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Using Risk-Informed Asset Management for

Feedwater System Preventative Maintenance

Ernest KEE , Alice SUN , Andrew RICHARDS , James LIMING , James SALTER &

To cite this article: Ernest KEE , Alice SUN , Andrew RICHARDS , James LIMING , James
SALTER & Rick GRANTOM (2004) Using Risk-Informed Asset Management for Feedwater System
Preventative Maintenance Optimization, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 41:3, 347-353

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Journal of NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 41, No. 3, p. 347–353 (March 2004)


Using Risk-Informed Asset Management for Feedwater System Preventative

Maintenance Optimization
Ernest KEE1; , Alice SUN1 , Andrew RICHARDS1 , James LIMING2 , James SALTER2 and Rick GRANTOM1
South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company, Risk Management,
8 mi. West of Wadsworth on FM-521 Wadsworth, TX 77483, USA
ABSG Consulting Inc. (ABS Consulting), 300 Commerce Dr. #200, Irvine, CA 92602, USA
(Received July 18, 2003 and accepted in revised form December 8, 2003)

The initial development of a South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company process for supporting preventative
maintenance optimization by applying the Balance-Of-Plant model and Risk-Informed Asset Management alpha-level
software applications is presented. Preventative maintenance activities are evaluated in the South Texas Project Risk-
Informed Asset Management software while the plant maintains or improves upon high levels of nuclear safety. In the
Balance-Of-Plant availability application, the level of detail in the feedwater system is enhanced to support plant de-
cision-making at the component failure mode and human error mode level of indenture by elaborating on the current
model at the super-component level of indenture. The enhanced model and modeling techniques are presented. Results
of case studies in feedwater system preventative maintenance optimization using plant-specific data are also presented.
KEYWORDS: risk-informed, preventative maintenance, preventive maintenance, availability modeling, risk,
asset management, life cycle management, work management system

I. Introduction and Background

Primary South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company
(STPNOC) management focus areas are safety and plant val-
ue supported in part by a comprehensive risk management
program (CRMP). The CRMP is used to help manage plant
risk in nuclear safety and plant valuation. Elements of the
CRMP are the probabilistic risk model,1) balance of plant
performance predictor program (BOPPP) model2) and
Risk-Informed Asset Management (RIAM)3,4) model. These
elements are used in plant operating maintenance risk man-
agement (called ‘‘on-line maintenance’’)5) and in strategic
programs that would reduce cost of major maintenance
and spares. Conceptually, using the CRMP input would help
management move the plant operating point on the ‘‘safety/
profitability’’ plane in the direction shown in Fig. 1 (that is, Fig. 1 Safety and profitability plane
increased profitability would increase owner value).
An important component of RIAM is the plant preventa-
tive maintenance (PM) program that uses reliability-centered FW heater) and ends at the steam generator FW inlet noz-
maintenance (RCM) techniques to manage STPNOC equip- zles. The FW system further includes the piping and valves
ment reliability.6) BOPPP is the availability modeling soft- associated with level measurement in the steam generators
ware used for estimating the impact of changes to the and some of the deaerator level instrumentation and control
RCM on plant availability and capacity factor within RIAM. equipment. Figure 2 is a schematic illustration of the FW
The focus of the Feedwater (FW) system project is to quan- system. The FW system is defined by 3,768 different plant
titatively identify the optimal change in frequency and type components each identified with a unique alpha-numeric
of PM for each component. The FW system was studied first designator known as a total plant numbering system (TPNS)
because equipment in FW contributes to roughly 40% of designator. There are about 16,300 unique TPNS/failure
plant production interruption events at STPNOC plants. mode combinations. Support equipment (electrical power,
seal water, instrument air, etc.) represents an additional
II. Feedwater System Overview 3,015 TPNS items.

