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Vanessa Cabrera Narvaez

1. Make a two-page summary on the politics of history.

2. Write a third and fourth paragraph responding how the politics of history relates to

Colombia as well. Provide an example or two.

The Politics of History

It exists some distinct functional systems in the tourist field, which are built within a

subjective interpretation of history. According to Hobsbawm and Ranger (1983), this history

has been invented and transmitted repetitively by generations in order to reinvent, keep it

real, and believable. This was done as a manner of inculcated a pattern of behaviorism. The

invention of tradition occurred most frequently in times of social change (Hobsbawm and

Ranger 1983:1-5).

This History became into ideologies and movements of some nations as the result of an

arduous selection and institutionalized work. On the other hand, to some public, this history

considered to be true because is tangible. But what people do not know is that of past

culture is constructed. Additionally, Pakington and Smith observed it in an editorial

archaeological bulletin. However, historians and archeologists capture the past as a construction

instead of re-construction.

The re-construction of the past is linked to legitimize and accept contemporary behavior.

For instance, in the colonialist Europe, weak people were described as primitive or childlike

as justification of their dominion and (Pakington and Smith 1986:43; see also Finnegan

1969). To illustrate, some monuments exist as symbols in order to remind events or

movements. Some others became clichés as the Statue of Liberty, which performs the image

of the immigrants. Also, the construction of the Panama Canal provides a good example f

this. The new reinvention of history does not count with the sickness it brought, exploitation

of children and class worker, and the use of children to this construction.

In the need to reaffirm some ideologies a reconstruction of history is necessary. This is

achieved in museums, where they keep some aspects to themselves and only show parts of a

version. Also, writers contribute to this. For instance, in Monterey, there are some texts that

have been hegemonic by members of historical families or founders in order to justify the

excess of power and domination of masses. As consequence, the critics to that system

appears. The socio-critical Johan Steinbeck has reflected his opinion in his artworks, which

were transformed to caricatures and fictions.

Finally, history is written by people who are in power, the ones that have the right and

the position to re-create the past. In Colombia there are plenty of Statues of Bolivar, who is

seen as a leader, but what they do not told us is that he was not a leader, a brave soldier or a

noble conquer; instead he was a destroyer of people, history itself and lands.

An important event in my life:

I have had so many important events in my life. However, there is one moment

in particular that I would like to talk about. The day I adopted my dog, which was in June 2010 at 3 in

the afternoon.

When I was in high school

, I decided to adopt a little and forgotten dog. He was the last born and he had a medical condition.

Even, the veterinarian did not assure him a long life, for that reason nobody wanted him. I am

determined so I took him with me and I

named him Reynaldo Rueda after the Colombian football coach. You are probably wondering why, w

ell, it was because whenever the coach was on television, the dog payed attention to him as it was G

od talking and when I called him by that name, he wagged his tail. I really cherish this moment becau

se this dog has become my everything. I would not be the same person I am without having him in m

y life because he gave me the happiness I needed in my life.

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