Consider A Medium in Which The Heat Conduction Equation Is Given in Its Simplest Form As

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Heat Transfer Tutorials Ammar Abdulkadhim (MSc)

Conduction Heat Transfer

Conduction Heat Transfer equation in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical


Problem 1:

1. Consider a medium in which the heat conduction equation is given in its

simplest form as:


2. consider a medium in which the heat conduction equation is given in its

simplest form as


Heat Transfer Tutorials Ammar Abdulkadhim (MSc)
3. Consider a medium in which the heat conduction equation is given in its
simplest form as


Problem2: Derive the temperature distribution and the heat transfer rate along
a plane wall under steady state conditions without internal heat generation
considering the following boundary conditions: at T(x1)= T1 and T(x2)= T2

Heat Transfer Tutorials Ammar Abdulkadhim (MSc)

Problem 3: Derive a mathematical formula to determine the heat conduction

equation through a composite wall under steady state conditions without heat

In this way, the general mathematical formula of heat transfer for composite
wall containing n number of layers neglecting the interface resistance will be:
T 1−T n−1
q= n
∑ KA

Heat Transfer Tutorials Ammar Abdulkadhim (MSc)
Problem 4: write the general heat conduction equation in cylindrical coordinates
for steady state without internal heat source along the radial direction and then
derive in full-details the equations for temperature distribution and the heat
transfer rate and for the mentioned assumptions.


The general heat conduction for the cylindrical coordinates

For steady state without internal heat source along the radial direction, the
above equation will be reduced to:

Heat Transfer Tutorials Ammar Abdulkadhim (MSc)

Problem 5: write the general heat conduction equation in spherical coordinates

for steady state without internal heat source along the radial direction and then
derive in full-details the equations for temperature distribution and the heat
transfer rate and for the mentioned assumptions.


Heat Transfer Tutorials Ammar Abdulkadhim (MSc)

Problem 6: Consider a large plane wall of thickness L = 0.4 m, thermal conductivity

k = 2.3 W/m · °C, and surface area A =20 m2. The left side of the wall is maintained
at a constant temperature of T1= 80°C while the right side loses heat by convection to
the surrounding air at T = 15°C with a heat transfer coefficient of h = 24 W/m2· °C.
Assuming constant thermal conductivity and no heat generation in the wall, (a)
express the differential equation and the boundary conditions for steady one-
dimensional heat conduction through the wall, (b) obtain a relation for the variation
of temperature in the wall by solving the differential equation, and (c) evaluate the
rate of heat transfer through the wall.
A large plane wall is subjected to specified temperature on the left surface and convection on the right surface. The
mathematical formulation, the variation of temperature, and the rate of heat transfer are to be determined for steady one-
dimensional heat transfer.

Heat Transfer Tutorials Ammar Abdulkadhim (MSc)

Problem 7: Consider a steam pipe of length L = 15 ft, inner radius r1= 2 in.,
outer radius r2 = 2.4 in., and thermal conductivity K= 7.2 Btu/h · ft · °F. Steam is
flowing through the pipe at an average temperature of 250°F, and the average
convection heat transfer coefficient on the inner surface is given to be h =1.25
Btu/h · ft2· °F . If the average temperature on the outer surfaces of the pipe is
T2= 160°F, (a) express the differential equation and the boundary conditions for
steady one dimensional heat conduction through the pipe, (b) obtain a relation
for the variation of temperature in the pipe by solving the differential equation,
and (c) evaluate the rate of heat loss from the steam through the pipe.

Heat Transfer Tutorials Ammar Abdulkadhim (MSc)

Problem 8: A spherical container of inner radius r1= 2 m, outer r2= 2.1 m, and
thermal conductivity k = 30 W/m · °C is filled with iced water at 0°C. The
container is gaining heat by convection from the surrounding air at T = 25°C
with a heat transfer coefficient of h = 18 W/m2· °C. Assuming the inner surface
temperature of the container to be 0°C, (a) express the differential equation and
the boundary conditions for steady one-dimensional heat conduction through
the container, (b) obtain a relation for the variation of temperature in the
contain by solving the differential equation, and (c) evaluate the rate of heat gain
to the iced water.

