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You are on page 1of 10 VOL. 10 | NO. 301 | MONDAY 17 MAY 2021 | HYDERABAD | PAGES 10 | `5.


Forecast: Afternoon clouds. Temp: Max.40°C. Min.29°C. Humidity: 12% Sunrise: 05:43 Sunset: 06:41

Simultaneously published from Hyderabad | Warangal | Tirupati | Amaravati | Visakhapatnam | Khammam | Kurnool | Delhi




Govt to tweak lockdown rules

More relaxed hours for some establishments likely
Virus discip or
AT COVID for me: Surviv
TO COMB self isolate


Stay calm, recovery

turned Mohammed eye
CORONA virus blink of an
down in the week of

world upside positive in the first
after he tested it was only his confidence;
April. However, support that

and family’s 44
positivity almost after

Boost immu Covid

Covid battle Begum and
him win the
his wife Saleha wait
HYDERABAD days. While watch, treat,
could only he stood
son Khadeer
isolate Aziz’s recovery, that he
rest as you and pray for himself
RELAX and mind can heal would tell

strong and

levels to be
yourself, including health says would surely
to The Hans
India, 58-
from “I
everything Pavan Deep While speaking
resident of
Attapur said,
Covid Survivor, Colony in Secun- He
despite year-old Aziz I picked up Covid.”
Keshava Nagar where and the re-
at home he don’t know
felt the pandemic “I only
battled Covid said that he
derabad. his Covid journey,
oxygen levels
atic it was mostly
Sharing sponse to to,” says Azeez.
S Khaim and low he was asymptom to when I had
86-year-old, lungs infection So he was
told that
said that him just a few days
and it took had no symptoms,
it's wore a mask things a little differently.
Now he sees to be made now, before
increased was found. focus on maintaini
in the body.
one levels
recover. "I to me, if I
really are
“Your choices – wear a mask and
no dif- still surprising not neg- ly you get infected he said. On April
5 he
HANS NEWS good immunitypandemic is are Yet I have day, he
KADAPA The Corona immunity levels had Covid. and immediate social distance,” and by the next
result the sick
ferent. If
your stay away
from lected the and followed started feeling fever continued for
ld, S virus will to all was
to isolated myself " he added. had a fever.
The worse
good, the his advice getting progressively


86-year-o who needed measures, ex-
story of an Anyone
you. He said d and ensure that levels. self isolation hard next few days, temperature of 102.
an inspiring survivor. am” Sharing his “It's reaching a
high taken to the
HERE is an COVID-19 Prapanch get vaccinate their immunity Pavan said, but immediately
Khaim Ternto leave this “Bhoutika ‘Jo perience, from family Azeez was with Covid-19.
and yourself. will keep boosting
is born has have faith in god who are scared to stay away to do it for their hospital and
was diagnosed
so we are forcedI did it too. The adopted home and my
some day (Those However he for breath
wo margaya’ health and I did after test- said, “I had
to struggle
arrange oxygen
dhargaya said. all through only thing stay in a rush to
his principle pa- brothers were I thought that I couldn’t
die) the survivor
always been life as news is to
ing positiveself isolate

60K doses
for me,
This has when he was in active calm and cylinders as I kept
I made it happenrecovered.”
proper make it but
his life evenfor about
57 years. age he never and to take n and rest; I
life, and finally resilience
per agent despite his advancedthe he was medicatio fighting for and
told me his strong hope He
He said when he was
was in iso- all this helpedand we It was
his life back
to normal.
felt nervousCovid-19. Khaim much better to- which brought lessons and
learned my

by said, “I have changed
affected 14 day. Despite increased levels are pleasant has been
completely ex-
lation for and low oxygen day," he added. my lifestyle like yoga,
good practices I have set up
lungs infection to hospital as I adopted also
get admitted  
about isola- healthy diet,
he did not   $  #  ercise and machine at
the entrance
home isolation.
and preferred that I would   ($   Further explaining "We the disinfectant Covid-19 pa-
believed shared that, our Suggesting
“I always said. He advised not    
video calls
with tion, Pavan a mask covering of my house.” in themselves
as it
he and  $ * and having and friends should Wear we tients to have faith survival if one is in-
recover,” ise on diet $( " your family and mouth whenever role in
to comprom thoughts nose and entering plays a crucial virus, he said “Protect
Isolate your- Avoid negative door. Those
most of his open the should also wear a
ons and the never
prayers.  fected with measures,
he spent slept for 
negative conversati nega- taking safety le,
However, self in a separate and everything your room the windows yourself by are uncomfortab
prayers and organ- a bathroom anything 10 days mask. We
can Open We that face masks
time doing day. He tried to man- room with 10 days if possible. think getting infected.”
six hours
a in such a for tive for thislow, do some light for ventilationhands frequently it protects
you from

of Sputnik
were if possible rest, relax feel music as
ise all his family members  Rest,
relax,  If you dance for , need to Wash
ner that
the grandson the cycle exercise or to four walls with soap."
Only his a day to give and continueanything you are confined
not him thrice own company
he chose without doing busy by read- enjoy your
used to go . Rest of the time back to your mind

medicines And he bounced  Keep TV shows

High sea waves due to cyclone Tauktae hit Bhagavathi Prem

to be alone. ing books,
. parents about early
normalcy he was told by his and how peo- ignore the un-

He said havoc vaccine lem is people. That is putting

As corona positive cases

had played turvy till easy,
symptoms on hospitals and

how plague things went tipsy become much
ple died and and things due pressure and bringin mis-
take if he observed.n and breathing medical staff and his fam-

one should him
the steps

made Meditatio
besides reading re- ery to a patient
they are he should
practice exercise, well for his ily." l Commis-
 ! realise that been preaching books worked 14 days, "As Municipalike to appeal
what he has thing he did was

Sinken Dredger, at Surathkal Beach near Mangaluru on Sunday

 $  covery within . sioner, I
would d.
  So the first pos- pointed out get vaccinate
ili- "   $ #    # per cent Viswanath to all, whether to all to please
are some
assign responsib to have hundred ex-

reach Hyd
Tirupati, colleagues and stay     $  do physical "I appeal patient Yes, there vaccine, but efforts
  # ")  itive outlook; doctor's advice. you are a
Coronavid never feel But,
ties to his regarding
address them.The

dipped a little after the en-

C P RAO e. he person,
" /..2  $ ercise; follow he did all that or a healthyor panic. are on to d fast.
in home of certain 'irre- %) MC said as part of quick vaccinate d,
CHITTOOR in society  &  The people depressed as you take do get
Because ( used to tell programme on all get vaccinate
when there
is a ' persons
sponsible no face mask and  $ & ( , # s As long
, like early
detection earlier we we can chase away
AT a time of Covid cases in -   awarenes measures instructions of the faster he added.
who wear follow the Covid  &  "     and follow need
steep spike news that Munic- who dont surge is more. Vul-
Covid. easy to preach will be no the virus,
 %( $   "Yes, it is but once
you doctors there ed. The prob-
the district, oner P Vish- norms, the who have

   $ /0  & than practice, d to recover
 -  &  to get hospitalis

Yoga expert
ipal Commissi sent nerable sections
infected It like BP, diabetes, #& $ are determinepower increases
wanath was among people. dilments , are getting  "  he has fast, the
shock waves he Cardiac problems said he too  "   th. But since

tients says

TaUKTae poUndS
so because The MC Vishwana to everyone
was more distinction of be- was g

forcement of 20-hour lock-

affected. got the infection in house been advocatin
earned the civic body chief must have since Staying alone for
among peoplecon- and

for covid pa
ing the first
novel virus. from one public
g disturbing their stress
to get the th said he took
somethin which eases ng mobility,
his job involves
Vishwana like everyday. pain, maintainithem practice

ce, a relief
decisions, better. and makingeasier to maintain
some quick his family to pa-
side, Covid & 
sending away On other from acute res-  $  #  breathing
  & & oxygen levels.

Yoga practi
easily. Few tients suffer # #&  +
help in breathing stim- distress syndrome   
D too much piratory which a fluid $ # &+
HYDERABA asanas have for few it is not in
(ARDS), the lungs creating # 
ulation andIn Kapalbhati " " #
leaks into breathing that

down from May 12, the Telan-

signifi- in ' $ &'
playing a advisable.
take fresh
oxygen difficulty body struggles re-


YOGA is - are several un-  
in the psycho-so asana we stretch our hands is when theoxygen it needs. Yes, there are
cant role tion
inside and which will put done, many Yoga is inhalation
and rehabilita in quar- to get the lungs of searches Rapid active with little ef-
cial care in tadasana lungs and lower proves
patients In the process, will lose derway which on covid ,
of Covid-19 isolation. Yoga is on of and exhalation bhastrika
pressure where ⅔ ARDS patients rigid. While effectively past re- fort is called pump in
antine andly beneficial in al- part of lungs by and turn the
and in the that we just
controlled elastin back patients
particular fear and anxiety breath is of lungs. On a bring
yoga won’t we can teach
shows fresh breath
laying the in search alreadypatients in our
resulting lower part of Yoga elastin, but to accept their help
Yoga can

among patients, says the Yoga regular practicein preven- y ill- lungs for
people how and breathe with respirator
easy recoveryRam from Art helps patients tion and to covid 20 times
new normal ness as suchalso

gana government, while

Guru Manas d. tion, rehabilita . is at a go
Hyderaba immunity recovery respi- and we
Of Living, increase related to the practice
    ration and


  & #   ' it for 7
 "  yogic breathe
exercise help
covid patients asana can
We suggest
yogic breathing
to practise to ensure heal-

at first place sness.
breathles . .
ing from breathing
Asanas involving hi

thinking of extending the

s like Kapalabat -
- -

. -

lockdown beyond May 21, is ABOUT 60,000 doses

BRAVEHEARTS likely to consider relaxing the of the second batch of
The second wave has timings of opening of a few sputnik, Russia’s
swept all of us with unimag- business establishments from Covid-19 vaccine, Cyclone ploughs through
inable devastation. While May 22. landed at the Rajiv coastal Kerala, K’taka, Goa
the media across various All supermarkets and gro- gandhi International
platforms is reeling figures cery stores which were selling Airport on sunday. BENGALURU/ PANAJI/ ployed in the state. Maha-
that make even a healthy essential commodities are "Pleased to share AHMEDABAD rashtra too was bracing for
person sick, The Hans India likely to be permitted to stay that the consignment impact as the Met depart-
looks at a cross-section of af- open till 6 pm in Hyderabad that arrived today in GALE-force winds, heavy ment predicted heavy to
fected people from all walks and other major municipal The second consignment of Covid-19 vaccine Sputnik V arrives at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport at Hyderabad contains rainfall and high tidal very heavy rains at isolated
of life who won over coron- towns in the state. The timings Shamshabad in Hyderabad on Sunday 60,000 doses of the sec- waves swept the coastal places in north Konkan,
avirus. The special page cap- for other trading centres would ond dose component of belt of Kerala, Karnataka Mumbai, Thane and Palghar
tures the spirit of hope and
gratitude. All of them bow
their heads to the selfless
remain the same between 6 am
and 10 am. Relaxation will also
be given to the cement and
Covaxin effective against the #sputnikV vaccine.
samples from the con-
signment will be sent
and Goa as Cyclone Tauk-
tae hurtled northwards to-
wards Gujarat on Sunday,
and extremely heavy rain-
fall in Raigad on Monday.
Four deaths have been re-
service by the medical fra-
ternity. They consider that
it's a rebirth for them. They
other construction material
shops to open for extra hours
following request from the
India, UK strains too: Study for release to the Cen-
tral Drugs Laboratory,"
the drug maker
leaving four people dead,
damaging hundreds of
houses, uprooting electric-
ported from Karnataka's Ut-
tara Kannada, Udupi,
Chikkamagaluru and Shiva-
transformed from philo- construction industry. HANS NEWS SERVICE found to be effective suchitra Ella said in a tweeted. Dr Reddy's ity poles and trees and mogga districts in cyclone-
sophical to practical. A decision on the extension HYDERABAD against coronavirus tweet. Laboratories on May 14 forcing evacuation. related incidents.
of the lockdown and permit- strains found in India she also tagged PMO soft launched the im- According to the India The water level in many
ting shops to open till evening CITINg a study pub- and the UK. India, Union Finance ported Covid-19 vac- Meteorological Department dams across Kerala showed
would be taken at the Cabinet lished in peer-reviewed The study was con- Minister Nirmala cine sputnik V, priced (IMD), Tauktae which has a rising trend after heavy
meeting convened by Chief medical journal, Clinical ducted in collaboration sitharaman and Health at Rs 948, with five per taken the form of a "very rains in the catchment ar-
Minister K Chandrashekar Infectious Diseases, the with the National Insti- Minister Harsh Vardhan, cent gsT per dose (re- severe cyclonic storm" is eas, prompting authorities
Rao on May 20. Hyderabad-based vac- tute of Virology and In- among others, in the tail price). "given the likely to intensify further to sound an alert. Gusty
"The government is not in cine major noted that dian Council of Medical tweet. The study found a recent launch of the during the next 24 hours winds and heavy rains
a mood to continue 20-hour vaccination with Covaxin Research, it added. modest reduction in neu- Russian vaccine in the and reach the Gujarat coast started lashing several
lockdown for all sectors,” of- produced neutralising "Covaxin gets interna- tralisation by a factor of Indian vaccination on Monday evening. parts of Goa since Sunday
ficials said the Medical and titres against all key tional recognition yet 1.95 against B.1.617 vari- campaign, this second An estimated 1.5 lakh morning. Power supply in a
Health department was emerging variants tested, again, by scientific re- ant compared to vaccine delivery has become people are being shifted majority of areas of Goa
compiling corona cases data including B.1.617 and search data published variant D614g, Bharat very timely. The effi- from low-lying coastal ar- was disrupted as hundreds
Kedarnath temple, which is on a daily basis and will pre- B.1.1.7, first identified in demonstrating protec- Biotech noted. Despite cacy of the #sputnikV eas in Gujarat while 54 of electric poles were up-
all set for reopening of its pare a comparative study re- India and the UK, respec- tion against the new vari- this reduction, neutralis- is well-known in the teams of National Disaster rooted due to the high-
portals on May 17 port on positive cases be- tively. ants. Yet another feather ing titre levels with world," Nikolay Kuda- Response Force (NDRF) and speed winds, state Power
(Monday), has been fore and after the lockdown Bharat Biotech on sun- in its cap," Bharat B.1.617 remain above lev- shev Russian Ambassa- State Disaster Response Minister Nilesh Cabral said.
decorated with 11 quintals in the state. day said its Covid-19 vac- Biotech co-founder and els expected to be protec- dor to India tweeted. Force (SDRF) have been de- Continued on Page 5
of flowers. However, in view Continued on Page 5 cine, Covaxin, has been Joint Managing Director tive, it added.
of the pandemic, the famous
Char Dham yatra has been
suspended this time but the
arrangement has been
made for the devotees to
have online 'darshan' in

Israeli military
targets top
Hamas leader
Jerusalem: The Israeli military
says it has targeted the home of
Gaza's top Hamas leader after
nearly a week of heavy airstrikes
and rocket fire into Israel from the
territory ruled by the Islamic mili-
tant group. Brig. Gen. Hidai Zilber-
man, an army spokesman, told Is-
rael's army radio sunday that the
military targeted the home of
Yehiyeh sinwar, the most senior
Hamas leader inside the territory,
who is likely in hiding. His home is States to get 51 lakh vaccine
doses in next 3 days
located in town of Khan Younis, in
southern Gaza strip.