For the purpose of equipment designation, the FW system

III. Availability Model
is defined as starting at the outlet of the deaerator (fifth stage
Clearly, the plant availability model detail must be suffi-
cient to support the end use. In the case of the STPNOC

Corresponding author, Tel. +1-361-972-8907, Fax. +1-361-972- BOP availability model, plant programs, maintenance activ-
7073, E-mail:

348 E. KEE et al.

Fig. 2 Super-components in the feedwater system

ities and database keys are centered around the TPNS. In

particular, the STPNOC PM program uses the TPNS as the
equipment identifier for all PM activities. Because a major
objective of STPNOC RIAM analysis is PM optimization
within the context of the STPNOC RIAM process, it is clear
that the STPNOC availability model detail must be at the Fig. 3 Feedwater system availability block diagram
TPNS level of indenture.
On the other hand, previous development of the STPNOC
BOP availability model development used reliability data for 1. Availability Block Diagram
high level components (super-components), such as pumps, All super-components can be grouped schematically into
heat exchangers, control valves and so forth to simulate plant blocks that represent series logic for availability. For exam-
level performance. An initial development approach based ple, Figure 3 is an ABD schematic for the STPNOC FW
on super-components allows use of data from industry relia- system reflecting the requirements to support 100% power
bility databases (EPIX, NERC-GADS, etc.). In the context operation. ABDs display a critical overview of system suc-
of the STPNOC computerized work management system cess criteria critical to the accurate modeling of plant avail-
(CWMS), many of these super-components actually consist ability. Also, using the ABD for a reference is a convenient
of several support equipment (sub-components) represented way to break down the modeling task into logical blocks.
by TPNS items. Additionally, industry practice is to collect
reliability data at the super-component level (exceptions are, 2. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
for example, where data are collected for a prime mover and Each TPNS item represents a sub-component that, in gen-
the driven equipment such as the turbine and pump of a tur- eral, will have several failure modes (FMs). For a large num-
bine-driven FW pump). Finally, a ‘‘sub-component’’ associ- ber of components the task of determining all possible fail-
ated with almost all TPNS items is the human being operat- ure modes is quite intimidating. But the STPNOC master
ing the equipment unreliably. equipment database is populated with equipment type iden-
tifiers (i.e. valves and pumps) that can be mapped to an FM
database (for example DOE databases.8,9) Once the mapping
IV. FW Preventative Maintenance Methodology
is accomplished, the two tables are linked and a report show-
The methodology applied in the preventive maintenance ing each TPNS (component) with its associated generated
optimization (PMO) process by STPNOC was taken largely FM. In this way, all potential FMs can be reviewed for ap-
from Perla,7) with updates based on recently-developed plicability to production loss or interruptions. When linking
RIAM technology at STPNOC. The PMO process involves was complete, the total number of preliminary failure modes
evaluation of equipment failures, both historical and predict- identified for the STPNOC FW system was approximately
ed, and associated generation loss costs and corrective main- 25,000.
tenance costs, including all related labor and material costs
as summarized below: 3. Fault Tree Analysis
. Build Availability Block Diagram (ABD), Several blocks in the ABD contain super-components. In
. Gather list of affected equipment or TPNS items, the simplest cases, super-components can be modeled as a
. Perform Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), collection of ‘‘OR’’ logic gates made up of TPNS/FM com-
. Perform Fault Tree Analysis, binations modeled as the basic events using Saphire soft-
. Gather Financial Data, ware. However, several super-components in the STPNOC
. Create Critical Items Lists (CILs), FW systems require more complex modeling. In particular,
. Evaluate and implement PM changes, and the FW pumps, booster pumps, and FWIVs require
. Gather, analyze, and implement PM program feedback. ‘‘AND’’ logic to properly model all failure modes. In this
case, the existing fault tree model must be augmented. The


Using Risk-Informed Asset Management for Feedwater System Preventative Maintenance Optimization 349