Heat Transfer Tutorials Ammar Abdulkadhim (MSc)

Problem 9: Consider a large plane wall of thickness L =0.3 m, thermal

conductivity k = 2.5 W/m · °C, and surface area A =12 m2. The left side of the
wall at x = 0 is subjected to a net heat flux of q˙o = 700 W/m2 while the
temperature at that surface is measured to be T1= 80°C. Assuming constant
thermal conductivity and no heat generation in the wall, (a) express the
differential equation and the boundary conditions for steady one-dimensional
heat conduction through the wall, (b) obtain a relation for the variation of
temperature in the wall by solving the differential equation, and (c) evaluate the
temperature of the right surface of the wall at x = L.


Heat Transfer Tutorials Ammar Abdulkadhim (MSc)

Problem 10: consider a plane wall as in figure, of uniform thermal conductivity.

Derive the temperature distribution for one-dimensional heat conduction with
internal uniform heat generation under steady-state conditions. Consider the
temperature on both side maintained at the same temperature.

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Problem 11: consider a plane wall of uniform thermal conductivity. Derive the
temperature distribution for one-dimensional heat conduction with internal
uniform heat generation under steady-state conditions. Consider the
temperature on both side maintained at different temperature.


After applying the B.Cs. we get the general solution of temperature :

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Problem 12: Consider cylindrical shell with inner and outer surfaces at r 1 and r2
maintained at uniform temperatures Ts,1 and Ts,2 respectively. If there is uniform
heat generation within the shells, obtain expressions for the steady-state, one-
dimensional radial distributions of the temperatures, heat flux and heat rates.

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Problem 13: Consider spherical shell with inner and outer surfaces at r 1 and r2
maintained at uniform temperatures Ts,1 and Ts,2 respectively. If there is uniform
heat generation within the shells, obtain expressions for the steady-state, one-
dimensional radial distributions of the temperatures, heat flux and heat rates.

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Problem 14: A 6-m-long 2-kW electrical resistance wire is made of 0.2-cm-

diameter stainless steel (k = 15.1 W/m · °C). The resistance wire operates in an
environment at 30°C with a heat transfer coefficient of 140 W/m 2· °C at the
outer surface. Determine the surface temperature of the wire by setting up the
proper differential equation and solving it.

The mathematical formulation of this problem can be expressed as

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Problem 15: Consider a homogeneous spherical piece of radioactive material of
radius r0= 0.04 m that is generating heat at a constant rate of g·= 4 x 107 W/m3.
The heat generated is dissipated to the environment steadily. The outer surface
of the sphere is maintained at a uniform temperature of 80°C and the thermal
conductivity of the sphere is k = 15 W/m · °C. Assuming steady one-dimensional
heat transfer, (a) express the differential equation and the boundary conditions
for heat conduction through the sphere, (b) obtain a relation for the variation of
temperature in the sphere by solving the differential equation, and (c) determine
the temperature at the center of the sphere.

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Heat Transfer Tutorials Ammar Abdulkadhim (MSc)
Problem 16: A long homogeneous resistance wire of radius r 0=5 mm is being
used to heat the air in a room by the passage of electric current. Heat is
generated in the wire uniformly at a rate of g ·= 5 x 107 W/m3 as a result of
resistance heating. If the temperature of the outer surface of the wire remains at
180°C, determine the temperature at r = 2 mm after steady operation conditions
are reached. Take the thermal conductivity of the wire to be k = 8 W/m · °C


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Heat Transfer from extended surfaces (Fins)

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Problem 1: A long stainless-steel rod [k=16 W/mC] has a square cross section 12.5
by 12.5 mm and has one end maintained at 250◦C. The heat-transfer coefficient is 40
W/m2◦C, and the environment temperature is 90◦C. Calculate the heat lost by the rod.