NEW DELHI (20,28,09,250) to states states with negative bal-

and UTs free of cost, it ance are showing more
MORE than 1.84 crore said. Of this, the total con- consumption (including
Covid-19 vaccine doses sumption, calculated wastage) than vaccine
are still available with based on average up to supplied as they have not
states and UTs, while May 14, including reconciled the vaccine
nearly 51 lakh doses are in wastages, is 18,43,67,772 they have supplied to
the pipeline and will be re- doses, according to data Armed Forces," the min-
ceived by them within the available at 7 pm on sat- istry said.
next three days, the Union urday. It said 50,95,640 vac-
Health Ministry said on "More than 1.84 crore cine doses are in the
sunday. Covid vaccine doses pipeline and will be re-
The Centre has so far (1,84,41,478) are still avail- ceived by states and UTs
provided more than 20 able with the states and within the next three days.
crore vaccine doses UTs to be administered. Continued on Page 5

Centre rolls out Covid SoPs for rurban

NEW DELHI Health Ministry said. Not- rate entry and exit for each. should be sent to higher
ing that besides urban areas "suspect and confirmed centres.
As rural areas see a rise in reporting a large number of cases should not be allowed Identified suspected
Covid-19 cases, the Centre cases, a gradual ingress is to mix under any circum- Covid cases should link for
on sunday issued new now being seen in peri-ur- stances," the sOP said. testing to health facilities ei-
guidelines for containment ban, rural and tribal areas as According to the sOP, in ther through Covid-19 rapid
of the virus advising that well, the ministry released every village, active surveil- antigen testing or by refer-
peri-urban and rural areas the 'sOP on Covid-19 Con- lance should be done for in- ral of samples to nearest
plan a minimum 30-bedded tainment and Management fluenza-like illness/ severe Covid-19 testing laboratory,
Covid Care Centre for in Peri-urban, Rural & acute respiratory infec- in accordance with ICMR
asymptomatic cases with Tribal areas' to enable com- tions(ILI/sARI) periodi- guidelines. CHOs and ANMs
comorbidities or mild cases munities strengthen pri- cally by AsHA with help of should be trained in per-
where home isolation is not mary level healthcare infra- Village Health sanitation forming Rapid Antigen
feasible. structure at all levels to and Nutrition Committee Testing. Provision of RAT
Provision of Rapid Anti- intensify Covid-19 response. (VHsNC). symptomatic kits should be made at all
gen Test (RAT) kits should It said Covid Care Centres cases can be triaged at vil- public health facilities in-
be made at all public health (CCC) can admit a suspect lage level by tele-consulta- cluding sub-centres, Health
facilities, including sub- or confirmed case but tion with Community and Wellness Centres and
centres or Health and Well- should have separate areas Health Officer (CHO), and Primary Health Centres, the
ness Centres and Primary for suspected and confirmed cases with comorbidity or document said.
Health Centres, the Union cases with preferably sepa- low oxygen saturation Continued on Page 5


Stay calm, self isolate for Virus disciplined
me: Survivor
Boost immunity easy recovery

levels to beat Covid

CORONA virus turned Mohammed Aziz’s
HYDERABAD world upside down in the blink of an eye
after he tested positive in the first week of
RELAX and rest as you isolate April. However, it was only his confidence;
yourself, calm mind can heal positivity and family’s support that made
86-year-old S Khaim battled Covid at home despite everything including health, says
a Covid survivor, Pavan Deep
him win the Covid battle almost after 44
days. While his wife Saleha Begum and
increased lung infection and low oxygen levels from Keshava Nagar Colony in son Khadeer could only watch, treat, wait
Secunderabad. and pray for Aziz’s recovery, he stood
HANS NEWS SERVICE was made. So he was told that Sharing his Covid journey, he strong and would tell himself that he
KADAPA one should focus on maintaining said that he was asymptomatic would surely recover.
good immunity levels. and it took him just a few days to While speaking to The Hans India, 58-
The Corona pandemic is no dif- recover. "I had no symptoms, it's year-old Aziz resident of Attapur said, “I
HERE is an inspiring story of an 86-year-old, S ferent. If your immunity levels are still surprising to me, if I really don’t know where I picked up Covid.” He
Khaim Tern an Covid-19 survivor. Anyone who is good, the virus will stay away from had Covid. Yet I have not neg- said that he felt the pandemic and the re-
born has to leave this “Bhoutika Prapancham” you. He said his advice to all was to lected the result and immediately sponse to it was mostly political, “I only
some day so have faith in God and yourself. ‘Jo get vaccinated and ensure that they isolated myself and followed the wore a mask when I had to,” says Azeez.
dhargaya wo margaya’ (Those who are scared will keep boosting their immunity levels. needed measures," he added. Now he sees things a little differently.
die) the survivor said. Sharing his self isolation ex- “Your choices are to be made now, before
This has always been his principle all through perience, Pavan said, “It's hard you get infected – wear a mask and ensure
his life even when he was in active life as newspa- to stay away from family but social distance,” he said. On April 5 he
per agent for about 57 years. we are forced to do it for their started feeling sick and by the next day, he
He said despite his advanced age he never health and I did it too. The had a fever. The fever continued for the
felt nervous when he was told the he was only thing I did after test- next few days, getting progressively worse
affected by Covid-19. Khaim was in iso- ing positive is to stay reaching a high temperature of 102.
lation for 14 day. Despite increased calm and self isolate Azeez was immediately taken to the
lungs infection and low oxygen levels, and to take proper hospital and was diagnosed with Covid-19.
he did not get admitted to hospital medication and rest; However he adopted home quarantine. He
and preferred home isolation. all this helped me said, “I had to struggle for breath and my
“I always believed that I would much better and we brothers were in a rush to arrange oxygen
recover,” he said. He advised not are pleasant to- cylinders for me, I thought that I couldn’t
to compromise on diet and day," he added. make it but I made it happen as I kept
prayers. fighting for life, and finally I recovered.”
However, he spent most of his Sharing few tips on It was his strong hope and resilience
time doing prayers and slept for self isolation, Pavan which brought his life back to normal. He
six hours a day. He tried to organ- highlighted few major said, “I have learned my lessons and now
ise all his activities in such a man- things which he has my lifestyle has been completely changed
followed, such as:
ner that the family members were and having video calls with Further explaining about isola- as I adopted good practices like yoga, ex-
not troubled. Only his grandson v Isolate your- your family and friends tion, Pavan shared that, "We ercise and healthy diet, also I have set up
used to go to him thrice a day to give self in a separate v Avoid negative thoughts and should Wear a mask covering our the disinfectant machine at the entrance
medicines. Rest of the time he chose room with a bathroom negative conversations and nose and mouth whenever we of my house.” Suggesting Covid-19 pa-
to be alone. And he bounced back to if possible for 10 days anything and everything nega- open the door. Those entering tients to have faith in themselves as it
normalcy. v Rest, relax, rest, relax tive for this 10 days your room should also wear a plays a crucial role in survival if one is in-
He said he was told by his parents about and continue the cycle v If you feel low, do some light mask. We can Open the windows fected with the virus, he said “Protect
how plague had played havoc and how people without doing anything exercise or dance for music as for ventilation if possible. We yourself by taking safety measures, never
died and things went topsy turvy till vaccine v Keep your mind busy by read- you are confined to four walls , need to Wash hands frequently think that face masks are uncomfortable,
ing books, watching TV shows enjoy your own company with soap." it protects you from getting infected.”

Tirupati, assign responsibili- the steps one should take if and things become much easy, lem is people ignore the early
CHITTOOR ties to his colleagues and stay n Municipal Commissioner P Vishwanath getting they are affected made him he observed. symptoms. That is putting un-
in home quarantine. infected was a shock to many realise that he should practice Meditation and breathing due pressure on hospitals and
AT a time when there is a Because of certain 'irre- what he has been preaching. exercise, besides reading medical staff and bringin mis-
steep spike in Covid cases in sponsible' persons in society n He took some quick n First thing he did was to have So the first thing he did was books worked well for his re- ery to a patient and his fam-
the district, news that Munic- who wear no face mask and decisions, like 100% positive outlook; do to have hundred per cent pos- covery within 14 days, ily."
ipal Commissioner P Vish- who dont follow the Covid sending away physical exercise; follow itive outlook; do physical ex- Viswanath pointed out . "As Municipal Commis-
wanath was infected has norms, the surge is more. Vul- doctor's advice ercise; follow doctor's advice. "I appeal to all, whether sioner, I would like to appeal
shocked many. It was more so nerable sections who have
family to Tirupati, The MC said he did all that he you are a Coronavid patient to all to please get vaccinated.
because he earned the dis- dilments like BP, diabetes, assign n Meditation & breathing used to tell people as part of or a healthy person, never feel Yes, there are some problems
tinction of being the first Cardiac problems, are getting responsibilities to exercise, besides reading awareness programme on depressed or panic. regarding vaccine, but efforts
civic body chief to get the affected. The MC said he too colleagues & stay in books worked well for his Covid. As long as you take quick are on to address them. But,
novel virus. must have got the infection home quarantine recovery within 14 days "Yes, it is easy to preach measures, like early detection do get vaccinated fast. The
Vishwanath said he took from one among people since than practice, but once you and follow instructions of earlier we all get vaccinated,
some quick decisions, like his job involves public con- Staying alone in house was Vishwanath. But since he has are determined to recover doctors there will be no need the faster we can chase away
sending away his family to tact everyday. something disturbing for been advocating to everyone fast, the will power increases to get hospitalised. The prob- the virus, he added.

Yoga practice, a relief for Covid patients says Yoga experts

HYDERABAD help in breathing easily. Few On other side, Covid pa- better. which eases their stress and
asanas have too much stim- tients suffer from acute res- pain, maintaining mobility,
YOGA is playing a signifi- ulation and for few it is not piratory distress syndrome Do we have any scientific and making them practice
cant role in the psycho-so- advisable. In Kapalbhati (ARDS), in which a fluid evidence to say yoga is breathing easier to maintain
cial care and rehabilitation asana we take fresh oxygen leaks into the lungs creating working effectively to re- oxygen levels.
of Covid-19 patients in quar- inside and stretch our hands difficulty in breathing that cover from covid symp-
antine and isolation. Yoga is in tadasana which will put is when the body struggles toms? What is the best breathing
particularly beneficial in al- pressure on lungs and lower to get the oxygen it needs. technique that can be fol-
laying the fear and anxiety part of lungs where ⅔ of In the process, lungs of Yes, there are several re- lowed by Post acute Covid
among patients, resulting in breath is controlled by ARDS patients will lose searches done, many are un- patients ?
easy recovery says the Yoga lower part of lungs. On a elastin and turn rigid. While derway which proves Yoga is
Guru Manas Ram from Art regular practice of Yoga yoga won’t bring back the working effectively on covid Rapid active inhalation
Of Living, Hyderabad. helps patients in preven- elastin, but we can teach patients and in the past re- and exhalation with little ef-
tion, rehabilitation and to people how to accept their search already shows that fort is called bhastrika,
What yoga asanas are increase immunity. new normal and breathe Yoga can help patients we just pump in
taught for Covid patients ? with respiratory ill- fresh breath
ness as such covid in our
We suggest covid patients recovery is also lungs for
to practise yogic breathing related to respi- 20 times
at first place to ensure heal- ration and the at a go
ing from breathlessness. yogic breathe and we
Asanas involving breathing exercise and practice
techniques like Kapalabathi, asana can help it for 7
Tadasana, Gomukasana, ease lingering to 10
Marjariasana are taught de- symptoms of minutes
pending on the condition of covid19. starting
the patient. Not everyone with a few 10
can go for all the asanas, but What symptoms of seconds to the
on yoga experts advise they covid 19 can be cured capability of the person. As
need to select the asana and by Yoga practice ? patients will have needed
practice regularly. strength post Covid, we sug-
People diagnosed with gest “breath control” tech-
How does yoga help pa- COVID-19 experience pro- niques similar to Ujjayi and
tients to recover from longed symptoms including pranayama practices that
Covid-19 ? trouble breathing, call on breath retention to
headaches, nausea, muscle work through chronic
Yogic breathing is the one pain, and fatigue that lasts coughing and breathless-
which we majorly suggest for weeks and for months in ness.
where we inhale oxygen few patiences. Our Yoga However, Yoga Guru says
slowly and exhale the car- teachers address these Combination of balanced
bon dioxide more slowly symptoms by activating the activities and rest is needed
than the inhalation, this will immunity through asanas to recover faster.

Lockdown shakes up
‘Nawabi’ Hyderabadis
HYDERABADIS who are known
for waking up late are now seen
making a beeline at grocery
stores and other establishments
with a bag in one hand and an-
other on the yawning mouth.
As the lockdown entered day
five on Sunday, a huge crowd was
seen at most City markets, with
people queuing up in front of
stores and shopping complexes Minister KTR and Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar received 200 oxygen concentrators by the leading renewable energy firm
from early hours at week-end Greenko in Hyderabad on Sunday
during the four-hour relaxation.
On Sunday morning people,
who normally rise late especially,
were seen rushing to purchase
KTR thanks Centre for increasing
supplies of oxygen and Remdesivir
their needs. “For last five days, I
had to get up early and rush to
the grocery store and also the
meat shop. Waking up late seems
to be forgotten by people who HANS NEWS SERVICE situation and are acting swiftly
n Appeals to corporates to
now are forced out of bed to go during an emergency,” Rao ob-
to markets before the lockdown
join in combating Covid served.
relaxation time ends,” said Mo- MUNICIPAL Administration n Greenko donates 200 The minister appreciated the
hammed Khizar of Shalibanda. Minister KT Rama Rao on Sun- oxygen concentrators to Greenko Group for donating
During the day some super day thanked the Union govern- Telangana govt 1,000 oxygen concentrators to
bazaars and main grocery mar- ment for increasing the supply various States in the country. In
kets like Begum Bazar, Mir of oxygen and drug Remdesivir n Chief Secretary Somesh the first phase, the firm donated
Alam Mandi, Mahboob besides other vaccines, which Kumar told additional oxygen concentrators to Telan-
Gunj and all stores/ would help treat patients in 2 MTs of oxygen gana. He thanked Greenko
shops in colonies time. will be available Group MD and CEO Anil Chala-
were crowded Rao and Chief Secretary masetty for helping the State
with people even at kirana stores to stock up essen- some or other needy item is being Somesh Kumar at Shamshabad Minister said "irrespective of during the pandemic. KTR also
waiting from s m a l l tial commodities. Now they are missed or is out of stock,” said Airport received on behalf of the political parties, public repre- thanked the management of In-
early hours shops of rushing to stores for stock up on Ravi, a customer at a supermar- government the oxygen concen- sentatives are working as a team digo Airlines for facilitating the
to make residential their needs. ket in Dilsukhnagar. trators which reached Hyder- to combat the virus. transport of the oxygen concen-
purchases. colonies, “As people are stocking up we Immediately after 10 am, the abad in a special flight from He stated that the govern- trators from China.
While most due to re- ran out of groceries. Even as lock- police were seen making rounds China.. Leading renewable en- ment was ensuring continuous Rao said several corporate or-
customers strictions down relaxation was given, they ensuring that all shops were shut. ergy firm Greenko had donated supply of oxygen to avoid any ganisations were offering to
were seen enforced by are still in panic and storing com- They also gave some time to over 200 oxygen concentrators deaths due to its crisis. “Under help the government during the
wearing face- the govern- modities,” said Rizwan, owner of shopkeepers and buyers to reach to the government. the leadership of Chief Minister pandemic. He appealed to to
masks, they ment in view of a grocery store in the Old City. their destinations. Following this, KTR said the government was K Chandrasekhar Rao, the gov- corporate firms to join hands in
failed to maintain the second wave “Daily have to wake up early, the police checked vehicles. Peo- taking all steps to combat the ernment is working with com- combating the virus.
physical distancing at of Covid-19. When as it is only a four-hour relax- ple working under the essential Covid pandemic, adding that plete coordination with medical The Chief Secretary informed
most places. the lockdown began on ation. We have a limited time for services category or with a pass Hyderabad has been providing institutions. The public repre- that with the arrival of 200 con-
People were seen engaged in May 12, people thronged veg- purchasing commodities. While were allowed to commute during treatment to patients coming sentatives and officials are on centrators, an additional 2 MTs
over-purchasing of groceries etable shops, supermarkets and stores have a huge rush, daily the lockdown. from neighbouring States. The the ground to take stock of the of oxygen will be now available.

