Unit 3 Test: Atomic Structure: Part I: Matching (40) (2 Points Each) Please Match The Term With The Correct

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Name: __Layshah______________________________ Date:

__24/11/20_________________ Class period: _____

Unit 3 Test: Atomic Structure

Good luck chemists!!  ☺

Part I: Matching(40) (2 points each) Please match the term with the correct
definition.  There will be extra choices and some may repeat. Write your
answer on the lines provided.

A. Nonmetals
B. Goldstein
C. Atomic Mass Units
D. Ion
E. Weighted average
F. Thomson
G. Rutherford
H. Dalton
I. Democritus
J. Electrons
K. Isotopes
L. Protons
M. Atomic number
N. Isomers
O. Metals
P. Attract
Q. Repel
R. Metalloids
S. Gained
T. Chadwick
U. Neutral
V. Grams
W. Neutrons
X. Electron cloud
Y. Nucleus
Z. Atomic mass
AA. Mass number
BB. Energy Levels
CC. Cation
DD. Anion

_CC___ 1. The name of the type of ion when electrons are lost.
_C___ 2. The mass of a single atom is measured in ____.
_R___ 3. Electrons are arranged in ___ around the nucleus.
__EE__ 4. Cations are formed by electrons being _____.
__P__ 5. Like charges ____ each other.
_U___ 6. In an atom, when the atomic number equals the number of electrons, the
atom is said to be _____.
__F__ 7. Saw that particles in a gas were attracted to the positive plate of the
cathode ray 
_M___ 8. Atomic mass is an average of the elements ____.
_A___ 9. The group of elements that tend to gain electrons
_H___ 10. Said that atoms combine in whole number ratios 
_W___ 11. Isotopes have the same number of protons but have different
number of ____.
__G__ 12. Discovered the proton
__G__ 13. Used the deflection angles of alpha particles to describe the
nucleus of an atom
__G__ 14. Said that an atom is mostly empty space
_I___ 15. The first scientist who thought about atoms
_O___ 16. The group of elements that tend to lose electrons
_S___ 17. Anions are formed by electrons being _____.
_H___ 18. Provided experimental evidence that all matter is comprised of indivisible
particles called atoms
_D___ 19. An atom or group of atoms with a positive or negative charge

__I__ 20. The person who gave the atom its name

Part II: Multiple Choice(12points) (2 points each) Please record the best
answer on the line provided.

_C___ 1. Which of the following is not a part of Dalton’s atomic theory?

A. All elements are composed of atoms
B. Atoms of the same element are alike.
C. Atoms are always in motion.
D. Atoms that combine do so in simple whole-number ratios.
E. None of these

__D__ 2. The nucleus of an atom is

A. Negatively charged and has a low density.
B. Negatively charged and has a high density.
C. Positively charged and has a low density.
D. Positively charged and has a high density.
E. None of these

_A___ 3. Which of these statements is false?

A. Electrons have a negative charge
B. Electrons have a mass of 1 amu
C. The nucleus of an atom is positively charged
D. The neutron is found in the nucleus of an atom

_A___ 4. An atom of an element with atomic number 48 and mass number 120
A. 48 protons, 48 electrons, and 72 neutrons
B. 72 protons, 48 electrons, and 48 neutrons
C. 120 protons, 48 electrons, and 72 neutrons
D. 72 protons, 72 electrons, and 48 neutrons

__D__ 5. The number 80 in the name bromine-80 represents

A. The atomic number
B. The mass number
C. The sum of protons and electrons
D. None of these

_C___ 6. Which of these statements is not true?

A. Atoms of the same element can have different masses
B. The nucleus of an atom has a positive charge
C. Atoms of isotopes of an element have different numbers of protons
D. Atoms are mostly empty space

Part III: Short Answer

1. (10 points total) Fill in the chart with the appropriate information on
the following atoms and ions.  Be sure to include the complete symbol
for the element.  

Element Atomic Mass # of # of

Symbol Number Number # of neutrons electrons

51Sb 51 122 51 71 54

78Pt 78 195 78 117 78

59Co 27 59 27 32 24
2. a) (2 points) In the Gold Foil experiment, what was proven when
particles bounced straight back?  __The atom is mostly empty space.
b) (2 points) What was proven when the particles went straight through
with no deflection?  _____The atom is mostly empty space.

Part IV: Calculations

1. (12 points) Magnesium has three common isotopes.  The masses of the
first two isotopes and percent abundances are as follows: 24.1687
amu, 78.900%
25.4830 amu, 10.009%
If the atomic mass of magnesium is 24.305 amu,                                       
(a) What is the percent abundance of the third isotope?
___11.01%________                                (b) What is its atomic mass?
__24.305___________                                                                     (c) %
abundance isotope = ___11.01%___________                                              
(d) Mass of other isotope = ___25.9826___________

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