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-Cerren rere errors re R @ wr -ssaving and Enirnmentl Testing Specials 7AB conse Laboratory with Berangey| a, Philopines. a ‘ar Te C.RNo. 011/2018 Wy ‘aot (6 since oy abowa Ga) meas See hose” mat: Conner seengsesiata com ph SSE, ne Steins Original issue Duplicate issue by request CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Revision Cooy B Customer: SAN MIGUEL INTEGRATED LOGISTICS SERVICES, INC. on pare Date of Issue :8/10/2020 Address _: LNP| Compound, Brey. Pulong Sta. Cruz, Sta. Rosa, Laguna RAN 1230255 INvoIce # Attention: MR. EUGENE MAURICIO Date Received: 7/29/2020 Date Sampled: 7/29/2020 Contact Informatio’ Date Analyzed: 7/29-8/6/2020 + 0915-401-8234/ RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Sample Descriptions Parameters Results Units Methods PNS for Drinking Water 2017 np! Compound, ‘Brgy. Pulong Sta. Cruz, ‘Sta. Rosa, Laguna Deepwell pH ge Electrometric 6585 Temp 28°C Color (True) 3 CU Visual Comparison 10 13354 “Taste Unobjectionable Sensory No objectional taste * odor Unobjectionable Sensory No objectional odor Turbicty 020° NTU _Nephelometric 5 Conductvity@243°C 519.4 USfem Laboratory alkalinity as CaCOs 2072 mg/L__Potentiometric Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 327 mg/L_—_ Gravimetric, dried at 180 °c 600 Total Suspended Solids (155) 1 g/t Gravimetric, dried at 103-105 °C * Hydrogen Sulfide (8) 005 mg/_—_lodometrie 0.05 Chloride (cr) 79 mg/L Argentometric 250 sulfate (S0.*) 10mg Turbidimetric 250 Total Silica (SiO,) 65 mg/L Gravimetric Aluminum (Al) <0.10 mg/L _ Direct Nitrous Oxide-Acetylene Flame 02 * Calelum Hardness (as CaCOs) 85.36 mg/L_Direct Nitrous Oxide-Acetylene Flame. > Copper (Cu) 0.005 mg/L__Direct Alr-Acetylene Flame 10 Iron (Fe) <0.02 —mg/L_DirectAir-Acetylene Flame 10 Sodium (Na) 2046 mg/L__DirectAlr-Acetylene Flame 200 ‘Not valid without OMI dry seal Page 1of2 ‘CAN 124759) ‘This Report isthe confidential property ofthe cient named. Prior cent approvals required to very and confirm the information contained herein. Persons acting without dligent verification do sot ther pel Unles otherwise authorize, all reprographic, lssemination and publestion rights ae rezerved, inctuding downloads, dgtal and image fes and representations Uninterrupted Total Quality Service Since 1976 ‘Sample Descriptions Parameters Results Units Methods NS for Drinking Water 2017 * Total Hardness as CaCO 1530 mg/l EDTATitrimetric 300 Zine (2n) <0.003 mg/L Direct Air-Acetylene Flame 50 Total Bacterial Count 125 CFU/ml PourPlate <500 Note: * Parameter(s) which is/are outside the laboratory's PNS ISO/IEC 17025:2005 scope of accreditation. ‘The customer is given 7 days upon receipt to raise questions or clarifications on any part or content of the certificate, otherwise the result(s) is/are deemed accepted. Total No. of Sample :1 Total Analysis : 21 ‘Sample Submission : Sampled by the OMLI staff Reference 1 Standard Methods forthe Examination of Water and Wastewater, 23rd ed. Remarks 1 Results relate only to the tem tested and received by the laboratory. Certified Correct by: hd —— z ‘Approved by: t “CHRISTOPHER D, HERNANDEZ, Riicro PAM ne CCHISTINA FREFERENTE, ACh TaLvINP BASCO, Rh Microbiology Section Head PRC No. 0007398 "PRC No, 0013786 ‘oratory Head Head of Operations Not valid without OMLI dry seal Page 2 of 2 ‘CAN 124759 ‘This Report isthe confidential property ofthe client named. rior client approval is required to verity and confirm the information contained herein. Persons ‘acting without digent verfcation do so at ther pel. Unless otherwise authorzed, all reprographic, dissemination and publication rights are reserved, Including dowloads, digital and image les and representations Uninterrupted Total Quality Service Since 1976

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