Azadi ka Amrit BJP urges Governor to include Webinar

organised by
Mahotsav celebration PRCI Hyderabad
Covid treatment in Arogyasri HANS NEWS SERVICE
HANS NEWS SERVICE nor in directing the govern- PUBLIC Relations Council of India
HYDERABAD ment to ensure the inclusion (PRCI), Hyderabad Chapter organ-
of Corona under the Aaro- ized its first webinar Saturday on the
TELANGANA BJP president gyasri scheme which will ben- topic “Dea(r)th of Depth? The
Bandi Sanjay on Sunday urged efit about 80 lakh families. He Changing Media Consumption in a
Governor Tamilisai also wanted the government Distracted Digital World!” as a part
Soundararajan to direct the to implement a worldwide ac- of the National Talent Hunt Series
government to include Covid- claimed Ayushman Bharat launched by the Governing Council
19 treatment in Aarogyasri scheme under which the eligi- of PRCI. Anindita Sinha, chairperson,
and also implement the ble poor will get benefits up to PRCI Hyderabad Chapter, said “Dur-
Aayushman Bharat scheme in Rs 5 lakhs. ing this fast-changing world, produc-
the State. Sanjay recalled that the tion and consumption of news must
Bandi Sanjay said that over chief minister made a state- be backed by a lot of responsibilities,
80 per cent of the Telangana ment on the floor of the house and the fast track digitally distracted
population belongs to the that Ayushman Bharath world gives all communication pro-
HANS NEWS SERVICE V V L Subhadra Devi, Cura- poorer sections. Since the first scheme would be imple- fessionals an opportunity to keep
B AHADURPURA tor thanked one and all for par- wave of Corona in March mented in the state which was the stands of news and information
ticipating in the webinar and 2020, the Telangana govern- further endorsed by Telan- backed by the robust ethical sense
AS a part of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit the week-long programmes ment hasn't done anything to gana chief secretary in the of journalism.” MB Jayaram, chief
Mahotsav’ celebrations, on which came to an end on Sun- ramp up medical infrastruc- CMs meet with the Prime mentor and chairman emeritus,
Day-7 a webinar was conducted day. ture both in the rural and the Minister on December 30. PRCI, T Vinay Kumar, national presi-
on Malabar Pied Hornbill by On the day of conclusion, she urban areas, despite funds “The magnitude of the crisis dent, PRCI, members of jury; direc-
the Curator, Nehru Zoological expressed happiness and satis- from the union government, which has hit the lives and tors and members of the PRCI gov-
Park in Bahadurpura on Sun- faction and thanked the Cen- which has accentuated the the meagre facilities for Co- discriminately. Many poor livelihoods across the spec- erning council along with members
day. During which a presenta- tral Zoo Authority, New Delhi current corona crisis and the rona treatment in the govern- people either are dying unable trum of life and the worst hit from the young communicators club;
tion was given by Pooja Powar, for giving the opportunity on plight of the poor. ment sector is always com- to afford treatment or mort- are the poor people. We all other national and zonal council
a wildlife biologist. About 60 this big platform for showcas- Sanjay said that hundreds of pletely occupied. The poor gaging their properties to be have a collective responsibil- members and other chapter mem-
wildlife experts, NGO’s, veteri- ing the successful breeding and people who were getting af- people have no option but to in debt for the rest of their ity to save the vulnerable and bers across the country and abroad
narians, biologists actively par- rehabilitation programme on fected by Corona daily have admit themselves to private lives, he said. the only way for that is to fa- including Canada and Nepal partici-
ticipated in the webinar which Mouse Deer and other week- been desperately searching for hospitals which are exploiting The BJP president sought cilitate quality medical help,” pated and over 100 participants
lasted for one and half hour long programmes. beds in private hospitals as the situation and charging in- the intervention of the Gover- said Sanjay. logged in for this webinar.

Man murdered for seeking treasure, six arrested

HANS NEWS SERVICE friend Anthony has special pow- around and would blackmail
KUSHAIGUDA ers to unearth the hidden treas- them by stating that he would
ure from lands and lured him to reveal it to the families of the
THE Kushaiguda police on Sun- travel with Anthony to persons that they were in-
day arrested six persons for Prakasham district so that he dulging in black magic. The ac-
murdering a man by making him can get the treasure. As Ram- cused Anthony later took Ra-
believe that he would find treas- murthy agreed to the condi- murthy to his residence and
ure on his property. The accused tions, on May 12, he went to blackmailed him, but when the
were identified as Anthony meet Anthony along with Srini- victim refused to comply with
Moses alias Srikanth, Vani vas. his demands, the accused mur-
Sagar, Srinivas Reddy, Jittu Upon reaching a location near dered him along with his associ-
Singh, Manoj Singh and An- Nagaram in Keesara, both Srin- ates and threw his body in a
thony Bhagya and the deceased vas and Rammurthy were wait- nearby lake, said the police.
was A. Rammurthy (61), a build- ing for Anthony, but he arrived However, after a lot of investi-
ing contractor. late because Anthony was a ha- gation the accused gang was ar-
According to police, the ac- bitual offender and a fraud that rested and charged under sec-
cused Srinivas Reddy, was a used to bait gullible people us- tions 302, 342, 201, and 384 r/w
friend of deceased. The accused ing his associates and click their 120(B) of IPC and remanded
informed Rammurthy that his pictures while they were moving them to judicial custody.

Pleas to set up plasma

collection ambulance

PLASMA therapy is one of the

key elements for Covid treat-
ment. As there is a continuous
rise of Covid cases in the city si-
multaneously demand for
plasma donors has increased. But
the challenge lies that only out of
1000 donors 10 recovered pa-
tients are turning up to donate
plasma due to fear and the mis-
conception that they would once
again get exposed to the Virus. So
various members of hyderabad
Blood Donor Groups took up this
Out of 1000
donors only
Members of Hyderabad Blood Donor
Groups took up the matter on social
S M Foundation’s gesture to a PWD
matter on social media platforms HANS NEWS SERVICE riage at Keesara on behalf of S M Chairman regarding inability of
and have requested to set up 10 recovered media platforms and requested to set HYDERABAD Foundation and Munnuru Kapu disabled person, Deshagoni
plasma collection ambulances in patients are up plasma collection ambulances in Sangam, Puttam Purshotham Venkanna Goud in performing
every area to reach the people turning up to every area to reach the people who SARDAR Puttam Purushotham said his organisation is striving marriage of his daughter, S M
who want to donate their plasma. donate plasma want to donate their plasma Rao,executive Director of S M hard to the help the poorer sec- Foundation and Munnuru Kapu
“We as the members of hyder- Foundation and Convener of tions of society through various Sangam came forward and
abad Blood Donors Society have lar centre where they could go ered from Covid can help to save Society, hyderabad. Telangana Rashtra Munnuru programmes. helped Goud in arranging the
been encouraging people to come and donate. It would be better if many lives. Like various blood “Only five per cent of Covid Kapu Sangam said 'wealthy and Karre Venkanna Patel,Chair- cash and articles for his daugh-
forward and Telangana police is the State government set up donor societies, we have started positive patients end up needing rich people should and must man, Keesara Munnuru Kapu ter's marriage.
also appealing to the recovered plasma ambulances in every area, an online portal to connect plasma. If everyone who has re- have the generous attitude to Sangam presented the puste To help continuing their activ-
Covid patients to donate plasma. so it would be helpful to the peo- plasma donors with those in need covered from the Virus comes help the poor people in the soci- mettalu, cash and saree to the ities, Vishnu Jagathi chipped in
But the response is very low, as ple,” said Sai Kumar, a member but people out of fear are not forward and donates plasma, we ety.' Speaking at a function or- bride. he appreciated the S M with pusthe mettalu, cash and sa-
Covid cases are increasing day by of hyderabad Blood Donors So- coming up. Plasma ambulances can ensure zero casualties. I re- ganised on the occasion of pre- Foundation for helping the poor rees to three poor women for
day; people are in fear of getting ciety, LB Nagar. in every area will help people who quest the State government to senting puste mettalu, Rs 20,000 people through its social activi- their marriages at a function or-
infected with the Virus. People “even if half of them come for- are willing to donate plasma can launch a plasma ambulance,” said cash and a silk saree to a girl ties. ganised at VPJ Function hall,
who are interested are not able ward to donate their plasma, easily do the needful, said T V Sujan, a member of Blood Bhargavi, daughter of a disabled Following information given Lakshammakkapally, Vontim-
to donate, as there is no particu- those who have recently recov- Amar, member of Blood Donors Donors Society, hyderabad. person, Venkanna Goud for mar- by Chandra Reddy, Municipal mamidi village, near Gajwel.

Private hospitals are fleecing `2 cr annual

package for city
student in US
Covid patients, charges Uttam HANS NEWS SERVICE
HYDERABAD AN engineering student of City,
Narkuti Deepthi, who com-
TeLANGANA Pradesh Congress pleted MS from the University
Committee President N Uttam of Florida this month, has se-
Kumar Reddy on Sunday criticis- cured a job in Microsoft main
ing Telangana government said office in Seattle with an annual
that the Covid-19 pandemic has package of Rs.2 crore, stated to
been plaguing people due to the be the highest for a candidate
thoughtless and negligent rule of with similar qualifications. She
Chief Minister K Chan- was selected among 300 aspi-
drasekhara Rao. rants. According to informa-
While addressing the meeting tion reaching her family,
of the Core Committee of TPCC Deepthi got selected in the
through Zoom App, Uttam said campus interview. She is to join
that the government was not duty on May 17. her father, Dr.
bothered about the problems of Venkanna, an expert in forensic
the people, while the private hos- pay money, and the people of provide free treatment to their science, heads the clues team

Police stops Revanth Reddy

pitals have been collecting lakhs middle class and poor sections subjects, he alleged. in the City Police Commission-
of rupees from the Covid patients are in utter panic,” he added. “Lamented people were de- erate.
in the State whereas patients in The Government did not take prived of basic medical facilities, The family sources said
the other states have been get- steps to add Covid to Arogyasri private hospitals are fleecing the Deepthi, after BTech, had
ting treatment at free of cost. and implement Ayushman people with lakhs of rupees, gen- worked in JP Morgan as a soft- HANS NEWS SERVICE distribute food to Covid 19 rounded up the vehicle of
“Medicines of Covid were not Bharat which would provide free eral and oxygen beds were not ware engineer for three years. HYDERABAD patients and their family the MP.
available, there is shortage for treatment to Covid patients, available in the State and hun- She quit the job and went to the members. The act of the po- Revanth expressed his
ventilators, beds were not avail- whereas other states have been dreds were dying as they did not US for pursuing MS in com- The city police on Sunday lice led to an argument be- anger over the attitude of
able though people were ready to seizing the private hospitals to get treatment in time,” he said. puter science. stopped MP A. Revanth Reddy who tween the MP and the Be- the police and wondered as
was going to Gandhi hospital to gumpet police. to how the rulers of the
The police told the MP state were doing politics
that they had orders from over the hunger of poor

Rain causes waterlogging in Karwan

state minister KT Rama Rao
to stop the MP and prevent
him from going to the
Gandhi hospital. The police
people. he also wondered if
it was a crime to feed the
poor during the period of
the ongoing lockdown
Disaster Response Force Meanwhile, the Telangana
HYDERABAD n Residents say the same areas were inundated in last year's (DRF) were rushed to areas to State Development Planning
floods. They allege no development work was taken up or clear waterlogging. Society (TSDPS), a rain obser-
The Karwan area of hyder- preventive measures initiated. They say the area faces floods Residents recalled that vatory, recorded 60.5 mm
abad received about 60 mm of as there are several nalas in its surroundings these were the same areas rainfall In Karwan during the
rainfall in less than an hour which were inundated in the evening ending at 5.30, mak-
resulting in waterlogging of n Telangana State Development Planning Society records previous year's floods. They ing it highest rainfall in the
colonies and localities on Sun- 60.5 mm rain in Karwan at 5.30 pm, making it highest alleged that there no develop- City.
day. rainfall in the City ment work was taken up or Areas like Yousufguda, Ra-
According to local MLA preventive measures initiated. jendranagar, Jubilee hills,
Kausar Mohiuddin, who moni- Qui Qutub Shah Nagar, Bal Additional teams of the They stated that the area faces Serilingampally, Moosapet,
tored the situation, Nizam Reddy Nagar, Virasat Nagar monsoon wing from the the threat of floods as there Kukatpally and Gajularama-
Colony, Meraj Colony, and Saleh Nagar reported wa- Greater hyderabad Municipal are several nalas in its sur- ram recorded rainfall between
Baqtawarguda, hakeempet, terlogging. Corporation (GhMC)aand roundings. 15.6 and 60 mm.
200 tonnes of Liquid
Bribe in conduct of corona
transported to
TS and AP
tests at govt centres
Health department offi-
INdIaN railways continues to deMaNd for bribe in the cials said that the district
bring Liquid Medical Oxygen to conduct of Corona tests authorities were receiving
HYDERABAD explaining the multi-mor- diseases, as the mutant is taking How to prevent the Telangana and andhra free of cost to the sus- complaints from citizens
bidity situation in City, dr ro- different stages. Hence, we are Pradesh. While Guntur has re- pected virus infected pa- that they were not being
addING to the Covid-19 hit of Osmania Hospital, said: prescribing to patients to take multi-morbidity? ceived the second Oxygen ex- tients has been reported provided test facility
spread, seasonal diseases are "In the beginning both tests (Covid- n regular handwash press, Sanath Nagar in Hyder- in many government test- though they waited for
joining the virus, leading to in- we observed 19 and sea- n building a strong immune abad is likely to receive the sixth ing centres during the hours in the beelines be-
crease in multi-morbidity cases typhoid in A sonal dis- system Oxygen express of Telangana on lockdown period in the fore the testing centres,
in Hyderabad. a combination of Covid eases n Keeping surroundings Monday. railways bring almost State. officials said that soon af-
typhoid and Corona is taking pa- large group of patients clean 200 tonnes of Liquid Medical The Medical authorities ter the government im-
the first place in such cases. n eating healthy food, Oxygen in two Telugu States. were charging at least rs posed lockdown from May
Says dr Shoba, rMO, Gandhi have both typhoid and Corona, avoiding junk On the other hand, the sixth 500 for each rapid anti- 11, the demand for bribe to
Hospital: "In my personal expe- with symptoms like fever, vomiting n regular exercise for ac- Oxygen express with 06 Con- gen Test and rs 1000 for conduct corona tests in-
rience, Covid is often confused tive metabolism tainer tankers filled with 120 rTPCr test at the testing creased as many senior
with typhoid. Some people have & diarrhea, we are observing symptoms tonnes of Liquid Medical Oxygen centres. Currently, as health officials who were
both when they get tested. a a Covid patient has all these (LMO) has started its journey many as 21 rTPCr centres appointed as test centre
large group of patients in Hy-
in patients like chills and platelet count symptoms, tests are reported from Kalinganagar in Odisha to and 1064 rapid antizen incharges dedicated most
derabad had both typhoid and dropping, which are identified with viral positive on a large scale. at Sanath Nagar in Telangana. Con- test centres were provid- of their time to provide
Corona attack, with symp- the same time, if a Corona tinuing this momentum, the sup- ing corona diagnostic treatment to the corona
toms like fever, vomiting and diseases, like malaria and dengue. People patient has chills and if he ply of LMO is likely to be further services to the needy in patients in the govern-
diarrhoea. We are also ob- should not to get exposed to contaminated takes malaria test the report strengthened with the seventh the State. ment run hospitals. as
serving symptoms in patients is positive in 70 per cent Oxygen express having already Those who pay bribe there is no higher author-
like chills and platelet count water, unhygienic surroundings and unhealthy cases. commenced its journey. The were getting the test done ity, the paramedical staff
dropping, which are also iden- That's how we realised that train has been loaded with 4 instantly and receive the deputed at the testing cen-
tified with viral diseases, like food, which can cause infection, as these are multi-morbidity cases are ris- tankers filled with 55.42 tons of report in a just 24 hours. tres were flouting all
malaria and dengue. the prime sources of viral infections. ing. The Covid patients, with a LMO in Odisha and is likely to Others will have to wait norms in registering the
She stated that "according to drop in blood platelets count, reach Hyderabad on Monday, for at least three days to names of persons.
symptoms, we are prescribing Keeping self and surroundings clean is must also go for a dengue test, said senior officer, SCr. undergo rTPCr test in a special task force is al-
tests. We see a large group of as we suspect, they might have Gajanan Mallya, General Man- the government diagnostic ready constituted to moni-
people being attacked with
the only way to prevent these both diseases. as monsoon is ager, SCr has assured that the centres. tor the functioning of test
multi-morbidity. Hence, we diseases, urged ahead, we must be prepared for railways is taking all necessary More than 1000 compal- centres on a daily basis. all
suggest to people not to get ex- like all these ailements. We are try- steps to ensure that the Oxygen ints were already received the testing centre in-
posed to contaminated water, tients. the doctors malaria ing to make people to be aware express trains reach in the fastest from the victims and the charges have been asked to
unhygienic surroundings and Now sea- and of the diseases," said dr possible time. He said that the issue is under investiga- submit the details of the
unhealthy food, which cause in- sonal diseases dengue) de- Venkateshwar, a physician. movement of these trains is being tion. The menace of de- registered persons for
fection, as these are the prime are also being seen in pending on their symp- "If Covid infection is neg- given the highest sense of ur- mand for bribe was high in tests and ensure every one
sources of viral infections. them. We are often confused toms", say some City doctors. lected, it might also affect blood gency, with multi-disciplinary the Corona hit districts of who visited the centre will
Keeping self and surroundings with seasonal diseases and "If a patient has high fever, vessels and lead to different teams working round the clock rangareddy , Medchal , undergo test on the same
clean is the only way to prevent Covid, as Corona symptoms are vomitting and diarrhoea, it is 98 neurological problems," he to ensure speedy delivery. Nalgonda and some parts day.
these diseases," she added. also co-related to different viral per cent sure case of typhoid. If added.

