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Joe Digital Academy (JDA) is believed to be one of the popular providers of IT

services. The professional company is closely structured in such a way to offer more
acquirable results and solutions for use in a variety of businesses, encountering
problems in information and technology sector. We have a good and proper
coordinating partnership between the company's intramural internal environments
and emerging external IT surrounding.

The enhanced brand equity and sales shall actually determine the promising results of
this IT service provider. The success of the company is measured in such a way on
how the people share, enjoy as well as obtain advantages from the efficacy. Some of
our company values are hard work, growth, integrity, enthusiasm, and helping each

Joe Digital Academy will never mind about the consequences and will carry out the
things if it feels to be correct accordingly. The employees of the company are
passionate towards the work and will put the efforts to reach success as well as to
achieve the objectives irrespective of the surroundings and situations. We are more
helpful in the success of each other and are careful in establishing a long-term
partnership with the clients and customers.

The dealing with each and every client is being valued by the company, which
completely go through the demands of the customers and deliver it accordingly. With
the opening of newer horizons, the company is still able to maintain its reputed
position in the market. Joe Digital Academy maintains an excellent team with highly
skilled and dynamic expert professionals in order to preserve the service excellence.

The team experts who are highly motivated will mainly focus on fulfilling the
necessities of the company's principals. Innovation, commitment, quality and superior
service help to determine the ways to reach the profitable growth. The company
equipped with fine infrastructure and ideal technology support together with the
broader distribution network so that the business requirements of the partners can be
satisfied. Our only goal is to make the clients and customers happy with our valuable
products and services.

The company offers customized solutions based on the expectations of the clients and
the products will be delivered with high quality at cost effective rates and at specified
times. We have the commitment, competitiveness and strong growth as the base so
we provide varied improvements in the products and services. A company led by a
proper team and the head will possibly reach greater heights.

1.2 Historical Background of the Organization

Joe Digital Academy was created in the year 2012. This company was founded
and eventually created by a software engineer called Mr Ebune Joseph A with the
aim of improving the information and communication standards of Cameroon and
also improving the job opportunities in Cameroon. At the Year it was created, this
company was run and managed in a room. This company has been developing web
based system from 2012 till present date.

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Organization.

The main objective of the creation of Joe Digital Academy is to improve

technological aspects in Cameroon and the world at large and also to insure job
opportunities for the computer engineering and accounting students from the
university or youth with innovative technological ideas. Also at Joe Digital
Academy, they aim for the highest quality in all their Software / applications,
services and other undertakings and also they are totally responsible to all their
stakeholders, partners and clients by respecting all their commitments.

2.4 Organization Structure

The Organizational structure of Joe Digital Academy is made of the Chief

Executive officer Mr Ebune Joseph, five developers, three accountants, one project
manager, a secretary, resource personnel, and a graphic designer. This makes a total
of 14 staffs. The CEO also takes part in the development / execution of jobs. We can
see the organization’s tree below;
Mr Ebune Joseph A

Manager Finance Officer Project Manager Accountant

Mr Agbor Buldwin Miss Relindise Mr Evaristus Chi Mme Bate Sybelle

Resource Personnel Secretary Chief Developer

Mr George Enow Mrs Camela Mr Ebune Joseph

Backend Dev Graphic Designer

Frontend Dev
Mr Aconnue Yannick Mr Jini John
Mr Divine Ako


Note: is the organizational structure is broken, you can use the image below;

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