Fig. 4 Fault tree augmentation

minimal cut sets, sets of basic events that lead to a top event Fig. 5 Mapping process from TPNS data distribution to super-
where all basic events in the set are essential, were computed component distribution
in Saphire and exported to BOPPP where reliability data are
assigned to the basic events. The process of incorporating
new events in the existing BOPPP fault tree model is illus- 4. Gather Plant-specific Data
trated in Figs. 4 and 5. Figure 5 shows how the failure dis- In general, we consider two types of reliability data, cur-
tribution for one super-component is parsed out into differ- tailing (generation impacting) events and non-curtailing
ent sub-components with different failure distributions. events. Non-curtailing event data come primarily from the
The BOPPP application includes modules to solve for CWMS, and curtailing event data primarily come from the
plant availability as well as a data module to maintain FM plant process computer. Historical non-curtailing reliability
reliability data. As reliability data are obtained during plant data for each TPNS is obtained by querying the CWMS da-
operation, the BOPPP data module is updated with the new tabase. For each query result, the data are reviewed ‘‘by
information. The BOPPP data module uses an ‘‘update by hand’’ to assign the failure mode and other data related to
exception’’ method making the data update process more ef- the maintenance activity. The types of data retrieved from
ficient by only requiring failure data. The equipment that op- the query are summarized in Table 1.
erates without failure is updated as well, but in those cases, Curtailing event data are taken from review of the plant
they are updated automatically with success over default ex- electrical generator output data recorded on the plant process
posure duration. The default exposure duration is part of the computer. These data are downloaded into a spreadsheet that
plant model data. Using the BOPPP data module, STPNOC is set up to find events where the power drops more than 2%
plant-specific distributions were created using DOE distribu- below the rated generator output for gross generator output.
tions for priors by updating them with plant-specific failure Each unit data element is screened individually. When a cur-
histories and repair times. tailing event is detected, the event data are brought into a

Table 1 Reliability data for each activity

Source Name
STPNOC unit number
ECO number
Data assigned from CWMS (query results) Maintenance type
Start date/time
Finish date/time
Activity description
Data assigned from plant process computer Megawatt hour loss
Failure mode
Data assigned by analyst (by hand) NERC/GADS code
EPIX code

VOL. 41, NO. 3, MARCH 2004

350 E. KEE et al.

separate worksheet and the total production loss is found by N1 (pseudo-failures)=Mn1*D1,