Problem.2: An aluminum fin 1.5 mm thick is placed on a circular tube with 2.7-cm

OD. The fin is 6 mm long. The tube wall is maintained at 150◦C, the environment
temperature is 15◦C, and the convection heat-transfer coefficient is 20 W/m2C.
Calculate the heat lost by the fin

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Problem 3: A straight fin of rectangular profile has a thermal conductivity of 14

W/mC, thickness of 2.0 mm, and length of 23 mm. The base of the fin is maintained
at a temperature of 220 C while the fin is exposed to a convection environment at 23
C with h = 25 W/m2C. Calculate the heat lost per meter of fin depth.

Problem 4: A circumferential fin of rectangular profile is constructed of a material

having k = 55 W/mC and is installed on a tube having a diameter of 3 cm. The length
of fin is 3 cm and the thickness is 2 mm. If the fin is exposed to a convection
environment at 20◦C with a convection coefficient of 68 W/m 2C and the tube wall
temperature is 100◦C, calculate the heat lost by the fin.

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Heat Transfer Tutorials Ammar Abdulkadhim (MSc)
Problem 5: A triangular fin of stainless steel (18% Cr, 8% Ni) is attached to a plane
wall maintained at 460◦C. The fin thickness is 6.4 mm, and the length is 2.5 cm. The
environment is at 93◦C, and the convection heat-transfer coefficient is 28 W/m 2C.
Calculate the heat lost from the fin.

Problem. 6: A 2.5-cm-diameter tube has circumferential fins of rectangular profile

spaced at 9.5-mm increments along its length. The fins are constructed of aluminum
and are 0.8 mm thick and 12.5 mm long. The tube wall temperature is maintained at
200◦C, and the environment temperature is 93◦C. The heat-transfer coefficient is 110
W/m2C. Calculate the heat loss from the tube per meter of length

105∗0.8 π∗2.5
Ab =( H−Nt ) ( 2 π r 1 ) = 1−
1000 )(
200 )=846.7628 W

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Fig. (3-42): Efficiency of circular, rectangular, and triangular fins on a plain surface
of width w.

Fig. (3-42): Efficiency of circular fins of length L and constant thickness t

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Problem.8: The cylinder barrel of a motorcycle is constructed of 2024-T6 aluminum alloy (k = 186
W/m K) and is of height H = 0.15 m and OD = 50 mm. Under typical operating conditions the outer
surface of the cylinder is at a temperature of 500 K and is exposed to ambient air at 300 K, with a
convection coefficient of 50 W/m K. Annular fins of rectangular profile is typically added to
increase heat transfer to the surroundings. Assume that five (N=5) such fins, which are of thickness
t = 6 mm, length L = 20 mm and equally spaced, are added. What is the increase in heat transfer due
to addition of the fins?

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Problem.9: Steam in a heating system flows through tubes whose outer diameter is 5
cm and whose walls are maintained at a temperature of 180°C. Circular aluminum
alloy 2024-T6 fins186 W/m°C) of outer diameter 6 cm and constant thickness 1 mm
are attached to the tube. The space between the fins is3 mm, and thus there are 250
fins per meter length of the tube. Heat is transferred to the surrounding air at T ∞ = 25
°C with a heat transfer coefficient of 40 W/m·°C. Determine the increase in heat
transfer from the tube per meter of its length as result of adding fins.

Problem. 10: A hot surface at 100°C is to be cooled by attaching3-cm-long, 0.25-cm-

diameter aluminum pin fins (k = 237 W/m · °C) to it, with a center-to-center distance
of 0.6 cm. The temperature of the surrounding medium is 30°C, and the heat transfer
coefficient on the surfaces is 35 W/ m2·°C. Determine the rate of heat transfer from
the surface for a 1-m x 1-m section of the plate. Also determine the overall
effectiveness of the fins.

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Problem.12: A circumferential fin of rectangular profile is installed on a 10-cm-
diameter tube maintained at 120◦C. The fin has a length of 15 cm and thickness of 2
mm. The fin is exposed to a convection environment at 23◦C with h = 60 W/m C and
the fin. The thermal conductivity is 120 W/m C. Calculate the heat lost by the fin
expressed in watts.