Officials to crack whip against commercial Thunderstorms to lash Siddipet,

establishments fleecing people
AT a time when people have agonised
realised that the shop owners and su-
permarkets have charged at least Rs 5
to Rs 10 extra than the MRP fixed on
hours of the relaxation in lockdown
every morning and getting back with
red faces due to exorbitant rates the
15 other districts today Appreciable fall in day
with the deadly pandemic, the com- the products. This is simply called loot commercial establishments charged
• Likely to hit RR, temperatures
mercial establishments in Hyderabad being carried out by these commercial taking advantage of the chaotic situa- Hyderabad, Medchal- Nalgonda records highest 42.5
and Rangareddy districts are fleecing establishments taking advantage of tion out of pandemic. “We are receiv- Malkajgiri, Vikarabad, deg C, Medak 41.8, adilabad 41.3,
the people coming out during the re- pandemic situations. These traders are ing complaints from various quarters Sangareddy & Medak ramagundam 40.2, bhadrachalam
laxation period to purchase essential milking profit out of the crisis,” said that the shops, general stores, and su- districts on May 20 39.2, Nizamabad 39.1, Mahbubna-
commodities. Shops, general stores, Vanitha, a lady resident at Attapur. permarkets are charging the products gar 39, Khammam & Hanamkonda
and supermarkets in Rangareddy Dis- Following the complaints of shops more than the MRP and accordingly • 5 cm rain each in 38 each, dundigal 35, Hakimpet
trict were seen bursting into seams and supermarkets fleecing the cus- we have planned to make surprise in- Chigurumamidy 34.5, Hyderabad 34.3
with people thronging into markets to tomers by charging extra against the spections under our area of operations (Karimnagar) , Itikyal,, With rain occurring on a regular
buy necessary stuff like grains and Maximum Retail Prices (MRP) taking to check the recalcitrance of these es- Manopad (Jogulamba basis for the last several days and
food products in order to get a safe advantage of the pandemic time, the tablishments. We have formed a team cloudy sky, the day temperatures
stock for them for at least a period of Civil Supply authorities in Rangareddy to carry out inspects going round the
Gadwal) in the State fell appreciably, rang-
lockdown. However, reports were have geared up to crack the whip room soon and will take appropriate • Rain or thundershowers ing from 2.1 to 4 degrees Celsius.
pouring in from the public that several against the commercial establish- and punitive action against traders in evening or night in However, the IMd bulletin said on
shops and commercial establishments ments. It is said that the civil supply found resorting to such unlawful prac- City from May 17 to 20 Sunday that there was no large
are charging more than the MRP tak- officials go into huddle after receiving tices that too at the time of the pan- with lightning will also occur in (Jogulamba Gadwal), Makthal change in the temperatures.
ing advantage of the situation. “For frequent such complaints from the demic,” informed Bala Saroja, Assis- HANS NEWS SERVICE Jayashankar-bhupalpalli, Mu- (Narayanpet), aswaraopet according to the bulletin, the
every stuff or product, we brought customers rushing into the markets to tant Civil Supply Officer Circle no 3, lug, bhongir, Khammam, ranga (bhadradri- Kothagudem), maximum temperatures were ap-
home during the relaxation period we buy essential commodities during few Saroornagar, Rangareddy District. reddy, Hyderabad, Medchal- Maganoor (Narayanpet), One preciably below normal by 3.1 to 5
Malkajgiri, Vikarabad, San- cm rain each occurred in r C degrees Celsius in some areas of
Passport Application Processing Counter in RPO THe IMd on Sunday warned of
thunderstorms with lightning
gareddy and Medak districts.
Meanwhile, during the last 24
Puram, Hayatnagar, ramayam-
pet, Uppal and Golkonda.
the State. They were markedly be-
low normal by 5 degrees C or less
Hyderabad: In order to meet in view of the health of the em- who have not submitted the pass- very likely to lash isolated hours ending at 8.30 am on Sun- The State reported the maxi- in some parts .
the emergency travel require- ployees. Now, in the wake of the ports with the application refer- places in adilabad, Kumramb- day, there was 5 cm rain each in mum temperatures of 40 de- The bulletin said the day tem-
ments of the passport applicants, suspension of services in Telan- ence Number (arN), which was heem, Mancherial, Nirmal, Chigurumamidy (Karimnagar) , grees Celsius and above at a iso- peratures were normal in some
the government has decided to gana, it has been decided to open received after the submission of Nizamabad, Nalgonda, Itikyal,, Manopad (both in Jogu- lated places with highest 42.5 in parts and below normal in some
open a Passport application Pro- PaPC in the rPO till the lock- online application and payment Suryapet, Mahbubabad, Waran- lamba Gadwal), , 4 cm in Med- Nalgonda. other areas.
cessing Counter (PaPC) in the down period. The applicants with of prescribed fee in the portal/app gal (both ruraul & Urban), chal, 3 cm each in Serilingam- The bulletin forecast rain or The maximum temperatures
regional Passport Office at Se- travel exigencies, who have al- should approach the rPO with all Jangam, Siddipet, Na- pally damaragidda thundershowers towards recorded in the State were: Nalgo-
cunderabad between 8 am and 12 ready submitted the passport ap- supporting documents in original garkurnool, Wanaparthy, (Narayanpet), Maldakal ( Jogu- evening or night in Hyderabad nda 42.5 deg C, Medak 41.8, adil-
noon. The passport operations in plications in portal www.pass- and proof of travel urgency for the Narayanpet and Jogulamba- lamba Gadwal), Narayanpet, 2 from May 17 to 20, with the day abad 41.3, ramagundam 40.2,
all the passport seva kendras were or in mPassport processing the same. However, Gadwal districts from May 17 to cm each in yellareddypeta (ra- temperatures falling to 34, 35, bhadrachalam 39.2, Nizamabad
suspended from May 12 after the Seva Mobile app and the rPO will continue to function, 20 under the influence of the janna Sircilla), achampet ( Na- 37and 38 degrees Celsius re- 39.1, Mahbubnagar 39, Khammam
lockdown in the State. The rPO attended/not attended the ap- as usual from 9 am to 5.30 pm on very severe cyclonic storm garkurnool), Talamadugu (adi- spectively. On May 21 and 22 & Hanamkonda 38 each, dundigal
at Secunderabad has been func- pointments in the passport seva all working days during the lock- “Tauktae”. labad), Konaraopet (rajanna there would be partly cloudy sky 35, Hakimpet 34.5, Hyderabad
tioning with skeletal staff keeping kendras and those applicants, down period. On May 20 thunderstorms Sircilla), Vikarabad, Waddepalli with ‘thundery development’. 34.3

Citizens irked by police penalties

during lockdown relaxation
n It is ridiculous for govt to even allow cops to penalise out our savings for survival. It is
HYDERABAD really painful to pay challans
citizens who are just trying to feed their families
from our hard earned money.
IT'S a known fact that Telangana n There should be some streamlining by govt when & how There should be some streamlin-
has announced a partial lock- can challans are issued ing by the government as to
down by only letting shops and when and how can the police is-
establishments to run their op-
n In a situation wherein we are allowed to operate for only sue challans. First the govern-
erations from 6 to 10 am. but the four hours, can’t the polices be just lenient & let us earn ment imposes a partial lockdown
most concerning point to many something for our livelihood-- a mobile shop-owner and allows us to operate only for
citizens is the police penalising four hours. Within those hours
them in those four hours by on a spree and clicking pictures stated: “We are into hardware the police are running in every
clicking pictures of vehicles randomly.” business. Our entire business is street and clicking pictures to
parked on roadsides and impos- He noted: “In these difficult in loss since one year. The re- penalise us. Is that justice,”
ing fines on people for not main- times, wherein every person is cently announced lockdown has lamented agarwal.
taining social distancing norms. worried for his life and working broken the backbone of our in- rajesh Gulati, a mobile shop-
Suresh Kumar, a techie, said, day in and day out to make ends dustry. On top of it, we are al- owner, stated: “We all know that
“In the less time allotted by the meet, while also staying afloat to lowed to open shops for only four the police station in-charges are
government during the lock- survive despite there being no hours. during the relaxation, if given targets to collect some
down, there is huge rush at al- sufficient income nor savings. In by chance we get two or three specified amount in the form of
most every shop. We have to wait such a scenario, it is ridiculous customers, standing for pur- challans. It's totally agreeable.
for hours to make purchases. In on the part of the government to chase, the cops are clicking our but in such a situation, wherein
the meanwhile, we are either pe- even allow the police to penalise shop photos and booking petty we are allowed to operate for
nalised for not adhering to social the common citizens, who are cases against us.” only four hours, can’t the polices Railway Amali Workers sleep on carts as no passangers turn up amid Government imposed lockdown for twenty
distancing or for wrong parking just trying to feed their families.” “despite incurring loss, we be just lenient and let us earn days at Secunderabad railway station Photo: Srinivas Setty
by the police, as they are always Mahesh agarwal, a trader, keep our heads high by taking something for our livelihood.”

Govt must stay alert as black fungus looms large

D on’t know why the central and State
governments continue to blink at the
impending danger which they are likely
in black fungus cases and shortage of
drugs in the market which is already being
felt. the production of some antifungal
another major headache for them.
experts say that doctors should see
that use of excessive steroids should be
made. if the government blinks as it did
in case of Remdesivir, we are in for an-
other heavy black marketing of antifungal
to face if they don’t wake up immediately drugs has gone down due to shortage of avoided as they increase the chances of drugs. experts say if the black fungus is
and take necessary steps to save the coun- raw material. black fungus infection. What was a rare not detected early, it may necessitate sur-
try from another catastrophe - black fun- Dr Randeep Guleria rightly warned of fungus is now becoming a dreaded dis- gery and that requires some injections
gus. the spread of mucormycosis and recom- ease. which are already in short supply.
as aiimS Director Randeep Guleria mended that with Covid-19 cases increas- Despite all this no serious measures it’s time the political executive learns
and many other doctors say, mucormy- ing, it's of paramount importance that seem to be forthcoming from the State to stop patting its own back day in and
cosis, also known as 'black fungus', is not proper protocols of infection control are government here. Only a few guidelines day out saying we are the best or better
any new infection but the number of cases followed at hospitals. But the problem is were issued on Saturday but no review of than others in Covid management and fo-
has increased due to Covid-19 and we are that the medical staff is already grappling the measures that need to be taken to ad- cus on the danger bells that are ringing
on the verge of facing shortage of anti- with Covid and now this new problem dress likely shortage of beds in hospitals louder. Wake up and don’t let more lives
fungal drugs. the reason is sudden surge from old fungus is going to prove to be and availability of drugs etc has not been be lost.

1 in 2 manufacturers
OBSTRUCTION OF TRADE LAWS facing lack of skilled
m ore than 1 in 2 manufacturers around the world feel their or-
ganisation lacks skilled workers to support smart manufactur-

he multi- ing digitisation plans, according to a new survey.
THE WAY AHEAD national Organisational complexity, integration and process reengineering
Companies are the most prevalent challenges for executing smart manufacturing
(mnCs) had two- initiatives.
thirds of the do- Combined, these challenges reflect the largest change management
mestic drug mar- obstacles, according to the survey by market research firm Gartner.
ket of india in in total, 439 respondents were interviewed across north america,
1970. then the Western europe, and aPaC regions.
government an- "Our survey revealed that manufacturers are currently going
nulled the “Prod- through a difficult phase in their digitisation journey toward smart
Dr Bharat uct Patents” and manufacturing," said Simon Jacobson, vice president analyst, with
Jhunjhunwala allowed indian the Gartner Supply Chain practice.
companies to "they accept that changing from a break-fix mentality and culture
manufacture to a data-driven workforce is a must. however, intuition, efficiency
drugs that had been patented by mnCs and engagement cannot be sacrificed," Jacobson added.
by alternate processes. this resulted in Connected factory workers leverage various digital tools and data
a fast increase in domestic drug manu- management techniques to improve and integrate their interactions
facturing and not only indian, but the with both physical and virtual surroundings while improving decision
world drug market came to be domi- accuracy, proliferating knowledge and lessening variability.
nated by indian companies. the domi- across all respondents, 83 per cent agreed that their leadership
nance of indian companies in the drug understands and accepts the need to invest in smart manufacturing.
market, known as “formulations,” is "however, it does not reflect whether or not the majority of leaders
maintained as of date. the trajectory of understand the magnitude of change in front of them – regarding
the “active pharmaceutical ingredients” technology, as well as talent," Jacobson said.
or aPis that are the raw materials for The present dominance of Indian companies in the formulations in the long term, it is important to establish a data-driven culture
the manufacture of the drugs followed in manufacturing operations that is rooted in governance and training
a different course. Only one percent market is also under threat. According to Shaktivel Selvaraj of - without stifling employee creativity and ingenuity, the findings
aPis were imported in 1991 and 99 per- showed. ianS
cent were made within the country. Public Health Foundation of India, China may enter the formulations
this has increased steadily after the
opening of the economy in 1991 and to-
day 70 percent of the aPis are im-
ported—mostly from China. the un-
market of India in the next 5-6 years and oust Indian companies
just as they have done in the APIs.
Covid deaths in
availability of formulations required to
treat Covid patients in india can be
traced to the unavailability of the im-
ported aPis.
2.72 percent in 2019 during the first
stint of the modi Government. Once
again, this reduction is feeble given that
Serum institute is manufacturing in in-
dia under their license. We need to in-
vest huge monies in the invention of
States. it is to be noted that this assis-
tance has been provided under the De-
fense Production act. in other words,
Canada linked to
the present dominance of indian
companies in the formulations market
is also under threat. according to Shak-
the trade balance was only (-) 1.79 per-
cent in 2004 at the end of the Vajpayee
Government. the negative trade bal-
new drugs. Reportedly, Pfizer and as-
traZeneca have received huge monies
that helped them invent the Covid vac-
the US Government believes that do-
mestic manufacture of aPis is neces-
sary to defend the country.
dementia, Alzheimer's
tivel Selvaraj of Public health Founda-
tion of india, China may enter the for-
mulations market of india in the next
ance means that the cost of manufac-
turing of goods in india is more than
the imported goods hence businessper-
cines while india’s Bharat Biotech got
a measly Rs 65 crore. thus himanshu
Baid of Poly medicare has said that the
the government must plan for the fu-
ture. the Covid virus may mutate and
jump the presently available vaccines.
D ementia and alzheimer's disease were the most common med-
ical conditions linked with all Covid-19 deaths reported in 2020
in Canada, the media reported.
5-6 years and oust indian companies sons prefer to import rather than man- Budget of 2021-22 does not provide any new viruses and pandemics may be in the brain disorders were the most common comorbidity among
just as they have done in the aPis. ufacture them. the immediate step to encouragement in this direction. Simi- the coming because the rapid change of women (41 per cent), while among men, it was the second most com-
the government has announced that be taken to jumpstart manufacturing in larly, according to Satish Reddy of in- environment that has been unleashed mon comorbidity at 31 per cent, reported citing a new
Rs 6,940 crore will be spent in the next the country is to increase the import dian Pharmaceutical alliance the gov- by man. therefore, the government report from Statistics Canada.
six years to strengthen medical manu- duties so that imports become expen- ernment needs to give grants for the must immediately take four steps. One, "Of all Covid-19 deaths in 2020, dementia or alzheimer's was re-
facturing infrastructure in the country. sive and domestic manufacturing is innovation of new molecules, automa- make a sharp and quick increase in im- ported on 36 per cent of Covid-19 death certificates," the report said.
Further, 19 medical devices have been given a fillip. that has been elusive tion and digital technologies. port duties on all goods necessary for Further, of the nearly 15,300 people who died of the virus between
earmarked for purchase from domestic though. Coming to the medical sector, the third step is to invest in the in- our economic sovereignty including march and December 2020, 65 per cent had two or more comorbidi-
manufacturers. these steps are in the Rajiv nath of the association of indian frastructure needed for jumpstarting formulations and medical devices. We ties and 46 per cent had three or more comorbidities, according to
right direction but too feeble given the medical Device industry has said that manufacturing in the health sector in must be ready to face the ire of the de- the report.
emergency we are facing. as said above, he is disappointed with the Budget for india. the government has announced veloped countries just as the United "these results, along with the specific conditions listed on the
Chinese formulations are likely to take 2021-22 for not having increased the in march 2021 that Rs 6,940 crore will States had stopped giving imports from death certificate, highlight some of the populations in Canada most
over the indian market by the time the import duties on medical devices. be spent in the next six years to build india under the Generalized Prefer- vulnerable to severe outcomes of Covid-19. although individuals had
government builds this infrastructure. therefore, we need to increase import this infrastructure. But, as said above, ences applicable to developing coun- pre-existing conditions, it does not imply that they were at risk of
more is needed. especially because the duties and bear the burden of high cost Chinese formulations may take over the tries. two, the government must give dying if there had been no Covid-19 infection," the report said.
Chinese are able to produce aPis at a of domestic manufacturing for a while, indian market by that time. again, hi- big contracts to private innovators like the other most common comorbidities linked to Covid-19 death
lower cost despite the wages being five at least, if we have to manufacture the manshu Baid of Poly medicare says this Bharat Biotech for making frontline in- included pre-existing cardiovascular and respiratory conditions, in-
times more. We need to get our act to- aPis and medical devices like ventila- investment should have been front- novations; and it must issue compul- cluding hypertension (15 per cent), heart diseases (14 per cent) and
gether even if we want to save our for- tors and oxygen concentrators in the loaded and done in the next three years. sory licenses to manufacture essential chronic lower respiratory diseases (11 per cent).
mulations market. country. the fourth step is to make available drugs. We must not forget that Vajpayee Diabetes, Parkinson's, and obesity was the common comorbidity
the first step to be taken is regarding the second step is that of investment capital for investment. the cost of bor- developed the nuclear bomb; and man- associated with Covid deaths in the younger population.
import duties generally, of which the in frontline medical technologies. the rowing for capital investment in China mohan Singh stood up to protect pref- Diabetes was a common pre-existing condition among 15 per cent
aPis are a part. Our negative “trade bal- strength of indian companies today lies is about 5 percent against about 12 per- erential purchases of food grains from of Covid deaths among the 45-to-84 age group and 9 per cent among
ance,” that is, the excess of imports over in the manufacture of generic medi- cent in india. Further, countries are our farmers in the WtO, modi Govern- those below 45.
exports was (-) 1.91 percent of GDP in cines that are outside the writ of the providing huge assistance to build their ment must similarly stand up to West- nervous system disorders, such as Parkinson's or amyotrophic lat-
1999. it reduced marginally to (-) 1.79 Patents act. the inventions are made health sovereignty. For example, the ern pressure and increase import duties eral sclerosis diseases (excluding alzheimer's) was most common at
percent in 2004 during the reign of the by mnCs. they earn huge monies for United States Government has pro- and issue compulsory licenses to pro- 13 per cent among those who died of the virus in the 45-to-64 age
Vajpayee Government. then, it in- the first 20 years during which Patents vided an assistance of US dollars 765 tect our economic- and health sover- group and 12 per cent among those younger than 45.
creased dramatically to (-) 2.99 percent protection is available to them—just as million or Rs 5,700 crore repayable in eignty. there were fewer than 100 deaths due to Covid in people below
in 2014 during the reign of manmohan astraZeneca is charging 50 percent of 25 years to eastman Kodak to build aPi (The author is formerly Professor of 45 years in 2020. But, among those who died, obesity was the most
Singh. it has reduced marginally to (-) the sale price of Covishield vaccine that manufacturing capacity in the United Economics at IIM, Bengaluru) commonly observed comorbidity, the report said.