integrating the power history over the time of the event. D2=Given site specific # demands in x amount of
Data assignment by the analyst is the most time-consum- time,
ing part of the data analysis and is a ‘‘hole’’ in the STPNOC N2=Given site specific # failures in x amount of
CWMS record keeping process. Although it would be much time,
more efficient to store the failure mode data with work his- Mn1=Given industry data for failures per demand,
tories in the CWMS database, comprehensive FMEA (as is EF1=Given industry data for error factor of fail-
being done in the work described here) has not been accom- ure, and
plished for all systems (including FW) at STPNOC. The re- Mn2=N2/D2.
pair time, also from CWMS, for each activity is set based on For time based failures, the equations are as follows:
the ‘‘tag-out’’ time (equipment clearance order (ECO) time)
for the activity. Mn3 or  (predicted failures per hour) ¼ N3/T3 ð3Þ
Financial data needed for the evaluation include station qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1:645 ln N3þ1
costs for each work activity, operation and maintenance EF3 ( final error factor) ¼ e N3
: ð4Þ
costs, and capital costs. The station costs are readily availa-
ble from STPNOC’s financial department. The price of elec- where N3=N1+N2,
tricity is gathered from the ERCOT website showing the T3=T1+T2,
day-to-day electricity spot prices for STPNOC customers. 1
N1 (pseudo-failures)= 2 ,
The time-weighted yearly average of ERCOT spot prices eðlnðEFlÞ=1:645Þ 1
is used in the evaluation. T1 (pseudo-denominator)=N1/Mn1,
N2=Given site specific # failures per hour,
5. Create Critical Items Lists T2=Given site specific # hours of operation per
Primary results of this evaluation process are ranked crit- hour,
ical items lists (CILs) of plant structures, systems, and com- Mn1=Given industry data for failure per hour,
ponents (SSCs). The CILs are developed first at the TPNS/ EF1=Given industry data for error factor of fail-
FM level of indenture, then ‘‘rolled up’’ into TPNS item ure, and
CILs. The relationship between TPNS items and preventive Mn2=N2/T2.
maintenance activities (PMs) is then applied to develop PM Also included in the CIL for both demand and time based
activity CILs, based on their relationship to predicted plant failures are:
profitability, equivalent annual percentage rate return-on-in-
Predicted failure rate for 18 months ¼ Mn3 #
vestment (ROI), and net present value (NPV) decision sup-
port metrics. of demand or operating hours in 18 months ð5Þ
Using all (curtailing and non-curtailing) event data, a CIL MTTF ¼ 1= ð6Þ
showing component reliability is created. To calculate the t
Reliability ¼ e ; ð7Þ
mean time to failure (MTTF) and the probability of failure
in 18 months, the DOE database is used as a prior, as men- where t=time.
tioned before, which is then Bayesian updated with For curtailing events, EPRI NP-3416 methodology applies
STPNOC plant failure data. All TPNS and FM combinations equipment categorization techniques to aid the PMO proc-
are separated into demand or time based failures. The gener- ess.10) First, a list of equipment within the scope of the anal-
ic data includes the mean (Mn1) and error factor (EF1) for a ysis that requires specific PM actions, largely based on reg-
lognormal distribution. ulatory and major equipment warranty requirements, is de-
The number of demands for demand based failure compo- veloped. Next, a list of system equipment that actually con-
nents need to be defined manually[JKL2] for a specific tributed to historical generation loss at the plant is compiled
amount of time. To perform Bayesian updating for demand and ranked based on generation loss contribution (that is,
based failures, based on the lognormal prior distributions MWH loss). This list is called the ‘‘failed critical items list’’
from the DOE database, the following equations are used or FCIL. Last, results of a predictive logic model (that is,
to solve for the predicted failures per demand as well as error fault tree) analysis for the target system are analyzed to de-
factor: velop a critical items list of key system equipment, called a
KCIL, based on future predicted MWH loss at the power sta-
Mn3 or  (predicted failures per demand) ¼ N3/D3 ð1Þ tion.
 ffi Additionally, the EPRI NP-3416 methodology has been
1:645 ln Mn3 (D1+D2+1)
EF3 ( final error factor) ¼ e : ð2Þ enhanced to include developing CILs for FW system compo-
nent failure modes based on additional metrics, such as event
where D3=D1+D2, frequency, revenue loss, and two additional metrics currently
N3=N1+N2, called profitability achievement worth (PAW) and profitabil-
D1 (pseudo-denominator) ity reduction worth (PRW). PAW for a specific TPNS failure
1Mn1 mode is defined as the factor by which baseline predicted
¼ 1þ 2 , station profitability would be multiplied if the TPNS failure
Mn1*ðeðlnðEF1Þ=1:645Þ 1Þ
mode were assumed never to occur (that is, to be perfect, rel-


Using Risk-Informed Asset Management for Feedwater System Preventative Maintenance Optimization 351

Table 2 List of CILs

PMO critical items

list (CIL) title CIL Description

Mandatory maintenance List of equipment with required PM

list (MML) activities based on regulatory and major
equipment warranty requirements.
Failed critical items list List TPNS items that have caused actual
(FCIL) historical generation loss at STPNOC
over the previous five years ranked by
decreasing level of MWH loss
Failure mode predicted List of FW system TPNS failure modes
frequency critical items that are predicted to contribute to future
list generation loss risk at STPNOC, ranked
based on decreasing value of predicted
Failure mode predicted List of FW system TPNS failure modes
generation loss critical that are predicted to contribute to future
items list generation loss risk at STPNOC, ranked
based on decreasing value of predicted
MWH loss. Note: this list also includes
expected profitability achievement
estimates based on generation risk.
Failure mode predicted List of FW system TPNS failure modes
profitability reduction with estimates of associated station
critical items list profitability reduction if the failure
mode is considered continuously
effective (i.e., the failure is always in
Tag/TPNS item List of FW system TPNS items that are
predicted frequency predicted to contribute to future
critical items list generation loss risk at STPNOC, ranked
based on decreasing value of predicted
Tag/TPNS item List of FW system TPNS items that are
predicted generation predicted to contribute to future
loss critical items list generation loss risk at STPNOC, ranked
based on decreasing value of predicted
MWH loss. Note: this list also includes
expected profitability reduction
estimates based on generation risk.
Tag/TPNS item List of FW system TPNS items with
predicted profitability estimates of associated station
reduction critical items profitability reduction if the linked
list TPNS item failure modes are considered
continuously effective (i.e., the failure is
always in effect).
PM activity predicted List of FW system PM activities with
profitability reduction estimates of associated station
critical items list profitability reduction if the linked
TPNS item failure modes are considered
continuously effective (i.e., the failure is
always in effect).
TPNS reliability List of TPNS in FW system with
respective reliability for 18 months that
may or may not have an impact on
PM reduction List of FW system PM activities that are
candidates not currently linked to the system
generation risk model (i.e., are predicted
to have no impact on future station
generation risk).

