3. Amorsolo is my favorite Filipino painter.
4. National strength can only be built on character.
5. The US should help countries gain their independence.
6. Democracy is superior to any other form of government.
7. Social networks are the most distracting website on the internet.
8. Baguio City will experience colder weather for the next few years.
9. Mandatory jail terms should be imposed for drunk driving violations.
10. We must preserve with every ounce of our national vigor to eradicate
B. Direction: Below is a boxed paragraph. I want you to read it carefully and
look for the claim. Copy the needed information in your activity
notebook to answer. Briefly explain your claim choice.

The parol of Pampanga is a mix of Filipino and Spanish culture. The

Spanish introduced us to lanterns and their construction. The Filipinos then
made use of indigenous materials and creativity to give it a “folk” touch.
Aside from the form and aesthetic, it is the ritual behind the parol that
Filipinos can draw from. There is a team effort in its correction. The
community comes together to be able to fix the lights. If not, the lights will
be all tangled. A group of people helping each other in order to reach the
goal is a very beautiful thing. It proves that there is a sense of community in
the area.

The Importance of Recognizing Our Culture by Pammy Macasaet

Claim: _______________________________________________________________________
Type of claim: ________________________________________________________________
Explanation on claim choice: _________________________________________________


C. Study the pictures. Then select one which you think clearly expresses a
claim. Write the claim and identify its type. Briefly explain your choice.
Put your answers in your activity notebook.

Banaue Rice Terraces

Bayanihan Banawue Rice Terraces

Population COVID-19 Pandemic


Misinformation and fake news are spreading on social media. The authenticity
of information has become a longstanding issue that affects everyone. On social
networks, the reach and effects of information spread occur at such a fast pace that
distorted, inaccurate, and false information gets a tremendous potential to cause
real-world impacts in such a short time for millions of users. How will your knowledge
in identifying claims help you fight the spread of fake news and misinformation?
Illustrate your point using a local news article.
Use your activity notebook.


You are only a step away now to finish this lesson. Let us check if you are
ready to take a new one. You need to answer all the items in this assessment corner.
All you have to do is read carefully how you have to answer the items. Write your
answers in your activity notebook. I hope you
studied by heart the lessons I prepared in this
learning material. Proceed to the assessment
when you are ready.
Good luck!
Read carefully the text and identify if the given information is explicit
or implicit. Write your answers in the gauge section of your activity notebook

The pastilla wrappers of Bulacan are a testament to the creativity

of the Filipino people. In the most minute of details, creativity still
abounds. The designs are meticulous and come in different varieties
from the Barasoain church to the “Bulacan” girl. This attention to detail
is something that Filipinos should apply to everything that they
do. Many Filipinos have adopted a “bahala na” attitude or more famous
among the youth, “bahala na si Batman” way of thinking. While once in
awhile it is good to adapt the “yolo” (you only live once) way of thinking.

Throwing everything to the wind is not good especially when there are
goals that need to be achieved. Being meticulous in the smallest things
actually helps things become more efficient and productive. If Filipinos
did their job better, things in the Philippines would improve.

The Importance of Recognizing Our Culture by Pammy Macasaet

1. The creativity of Filipino people is evident in the pastilla wrappers of Bulacan.
2. ”Bahala na si Batman” is the popular version among the young of the bahala
na attitude.
3. Attention to small details that are exemplified in the pastilla wrappers helps
achieve success.
4. The Barasoain Church is a design in the pastilla wrapper.
5. “Yolo” means you only live once.

B. Read each claim and identify if it is a fact, a value, or a policy. Write your
answers in the gauge section of your activity notebook.
6. Honesty is the best policy.
7. Cancer is not contagious.
8. It is more fun in the Philippines
9. Obesity can cause heart disease.
10. It is immoral to steal from stores to feed yourself and others.
11. Global warming is a serious threat that must be addressed.
12. Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to many illnesses.
13. The death penalty should be abolished since it does not prevent crime
14. The government must devote more of its fund to build schools than building
15. It is more advantageous for a Filipino child growing up speaking Filipino
instead of English.