Problem.13: A straight fin of rectangular profile is constructed of duralumin (94% Al,

3% Cu) with a thickness of 2.1 mm. The fin is 17 mm long, and it is subjected to a
convection environment with h=75 W/m2◦C. If the base temperature is 100 C and the
environment is at 30 C, calculate the heat transfer per unit length of fin.

Problem. 14: derive in full-details the general formula of energy equation for one-
dimensional heat dissipation from rectangular fin with no heat generation.

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Convection Heat Transfer

External Forced Convection Heat Transfer over Flat Plate
Air flows over a sharp edged flat plate with L = 1 m, a width of 3 m and
U = 2 m/s . For one side of the plate, find: (L), Cf (L), w(L), CD, and FD.
2 3
 = 1.46 E-5 m /s  = 1.23 kg/m Air:
U L 2m /s* 251. m
eR L   025
2 492  000
, 005 ,
 . E  5m /s
164 :First check Re

Key Point: Therefore, the flow is laminar over the entire length of the plate and
calculations made for any x position from 0 - 1 m must be made using laminar flow

Boundary layer thickness at x = L:[Blasius Exact Solution]

5L 5* 251
. m
 L   8910
0. m  189mc
eR L 492 025,

Local skin friction coefficient at x = L:

0. 466
C fL   0.
eR L 492 025

Surface shear stress at x = L:

 w  1 /2 U 2C f  0 5. *132. gk m
/ 3* 2 2m
2 2
*0 .

 w  0.0030 N / m2 Pa
Drag coefficient over total plate, 0 – L:

1. 823
C D L   0.
eR L 492 025

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Drag force over plate, 0 – L:

FD  1/ 2  U CD A  0.5 *1.23kg / m * 2 m / s * 0.00245* 2 * 2.15m

2 3 2 2 2 2

FD  0.0259N
Two key points regarding this analysis:

1. Each of these calculations can be made for any xL other location on the plate by

simply using the appropriate x location for any .

2. Be careful not to confuse the calculation for Cf and CD.

Cf is a local calculation at a particular x location (including x = L) and can only

be used to calculate local shear stress at a specific x, not drag force.

CD is an integrated average over a specified length (including any x  L ) and

can only be used to calculate the average shear stress over the entire plate and
the integrated force over the total length.


Q1: Engine oil at 80°C flows over a 6-m-long flat plate whose temperature is
30°C with a velocity of 3 m/s. Determine the total drag force and the rate of heat
transfer over the entire plate per unit width.[Taken from Cengel]


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Q2: During a cold winter day, wind at 55 km/h is blowing parallel to a 4-m-
high and 10-m-long wall of a house. If the air outside is at 5°C and the surface
temperature of the wall is 12°C, determine the rate of heat loss from that wall by
convection. What would your answer be if the wind velocity was doubled?

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Q3: Consider a hot automotive engine, which can be approximated as a 0.5-m-

high, 0.40-m-wide, and 0.8-m-long rectangular block. The bottom surface of the
block is at a temperature of 80°C and has an emissivity of 0.95. The ambient air is at
20°C, and the road surface is at 25°C. Determine the rate of heat transfer from the
bottom surface of the engine block by convection and radiation as the car travels at a
velocity of 80 km/h. Assume the flow to be turbulent over the entire surface because
of the constant agitation of the engine block.

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Q4: A transformer that is 10 cm long, 6.2 cm wide, and5 cm high is to be
cooled by attaching a 10 cm x 6.2 cm wide polished aluminum heat sink (emissivity
= 0.03) to its top surface. The heat sink has seven fins, which are 5 mm high, 2 mm
thick, and 10 cm long. A fan blows air at 25°C parallel to the passages between the
fins. The heat sink is to dissipate 20 W of heat and the base temperature of the heat
sink is not to exceed60°C. Assuming the fins and the base plate to be nearly
isothermal and the radiation heat transfer to be negligible, determine the minimum
free-stream velocity the fan needs to supply to avoid overheating.
Sol :