LETTERS these challenging times. he also said that com-

placency and come-what-may attitude after the
first wave was one of the factor that pushed the
distancing won’t to them. UK Prime minister
Boris Johnson also made it clear that his gov-
ernment is going to relax the rules of social dis-
sation advises countries to follow Covid appro-
priate behaviour, even if they are witnessing a
continuous decline in new cases.
is insufficient and Chinese scientists' reveal to
the world facts of this disease at their personal
loss is literally a grave risk given the Chinese psy-
country into the present grim state which could tancing in the entire country from may 17. Kartikey Upadhyay, Vadodara che. now, the whole world is reeling under the
It’s no time to spread calumny have been otherwise avoided. a few months ago, india's attitude towards aura of the venomous corona and it's apt that the

t he article "not pandemic,it's the infedomics

that is hurting" analysed the facts in a prag-
matic manner. the anti-modi narrative gener-
the indian mindset is not one that can be
made to bow or kneel before such catastrophes
and now it is time to stay positive and proactive
Covid-19 also changed. Be it the central and state
governments or the people of india, all began to
think that india has conquered the pandemic
Live telecast of SC proceedings
vibrant leap by the said 18 scientists and backed
by their vibrant universities/enterprising coun-
tries should move coherently like all of the uni-
ated by political frustration ultimately led to a to fight the pandemic rather than getting stupe- when we witnessed a continuous decline in the a welcome move verse moved forward like in hiV/aiDS and CDC
pandemic of information. During the time of
frustration, anxiety, fear due to the health emer-
gency caused by the SaRS-Cov-2 pandemic, it
fied at the current situation.
as there is a possibility of a third wave, as med-
ical experts and scientists have cautioned, let us
new cases of Covid-19. Some people even said
that indians are special.
People started enjoying holidays, the election
C hieF Justice of india said he was "actively
considering" the proposal to telecast live the
proceedings of the Supreme Court. and concrete
like pioneering scientific bodies and fund givers
like Gates' since simian SiV for centuries not
causing aiDS due to protective factors unique to
is the responsibility of everybody including not commit yet another mistake like we did dur- Commision of india held elections, we started steps would be taken only after seeking a general simian, here also cross species' study is a must.
politicians, media and also people at large to mit- ing the first one but be prepared and face the to celebrate festivals on a large scale, we threw consensus among his colleagues. transparency Dr T. Ramadas, Visakhapatnam.
igate the problems faced during the critical pe- problems with positive solutions and determi- basic precautions to the winds. Our carelessness is a time-honoured principle when it comes to
riod. instead, the way the lies are being spread nation. Let us not lower the guard and take the cost us dear as the second wave shook the entire the judicial process in our country. the role of
is a matter of great concern for the country. it is third wave, if at all one such arises, head on. Let india. the media assumes importance in the process of Good news on Covid front
high time for those who spread calumny to re-
alise that they are doing more harm to the coun-
try than to an individual.
us listen to our medical experts and move ahead
according to their advice. Leaders must under-
stand it is high time they utilised all the re-
there was a shortage of beds, oxygen, hospi-
tals, vaccines etc. Parents lost their children,
children lost their parents, a brother lost his sis-
disseminating information as he himself was a
journalist for a brief time.
Yash Pal Ralhan, Jalandar
t he second wave of Covid-19 showing signs
of weakening must bring cheer. Recoveries
surpassed the fresh cases, and the overall test
Prof M.V. Jagannadham sources at their command for serving the com- ter, a sister lost her brother etc. had we been positivity rate headed south to 19.8 per cent from
hyderabad mon man. alert, such tragedy could have been prevented. Dispassionate scientific 21.9 per cent last week. On Saturday, the active
M Pradyu , Kannur now, the US and the UK are commiting the Covid cases dropped by 31,091 compared to Fri-
same mistakes. in fact, they are committing big- discourse needed day. this is the fifth day in succession that active
Let us stay united, fight Covid
R SS chief mohan Bhagwat during a lecture
series has rightly said that rather than point-
US, UK failed to learn
ger mistake than india. at least, indian govern-
ment advises the people who have been fully vac-
cinated to continue to wear masks and maintain
D iSPaSSiOnate scientific discourse is the
need of the hour as 18 scientists from uni-
versities of US, Canada, UK and Swiss have called
infections have plateaued. the government also
said that the current decline rate is faster than
was the case in the first wave, which augurs well.
ing fingers at each for the miseries caused by the from India’s mistakes social distance. and USa, which has seen double for it in their letter published in journal, Science N J Ravi Chander, Bengaluru
second wave of Covid-19, the country and its cit-
izens along with State governments and the Cen-
tre should stay united and work as a team in
R eCentLy, US President Joe Biden asserted
that all such persons who have been vacci-
nated need not wear masks and the rule of social
the number of deaths from Covid-19 as com-
pared to india, is not learning anything from in-
dia's mistakes. even the World health Organi-
(thi edit page,15 may). they well quoted the
comment of WhO Director General, tedlor that
SaRC-COV-2 emergence as laboratory accident

UP’s ‘cylinder waali bitiya’ delivers oxygen on her scooty

Arshi has so far distributed 20 O2 cylinders for free and is helped by her two bros and some other associates
reathing hope into the lives of people in sociates. Recalling the beginning of her philan- of the city magistrate,” Arshi told PTI. “I then cians. Shahjahanpur district president of Sama-
need of oxygen amidst the Covid-19 pan- thropic journey, Arshi said on the first day of came in contact with a social organisation based jwadi Party Tanveer Khan said Arshi has em-
demic, 26-year-old Arshi has earned the Ramzan, the condition of her father Mashoor, in Uttarakhand through WhatsApp which pro- barked on a mission to provide oxygen cylinders
sobriquet of “cylinder waali bitiya”—the daugh- who was not keeping well, began deteriorating, vided oxygen for my father, and he subsequently to those who need it.
ter with the oxygen cylinder. What began as a and her worst fears came true when he tested recovered from the illness,” she added. “Amidst the COVID-19, Arshi is doing a his-
struggle to procure the life-saving gas for her positive for Covid-19. While in-home isolation, After this incident, I realised what families of toric work, without caring for her own life,” Khan
coronavirus positive father, who managed to his oxygen levels started falling and the doctor Covid patients needing oxygen must be going told PTI. Showering praises on Arshi, local resi-
beat the viral disease, has now turned into a mis- asked me to arrange an oxygen cylinder. through, she said. “Ever since, anyone who dent Syed Naved said the woman provided him
sion to save as many lives as possible in this dis- However, when I approached the authorities, sought oxygen either through phone or What- with three oxygen cylinders for his COVID-19
trict and those around it including the neigh- I was told that patients in home isolation cannot sApp was helped. I have provided oxygen to sev- positive father. “May Allah fulfill all her wishes,”
bouring state of Uttarakhand. get oxygen cylinders and was advised to get my eral people in Shahbad and Hardoi (UP) and Ut- he said.
Perched atop her trusted companion—a father admitted to a hospital, according to Ar- tarakhand,” the 26-year-old said, adding that she Meanwhile, Shahjahanpur Chief Medical Offi-
scooter—the young woman, a resident of Madaar shi. does not charge any money. cer S P Gautam said there was no shortage of
Khel locality in Shahjahanpur, has so far distrib- “Despite moving from pillar to post, I was not The young woman has received many laurels oxygen in the district and stressed that the life-
uted around 20 oxygen cylinders for free and is able to arrange a cylinder. As desperation grew, for her heroic actions not only from those whom saving gas was being provided to Covid-19 pa-
helped by her two brothers and some other as- I somehow managed to get one from the office she has helped but also from the state’s politi- tients who are in home isolation.

Covid patient
sexually abused
3.11 lakh new Covid cases, 4,077 dead
Thiruvananthapuam: Kerala po-
lice have arrested an ambulance as-
Arrest me too, Rahul tweets poster criticising Modi; Amitabh gets 2nd dose of vaccine
sistant in Malappuram district on NEW DELHI/MUMBAI
charges of sexually assaulting a 38-
year-old Covid patient in the ambu- WITNESSING a decline in the last 24
UP doctors to get
lance. The arrested person has been hours, India on Sunday reported 3,11,170 online training
identified as Prashanth of Pullaman- new Covid-19 cases, and 4,077 fatalities,
thole in Malapuram district. the Union Ministry of Health and Family for treating black
The offender was arrested on Sat-
urday by the Perinthalmanna police
Welfare said.
In the past 24 days, India's daily Covid
fungus cases
after the woman told her doctor tally has plateaued over the three-lakh- LUCKNOW: Doctors in Uttar Pradesh will
about the incident which had taken mark and over 3,000 casualties for 18 be given online training in the treat-
place on April 27. The woman said days. ment of black fungus.
that as she was too weak following India's total tally of Covid-19 cases now The Uttar Pradesh government has di-
Covid related complications and stands at 2,46,84,077 with 36,18,458 ac- rected authorities to immediately con-
pneumonia, was not able to lodge tive cases and 2,70,284 deaths so far. nect all medical colleges, chief medical
the complaint earlier According to the Health Ministry, a to- officers (CMOs) and other physicians in-
tal of 3,62,437 people have been dis- volved in treatment with Sanjay Gandhi
charged in the last 24 hours, with Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sci-
2,07,95,335 being cured from Covid till ences (SGPGIMS) to facilitate necessary
date. medical training for them.
Deserted streets were seen in the me- The concerned officials to coordinate
tropolis and elsewhere in West Bengal with the advisory committee of state
on Sunday as the 15-day Covid 19-in- level health experts immediately to for-
duced lockdown came into effect in the mulate and release the necessary
state, with just a few vehicles seen ferry- guidelines for its treatment.
ing essential items during the day. To overcome the challenges posed by
Police officers deployed in the city's the rising number of black fungus
nooks and corners intercepted some of cases, the state government has formed
the vehicles that plied on the roads to a 12-member Covid-19 associated to the
check their papers before allowing them A farmer shows juicy strawberries harvested inside her farm during the ongoing lockdown to contain spread of Coronavirus, on the outskirts in Srinagar on mucormyocosis (CAM) management
to proceed. Sunday. Strawberry is the first fruit that grows after six months of harsh winters in Kashmir and is supplied to various parts of north India including Delhi team of SGPGI.
Police in Siliguri took three BJP MLAs The team will be responsible for form-
into custody on Sunday for flouting lock-
down restrictions, a police officer said. West Bengal goes under complete lockdown ing Rapid Response Teams (RRTs),
making treatment protocol, ensuring
Amid reports of people being arrested availability of medicines and database

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from

for putting posters against PM Narendra
Modi in the national capital, Congress ‘Schools in US should continue to use masks’ of cases, creation of more teams in
state medical colleges and hospitals,
Kennedy Space Centre. The rocket is leader Rahul Gandhi has dared the gov- sensitization of healthcare workers for
carrying a fleet of Starlink ernment to arrest him. early diagnosis and management of
Tweeting the poster on Sunday, Rahul
communications satellites
Gandhi said: "Arrest me too." Ex-IAS officer in Cong MP Satav Drones for cases as per ICMR guidelines, as well as
making recommendations to reduce
Suspected Pak Meanwhile, Congress leaders, target-
ting the government, are putting up a so-
UP booked passes away surveillance panic among public and health care
drone spotted cial media campaign. Congress leader UNNAO : A former IAS officer-turned-ac- PUNE: Senior Congress leader and Rajya CHENNAI: The Trichy district police have The high-risk groups for black fungus
Pawan Khera said: "People have expec- tivist has been booked by Unnao police for Sabha member from Maharashtra, Rajiv deployed drones for surveillance on are Covid-19 patients, patients with un-
SRINAGAR: A suspected Pakistani tations from the government which has allegedly making false propaganda Satav, passed away in a hospital here af- whether people are coming out of their controlled diabetes mellitus (DM), Type
drone was seen hovering along the broken... so whom the people will ques- against the state government by tweeting ter a 23-day long battle with Covid-19, homes during the lockdown period. The 2 DM patients on high steroids therapy,
International Border (IB) in Jammu, tion when you want all the credit. a seven-year-old photograph of bodies party officials said here on Sunday. drones will be in action in five divisions of patients receiving Immuno-suppressive
prompting security forces to launch "Why should people not ask question floating in the Ganga in Unnao and claim- He was 46, and belonged to the core Trichy district including, Lalgudi, Jeeyapu- therapy and patients in ICU for a long
a massive search operation to check that why their vaccines have been ex- ing them to be recent ones spotted in the team of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. ram, Musiri, Mannaparai and Thiruverum- time, on oxygen therapy and with high
if it had dropped anything inside the ported," he asked. river in Ballia. In an FIR at Unnao Sadar Satav had developed Covid symptoms bur. A senior police officer while speaking ferritin.
Indian territory, officials said on Megastar Amitabh Bachchan on Sun- Kotwali police station, the 1982-batch for- on April 19 and a swab test turned out to to IANS said, "We are deploying drones in The Yogi Adityanath government has
Sunday. However, nothing suspi- day said he has received the second and mer IAS officer, SP Singh, has also been be positive on April 21. the busy areas and as of now we will have directed officials to proactively engage
cious was found during the search final dose of the novel coronavirus vac- accused of claiming on social media that He was admitted to the Jehangir Hos- one drone a day in one division. The drone in the efforts to fight black fungus so as
operation, they said.This comes two cine. The 78-year-old star, who had taken 67 bodies were buried on the Ganga banks pital in Pune and as his condition wors- facility will help us identify the violators to prevent it from acquiring serious pro-
days after a Pakistani drone the first jab last month, took to Instagram at Unnao using earth movers and without ened, a week later he was put on a venti- and people are also aware that we are us- portions in the state in future. It has
dropped an AK-47 rifle, a pistol and to give an update to fans and followers. performing last rites. Police said the case lator. After a brief spell of recovery, his ing drones, hence most will fall in line." said that the availability of essential
some ammunition along the IB in Schools in the United States should was lodged on May 13 following several condition again deteriorated alarmingly The police are of the opinion that the gath- medicines must be ensured, noting that
Samba district of Jammu and Kash- continue to use masks for the 2020-2021 complaints by locals who alleged that by since the last week and he remained in erings in public places in Trichy have come arrangements should be made for both
mir.The suspected Pakistani drone academic year as all students will not be making such an irresponsible tweet, he vi- the ICU where he succumbed early on down drastically but people are venturing prevention and treatment of the dis-
was seen hovering in Kanachak sec- fully vaccinated, the US Centers for Dis- tiated the atmosphere of the district. Sunday out on two wheelers in large numbers. ease.
tor here late on Saturday night. ease Control and Prevention said .