Now you are ready to take the next learning material. Enjoy learning!

Tiongson, Marella Therese A., Rodriguez, Maxine Rafaella C. Reading and Writing
Skills. Quezon City: Rex Book Store, 2016

Macasaet, Pammy( October 5, 2013) The Importance of Recognizing Our

Own Culture. Retrieved from

Identifying Claims
Target Gauge

Making of Philippine Flag A.

1. Explicit 1. Explicit
2. Implicit 2. Explicit
3. Implicit 3. Implicit
4. Explicit 4. Explicit
5. Explicit 5. Explicit

Quezon’s Speech B.

1. Explicit 1. Value
2. Explicit 2. Fact
3. Implicit 3. Value
4. Implicit 4. Fact
5. Explicit 5. Value

Jumpstart 6. Fact

1. Filipino culture 7. Fact

2. The Filipino culture is very vibrant and alive. 8. Policy
3. Blend of many culture 9. Policy
Supporting by other foreign culture 10.Value
Melting pot of cultures
4. First sentence

1. Fact
2. Value
3. Value
4. Value
5. Fact
6. Value
7. Value
8. Fact
9. Policy
10. Policy
LESSON 2. Text Development

Most Essential Learning Competency:

• Identify the context in which a text was developed

a. Hypertext
b. Intertext


How many of our famous legendary Filipino writers do you know? The chart
below has listing of 10 of them. On the first column are their names. The second
column is your familiarity to those writers. If you are familiar with the writer put a
check mark (√ ). If NOT, leave it blank. For the Famous Work column, read the
descriptions below the chart and match each with its writer. Write only the LETTER
of your answer in your activity notebook. The first item is done for your reference.

Famous Filipino Writers Familiarity Famous Work

1. Francisco Balagtas √ H
2. Lualhati Bautista
3. Merlinda Bobis
4. Carlos Bulosan
5. Jose Dalisay Jr
6. Luis Francia
7. Jessica Hagedorn
8. Nick Joaquin
9. Sionil Jose
10. Jose Rizal

Famous Works
A. Dogeaters is a political and historical tale of the Philippines, enacted on a world
stage, whose characters are both human and symbolic.

B. The Woman With Two Navels tells the story of a Filipino elite woman who is
hallucinating, and is preoccupied with the notion that she has two navels or belly
buttons in order to be treated as an extraordinary person.

C. Eye of the Fish: A Personal Archipelago, described as “a hugely readable

travelogue and an indispensable guide to a fascinating and richly varied
D. Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo were social commentaries that sharply
revealed the injustices of Spanish colonization while praising the Filipino in his
most natural state.

E. Rosales Saga is a five-volume work that follows the Samson family and their
changing fortunes over a 100-year time frame.
F. Rita’s Lullaby is a play which blends poetry with naturalism about Manila's
street children who have survived militarization yet are prostituted by both the
East and the West.

G. Killing Time in a Warm Place is a novel brought to life based on the writer’s
imprisonment during the Martial Law.

H. "Florante at Laura," is a poem based on the author’s personal circumstances

regarding his love for a woman and the deception of another male suitor.
I. America Is In The Heart is an autobiography of the well-known Filipino poet who
describes his boyhood in the Philippines, his voyage to America, and his years of
hardship and despair as an itinerant laborer following the harvest trail in the rural

J. “Bata, Bata, Pa'no Ka Ginawa?” is a novel written in Filipino that navigates on

the challenges of going through life of a women's rights advocate with two children
from two different men.

How did you find the activity? How many of the Filipino writers and their
works are familiar to you?

What have you known about their works? How were they able to develop their


There is always an inspiration behind the writing of a text, and often, it leaves
clues about the situation or the reality that served as its backdrop. This backdrop,
this situation, this reality is known as the context of the text.

Consider the descriptions given in each of the writer’s work. What words give
clues to the context? Analyze each work and complete the chart that follows. Study
the first item and use it as your guide.

