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Eden Aero

She's humble, honest, daring and perhaps a little too anxious


Disadvantage against persuasion checks

Advantage towards intimidation checks towards her

Eden was exiled by her people for defending a nomadic group of merchants that were

travelling through the Woodland realm. The travellers were minding their own business making

a campsite that the wood elves saw as too close to their territory and attacked with the intent to

kill, Eden saw this just in time and stepped between the wood elves and the travellers claiming

that the travellers didn't know better and did not harm the forest in any way. She Pleaded with

her people to let them leave peacefully. The Elves wouldn't have it and tried to push their way

through her to the travellers but Eden retaliated with Vines that restrained those that tried to push

their way past her. She tried to explain that she did not want to fight or hurt anyone but, In that

instant she was considered hostile to the people she called family. The 20 or so elves Brought

Hellfire with Druidic magic and bows. Being only a novice druid with a group of merchants that

had 2 Bodyguards they were easily overwhelmed. Both of the bodyguards tried their damndest to

fight off the growing hoard of druids and archers with little success. One of the two bodyguards

yelled to Eden and the group of merchants to Run as fast as they could. With great reluctance

Eden and the travellers ran as fast as they possibly could, Eden broke off from the group to run

home, To try and seek help from her parents. She isn't the favorite child with her mother but

Edens father makes it very clear to everyone in the kingdom that eden is his daughter. As she ran

home to seek her fathers advice on what she should do she encountered many other guards and

soldiers that saw the commotion and tried to apprehend her. Eden's father saw and heard the
commotion outside from at least a dozen elves all screaming after Eden and came outside. Her

father being a bit more Burly than most elves saw the at least half dozen guards catching up to

his daughter broke up the fight immediately with Move earth pinning everyone where they were

in the chase. Being completely perplexed as to why Eden was running from guards, Seeing as

she had never gotten in trouble by the law or as a matter of fact, At home either. He asked both

parties why Eden was running from Guards and as the guards told what happened, Eden

screamed how they were trying to hurt innocent people and that she couldn't stand by as guards

slaughtered innocent traders that didn’t do anything to harm the Wood Elves. Eden's father at a

loss of what to do about the situation decides that it would be best for Eden to face the

consequences of her actions, even though she was only following her moral compass and doing

what she believed to be the most ethical thing to do. As he released her as well as the guards they

then apprehended her then escorted her to what she believed to be a holding cell for common

crooks and criminals. A few hours after being in the holding cell Eden heard from what she

believed to be a few cells down was a massive explosion along with screaming. She sat and

pondered what was coming for her. A few seconds after the explosion a person appeared in front

of her cell door, She recalled this person as being one of the traders from the caravan she saved

from most certain demise. He was there to rescue her! The person then wedged a crowbar

between the bars of the jail door and the doorway and snapped it off its hinges. (the doors were

very weak because they killed most intruders, and criminals). She ran out of the cell and saw the

possibly dead bodies of the guards only doing their jobs and she had to help. Eden ran towards a

guard on the ground and began trying to cast healing word, but before she could get the spell off

the person that had just saved her grabbed her arm and told her that if they didn't leave

immediately they'd be killed. Being the person she was, she didn't care about her own well being,
She was the one that caused this person to get hurt and she was going to assist any way she

could. The person then picked her up and began to run as fast as he could. Eden kicked and cried

to let her down to help the poor guard but she wasn't strong enough nor fast enough to run if she

even did get out of his grip. After what felt like an hour of running the person finally let her

down. Eden looked up to see the group of travelers except for the two guards she had seen

fighting the wave of elves earlier. She began to look at what she had gotten herself into and

began to cry again, though with how much she had already been crying barely anything came out

from her worn out and tired eyes. The travelers were talking about what to do next but she didn't

care. She knew she might never see her family or friends ever again on top of that her actions got

possibly dozens of innocent lives killed. After such a long day she completely forgot to ask the

travelers names or what they were doing this far into the forest the fatigue was too immense and

after crying for a few more minutes she fell asleep on the hard root she had her head up against.