VOL. 41, NO. 3, MARCH 2004

352 E. KEE et al.

ative to that failure mode) or, nance. Table 3 provides general direction to the responsible
engineer to decide what kinds of changes should be consid-
PAW ¼ Pðq ¼ 0Þ=PðqÞ: ð8Þ
ered in order to maximize PM performance. For example,
where Pðq¼0Þ=profit if the event is always successful, the first entry in Table 3 is an item that has a high preventive
and maintenance ratio (PMR would normally be in the 0.60
PðqÞ=actual profit. range for most equipment) but has small effect on production
PRW for a specific TPNS failure mode is defined as the interruption (PAW is 1010 ) and would have small effect on
factor by which baseline predicted station profitability would production loss if more failures were experienced (PRW is
be multiplied if the TPNS failure mode were assumed to be 0.86).
continuously effective (that is, the associated component is Shown in Table 3 as well is an entry for an equipment that
always failed via the specified failure mode) or, has a PMR designated ‘‘N/A’’. These are examples of equip-
ment that have not had either preventive or corrective costs
PRW ¼ Pðq ¼ 1Þ=PðqÞ; ð9Þ
found in the CWMS. In these cases the responsible engineer
where Pðq¼1Þ=profit if the event is always failed. would determine if costs, failures and preventive data are be-
The concept of PRW is particularly valuable in evaluating ing assigned correctly.
PM effectiveness or the need for additional PM activity. It is The last entry in Table 3 is an example of an equipment
important to note that values of PRW can be negative when that has caused, or may cause, production loss (PAW is
predicted generation losses associated with the continuous 1.000014) but has low preventive maintenance performed
failure of specified equipment causes the station to no longer (PMR is 0.362) and, if allowed to have high unavailability,
be profitable (i.e., when predicted costs are greater than pre- would not cause a significant production loss (PRW is
dicted revenue). The FW system FM and TPNS CILs also 0.904). The responsible engineer would use this information
include links to information on future maintenance costs, to investigate ensuring preventive maintenance has been
for both corrective maintenance (CM) and PM, as well as properly considered and assigned for the equipment. In par-
previously evaluated predicted future safety impacts. A com- ticular, even though the equipment has a low contribution to
plete list of CILs is shown in Table 2. production loss (high PRW), the consequence of production
interruption is high (high PAW).
After the responsible engineer develops proposed changes
V. PMO Results
to the PM program following the guidelines described above,
Using the CILs, an identification and preliminary develop- the cost effectiveness of the changes is determined. The cost
ment of potential PM improvement options, including both effectiveness would be determined under the RIAM process
preventive and predictive (or condition-based) maintenance using as input changes to maintenance frequency and cost of
options, is performed. Next, the process involves an evalua- the recommended PM option(s). PM options determined to
tion of the projected net benefits (or return-on-investment be profitable would be recommend for implementation.
(ROI)) of the PM improvement options identified in phase
two. Then, taking into account plant budget constraints, safe-
VI. Conclusion
ty constraints, PM improvement option ‘‘packaging’’ evalu-
ations, and PM package ROI and NPV improvement predic- This project was performed primarily to develop and dem-
tions, a PM improvement optimization analysis will be per- onstrate a STPNOC process for supporting effective, effi-
formed. cient, and prudent PMO decision-making at the plant. Perla’s
Some of the results from the TPNS Reliability CIL are PMO process was enhanced via application of the concept of
shown in Table 3. A computer program was written so the PRW to critical items list development and associated deci-
individual user can set the high/low parameters for PAW, sion support.7) While this process was developed and demon-
PRW, and preventative maintenance ratio (PMR), which strated via the plant FW system, it is important to note that
would form the basis for the recommendations. PMR is de- optimizing PM only within the FW, or any subset of plant
fined as the ratio of preventive maintenance to total mainte- generation-supporting systems, could result in sub-optimiz-