Works of Famous Legendary Filipino Writers

Writers’ Works Context Clues

political and historical tale

1. Dogeaters

2. The Woman With Two Navels

3. Eye of the Fish: A Personal

4 . Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo

5. Rosales Saga

6. Rita’s Lullaby

7. Killing Time in a Warm Place

8. "Florante at Laura,"

9. America Is In The Heart

10.Bata, Bata, Pa'no Ka Ginawa?

Were you able to find the connection between the text and the writer’s
experience, social, political, cultural and other related circumstances that surround
him? Do they affect the development of his writing? Certainly yes.

Being a critical reader also involves understanding that texts are always
developed in a certain context. A text is neither written nor read in a vacuum; its
meaning and interpretation are affected by a given set of circumstances. Thus,
context is defined as the social, cultural, political, historical, and other related
circumstances that surround the text and form the terms from which it can be
better understood and evaluated. Knowledge of the text’s context helps in
appreciating the text’s message more deeply. In discovering a reading context, you
may ask questions like:
o When was the work written?
o What were the circumstances that produced it?
o What issues does it deal with? ‘
When you consider context as you write things, be guided by the following

o If you are writing non-fiction—academic texts, historical narratives,

argumentative essays, position papers, etc.—you need to stick to the facts.
o Portray reality as it is. To do so, you must conduct extensive research using
scholarly references.

o When using context, try to represent several perspectives—by citing different

o If you are writing fiction and aim to integrate your context into it, remember
to not make the tale too far off from human and worldly reality. Works like
Harry Potter, the Lord of the Rings, and Ibong Adarna, while they are fictional,
have a lot of the human touch in them—making them relevant to audiences.

Context creates meaning by providing precise and useful information.

Information that can push forward a story or facilitate its understanding.

Context is importance because it helps you connect and create a relationship

with the reader. It helps you communicate your point of view clearly making it easier
to understand. It allows you and others to be more creative.



There are several ways by which a text is developed. You learned in junior high
school about the forms of essays: descriptive, narrative, expository, and
argumentative. In earlier learning materials, you were taught about the other forms
that fall under expository texts.
Each form has its own way of developing the text, but here are the essentials
that you need to remember:

• Purpose. It must have an aim or an objective. You need to know the reason why
you are writing the text, and what you intend to achieve from your readers—to
make them laugh, to convince them to take action, to let them understand
something, and to educate them, among others.

• Audience. Do not forget to know your target audience. Is it for the youth? Is it for
adults? Is it for experts? Is it for novices? Remember that you cannot always
resonate to every single person in the world; you need to focus on a target
audience. In this manner, you will be able to adjust the content, your use of
language, and your style of presentation.

• Content and Meaning. Your work needs to have substance. Apart from being
considerate of your target audience, what will make them read the work is its
content and meaning.

One of the recent developments in reading has been brought about by the
advancement of technology. Let’s take a look at the technological advancements that
you’re familiar with. Which of the following do you have?

smartphone desktop
tablet laptop

Perhaps you have most of those gadgets or at least have seen and used them.
If you did and you have read texts through the said gadgets, you may have noticed
that some web pages have texts that have hyperlinks which are normally underlined
and in blue color. Take a look at the illustration that follows.

What are the words with hyperlinks? Correct. They are symbolic shadow,
Emancipation Proclamation, withering injustice and joyous daybreak.

What happens when you click those words? That’s right. They will give you
information about them.

What happens when we shift to different texts?

What makes hypertext unique is the speed at which you can shift to different texts.
When the first text mentions the concept that is also discussed in another text, all
you have to do is to click the hyperlink and the other page will load.