A few years after “being exiled” and traveling with this group of merchants she had

learned more about the world than she ever had in the confines of her home. Though still naive

about a lot of things as well as being very shy with the people she had begun to call her friends

she liked this new way of life. The group she had been travelling with, “The gray striders” as

they called themselves, taught her about a god they worshipped, After a while Eden began to

learn the stars and the different Constellations, Her favorite of which was Byakko which she

loved to draw on an almost daily basis. It took a lot of trial and error but she had begun to learn

all the constellations at heart and learn their patterns over the years. As well as learning the

constellations she learned to haggle prices, though not very good at it she knew how. Eden had

also begun to develop feelings for Dea, the person that saved her from certain death back in the
woodlands. Though being the shy and secluded person she is, she never expressed her feelings

about it directly to him, Dea knew she had feelings and let her think she was hiding her feelings

well but being a naive young adult it was very obvious. She loved drawing everytown they went

through, Along with many, MANY drawings of Dea doing various tasks. Another groupmate she

grew attached to (not in a crush type of manor) was Sonne. Sonne was like a bigger sister to

Eden. They often went to different events together and did a lot of fun activities together like two

sisters would. There were a few other group mates that Eden tried to make friends with but the

others “were not in it to be friends” and just wanted their pay and that's all. It didn’t stop her

from trying though. There were also a few guards, Though they often rotated out after reaching

their countries respective border so Eden didn’t get to know them very well before they rotated

out. After a few months of “hiding” her feelings, Dea asked her out on a date and she almost

instantly said yes with a Gleam of glee in her blue and red eyes. She thought nothing could go


After dating for a few months there was 1 trade, A trade that would ruin, destroy, and

bring everything she had built with her friends crumbling down in a hasteful succession of

horrible acts. The group and her were making a trade to a band of what they thought to be

traveling bards such as themselves. After making the trade in one swift move 4 short dragon

things jumped from the roofs and sliced both the guards necks as well as a few more coming

from behind and with clubs and rope and knocked them out faster than Eden could react to what

was going on. After waking up from what seemed like a year of sleeping, She was in a cell

similar to the one back home. The only thing that was on her mind was her friends and Dea as

such she began having a panic attack and started hyperventilating before knocking herself

unconscious from the lack of air she was getting. Eden woke up again, But instead of
hyperventilating and knocking herself unconscious again she tried her hardest to think rationally.

Though the thought of the guards necks being sliced open as well as what could've happened to

her friends clouded any rational judgement that she tried to muster. After a few more hours of

thinking about her friends potential demise, rational thought finally came and luckily enough, the

cell had a window to the outside. Not only was there a window, But it was dark out. Eden angled

herself to be able to see the stars and jotted down in the dust of her cell their locations in the light

layer of dirt in her cell. Doing this she learned that between her being knocked out by the strange

short dragon men and now had been about 4 days. Not knowing what to do she created a small

vine to break her cuffs with enough success that she could now move her hands freely albeit she

still had two metal cuffs around her wrists but anythings better than them being constrained

behind her. Now with the cuff problem somewhat handled she could focus on finding a way out.

Luck must've been gracious today because there was a massive crack in one of the windows

many bars. Although she wasn’t the strongest gal the world had ever seen she could break the bar

with relative ease and wiggle her way through. Now being free she searched the other windows

but could not see any of her fellow companions. She began to have another panic attack but was

quickly able to calm herself down from fear of being recaptured. After calming down one of the

guards saw she was not in her cell along with a hole in her window he alerted the compound.

Now realizing her escape they were quick to send out a party of guards to recapture her.

Knowing she couldn't do anything for her friends if she was captured along with them she ran.

Not knowing the fate of her only friends and in a sense, her second family.

After many years of searching for clues trying to find Dea and her friends with

everything coming to a dead end she was lost, Without a purpose. Eden didn't know what to do.

From being on her own for years with only herself to protect herself she had become stronger
and less shy, Though still being a shy weakling she wasn't as much of a pushover anymore. She

could only rely on herself to get everything done, Eden had become an independent young

woman, All she had was the Drawings of her memories and the stars that Dea had taught her

only a few years before. And until she could find Dea one day, that's all she needed to go from

day to day.

Current day- Eden had a lead about where Dea could be and went to the bar where she

might get some more information, Though now being here realizing that it was another dead end

just wants to sit in a tavern room and draw.

Also when i say “not knowing the fate” that doesn't mean they died cuz i would like to

see them in the campaign if at all possible. :) also also i have what they look like on the page



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