Table 3 Excerpt of FW PMO recommendations CIL (component names deleted)

of failure/
18 months PAW PMR PRW Recommendation
0.02275532 1E10 0.79 0.863 Reduce PM without
severely compromising reliability
0.03086359 1E10 N/A 0.863 Requires additional
0.2885826 1.000014 0.36 0.904 Add or redesign PM
to better address


Using Risk-Informed Asset Management for Feedwater System Preventative Maintenance Optimization 353

ing total plant asset return and net present value. In the fu- 3) J. Liming, E. Kee, ‘‘Integrated risk-informed asset manage-
ture, the PMO analysis team will expand and apply to all ment for commercial nuclear power stations,’’ Proc. 10th
plant systems at STPNOC, particularly those that could im- Int. Conf. of Nuclear Engineering, Arlington, VA, (2002).
pact future generation risk. 4) ABS Consulting, (2002), Risk-Informed Asset Management Al-
pha Software Requirements Specification, PLG-1374 Revision
The project team recommends that PM activities for the
0, ABSG Consulting, Inc., Irvine, CA, (2002); INPO, Equip-
TPNS items identified on the FCIL be retained and reviewed
ment Reliability, INPO AP-913, Institute of Nuclear Opera-
by STPNOC maintenance improvement efforts or expert tions, Atlanta, GA, (2002).
panel to identify potential enhancements of associated criti- 5) A. Richards, ‘‘Integration and use of the risk assessment calcu-
cal failure mode detection and prevention/mitigation. Addi- lator (RAsCal) at South Texas Project,’’ Proc. Probabilistic
tionally, the project team recommends the TPNS Reliability Safety Assessment and Management Conf. — PSAM 4, New
CIL be evaluated based on potential cost-benefit via the York, NY, 13–18 September 1998, (1998).
plant’s risk-informed asset management (RIAM) process. 6) N. McCormick, Reliability and Risk Analysis Methods and
Currently, the PMs identified in the PM Reduction Candi- Nuclear Power Applications, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego,
dates CIL and TPNS Reliability CIL are being reviewed CA, (1981).
by the maintenance improvement teams to determine if these 7) H. Perla, et al., A Guide for Developing Preventative Mainte-
nance Programs in Electric Power Plants, NP-3416, Electric
actions can feasibly accomplished, thus providing potential
Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, (1984).
savings to STPNOC.
8) Department of Energy, Savannah River Site Generic Data
Base Development (U), WSRC TR 93 262, Westinghouse
References Savannah River Co., (1993).
9) Department of Energy, Savannah River Site Human Error Da-
1) C. Grantom, et al., ‘‘South Texas Project Electric Generating ta Base Development for Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities (U),
Station Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Individual WSRC TR 93 581, Westinghouse Savannah River Co., (1994).
Plant Examination,’’ Houston Lighting & Power Co., Houston, 10) Electric Power Research Institute, Guidelines for Application
TX, (1992). of the EPRI Preventative Maintenance Basis, EPRI Technical
2) ABS Consulting, Balance-of-Plant Performance Predictor Report, TR-112500, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo
Software Requirements Specification, PLG-1374 Revision 1, Alto, CA, (2000).
ABSG Consulting, Inc., Irvine, CA, (2002).

VOL. 41, NO. 3, MARCH 2004

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