Farmers lathi-charged in MGMH has a price tag for everything!

ments for cremation of the
Covid-19 victims, the loot con-
tinues. In all including ambu-

Khattar’s Covid event ADEPU MAHENDER

though such a phenome-
non is not new, what
that cost people can
buy two to three bed-
lance, cremation etc, the rela-
tives have to cough anywhere Rs
30,000,” Sunkari Prashanth, the
HISAR would be able to get the required hurts is the situation in sheets. To get rid of founder president of Jwala, an
treatment at the facility. On April 26, EVERyTHING in life has a which people were in trash around your bed, NGO working for the eradica-
HARYANA Chief Minister Manohar Khattar had visited Hisar and identi- price tag. Nothing comes free so with the coronavirus pan- the patient needs a few tion of corruption, told The
Lal Khattar on Sunday inaugurated a fied the campus of Jindal Modern as the way the Mahatma Gandhi demic threatening to more bucks. The staff is Hans India. The talk around
500-bed COVID hospital here and School adjoining Jindal Stainless Lim- Memorial Hospital (MGMH), wipe their lives. The busi- allegedly charging the private hospitals exploiting the
said his government is committed to ited unit and after completing all the the lifeline of Covid-19 patients ness begins as soon as an patient Rs 500 for coronavirus patients may be
expand the healthcare facilities in necessary procedures, the hospital in north Telangana, functions. ambulance carrying coro- mounting up a saline true, but the state of affairs at
the sate amid the raging pandemic. was constructed in a record 17 days The MGMH staff despite being navirus positive lands in bottle. The cost of allot- the MGMH is also no different.
Earlier, a group of farmers tried to time, an official statement said. “In hailed as the frontline warriors the MGMH. The ting a bed with oxygen Someway or other way patients
move towards the venue where Khat- this difficult time of COVID-19 pan- and avatars of compassion ap- stretcher that takes the facility and ventilator were at the receiving end,
tar was to inaugurate the hospital demic, this hospital is certainly a pears to be in the centre of con- patient into the Covid-19 depends upon the situ- Prashanth said.
but they were dispersed by police by boon for COVID-19 patients as it has troversy facing allegations of ward is the beginning of a ation. “The robbery Unless you grease someone's
using force and lobbying tear gas adequate availability of beds and fleecing the patients. bribe with many more to doesn’t stop even in palms, nothing is going to hap-
shells. Khattar said with the inaugu- oxygen,” it said “The hospital will di- This is not the first time that follow. It’s alleged that case of death. The rela- pen in the MGMH. This needs
ration of the Chaudhary Devi Lal San- rectly get about eight metric tonnes MGMH is courting infamy as it the stretcher boys slap a tives get the body only to be changed. The authorities
jivani COVID hospital, not only the of oxygen supply from Jindal Stain- was like any other State-run ‘fee’ of Rs 2,000 leastwise. Into to get a bed. This apart, a laun- after paying around Rs 5,000. need to look into the issue, said
coronavirus patients of Hisar district less Limited, which will be available hospitals where bribes to pro- the ward, the patient needs to dered bedsheet has its cost. It’s Even though the administration Praja Vedika State Convener
but the people of nearby districts at 7.1 liters per minute per bed.” vide facilities thrive. Even cough out a few more thousands no exaggeration to say that with claims that it had made arrange- Tirunahari Seshu.

Govt to tweak lockdown rules Centre sets Covid States to get 51 lakh vaccine Tauktae pounds
Continued from P1 adding that the revenue loss
SoPs for rurban
"Before May 10, the total
number of positive cases were
will be reduced to some extent
by permitting all grocery Continued from P1 doses in next 3 days West Coast
more than 5,500 and the case shops and supermarkets open Depending upon the intensity of Continued from P1 ized and Accelerated Phase 3
count has come down to 4,500 till 6 pm. During the lockdown surge and number of cases, as far as Vaccination forms an integral Strategy of Covid-19 Vaccina- Continued from P1
per day in the last three days," last year, necessary goods’ feasible, contact tracing should be component of the comprehen- tion has started from May 1 as "Many high tension 33 KV feeders are down due to the falling
the authorities said, adding shops were permitted to open done as per Integrated Disease Sur- sive strategy of Government of part of which the government of trees. Even the 220 KV lines bringing power to Goa from
that the government was ex- between 8 am and 6 pm. veillance Programme's (IDSP's) India of containment and man- has opened up inoculation for neighbouring Maharashtra have been damaged," he said. The
pecting corona cases would be Besides, the authorities said guidelines, it stated. "Nearly 80-85 agement of the pandemic (in- all aged above 18. electricity department deployed its full force for the restoration
below 4,000 by May 21, on the that people were struggling to per cent Covid-19 cases are asympto- cluding Test, Track, Treat and Under the Strategy, every work, but it was getting hampered due to the strong winds, he
last day of the 10-day lock- buy essential goods in a short matic/ mildly symptomatic. These Covid Appropriate Behaviour). month 50 per cent of the total said. In Karnataka, over 70 villages in seven districts including
down. duration of relaxation period patients do not require hospitalisa- The Centre has been support- Central Drugs Laboratory Dakshina Kannada, Kodagu and Hassan have been affected by
The State Commercial till 10 am and it caused huge tion and may be managed at home or ing the nationwide vaccination (CDL) cleared vaccine doses of the cyclone, the Karnataka State Disaster Management Au-
Taxes department has already gatherings before the shops. in Covid care isolation facilities," the drive by providing Covid vac- any manufacturer would be thority officials said. The highest rainfall of 385 mm was
been assessing the revenue To avoid the inconvenience, SOP stated. As monitoring of oxygen cines free of cost to states and procured by the Centre. It recorded at Nada Station in Kundapura taluk of Udupi district,
loss incurred to the exchequer the only option before the saturation is important for monitor- UTs, in addition to several ef- would continue to make these which was the worst affected, and 15 stations recorded more
due to the closure of the en- government is to extend the ing of Covid patients, it is desirable for forts to ramp up its production doses available to state govern- than 200 mm of rainfall in the district. The rainfall was ac-
tire trading activity in the 10- time of the closure of the each village to have adequate number and supply, the ministry stated. ments free of cost as was being companied by strong winds with speed reaching up to 90
day period, officials said, shops. of pulse oximeters and thermometers. Implementation of the Liberal- done earlier. km/per along.

Grateful for the love
& birthday wishes from

Remarkable journey of women

entrepreneurship over decades
TEJAL SINHA Women-oriented entrepreneur-
ial training programs, mentor-

ue to the growing indus- ship support, networking plat-
trialization, urbanization forms, incubators, and
along with the spread of accelerators, among others, have
higher education and awareness,
the emergence of Women owned
enterprises are highly increasing
enabled the women entrepre-
neurship ecosystem to grow in
prominence and generate more
Over half of India’s employees
in the economies of almost all
employment opportunities in the
country.While historically, there feel their best work happens
Women entrepreneurs are fast
becoming a force to reckon with
in the business world and are not
were numerous societal restric-
tions and barriers for women to
enter and manage enterprises,
outside office: Survey
only involved in enterprises for the conversation about women in SIDDHI JAIN
survival but to satisfy their inner leadership roles is undoubtedly
Mumbai prefers
urge of creativity and to prove
their capabilities. With the
spread of education and aware-
changing for the better.”

Challenges faced by women

T he nationwide Covid-19
lockdown has given rise to
what is, in fact, the largest
the office
ness, women have shifted from entrepreneurs ‘work from home’ experiment set-up, while
the kitchen, handicrafts, and tra- Considering that support in global history. The pan-
ditional cottage industries to from those around you is crucial demic has impacted an indi- Bengaluru
non-traditional higher levels of
activities. The Government has
to successfully establish an en-
terprise, plenty of aspiring
vidual’s preferences of where
they want to work, as a new re-
employees claim
also laid special weight age on the
requirement for conducting spe-
women entrepreneurs struggle
with family conflicts and the
port reveals that more than
half of the employees in India
to do their best
cial entrepreneurial training According non-cooperation of their close feel they do their best work work when they
programs for women to en-
able them to start their
to the Women’s Global product diversification,
ideation including
cians and surgeons in treatment
and surgical planning of their pa-
family members as many still
manage to perform the dual
when not in office.
'A New Sense of Place’ re- are not in office
own ventures. WE Hub, Entrepreneurship study pivot on a few of our tients. In my journey it was very roles of a homemaker and an en- port by Script - A Godrej Ven-
and initiative of Gov- start-ups. With the exciting to meet many women en- trepreneur. ture ratifies that be it at home Rajat Mathur, Business
ernment of Telangana conducted in US, UK and India, steps being taken trepreneurs some with brilliant As property owners in the and living spaces like bed- Head, Script, says, "The power
is one such example by the State and ideas fresh out of college, few have past were predominantly males, room, garden, India has be- of technology has made work
who has Financial in- commissioned by Dell, it has been Central Govern- accelerated their pathways in large women are less likely to have ac- come ‘location agnostic’ and a more ‘location agnostic’ which
stitutions and banks ment to contain corporates offering support to cess to such properties that can new sense of ‘workplace’ has is further facilitated by the on-
have also set up cells found that the ideal country for a the COVID-19 other startups, however its very be used as collateral for obtain- emerged. going lockdown. The lines be-
to help women en- scenario, we as thrilling to meet many more ing business loans/funds from Inspired by the concept of tween working from home and
trepreneurs. woman starting a business could well WE HUB are ex- women with expertise and expe- banks and other financial insti- 'Freedom of Living’, Script office spaces has clearly di-
The Pandemic had
a disproportionate
be India. Access to resources and tending our sup-
port to Women
rience in science and technology,
returning to the industry as entre-
tutions, making the arrange-
ment of finances and support of
which creates furniture and
accessories that celebrates
minished. ‘The New Sense of
Place’ report by Script high-
impact on women all availability of knowledge for led enterprises to preneurs and leading deep tech- bankers more difficult. Addi- fluid and an evolutionary way lights our new-age workplace
over the world. In In- sustain and scale nology start-ups in the field of tionally, the lack of education of living, conducted this re- habits, as well as our changing
dia, which has a vast gen- women entrepreneurs has and be prepared for Healthcare, Education, Agricul- and know-how, and prevalent search to understand how the preferences. The inferences
der gap, women are even the post lockdown ture, Ocean Technology and many levels of illiteracy amongst role of ‘physical spaces’ in the picked up from city to city
more vulnerable. South Asia improved drastically over scenarios.” more. women as compared to men is lives of Indians has evolved es- would enable employers to
has as many as 16 million In 2021, WEHUB has Prathibha Kunda, managing di- the root cause of these gender- pecially in the current con- recognise a freedom of living
women-owned businesses, fewer the years been working with different rector of Surendrapuri shares that based socioeconomic barriers. text. It surveyed more than devoid of any physical ab-
than 20% of all enterprises, with state governments in India to cre- since the turn of the 21st century, Regardless each woman has to 2000 individuals belonging to solutes, and institute better
most of them largely single-person ate avenues to support women en- women entrepreneurs in India overcome obstacles, her own the 18-45-year age group measures for their employees
operations, and making survival Deepthi trepreneurs across states like Gu- have progressed from a phase of limiting beliefs, break the glass across four metros. through these challenging
crucial. Women-owned businesses Ravula, Ceo of ‘WEHUB’ shares, jarat, Jammu & Kashmir and aspiration to one of ambition. ceiling by staying focused on her Even when comparing times.”
saw a sharp decline in revenue: “As an enabler for Women Entre- Assam. We have also started our She adds, “With the wide- goals in a gender-neutral man- cities, employees are leverag- With the rising number of
73% reported being negatively im- preneurs, WE HUB's focus during International startup exchange spread awareness and access to ner while respecting the biolog- ing technology and respond- zoom calls and the incessantly
pacted by the pandemic, and al- this time of a global pandemic is programmes, built a stronger VC education in the Digital Age, ical cycles. ing to work related queries. 85 high individual screen time
most 20% were nearly wiped out. entirely on ensuring that the start- ecosystem so that more Women women are increasingly involving A few questions like ‘Is this per cent employees in Mum- amidst exhaustive working
Start-ups from various sectors ups we work with can sustain dur- entrepreneurs can benefit from in businesses of their choice. your hobby project?’ or ‘Are bai claimed to respond to work hours, India’s workforce is
are addressing their pandemic-re- ing this period. We are doing this access to funding. Families are also more open to there any fulltime male co- related messages (WhatsApp, split between going back to of-
lated challenges, and then exten- by working with our start-ups 1-1 Rupal Mehta, founder and CEO women working in different founders as backup’ does not re- SMS, Emails) at home, more fice or not. When employees
sively mapping solutions with the to guide them with interventions of MedMarvel Software Solutions fields. Other than personal front ally fly well with today’s empow- often than any other metro eventually return to the work-
prime goal of keeping their busi- needed in organizational manage- Pvt Ltd shares, “During my jour- the Government-led policies and ered woman entrepreneurs. city. In Kolkata, 65 per cent place, the report reveals that
ness afloat. Re-strategizing and ment, financial remodelling, finan- ney I met Dr Nilesh Kurawale, In- schemes, as well as NGO-led ini- Currently estimated less than employees respond to work 41 per cent plan to maintain
Reconnect with the market are the cial Linkages including debit and dia’s esteemed Epilepsy Neurosur- tiatives, have helped transform 2% woman led startups get related messages often fol- working from home best prac-
way to go for start-ups during credit linkages, Government liais- geon. He introduced me to the the landscape for women entre- funded, hence more support in lowed by 60 per cent in Delhi tices they picked up during the
these tough times. ing, new customer acquisition, challenges faced by Neurophysi- preneurs over the past few years. this area is extremely desirable. and 59 per cent in Bengaluru. lockdown.