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Q5: Air at temperature 527 oC and 1 bar pressure flow with a velocity of 10
m/s over a flat plate of 50 cm long. Determine the cooling rate per unit width of the
plate needed to maintain it at a surface temperature of 27 oC. Neglect the radiation


Q6: Air is flowing at 25 oC with a velocity of 60 m/s over a Square flat plate
of 20 cm each side is maintained at a uniform temperature of 446 oF by means of an
embedded electric wire heater. Estimate the following parameters:

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1. The displacement thickness, the momentum thickness and the energy
2. The drag coefficient and the wall shear stress.
3. Electrical power input required. [Taken from CHRIS and NASER Heat
Transfer]. Hint: (oC=oR-491)/1.8

Q7: at 25°C and 1 atm is flowing over a long flat plate with a velocity of 8
m/s. Determine the distance from the leading edge of the plate where the flow
becomes turbulent, and the thickness of the boundary layer at that location.
Note: Repeat the previous problem for the water.[Home Work]

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Q8: Air at 20oC and 14kPa flows at a velocity of 150 m/s past a flat plate 1 m
long that is maintained at a constant temperature of 150oC. Determine the average
heat transfer rate per unit area of plate?

Q9: A 10 cm square plate has an electric heater installed that produces a

constant heat flux. Water at 10oC flows across the plate at a velocity of 3 m/s.
Determine the total heat transfer which can be dissipated if the plate temperature is
not to exceed 80 oC?

Q10: Air at 27 oC and 1 atm blows over a 4 m square flat plate at a velocity of
40 m/s. the plate temperature is 77 oC. Estimate the total heat transfer.

External Forced convection heat Transfer across cylinders and



1. The critical Reynolds number for flow across a circular cylinder or a sphere is
ℜcr=2×10 5.

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2. Calculation of Average drag coefficient : for flow past a circular cylinder or a
sphere can be calculated as a function of Reynolds number from Fig.1.

Fig.1: Average drag coefficient for cross flow over a smooth circular cylinder and a
smooth sphere

3. For flow over a circular cylinder, Heat transfer coefficient can be calculated
from Churchill and Bernstein [1977] empirical equation :
0.62 Re1D2 Pr 1 3   ReD 5 8 
Nu D  0.3  14 1    
1   0.4 Pr  2 3    282000  
 

 Valid for 102<ReD<107 and Pe≡ReDPr>0.

 The fluid properties are evaluated at the Film Temperature :
T f =( T s+ T ∞ ) /2

4. For flow over a sphere, Heat transfer coefficient can be calculated from the
following formula:
1 2 µ ∞ 1 /4
NuD ,Sphere = 2 + (0.4 ℜ2 +0.06 ℜ 3 ¿ Pr 0.4. ( ¿¿
D D µs

 This relation is valid when :

3.5≤ ℜ D ≤80000 ,

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0.7 ≤ Pr ≤ 380,

1.0¿ ¿)¿ 3.2

 The fluid properties in this case are evaluated at the Free-Stream

Temperature except μs calculated at surface temperature
5. Non-circular cylinders

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Table : Empirical correlations for the average Nusselt number for forced convection
over circular and noncircular cylinders in cross flow

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External forced convection heat transfer over Cylinder, sphere and noncircular

7-39: A long 8-cm-diameter steam pipe whose external surface temperature is 90°C
passes through some open area that is not protected against the winds. Determine the
rate of heat loss from the pipe per unit of its length when the air is at 1 atm pressure
and 7°C and the wind is blowing across the pipe at a velocity of 50 km/h.

7–55: The components of an electronic system are located in a 1.5-m-long horizontal

duct whose cross section is 20 cm 20 cm. The components in the duct are not allowed
to come into direct contact with cooling air, and thus are cooled by air at 30°C
flowing over the duct with a velocity of 200 m/min. If the surface temperature of the
duct is not to exceed 65°C, determine the total power rating of the electronic devices
that can be mounted into the duct.

7–60 A1.8-m-diameter spherical tank of negligible thickness contains iced water at

0ºC. Air at 25ºC flows over the tank with a velocity of 7 m/s. Determine the rate of
heat transfer to the tank and the rate at which ice melts. The heat of fusion of water at
0ºC is 333.7 kJ/kg.

