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a) Your name: Marco Antonio Cedeno Aguayo

b) Title of the video you chose to watch: Sensory Room, Helping students with Autism Focus
and learn.

c) URL of the video you chose to watch:

d) Minimum one paragraph summary that details what you WATCHED, LEARNED, and
sensory room, is a room that has been conditioned with carpeting, softened lighting, cushioned
Crash pads, walking padas, 10 pounds slamming balls, in this room children stimulate their
senses, Autism presents in different ways, that makes that the children require different
simulations, some need a relaxing environment and get calmed, others have the urge hit
themselves against the walls, so they use the cushions on the wall and on the floor to safely crush
themselves into, other need to exert intense physical activity, so, they use the ropes and
slamming balls, there are stations for every sensory need children have. After 30 minutes of this
kind of activity, kids stimulate their senses and let scape their frustrations and find a way to cope
with their anger and frustrations and fears. Once they channel all those negative feelings, they
are ready to continue their learning activities being able to focus and learn.
I do agree that children need to stimulate their sensory needs, with an activity that allows
them to focus and become better learners.

e) Act in the role of the teacher and author 3 (three) OPEN ENDED
As a teacher I will welcome the possibility on offering this new sensory therapy, that will
improve children’s learning process. As the author it if proven that channeling children’s
negative feelings through a set of activities that helps them cope with these feelings.
QUESTIONS that would evaluate comprehension of the videos that YOU would ask other
students who might want to consider watching the same video. Consider researching Bloom's
Taxonomy from either your text or online to choose different levels of questioning and verbs
typically associated with each. Push yourself to not only author questions from the lowest level
of this chart.
1.- describe what is a sensory room.
2.- Explain how it works.
3.- Analyze the pros and cons, of the sensory room and consider how could you implement it.

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