Hypertext connects topics on a screen to related information, graphics, videos,

and music—information is not simply related to the text. This information appears
as links and is usually accessed by clicking. The reader can jump to more information
about a topic, which in turn may have more links. This opens up the reader to a
wider horizon of information or to a new direction.
A reader can skim through sections of a text, freely jumping from one part to
another depending on what aspect of the text interests him/her. Thus, in reading
with hypertext, you are given more flexibility and personalization because you get to
select the order in which you read the text and focus on information that is relevant
to your background and interests. Therefore, you create your own meaning out of
the material.
For example, you are doing research about articles on discrimination. A quick
Google search would lead you to an excerpt from Martin Luther King Jr.‘s I Have a
Dream Speech. Information on it would include a picture and a brief, written
description. While reading about the speech you will also encounter links to different
social issues and events in search for equality and freedom. This may lead you to
more information on the issues. As you continue clicking links, you explore other
sites and information. Thus, depending on your purpose and interests, the article on
the discrimination could lead you to a variety of different, detailed paths.

So, what is hypertext?

Hypertext is a way to organize information in a digital format that makes use of

traditional text structures (words, sentences, pages, articles or chapters, books,
and libraries) as enhanced by the multiple linkages (words to words, words to
sentences, sentences to sentences, sentences to pages, pages to pages, pages to
chapters, and so on) possible in cyberspace. When hypertexts further employ
graphics, images, audio, and video, they become hypermedia.

Why is hypertext important?

One good thing that hypertext does is allowing readers to shift to different web
pages almost instantly. When you get to navigate around the internet and view
several web pages in a matter of seconds or minutes, you have a greater chance of
getting a better picture of the entire scenario in a fast manner.

There are now so many news websites and applications that are accessible via
the internet. Often, when you read a news article – especially one that belongs to a
series – you will see hyperlinks that will bring you to other related news stories. This
helps the reader, like you, to get a better understanding of the whole story.

Always remember that true comprehension is being able to understand the

whole picture.

We are done with hypertext. Do you now understand its concept? Let’s find
out. Do the wrap up activity.

Direction: Read carefully the text. Then answer the questions that follow.
Write your answers in your activity notebook.

The Filipino of today is soft, easy-going. His tendency is towards

parasitism. He is uninclined to sustained strenuous effort! He lacks
earnestness. Face-saving is the dominant note in the confused symphony
of his existence. His sense of righteousness is often dulled by the desire of
personal gain. His norm of conduct is generally prompted by expediency
rather than by principle. He shows a failing in that superb courage which
impels action because it is right, even at the cost of self-sacrifice. His
greatest fear is not to do wrong, but of being caught doing wrong.

-Excerpt from On Policies And Achievements Of The Government

And Regeneration Of The Filipino speech of President Manuel Quezon

1. Are there how many links in the text?
2. How do you know they are links?
3. What happens when you click each of them?
4. Aside from traditional text, in what other forms of information will it give
when you clicked them?
5. Based on the information given by the hyperlink, what do you think is the
context of the speech excerpt?

Well done! You are now halfway through on this learning material. We now
proceed to the second context of text development- the intertext.

Before you begin your lesson on intertext, look at the images below. In
each item are pair of images. One is label A and the other is B. Select which
one of them is the correct answer to the question. Have fun!

1. Which one is the flag of Paraguay?


2. Which one is the flag of Liberia?


3. Which design is the logo of Gucci products?


Did you have fun finding the correct flags and logo? Is it easy or
difficult? Why? What can you say about the choices? Are they similar or

Though they are different images, both share similarities. Our lesson
on intertext, also called intertextuality, shares this concept.
What is Intertextuality?

Another important technique in analyzing the context of a text’s development

is defining its intertextual link to another text. Intertextuality is the modelling of a
text’s meaning by another text. It is defined as the connections between language,
images, characters, themes, or subjects depending on their similarities in language,
genre, or discourse. This is seen when an author borrows and transforms a prior
text, or when you read one text and you reference another. This view recognizes that
the text is always influenced by previous texts and in turn anticipates future texts.
However, intertextuality is not always deliberate. There are instances that the
resemblance of works is incidental or not intended. A text contains many layers of
accumulated cultural, historical, and social knowledge, which continually adds to
and affects one another. Thus, intertextuality becomes a dialogue among different
texts and interpretations of the writer, the audience, and the current and earlier
cultural contexts.