Flat plate:

7–32 Air at 25°C and 1 atm is flowing over a long flat plate with a velocity of 8 m/s.
Determine the distance from the leading edge of the plate where the flow becomes
turbulent, and the thickness of the boundary layer at that location.

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7-28 A transformer that is 10 cm long, 6.2 cm wide, and5 cm high is to be cooled by
attaching a 10 cm x 6.2 cm wide polished aluminum heat
sink (emissivity = 0.03) to its top surface. The heat sink has
seven fins, which are 5 mm high, 2 mm thick, and 10 cm
long. A fan blows air at 25°C parallel to the passages
between the fins. The heat sink is to dissipate 20 W of heat and the base temperature
of the heat sink is not to exceed60°C. Assuming the fins and the base plate to be
nearly isothermal and the radiation heat transfer to be negligible, determine the
minimum free-stream velocity the fan needs to supply to avoid overheating.

This figure taken from Heat Transfer :

A Practical Approach By Yunis
Cengel. p.164

Summary of external forced convection heat transfer

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Parallel flow over a flat plate
Laminar, Rex5x10 5
C 466.0
,x ℜ −x 1 /2

ℜ 5.0xrP 1 /3
Laminar, Pr0.6 uN 233.0
,Turbulent, 5x105Re.107 C 950.0
,x ℜ −x 1 /5
,Turbulent uN6920.0
x= ℜ 8.0xrP 1 /3
5x10 Re.107≤rP
, ≤06 0.6
Over a flat plate
Laminar, T f , Re5x105 , over a flat plate C 33.1
=f ℜ −L 1 /2
Turbulent, average, T f , 5x105Re.107 C470.0
=f ℜ −L 1 /5
,Combined, average, T f , 5x105Re.107 ℜ −L 1 1742C-470.0
=f ℜ −L 1 /5
Turbulent, Rough surface,average T f , Re C =f ¿
6 −4
¿01 ,(ɛ /L )>01
ℜ L1rP 1 /3
,Laminar, average uN466.0
= /2
Pr0.6, Re5x10
,Turbulent, average uN730.0
= ℜ 8.0LrP 1 /3
5x105Re.107 ≤rP , ≤06 0.6
Combined, average, f , over a flat plate uN 730.0
= ( ℜ 4L −
178 rP ) 1 /3
5x105Re.107≤rP , ≤06 0.6
Isothermal surfaces with an unheated
starting section of lenght 
ℜ 1xrP 1 /3
Laminar 233.0 /2
uN = x
[1− (ξ /x )¿ ¿3 /4 ]1 /3¿
ℜ 4xrP 1 /3
Turbulent 6920.0 /5
uN = x 1 /9
[1− (ξ /x )¿ ¿901 / ] ¿


Uniform heat flux over a flat plate

ℜ 1xrP
5 1 /3
Laminar, Pr0.6, Re5x10 uN 354.0

Turbulent, 0.6 ≤ Pr ≤ 60, 5x105Re.107 uN8030.0

=x ℜ 8.0xrP 1 /3

Cross flow over a cylinder

ℜ D1 rP
/2 1 /3
RePr ¿ 0.2 ¿ . 0.62( + 0.3 uN
= rednilyc
D ,

.[1+4.0 / )¿¿2 /3 −] 1 /4¿

( rP

( D/ )¿ ¿5 /8 ]4 /5¿

Cross flow over a sphere

, 00008
D≤ 3.5 1 2
0.4( + 2uN
, 083
≤ 0.7 ℜ. 60.0
D+ ℜ D
¿rP 4.0 = erehpS
D ,

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Heat Transfer Tutorials Ammar Abdulkadhim (MSc)
¿ ¿) ¿ 1.0 (µ ¿ ¿∞ /µ s)1 /4¿
xamD ≤ 2 x01 6 Average, T m , 1000 m
xamD rP
ℜ 63.0
¿ C uN
= D
)Table 3N( L≥61 ≤rP 005
≤ 0.7
)Table 4N( L<61 , 1000ℜ
xamD ≥ uN D
, sknab .F uN
= D ,NebuT
L , sknab

Heat Exchanger
1. The Log Mean Temperature Difference Method

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Problem 1: A counter-flow double-pipe heat exchanger is to heat water from 20°C to 80°C at a rate of 1.2 kg/s. The
heating is to be accomplished by geothermal water available at 160°C at a mass flow rate of 2 kg/s. The inner tube is

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thin-walled and has a diameter of 1.5 cm. If the overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger is 640 W/m2 · °C,
determine the length of the heat exchanger required to achieve the desired heating.

