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- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1 any two from: 2

clean teeth / AW or ref. to good
oral hygiene ;
use a fluoride toothpaste / drink
water containing fluoride / AW
visits to the, dentist / hygienist /
AW ;
eat fewer sugar-containing foods
/ AW or fewer acidic foods or
drink ;

2 4; 1

3 line drawn to an incisor tooth 2

labelled incisor ;
line drawn to a molar tooth
labelled molar ;

4 2; 1

5 molar(s) ; 1

6 F: enamel ; 3
G: dentine ;
H: (named) blood vessel / nerve /
pulp (cavity) ;
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

7 any two from: 2

bite / tear / cut / hold / rip ;
chewing / grinding / crushing /
producing small(er) pieces /
mechanical digestion ;
increases surface area (of food)
killing prey / defence / cleaning
fur ;

8 high in (named) carbohydrates 2

high in (named) fats ;
too high in energy / calories / kJ
lacks protein ;
lacks (named ) vitamins ;
lacks (named ) minerals ;
lacks fibre ;
lacking, fruits / vegetables /
water ;

9 6200 (kJ per day) ; 1

- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

10 A dentine 3 6-5 correct =

3 marks
B cement
3-4 = 2 marks
C incisors
1-2 = 1 mark
D canine(s)
E premolars
F molars

11 carbohydrates; 4 max [4]

lipids/ fats;
vitamins/ named vitamin;

12 lipid/ fat/ oil; 2 A an example of fat or

a carbohydrate (but
only 1 example
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

13 4 one mark for each

name of
letter on correct row
type of function
canine R cut / rip /
tear /
pierce /
grip / bite
incisor S separate
/ break

molars P grinding
premolar Q and


14 any four from: 4

food left on teeth / AW ;
ref. to bacteria ;
(bacteria) respire sugar ;
(bacteria) produce acid ;
(acid) dissolves, enamel /
dentine, / AW ;
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

15 5 6 correct links = 5
4 or 5 correct links =
3 correct links = 3
2 correct links = 2
1 correct link = 1

16(a)(i) H – oesophagus ; 2
J – pancreas ;

16(a)(ii) N line ending on the rectum ; 3

P line ending on the small
intestine ;
R line ending on the small
intestine ;
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

17 any two from: 2

D clean / brush / wash / floss,
their teeth more, thoroughly or
frequently / good oral hygiene /
use of mouthwash ;
D (more / regular) visits to the
dentist / hygienist / AW ;
D used a fluoride toothpaste /
drank water containing fluoride
/ AW ;
D ate fewer sugary foods / fewer
acidic foods or drinks / has less,
bacteria or plaque ;

E thinner layer of enamel ;

E ref. to overcrowding /
overlapping (of teeth) ;
E had deficiency in calcium ;
E had deficiency in vitamin D ;

AVP ; e.g. adult D is younger

18 mouth ; 2
small intestine ;
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

19 any two from: 2

produces small pieces of food
increases surface area ;
easier to swallow food ;

20(a)(i) bile required to emulsify/ break 2

down large fat droplets to
smaller droplets;
(this) increase the surface area
of the fat to react with enzyme
(so tube F has the fastest

20(a)(ii) (as a) control/ proves that the 1

enzyme is needed for the
reaction/ for comparison;

21 1 persitalsis ; 2 AO1 max [2]

2 circular muscles contract (to
push to food);
3 muscle contraction above food
pushes it forward;
4 circular and longitudinal
muscles work antagonistically /
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

22 1
B - The bacterium produces a
toxin that causes the secretion
of chloride ions into the small
intestine, drawing in water by

23 diffusion/ description of ; 3 AO1

active transport / description of
digested food/ named example
R - reference to cilia
passes into blood/ capillary/ villi
surface area increased by villi /
AW ;
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

24 any four from: 4

1 produces a toxin ;
2 bacteria / toxin, attach to the
wall of the, small / large,
intestine ;
3 correct ref. to chloride ions ;

4 secretion / loss, chloride ions,

into the, small intestine ;
5 causing a water potential
gradient / water potential of the
intestinal lumen is lowered ;
6 causing osmotic movement of
water into the gut / water flows
from, the cells / blood, into the,
lumen / gut ;
7 loss of salts from the blood ;
8 causing, diarrhoea /
dehydration ;
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

25 3 one mark per row

part of
enzyme substrate product

mouth amylase starch maltose

stomach pepsin protein peptides
A protease (for
small enzyme)
acids R pancreas (for part of
/ lipase fat
and the alimentary canal)
/ ileum

[Total: 64]

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