An example of this is the famous novel of Rizal, the Noli Me Tangere. Some
write-ups point to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin—which exposed
the inhumanity of slavery and which was credited with having fueled the American
Civil War—as Rizal’s inspiration for the Noli Me Tangere. The resemblance of the
social condition at that time in the Philippines and that of Stowe’s novel moved Rizal
into writing his novel to get the attention of his audience- the Spanish government.

What are the types of intertextuality?

There are several types of intertextuality, but for this lesson we will be dealing
with the most common types—revision, translation, quotation, pastiche and parody.
Read the chart below and study each type of intertextuality.

Type Description Characteristics Example

1. Revision - features a - prompted by -The films and
close external television programs
relationship circumstance - approved by the Movie
between censorship, or and Television Review
anterior and theatrical, legal, or and Classification
posterior material exigencies Board (MTRCB) after
texts, be prompted by obtaining appropriate
wherein the external rating
latter takes circumstance -
identity from censorship, or
the former, theatrical, legal, or
even as it material exigencies
departs from - transaction is linear,
it conscious, and
specific, marked by
evidence of the
reviser's preference
and intentionality
2. Translation transfers, -the later text - The Bible publishing
'carries explicitly claims the in different languages
across', a text identity of the original
into a - grouped according
different to source language,
language, and judged by
recreates it standards of 'fidelity',
anew i. e., the closeness of
the rendering to the
original and the
success of the
translator in
representing the
original's literary
quality and effects.
- inherently difficult
due to unbridgeable
cultural and linguistic
spaces between
languages and
3.Quotations -literally - variously marked for proverbs
reproduces reader recognition, by
the anterior typographical signals,
text (whole or by a switch in
part) in a language, for
later text example, or by the
actual identification
of the original author
or text
an imitation - humorous Pooh’s imitation of
4.Parody of a -overstressing Senator Pacquiao
particular noticeable features of
writer, artist a famous piece of
or a genre, literature
it deliberately
to produce a
comic effect
- a literary -lighthearted but Romeo and Juliet Play
5.Pastiche piece that respectful in its in Taylor Swift’s Love
imitates imitation. Story song
literary work
of another
writer with
the purpose
of honoring it
and not
mocking it.
How to use intertextuality?

How you employ another text in your work depends on your purpose. Do you
want to honor the greatness of an author like Rizal? Then stage his novel in a new
setting. If on the other hand you want to spoof an author, then take what is silly or
humorous about him and exaggerate it in a parody.

Remember that intertextuality is not limited to texts of the same type. This is
important since many of the sophisticated uses of deliberate intertextuality are those
that cut across different medium and styles. For example, have you ever try to paint
a piece of music? Or write a story based on a philosophical idea? Getting inspired in
this way is a great way to include intertextuality in your writing or art.

Why is it important?

Recognizing and understanding intertextuality leads to a much richer

reading experience which invites new interpretations as it brings another context,
idea, story into the text at hand. It also provides one way for students to compose
their own texts
Majority of the writers borrow ideas from the previous works to give a layer of
meanings to their works. In fact, when readers read the new text with reflection of
another literary work, all related assumptions, effects and ideas of other text provide
them a different meaning and changes the technique of interpretation of the original
Since readers take influence from other texts, and while reading new texts
they sift through archives, this device gives them relevance and clarifies their
understanding of the new texts. For writers, intertextuality allows them to open new
perspectives and possibilities to construct their story. Thus, writers may explore a
particular ideology in their narrative by discussing recent rhetoric in the original text.

Wow! That was quite a long and serious discussion. So let’s wrap up before
we check your comprehension on the lesson.

Intertextuality is the shaping of a text meaning by another text. It can be

deliberate or otherwise. It is not limited to the same type. Intertextual
figures include: revision, translation, quotation, translation, pastiche and

Now you are ready to take the check-up activity. Don’t worry. Have no fear.
The check-up activity will guide you identify the concept or concepts that you need
to reconsider and revisit. Proceed to Explore section when you are ready.

This part of the learning material will give you feedback on your
comprehension on text development lessons. Read carefully the instruction on how
you will answer each category. Use your activity notebook in writing your answers.