Tisca Chopra works for transgenders,

Work from Home Day
widows during Covid crisis
N ot to be confused with ‘remote work’ where an employee
is working from home all the time, nor ‘Freelancing’
where the individual is an independent contractor running
their own business from home.
A ctress Tisca Chopra is do-
ing her bit to help trans-
genders and widows, who
an instant yes from me. These
mothers are not just nurturers, but
also providers.Similarly, the trans-
tion around is bad, and the needs of
people are changing every day.
"The situation was terrible mid-
Work from Home Day celebrates those days where office have been affected by the gender community is also in need -- April and stayed that way till about
workers get the opportunity to avoid the commute and work Covid pandemic. many are currently jobless and in the 10th of May. The epicenters
from home for a day. The actress has started an desperate need of support.” kept changing -- first it was
The idea of the day is also to demonstrate that giving people initiative with chef Vikas The actress had started an initia- Mumbai and Delhi, then Kolkata
the freedom to work from home from time-to-time can ben- Khanna called #IndiaFor- tive last year called At Tisca's Table, and Bangalore. Now UP is in
efit both employer and employee. In Mothers, to help support which she reinvented to help people pathetic shape. The need of
short it is saving office costs, helps these groups deal with the during these troubled times. the hour keeps changing, it
ease transport congestion and en- crises. "Tisca's Table is a monthly table was oxygen and ICU beds
courages people to manage their Tisca shares, "When where we bring creative minds to fa- to start with, then plasma
workloads more effectively. Vikas Khanna and his cilitate conversations between the and now it's ECMO ma-
How one celebrates Work team approached me for brightest minds, and I have been do- chines and Ampho-
from Home Day has a lot to do this specific campaign ing that since last year. We rein- tericin medicine for
with the position they hold in #IndiaForMothers to vented the Table for the pandemic Black Fungus is what
their company. If you’re the per- support widows and seeing that it is what is most needed is needed the
son in charge you may want to take transgenders in India right now. It started with us sending most right
some time to examine the way your who have lost out food to nurses and ward boys at now," she
company and industry works and see their liveli- Covid wards at Nanavati and says.
if there’s an opportunity to allow some of hood due Cooper hospitals, to show them love
your employees to work from home on oc- to the pan- for their absolutely selfless work,"
casion. demic, it was she says. The actress says the situa-
If instead, you’re an employee at such an institution, per-
haps try speaking to your leadership and fellow employees
to see if it would be possible to institute such a program at NEWS ROUNDUP
your business.
Work from Home Day’s provides an opportunity for flexi-
bility that can help raise the morale of your employees, avoid
lost productivity, and provide solutions for those going
through temporary hardships.
Shweta Tiwari flaunts
perfect abs in new photo-op
T elevision star Shweta Tiwari showcased her perfect abs in a new photograph she shared on so-
cial media on Sunday.
Shweta posted a picture on Instagram. The mother-of-two, is seen wearing a white and red
crop top, and jeans. The 40-year-old actress is seen showcasing her well-chiseled abs as she
poses for the camera.
"Bring it on," she wrote as the caption.
Shweta is currently in Cape Town, where she is shooting for the Season 11 of the stunt-
based reality show, 'Khatron Ke Khiladi'.
Others who will be seen in the show include Abhinav Shukla, Divyanka Tripathi, Nikki Tamboli,
Anushka Sen, Rahul Vaidya and others will be seen competing with each other.
The most
dangerous poison
is the feeling of
achievement. The HYDERABAD MONDAY 17 MAY 2021
antidote is to every evening
think what can be done
better tomorrow Stocks.MFs.Bonds.Commodities
— Ingvar Kamprad,
founder of IKEA

Aptus files papers

for `3,000-cr IPO
New Delhi: Aptus Value housing Fi-
Covid, global cues will weigh on stocks
nance has filed preliminary papers with
capital markets regulator Sebi to raise Market players expect stock-specific action to continue given quarterly earnings season
up to Rs 3,000 crore through an initial
share sale. CHERUKURI KUTUMBA RAO The latest pandemic wave is expected coming week are Bharti Airtel, Tata segment continued to witness sharp
The initial public offer (iPO) comprises to significantly moderate the sharp re- MARKET Motors, hindalco industries, State stock specific moves. Nifty closed below

fresh issue of equity shares aggregating pooked by continued high number bound in GDP growth that was expected Bank of india, Shree Cement, indian 14700 levels while Bank nifty managed
to Rs 500 crore and an offer for sale of up
to 6,45,90,695 equity shares by promoter
of Covid cases, increased number
of States going for lockdown, fears
in the first quarter. Most high-speed in-
dicators such as automobile sales, mo- KHABREIN Oil Corporation, hPCl, Federal Bank,
Aarti industries, Canara Bank, Zee
to take support at its 100 days exponential
moving average and ended the week
and existing shareholders, draft red her- of higher US inflation and interest rate bility indices and e-way bills have entertainment enterprises, JSw above 32000 levels. Option segment wit-
ring prospectus (DRhP) showed. hike in the US due to increasing com- shown a decline in economic activity. Steel, United Spirits, Amara Raja Bat- nessed maximum Call open interest at
The net proceeds from the fresh issue modity prices; markets corrected during Former RBi Governor Raghuram Ra- teries, and Amber enterprises india. 15,000 strike, followed by 15,300 and
will be utilised towards augmenting the the week ended. jan indicated that Covid-19 pandemic Market players expect the stock-specific 14,900 strikes; and maximum Put open
company’s capital base and to meet future After rising around 3 percent in pre- is probably india's greatest challenge action to continue given the quarterly interest was seen at 14,000 strike, fol-
growth requirements. According to mer- vious two consecutive weeks, the Sensex since independence and added that earnings season, and feel the market lowed by 14,500 and 14,600 strikes.
chant banking sources, the iPO is expected corrected 473.92 points to close at in many places the government will closely watch Covid-related updates, Call writing was seen at 15,000 strike,
to fetch Rs 2,600-Rs 3,000 crore. 48,732.55, and the Nifty declined 145.35 was not present to help the progress of the vaccine drive, global cues followed by 14,900 and 15,300 strikes,
Aptus Value housing Finance has a points to 14,677.80. The broader markets people for various reasons. and movement in commodities. while Put writing was seen at 14,600
strong capital sponsorship by marquee corrected less than frontline counters. economy observers expect Goi to strike, followed by 14,400 and 14,700
investors like westbridge, Malabar in- The BSe Midcap index declined 0.49 come out with a “new” stimulus package wave on economy. important companies Futures & options / sector watch strikes. The implied Volatility (iV) of
vestments, Sequoia Capital, Steadview percent and the BSe Smallcap index was to annul the impact of Covid second that will release their earnings in the On the back of earnings, derivative calls closed at 18.64 per cent while that
Capital and Madison india. Since the in- down 0.08 percent. for put options closed at 19.75 per cent.
ception of the company in 2010 till date, After selling nearly Rs 12,000 crore The Nifty ViX for the week closed at
the company has pristine asset quality in April, Fiis are net sellers to the tune Chambal Fertilisers and Chemicals Lim- ness with over 50 products covering all 20.08 per cent. PCR Oi for the week
with very low NPA (non-performing as-
sets) and as of December 2020, the firm’s
of Rs 8,700 crore in the month of May
till date. Buying from Diis was also
ited offers urea and di-ammonium Phos-
phate (DAP). The company's segments
STOCK PICKS major crops. In formulations, the com-
pany manufactures products in all major
closed at 1.52 indicates more puts writ-
ing than calls. Option data indicates a
asset under management stood at Rs 3,791 subdued with purchases of just Rs891 include Fertilisers and other Agri-inputs total urea produced in the country. categories such as Insecticides, Herbi- wide trading range for the Nifty be-
crore of which 72.50 per cent were loans crores till date in May against the buy- segment, Own Manufactured Phos- Largest single site Urea manufacturer – cides, Fungicides, Plant Growth Regula- tween 14,400 to 15,000 levels for com-
to self-employed customers while the ing of Rs 11,360 crore in April. indeci- phoric Acid segment, shipping segment significant economies of scale New Urea tors and Nematicides. NACL is in process ing sessions.
balance 27.50 per cent accounted for siveness among the institutional play- and software & others segment. The Fer- Plant (Gadepan‐III) one of the most en- of increasing the existing Plant capacity Spooked by fears of impact of rising
salaried individuals. ers and inflation worries from US tilisers and other Agri-inputs segment ergy efficient urea plants in the world. of 10,000 MT/Annum to 25,000 MT/Annum. Covid cases on business and economy,
As on December 2020, the company dragged sentiment. includes manufacture and marketing of 2. Strong Balance Sheet, Zero short Why we recommend banking stocks witnessed selling pres-
had 1,844 personnel and a network of Volatility due to inflation fears and urea, single super phosphate (SSP) and term debt and financially sound. Selling 1. Presence across the value chain i.e sure. State Bank of india would be re-
181 branches catering to 56,430 active uncertainty over the second wave of purchase and sale of other fertilizers a portfolio of products valuing over Rs. Technical > Formulations > Research > porting earnings on May 21. it is expected
loan accounts across Tamil Nadu, Covid-19 kept market participants on and agri-inputs. 12,500 crore annually. Retail > Farmer Outreach. Strong product to report strong earnings growth for the
Puducherry, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka their toes in the week ended. After a gap The Own Manufactured Phosphoric Buy between Rs245-255 for medium portfolio that is spread across insecti- March 2021 quarter on the back of de-
and Telangana. of more than six months the next Goods Acid segment includes manufacturing and term price target of Rs425. In the event of cides, herbicides, fungicides, plant cline in provisions, and strong net interest
After successfully growing its presence and Service Tax Council meeting is being marketing of Phosphoric Acid. The Ship- sharp correction in the market, keep stop growth regulators and nematicides. income & pre-provision operating profit.
outside its home state Tamil Nadu to convened on May 28. ping segment includes transportation of loss at Rs215. Risk / Reward ratio is 1:6. 2. Long standing business relations Punters expect rebound in bank counters.
other major markets in southern india, As per GOi projection, the shortfall crude oil and liquid products through ves- with Multinational agrochemical com- Buy iCiCi Bank, SBi, PNB, Canara Bank
Aptus Value housing Finance is now in- was expected to be Rs 1,56,164 crore in sels owned and hired by the Shipping Di- NACL is an established agrochemical panies. and BOB. Stock futures looking good are
tending to expand its branch network in 2021-22, without taking into consider- vision. The Software & Others Segment company in India, founded in 1993. The 3. Reports of the company being an ac- DlF, iCiCi Bank, Pidiliteinds, Powergrid,
large housing markets in the states of ation the impact of Covid wave-2. iiP includes software business, power and in- company started as an active ingredient quisition target. Possibility of takeover ReC, Tata Consumer and Zee enter-
Maharashtra, Odisha and Chhattisgarh. rose by a sharp 22.4 per cent in March frastructure activities of the Company. manufacturer and has built a sizable busi- by a Multinational or Indian major is not tainment. Stock futures looking weak
iCiCi Securities, Citigroup Global after two months of contraction, helped Why we recommend ness in Domestic Retail, B2B and Exports, ruled out in next couple of years. are Cholamandalam Finance, indus Tow-
Markets india, edelweiss Financial Serv- by the year-earlier low base due to the 1. One of the largest Agri‐Products with many of the customers being large Buy between Rs45-48 for medium term er, Muthoot Finance, Pel and Naukri.
ices and Kotak Mahindra Capital Com- first Covid wave. Retail inflation eased Company in India. Annual production of MNCs with longstanding relationships. price target of Rs75. In the event of sharp
pany have been appointed as investment to a three-month low in April to 4.29 more than ~3.3 million MT of urea. Com- The company has also emerged as a correction in the market, keep stop loss (The author is a stock market
bankers for advising the company on per cent from 5.52 per cent in March pany accounts for over 13 per cent of the strong player in the formulations busi- at Rs40. Risk / Reward ratio is 1:6. expert. He is former vice
the public issue. due to softening food prices. chairman of AP Planning Board)

Balancing investment portfolio key Small caps to outperform indices THOVITIBRAHMACHARY similarly may de-
cline towards,
The only true measure of investment benchmark should be the
goal and how an avenue performed against your investment M arket has given up the ini-
tial gains last week. The
benchmark index, Nifty closed
zone of support. The
defensive sectors
chosen i.e., one must understand at 14,677.8 with 145.35 points like FMCG turned
what the investment is based on, or 0.98 per cent loss. BSe Sensex positive last week,
K Naresh Kumar how it’s structured and top of all is lost one per cent during last and the pharma, iT
the possible risks involved. week. The broader indices Nifty sector, will play an

T hese days with the advent of so-

cial media, it’s very hard for us
to remain concentrated and discon-
One should be clear on why one
is investing and to what extent one
could take the hit or risk of losing
Midcap-100 declined
by 0.7 per cent, and the
Smallcap-100 index up NIFTY
to cross. 20 weekly average
worked support but, let us
important role in
protecting the market from the
big crashes. These three sectors
nected. while it’s great to remain the invested money. Alternatively, by 0.3 per cent. wait and see this level 14,620 are in the leading quadrant and
connected most of the time, if not one could have a bucket for such Nifty-500 declined level will hold for next week. moving towards the leading
all the time, it also brings in loads of speculation and live with peace. by 0.72 per cent. PSU bank index in any case, the Nifty closes below quadrant. As suspected last week,
distraction to our mundane living. There’s nothing wrong in playing advanced by 3.7 per cent, and this level, which will be another the metal sectors seem to be in
it becomes extremely difficult when part of the money that’s purely media up by 2.4 per cent on the sign of a bearish zone. overbought and witnessing the
you are part of a social network which The good ticked as speculation if one is aware sectoral front. Nifty metal de- As mentioned earlier, the profit booking. The energy sector
talks about investing ideas and even have been on a mar- investing when you’re stuck in of the consequences of it and to clined by 4.6 per cent. Fiis sold weekly RSi at 58.53 and a move losing momentum and failed to
sharing their experiences. it’s a two- vellous ride with no a traffic jam, you see cy- what extent it would affect their Rs 8713.25 crores and Diis bought below 55 zone, will create another move into the leading quadrant.
edged sword as both their positive parallel from the past.
workbook clists peddling their way portfolio or wealth. it’s when the just Rs 891.20 crores worth of swing low. with all probability, All the other sectors are avoid-
and negative responses only firm up Doubts were cast on contains small out of the jam and mov- continued outstanding returns equities during the current if the RSi falls below by the next able for now as all of them are
our biases further, rarely helping to how we approached measures of ing ahead of you. would gives fear into greed is when the month. india ViX declined by weekly close, the Nifty will re- in a lagging quadrant.
ease their influence on us. investing and while improvement, you not then like to junk trouble begins. 2.67 per cent and settled at 20.27. sume or continue the minor trend The Covid curve started trend-
while there’s no secret for success we constantly were deriving a plan, the car off and get on a The biggest key to success hence Overall market breadth is not down, will the test the recent ing down and may ease lockdowns
in investing, reams of paper are ded- questioned about our sticking to a bike to your destination? has been minding the ‘mind’ part so great. low of 14,191 quickly. On a daily from the next two weeks in some
icated on how our mentality makes assumptions, estima- But your larger sense of the investment. All investments The Nifty formed the dark chart, the price and RSi diver- states. The vaccine drive also may
the cut for investing or how our tions of our future,
routine, being prevails over your initial are rational i.e., they’re built on cer- cloud cover on a weekly chart. gence are clearly visible. RSi gain momentum as the new vac-
psychology or behaviour impacts the markets defied flexible, bouts of enticement as you un- tain premises which could be ra- An optimistic opening with a faced resistance exactly at the cine arrivals and the supply im-
our investing results. like prescrib- every parameter of moderation derstand the limitations tionally explained but most invest- breakout failed to maintain the channel resistance line. it must provements.
ing for good health, the good in- the past. and keeping of a bike to your context. ment decisions are emotional. So, momentum and missed the fol- take support at 45-46 level, which importantly, about eight Nifty
vesting workbook contains small At such times, balanced views even in investing, there when making investment decisions low through days. As on Tuesday, is currently 49.74. companies to announce financial
measures of improvement, deriving when we see a post would be multiple such one needs to see how a particular the Nifty opened with a sizeable The MACD histogram shows results next week, and over 170
a plan, sticking to a routine, being or message from our social network instances when we’re tempted to investment would serve the in- gap down, Monday’s candle has that the initial bullish momentum companies will release the Q4
flexible, bouts of moderation and on how one has made phenomenal discard our philosophy or style to vestor’s objective. At all times, the turned as an evening star. it added is waning. The positive directional results. This may cause a stock-
keeping balanced views. Most of returns through investing in a par- get on to a new fad to ride the short- only true measure of benchmark distribution days and drifted be- indicator +DMi and the trend specific activity more. As the
good health advice is either boring ticular avenue, it would dishearten term profits. while stating that, i’m should be the goal and how an av- low the 50DMA once again on strength indicator ADX are falling. benchmark indices trading in
or tasteless. Same is the case with us for not having taken such an ex- not suggesting remaining dogmatic enue performed against it. That al- Friday. The 100DMA support is even on the weekly chart, the sideways, and the out-perfor-
good investing advice. posure. At these instances, we’re in our investment strategy and lose lows us to stay rationale in why we just 100 points away. historically same trend is visible. Overall, all mance of small caps will continue.
The past one year has been a try- very much tempted to make changes out on making money. chose an investment and how we 100DMA worked as support. technical parameters and the pat- Focus on smallcap, Pharma, iT
ing one for most of the humanity to our investment strategy to ac- So, how do we bring the balance, evaluate its performance. As the distribution day count tern analysis shows the inherent and FMCG stocks, which are in
with the pandemic raging across commodate these avenues which particularly when the returns are is at three, any increase will weakness in the market. a suitable set up to trade.
the world, imposition of lockdowns, found success in others. it’ll be gru- exponential and too tempting to (The author is a co-founder of change the market status to a For the next week, things may (The author is a financial
grinding down economic activity, elling especially when the outper- stay side lines, like in cryptos. One “Wealocity”, a wealth confirmed downtrend. in fact, not change towards the positive- journalist and technical analyst.
hospitalisation, much more, losing formance continues as we remain critical aspect of investment to be management firm and could be the weekly resistance line still ness. The Nifty may face resist- He can be reached at
loved ones but the asset markets contemplating on the execution. considered is the kind of avenue reached at an arduous task for the market ance 14,880-15,000 zone, and