Problem 2: A double-pipe counter-flow heat exchanger is to cool ethylene glycol (Cp =2560 J/kg·°C) flowing at a rate
of3.5 kg/s from 80°C to 40°C by water (Cp =4180 J/kg · °C) that enters at 20°C and leaves at 55°C. The overall heat
transfer coefficient based on the inner surface area of the tube is250 W/m 2·°C. Determine (a) the rate of heat transfer,
(b) the mass flow rate of water, and (c) the heat transfer surface area on the inner side of the tube.

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Problem 3: Glycerin (Cp =2400 J/kg.°C) at 20°C and 0.3 kg/s is to be heated by
ethylene glycol (Cp =2500 J/kg.°C) at 60°C in a thin-walled double-pipe parallel-
flow heat exchanger. The temperature difference between the two fluids is 15°C at
the outlet of the heat exchanger. If the overall heat transfer coefficient is 240 W/m 2
·°C and the heat transfer surface area is3.2 m2, determine (a) the rate of heat transfer,
(b) the outlet temperature of the glycerin, and (c) the mass flow rate of the ethylene

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Problem 4: Engine oil (Cp = 2100 J/kg.°C) is to be heated from 20°C to 60°C at a rate
of 0.3 kg/s in a 2-cm-diameter thin walled copper tube by condensing steam outside
at a temperature of 130°C (hfg = 2174 kJ/kg). For an overall heat transfer coefficient
of 650 W/m2. °C, determine the rate of heat transfer and the length of the tube
required to achieve it.

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Problem 5: Cold water (Cp=4180 J/kg · °C) leading to a shower enters a thin-walled
double-pipe counter-flow heat exchanger at 15°C at a rate of 0.25 kg/s and is heated
to 45°C by hot water(Cp=4190 J/kg · °C) that enters at 100°C at a rate of 3 kg/s. If
the overall heat transfer coefficient is 1210 W/m2 · °C, determine the rate of heat
transfer and the heat transfer surface area of the heat exchanger.

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2. Multipass HX Flow Arrangements: Use of Correction Factor
2.1 Theoretical Approach

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2.2 Chart Approach

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Problem 6: A test is conducted to determine the overall heat transfer coefficient in a
shell-and-tube oil-to-water heat exchanger that has 24 tubes of internal diameter 1.2
cm and length 2 m in a single shell. Cold water (Cp=4180 J/kg · °C) enters the tubes
at 20°C at a rate of 5 kg/s and leaves at 55°C. Oil (Cp=2150 J/kg · °C) flows through
the shell and is cooled from 120°C to 45°C. Determine the overall heat transfer
coefficient Ui of this heat exchanger based on the inner surface area of the tubes.

Problem 7: A shell-and-tube heat exchanger with 2-shell passes and 12-tube passes is
used to heat water (Cp=4180 J/kg · °C) in the tubes from 20°C to 70°C at a rate of
4.5 kg/s. Heat is supplied by hot oil (Cp=2300 J/kg · °C) that enters the shell side at
170°C at a rate of 10 kg/s. For a tube-side overall heat transfer coefficient of 600 W/
m2. °C, determine the heat transfer surface area on the tube side.

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Problem 8: A shell-and-tube heat exchanger with 2-shell passes and8-tube passes is
used to heat ethyl alcohol (Cp=2670 J/kg · °C) in the tubes from 25°C to 70°C at a
rate of 2.1 kg/s. The heating is to be done by water (Cp=4190 J/kg · °C) that enters
the shell side at 95°C and leaves at 45°C. If the overall heat transfer coefficient is 950
W/m2.°C, determine the heat transfer surface area of the heat exchanger.