A. Choose the context of development of the following text types. Write only
the LETTER of your answer.

1. Anak song by Freddie Aguilar

A. cultural B. historical C. political D. social

2. Bagani television series

A. cultural B. historical C. political D. social

3. Rizal in Dapitan movie

A. cultural B. historical C. political D. social

4. Sirena rap song by Gloc-9

A. cultural B. historical C. political D. social

5. Spolarium of Juan Luna

A. cultural B. historical C. political D. social

B. Study the descriptions below. Identify each as hypertext or intertext.

6. It has a non-linear presentation of information.

7. It links one material to another by clicking

8. A text is inspired by other texts read by the writer.

9. A song was composed based from his painting.

10. It is known for its speed in shifting from one page to another.
C. Read each concept and identify the dominant type of intertextuality used
or presented.
11. Board of the Rings

12. Balagtasan during Filipino Week celebration

13. Many are called but few are chosen.

14. The Last Farewell by Rizal

15. The 1987 Philippine Constitution


Consider the situation below.

Your town leaders are focusing on Agri-Tourism to boost the economy of

your place. In order to materialize such plan, they need to consider as many
proposals as possible. So they decided to conduct a contest for the best
infomercial featuring the potential and popular tourist destinations in the area.
Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:

Relevance to the theme - 40%

Creativity and originality - 20%

Audience impact - 20%

Production Quality - 20%

You are tapped by your barangay captain to create an entry that will be
presented to the Barangay Council for evaluation and approval prior to the
contest. You need to draft a plan to develop an ad based on the criteria.

Discuss in your activity notebook how your knowledge on hypertext and

intertextuality helps in drafting an infomercial prescribed above.

You are now finished with your lessons in text development. It is time for the
final check-up. This will be graded so take it seriously.
Below is a text. Read it carefully and pay attention to details. After reading you will
find questions for you to answer briefly but concise.

Each question is scored 5 points: two points for accuracy of answer and three for
presentation of evidence or reason. Write your answers in your activity notebook.

The parol of Pampanga is a mix of Filipino and Spanish culture. The

Spanish introduced us to lanterns and their construction. The Filipinos then
made use of indigenous materials and creativity to give it a “folk” touch. Aside
from the form and aesthetic, it is the ritual behind the parol that Filipinos
can draw from. There is a team effort in its correction. The community comes
together to be able to fix the lights. If not, the lights will be all tangled. A
group of people helping each other in order to reach the goal is a very
beautiful thing.

It proves that there is a sense of community in the area. I think in many

places around the Philippines especially in Manila- there has been a loss of
the sense of community. With the rise of capitalism and profit oriented
mindset, it has become every man for himself. The sense of community needs
to be restored in Filipino culture.Helping one another and the realization that
we as Filipinos are all connected is important for national progress and the
improvement of the quality of life. I do not mean the kind of quality of life that
comes out every year that ranks the best quality of life among countries. I
mean the kind of quality of life where we can trust our neighbors. Like in
Bataan, there is a store with no “tindera” just a cash box to drop the cash in.
Take what you want and drop the amount into the box. The ease that comes
to mind when the door is unlocked but it is fine because the neighborhood is
safe. The feeling of being able to depend on the people around you and your
community when you need help- all these come from a sense of community.
This is not something new to our culture.

- Source: The Importance of Recognizing our Culture by Pammy Macasaet

1. What is the context of the text? What details give support to it?
2. If you were to place hyperlink to the text, which words will you consider?
How will they contribute to the understanding of the text?
3. Write a short paragraph about the text. What intertextuality types have
you included?

Tiongson, Marella Therese A., Rodriguez, Maxine Rafaella C. Reading and Writing
Skills. Quezon City: Rex Book Store, 2016
Answer Keys
Text Development






1. B

2. A

3. B


1. D
2. A

3. B

4. D
5. C

6. hypertext

7. hypertext
8. intertext

9. intertext

10. hypertext
11. Parody

12. Pastiche

13. Quotation
14. Translation

15. Revision

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