Content Exam Fundamentals of Math II-1.Final

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Content Exam

Fundamentals of Math II

1. Define what algebraic thinking means. (2 points)

Algebraic thinking is recognizing and analyzing patterns and how one thing leads to
another as well as studying and representing relationships in all aspects of math.

2. Name three advantages to using manipulatives in the classroom. (2 points)

They provide another representation for the math concept that's being studied.
They provide a connection between concrete and abstract levels of math.
They support engagement and differentiation.

3. Which of the following is an example of ineffective use of manipulative materials? (2

a) Not showing students exactly every step of how to use them
b) Making a connection between the model and the mathematical concept
c) Encouraging students to converse about the model without knowledge of what the
mathematical goal is
d) Maintaining a balance between the appropriate amounts of guidance and student

4. Which of the following is a true statement about assessment? (2 points)

a) It is a good idea to stick to one assessment format that works best for you and
your students.
b) It should be derived from your learning goals.
c) It should only be done after instruction over a topic has been completed, in order
to judge its effectiveness.
d) It should not be developed until after the lesson, once the teacher has had a chance
to see how students performed.

5. Formative assessments are cumulative evaluations that might generate an overall score of
a student’s understanding, such as an end of unit test, while summative assessment occurs
more frequently, as students are engaged in the learning process. (2 points)


6. The primary role of assessment is to be able to give a student a grade. (2 points)


7. Performance-based tasks: (2 points)

a) Are used primarily to assess students’ ability to compute answers.
b) Should be constructed in a way that allows every student in the room to
demonstrate knowledge, skills, or understanding.
c) Do not have much assessment value when students are required to explain their
thought process behind completing them.
d) Usually don’t have enhanced value when strategies for approaching them are
discussed as a whole class.

8. The primary purpose of a rubric is to assign a grade to students. (2 points)


9. NCTM’s position on calculator use in elementary school includes which of the following
ideas? (2 points)
a) Calculators are good only for helping students practice procedural skills.
b) Calculators should not be used until after students have developed mastery of
basic facts.
c) Calculators can promote higher-level thinking and reasoning.
d) Because calculators are so widely available, it is no longer essential that students
learn their basic facts.

10. Advantages of virtual manipulatives over physical ones can include all of the following
EXCEPT: (2 points)
a) Unlimited amounts of material
b) No cleanup
c) The ability to easily teach a mathematical process to a student step by step, with
no other forms of support
d) More explicit connections to mathematical symbols

11. When selecting digital resources, teachers should consider all the following EXCEPT: (2
a) Whether the resource will help meet a relevant learning objective
b) Whether the resource is accessible for all students
c) Whether the students will be engaged by the mathematics, rather than just the
format of the activity
d) Whether the resource was developed by a textbook company

12. One of the first geometrical properties that children focus on is: (2 points)
a) number of sides and corners
b) symmetry
c) size of angles
d) perpendicular and parallel lines
e) corners

13. Common names for quadrilaterals include all of the following, except: (2 points)
a) squares
b) rectangles
c) triangles
d) trapezoids
e) parallelograms

14. Of the following attributes, which one is most easily perceived? (2 points)
a) capacity
b) length
c) weight
d) area
e) time

15. Mary and Jim are trying to compare the widths of a window and door. In order to do so,
they use strings to measure the widths. They then compare string lengths to see which one is
wider. This is an example of which type of comparison? (2 points)
a) comparing two objects perceptually
b) comparing two objects indirectly
c) comparing two objects directly
d) none of the above

16. Which of the following fractions is not considered a friendly fraction? (2 points)
a) 1/2
b) 1/3
c) 3/4
d) 2/4
e) 3/7

17. Express the fraction 3/4 as a ratio, decimal and a percent. (2 points)
3:4 .75 75%
18. Comparing similarities and differences between shapes helps to identify attributes of each
shape. (2 points)

19. Students in Mrs. Jones’ class are trying to determine how much paper they will need to
cover a bulletin board. Which of the following attributes will they need to know to
determine how much paper is needed? (two points)
a) capacity
b) weight
c) volume
d) mass
e) area

20. The understanding of percent requires no new skills or concepts beyond those used in
mastering fractions, decimals, ratios, and proportions. (2 points)
21.What kind of graph is used mostly for discrete, or separate and distinct, data? (2 points)
a) picture graph
b) line graph
c) pie graph
d) bar graph
e) all of the above

22. Students in Mrs. Anderson’s class collected weather data for 6 hours. What kind of graph
would be most appropriate for this type of data? (2 points)
a) picture graph
b) line graph
c) bar graph
d) pie graph
e) histogram

23. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate way to use the calculator as an
instructional tool? (2 points)
a) facilitate problem solving
b) to facilitate a search for patterns
c) to ease the burden of doing tedious computations
d) to remove anxiety about doing computations incorrectly
e) to provide motivation and confidence
24. A ratio is a ________ between two or more numbers in a given order. (2 points)
a) divisional relationship
b) subtractive relationship
c) additive relationship
d) multiplicative relationship
e) all of the above

25. The following equation represents which use of variables? 13 – b = 8 (2 points)

a) placeholder
b) generalization
c) formulas and functions
d) none of the above

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