Problem 9: A shell-and-tube heat exchanger with 1-shell pass and 20–tube passes is
used to heat glycerin (Cp _ 2480 J/kg · °C) in the shell, with hot water in the tubes.
The tubes are thin walled and have a diameter of 1.5 cm and length of 2 m per pass.
The water enters the tubes at 100°C at a rate of 5 kg/s and leaves at 55°C. The
glycerin enters the shell at 15°C and leaves at 55°C. Determine the mass flow rate of
the glycerin and the overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger.

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Problem 10: A test is conducted to determine the overall heat transfer coefficient in
an automotive radiator that is a compact cross-flow water-to-air heat exchanger with
both fluids (air and water) unmixed. The radiator has 40 tubes of internal diameter
0.5 cm and length 65 cm in a closely spaced plate-finned matrix. Hot water enters the
tubes at 90°C at a rate of 0.6 kg/s and leaves at65°C. Air flows across the radiator
through the inter fin spaces and is heated from 20°C to 40°C. Determine the overall
heat transfer coefficient Ui of this radiator based on the inner surface area of the

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3. NTU Method

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FIGURE 13–26: Effectiveness for heat exchangers (from Kays and London).

Taken From Yunus, A. Cengel. "Heat transfer: a practical approach." MacGraw Hill, New York (second

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Problem 11: A cross-flow air-to-water heat exchanger with an effectiveness of 0.65 is
used to heat water (Cp = 4180 J/kg.°C) with hot air (Cp =1010 J/kg.°C). Water enters
the heat exchanger at 20°C at a rate of 4 kg/s, while air enters at 100°C at a rate of 9
kg/s. If the overall heat transfer coefficient based on the water side is 260 W/m 2.°C,
determine the heat transfer surface area of the heat exchanger on the water side.
Assume both fluids are unmixed.

Problem 12: Hot oil (Cp =2200 J/kg · °C) is to be cooled by water (Cp =4180 J/kg ·
°C) in a 2-shell-pass and 12-tube-pass heat exchanger. The tubes are thin-walled and
are made of copper with a diameter of 1.8 cm. The length of each tube pass in the
heat exchanger is 3 m, and the overall heat transfer coefficient is 340 W/m2 · °C.
Water flows through the tubes at a total rate of 0.1 kg/s, and the oil through the shell
at a rate of 0.2 kg/s. The water and the oil enter at temperatures 18°C and 160°C,
respectively. Determine the rate of heat transfer in the heat exchanger and the outlet
temperatures of the water and the oil.

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Problem 13: A shell-and-tube heat exchanger with 2-shell passes and 8-tube passes is
used to heat ethyl alcohol (Cp =2670 J/kg.°C) in the tubes from 25°C to 70°C at a
rate of 2.1 kg/s. The heating is to be done by water (Cp =4190 J/kg.°C) that enters the
shell at 95°C and leaves at 60°C. If the overall heat transfer coefficient is 800
W/m2.°C, determine the heat transfer surface area of the heat exchanger using (a) the
LMTD method and (b) the NTU method.

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Problem 14: A cross-flow heat exchanger consists of 40 thin walled tubes of 1-cm
diameter located in a duct of 1 mx1 m cross-section. There are no fins attached to the
tubes. Cold water (Cp =4180 J/kg · °C) enters the tubes at 18°C with an average
velocity of 3 m/s, while hot air (Cp =1010 J/kg · °C) enters the channel at 130°C and
105 kPa at an average velocity of 12 m/s. If the overall heat transfer coefficient is 130
W/m2 · °C, determine the outlet temperatures of both fluids and the rate of heat

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Radiation Heat Transfer

Shape (View) Factors Calculations

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Radiation Heat Transfer in Two-Surface Enclosures

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Table1: Some Familiar Arrangements That Form a Two-Surface Enclosure

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Radiation Heat Transfer in Three-Surface Enclosures

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