Options data points to range-bound trading

14,700. it expects the banking
DERIVATIV space to take the lead for the
Nifty movement towards
OUTLOOK Bank Nifty
15,000 in coming sessions.
Bank Nifty recorded offload-
FIIs net sellers in index futures, stock F&O TRADING NSe’s banking index Bank ing of positions as nine per
DASARI SREENIVASA RAO Nifty fell 734.95 points or 2.23 cent closure was observed in
futures, and buyers in index options Product Contracts Turnover (Rs/cr) Premium (Rs/cr)
NSE / As on May 14, 2021

per cent to 32,169.55 points Open interest. however, lack

T he NSe Nifty couldn’t sus- Index Futures 2,98,812 28,330.91 -- from 32,904.50 points. The of formation of short positions
tain above 15,000 points as writing was seen at ATM Calls After remaining at 16,000 Stock Futures 10,42,088 81,791.30 -- Bank Nifty for a fourth con- is indicating limited down-
it closed below 14,700 points and Put strikes suggesting strike for two consecutive Index Options 2,31,00,832 22,00,230.88 14,212.49 secutive week traded in a range sides.
in the truncated last week (eid- range-bound bias to continue weeks, the resistance level eased Stock Options 28,42,987 2,29,825.00 4,762.70 with stock-specific action. iVs remained choppy on a
ul-Fitr holiday on Thursday) with significant activities seen by 500 points to 15,500 strike, F&O Total 2,72,84,719 25,40,178.09 18,975.19 Short Strangle strategies con- weekly basis due to which op-
amid global weakness. The Nifty at OTM Call strikes. Derivatives while support level continued tinue to make money, which is tion premiums also fell
has been largely in a broader analysts hold the view that sus- to be at 14,500 level for three strikes. Further, 14,600/ 14,400/ the week as they sold to the pointing towards further con- sharply. Analysts forecast that
range during the past few tainability above 14,700 is ex- weeks in a row. 14,200/ 14,700 strikes recorded tune of Rs1,356 crore pulling solidation being possible. unless there's any major spike
months, while stock-specific pected to trigger closure among The 15,500 strike, which also reasonable addition of Put Oi. the key indices lower by one Banking and technology in iVs, the current leg of con-
trading was witnessed amid on- Call writers, which may pull the recorded maximum addition of BSe Sensex closed the week per cent. in the F&O space, Fiis stocks were the major draggers solidation in the Bank Nifty
going earnings season. Nifty Nifty towards the higher band Call Oi, has the highest Call Oi at 48,732.55 points, a net fall were primarily seen in the stock and ended the week near lows. should continue.
may continue its range bound of the consolidation. On down- followed by 15,300/ 14,800/ of 472 points or 0.96 per cent, futures and index options seg- Metal space also saw some Major support for the index
bias with intermediate pivot sides, levels near 14,500 would 14,900/15,400 strikes. 15,300/ from 49,206.47 points. NSe ment. Fiis were net sellers in cool-off after a sharp surge was is placed at 31,000 whereas on
levels of 14,700 level. provide support to the index. 15,100/ 15,000/ 14,900/14,800 Nifty too declined by 145.35 the index futures segment seen in the last couple of upsides, last week’s high should
For the week ahead, sustain- even mid-cap and small-cap strikes witnessed significant points or 0.98 per cent to worth Rs2,696 crore and also months. however, heavy- act as a supply zone. hence,
ability of 14,700 seems crucial stocks recorded some profit tak- Call Oi build up. Coming to Put 14,677.80 points from 14,823.15 they sold stock futures to the weights like Reliance indus- short Strangle of 1,000 points
for fresh positive bias from a ing in the last couple of sessions side, the 14,600 strike has max- points. tune of Rs5,530 crore. however, tries and FMCG stocks came OTM strikes could be the strat-
trading perspective. From the and both indices lost almost imum Put Oi followed by Foreign Portfolio investors Fiis bought index options worth to the rescue as the Nifty was egy for the week, according to
options perspective, continued three per cent from highs. 14,500/ 14,400/ 14,700/ 14,100 (FPis) turned net sellers during Rs7,352 crore. able to close in the vicinity of iCiCi
10 SPORTS HyderaBad Monday 17 May 2021

Coach creating match situations for me in training: Sindhu on gearing up for Olympics
NEW DELHI set of events before the Tokyo Games in Sindhu doesn't train with the rest of the us in a bubble but still we need to be forced some of the top players, including
July-August. Indian Olympic-bound team. She has careful." Saina Nehwal and B Sai Praneeth, to
The lack of competitions Asked if cancellations will affect her been training at the Gachibowli indoor Sindhu, the reigning world champion, withdraw. Sindhu hoped that such in-
before the Olympics is a preparations, Sindhu said: "Well, we stadium in Telangana and does her fit- said it will be a tough task for organisers stances do not happen during the
major concern for Indian were thinking that Singapore will be the ness training at Suchitra academy. The and athletes to adhere to the COVID-19 Olympics.
shuttlers but not so much last event before Olympics but now we 25-year-old endorsed BWF's decision to protocols in a showpiece event like the " is the Olympics and there will be
for PV Sindhu, who trusts her Ko- don't have another option, so I am play- cancel the events, saying while it is sad Olympics and everyone has to brace up so many athletes from so many coun-
rean coach Park Tae Sang to create ing matches against different players that competitions could not take place for the challenge. tries but they also have to be very care-
match situations for her in training and my coach Park is trying to create but but life is more important than "every country has their own COVID- ful. As an athlete we have to prepare and
itself. match situations for me in training. sports. 19 rules. In Thailand, we were tested just hope that everything is fine in the
Owing to the raging COVID-19 pan- "Different players have different "It is sad that the whole world has every 2-3 days, in All england an entire next few months," the world No.7 said.
demic, the styles like Tai Tzu (Ying) or Ratchanok come to a standstill but before contingent had to pull out for one case "...unless you take care of yourself, it
(Intanon) have different styles of play sportspersons, we are human beings and in their flight but we have to deal with can spread anytime, anywhere. So it will
but Park is there to guide me, to prepare life comes first," Sindhu said. "If tour- it," the hyderabadi shuttler said. be tough." Sindhu, who had reached the
me for it," Sindhu told PTI. naments happen, we don't know if we "even in Olympics, I have heard that finals of Swiss Open in March after re-
"Obviously, we will be playing will be safe, we might think we will be every day they will be testing us. Before turning to action following a long break,
each other after a few but we can't be sure because we don't we take off, we have to clear an RT-PCR said she is improving as a player. "It has
B a d - months and know from where this virus will come. test and after getting down we do a test been a good campaign so far this year. I
minton World Federation has been there will be For the moment, events are being can- again, it is definitely a tough task." have been improving as a player. My
forced to cancel the remaining three something celled and I know sportspersons are sad There was a lot of chaos in some of coach has analysed my game, so really
Olympic qualifiers in India, Malaysia new in our but I think it is good for the people...Or- the international badminton events looking forward to the Olympics. My
and Singapore. These were to be the last games, so I will have to prepare for that." ganisers take a lot of measures and keep early this year when a few false positives dad also helps me a lot," she said. (PTI)

FA Cup Final

India’s Tejaswini wins
stunner helps
consecutive high jump
titles in USA
Leicester win

REPRESENTING Kansas State University, India's Te-

jaswini Shankar won back-to-back men's high jump
1st ever title LONDON
titles in the Big 12 Outdoor Track and Field Champi-
onships in Manhattan, USA. YOuRI Tielemans scored a wonder goal and the video assistant
Shankar, 22, cleared the bar at 2.28m to win high referee (VAR) then came to the rescue as leicester City beat
jump gold on Saturday, but his efforts fell short of Chelsea 1-0 to win a first FA Cup title in their 137-year club his-
Tokyo Olympic Games qualification standard of tory.
2.33m. Shankar had also won the men's high jump Tielemans fired into the top left corner from some 25 metres Leicester City's goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel (right) and Wes Morgan hold the trophy aloft at the end of the FA Cup final soccer match against Chelsea at
title in the 2019 edition of the Big 12 Outdoor Track in the 63rd minute in front of a crowd of around 21,000 fans, al- Wembley Stadium in London, England late on Saturday. Leicester won the match 1-0
and Field Championships while the 2020 edition lowed into the famed arena as coronavirus restrictions are being
was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. eased in england, DPA reports. proud of everybody." Chelsea were not as strong as in the past up a frantic finale.
The Delhi-based national record in men's high But victory was not theirs until an 89th-minute equalizer from weeks under their new manager Thomas Tuchel who had won Chilwell's 78th-minute header was kept out by Schmeichel
jump is studying business administration at Kansas Chelsea was nullified by VAR because Ben Chilwell was deemed the German Cup 2017 with Borussia Dortmund and the French with a little help from the left post, and the Danish keeper made
State University. He is on a four-year athletics offside by the smallest of margins in the build-up. Cup last year with Paris Saint-Germain. another sensational save against Mount's fierce volley in the 87th.
scholarship since 2017. It was leicester's first FA Cup trophy after four lost finals in The Blues eliminated Premier league champions Manchester It all seemed to no avail when Chilwell beat him for a long punt
Shankar had skipped the Federation Cup Athlet- the past, the last one 52 years ago in 1969, and their second major City in the semi-finals but fell short of a ninth FA Cup title in and the ball deflected into the net but Chelsea's wild celebrations
ics Championships in March as the dates clashed title after a sensational Premier league success in 2016. They their 15th final. turned into agony when the goal was disallowed - and it was
with his National Collegiate Athletics Association also have three league Cup crowns. Chances were sparse in a rainy first half with Chelsea's Mason leicester and their fans who celebrated wildly a few minutes on.
(NCAA) indoor season. He won the high jump Captain Kasper Schmeichel also made key saves for the team Mount and Timo Werner aiming wide, and Cesar Azpilicueta un- "The performance today, the grit and determination, I'm so
bronze by clearing 2.24m in the NCAA meet. of manager Brendan Rodgers late in the game before received able to meet Thiago Silva's cross from point-blank range after proud of everybody, everybody contributed to get to the final
Shankar is the third Indian to compete in the the trophy out of the hands of Britain's Prince William, the FA Werner had also gone for the ball. everyone has played and been sensational," Schmeichel said.
highly competitive USA circuit, the breeding president. leicester gained more possession as the sun came out after The two sides meet again on Tuesday in a crucial Premier
ground for many US track and field Olympians. "So happy I can't begin to describe it. What a day. Indescribable. the break, and the goal then came in the 63rd when Chelsea lost league date at Stamford Bridge where the loser could miss out
Triple jumper Mohinder Singh Gill, India's leading It is what dreams are made of. I have dreamt of this since I was a the ball in their half and luke Thomas set up the Belgian mid- on a place in the next Champions league.
jumper in 1970s, and discus thrower Vikas Gowda child," Schmeichel told the BBC. fielder Tielemans for the sensational strike high into the net past Chelsea have another chance for silverware when they meet
are the other Indians to compete in the NCAA. (IANS) "We have talked about wanting to win trophies, and the per- Kepa Arrizabalaga. City again in the Champions league final in a fortnight on May
formance today with the grit and the determination - I am so Tuchel brought more attacking power plus Chilwell which set 29 in Porto. (IANS)

Iga demolishes Karolina Ex-Saurashtra player

Rajendrasinh Jadeja dies
to win Rome Open title RAJKOT
ROME Iga's combination of heavy spin
and pace allowed her to exploit FORMeR Saurash-
WORlD No.15 from Iga Swiatek Karolina's movement throughout tra pacer and match
of Poland was in ruthless the match, and she sealed victory referee Rajendras-
form as she routed No. as the Czech sent a fore- inh Jadeja passed
9 seed Karolina hand wide. away on Sunday due
Pliskova of the The result on Sun- to Covid-19. he was
Czech Republic 6- day ensured that Iga 66. The Saurashtra
0, 6-0 in just 46 would break into the Cricket Association
minutes to clinch top-10 for the first (SCA) said that
the Italian Open time when the WTA Jadeja died early Sunday morning.
title here on Sun- rankings are released "everyone at Saurashtra Cricket Association
day. on Monday. are deeply saddened by the untimely demise of
Iga, 19, dropped just It was the first-ever Rajendrasinh Jadeja, one of the most remarkable
13 points in all -- four in double bagel to decide the yesteryear cricketers of Saurashtra. he left for
the first set and nine in the second Rome title, and the most one- heavenly abode today early morning after fight-
-- and faced only four game points sided Italian Open final since ing a hard battle against Covid-19," it said in a
against her. This was the Polish 1983, when hungarian Andrea statement. Jadeja played 50 first class matches
player's third career title follow- Temesvari defeated American and took 134 wickets. he also played in 11 list A
ing the French Open last year and Bonnie Gadusek 6-1, 6-0.The last games and took 14 wickets and also scored 1,536
the Adelaide title in February. double bagel in a WTA final was runs in first class cricket, with 104 runs in list A.
Iga raced out of the blocks and Romanian Simona halep's vic- he served as the Board of Control for Cricket in
never let up, striking 17 winners tory over latvia's Anastasija Sev- India's (BCCI) official referee in 53 first-class
to only five unforced errors in the astova at Bucharest 2016. matches, 18 list A games and 34 T20s.
match. By contrast, a slow-start- Iga had never before scored a "Rajendrasinh Jadeja was the man with qual-
ing Karolina served two double double bagel win at the pro level, ity, style, ethics and great cricketing capabilities.
faults in each of her first two serv- though she had notably defeated his dedication and contribution to Cricket shall
ice games, and did not find a win- Karolina's twin sister Kristyna 6- be remembered forever," said BCCI and SCA
ner until she was set point down 0, 6-1 to reach her first WTA final secretary Niranjan Shah. (IANS)
after 19 minutes. in lugano 2019.

Paralympic Games: ‘India women’s cricket North Korea withdraw

Trials to pick Indian team to tour Aust in from World Cup
athletics team in June September’ football qualifiers
neW deLHI: The Paralympic Committee Sydney: India women to tour australia Pyongyang: The asian Football Confed-
of India (PCI) will conduct national selec- for a bilateral series in September, aus- eration (aFC) on Sunday confirmed the
tion trials next month to select the In- tralia fast bowler Megan Schutt has said. withdrawal of north Korea from the
dian track and field team for the upcom- Interestingly, neither the Indian cricket asian qualifiers for the 2022 FIFa World
ing Tokyo Paralympic games. The trials board nor Cricket australia (Ca) has Cup and the 2023 aFC asian Cup. In a
will be held at the Jawaharlal nehru Sta- made an official announcement on the brief statement, the aFC said the matter
dium here on June 15 and 16, PCI secre- tour that was postponed in december will be referred to the organising commit-
tary general gursharan Singh said on due to the raging Covid-19 pandemic. tee for FIFa competitions, and that fur-
Sunday. "We will conduct the trials in "We have got a tour against India in mid- ther details on the standings of the asian
June to select the national team. In case September," Megan said on no Balls: qualifying group H, which includes north
we aren't able to hold the trials due to The Cricket Podcast, hosted by Kate Korea, will be announced in due course,
pandemic, we will find an alternative to Cross and alex Hartley. "So, there's a reports Xinhua. Prior to their withdrawal,
pick the athletes for the Paralympic couple of camps. I believe we are doing n Korea ranked fourth in group H after
games," Singh told IanS. The Paralympic one in darwin, which will be really five matches, just one point behind group
games are scheduled to be held from cool...and then the tour against India. leaders Turkmenistan. The group also in-
august 24 to Sept. 5. according to Singh, and then pretty much from there things cludes South Korea, Lebanon and Sri
the International Paralympic Committee get crazy with Big Bash, WnCL, ashes, Lanka. The group's remaining matches
will allot 16 to 20 Tokyo Paralympic World Cup, and, hopefully, the Common- will be played in South Korea in a cen-
quota places to India in track and field. wealth games." (IanS) tralised manner in June.

Printed & Published by K. Hanumanta Rao on behalf of M/s Hyderabad Media House Pvt.Ltd and Printed at Survey No - 713/P, Near Sundara Chaitanya Ashram, Dundigal Village, Quthbullapur Mandal, Medchal Malkajgiri (Dist) - 500043
and published from Hyderabad Media House Ltd, Plot No.1042, Road No. 52, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500033, TELANGANA. Editor: V Ramu Sarma. RNI No: TELENG/2011/38858

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