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Problem with subject and Verb.

1. Make verb after prepositional verb

The key to the doors are in the drawer. (Is)
Kalau subject tunggal berarti verbnya itu antara is/was/has/Vs -es
The keys to the door is in the drawer. (are)
Kalau subject jamak berarti verbnya itu antara are/were/have/V1
- The climbers on the sheer face of the mountain need to be rescued.
- The tenants in the apartment next to mine is giving a party this evening. (are)
- Because of the seriousness of the company’s financial problems, the board of directors have called an
emergency meeting. (has)
Because + S + Verb
Because of + Noun/Noun Phrase

2. Make verb after expressions of quantity

All/most/some/half + of the + noun + V ( Verb nya mengikuti noun-nya)
All of the book was interesting. Correct
All of the book were interesting. Incorrect
Most of the sand at sea are clean and beautiful. (is)
Money is/are everything
- Some of the animals from the zoo was released into the animal preserve. (were)
- All of the students in the class taught by professor Roberts is required to turn in their term papers next
Monday. (are)

3. Make verb after certain words

Anybody, anyone, anything, everybody, everyone, everything, nobody, no one, nothing, somebody,
someone, something, each + noun, every + noun.
  body one thing
any anybody anyone anything
some somebody someone something
every everybody everyone everything
no nobody no one nothing

Everybody are going to the theater. Incorrect

Everybody is going to the theater. Correct
Menggunakan Singular Verb
Nothing is impossible
Everything is possible
Every day is a beautiful day
Each year has 12 months
- It is impossible to believe that somebody actually admire that man. (admires)
- Everybody participating in the fund-raiser are to turn in the tickets by 8.00. (is)

1. Each number in a binary system are formed from only two symbols.
a. A binary
b. Are = is
c. Formed
d. Only two
2. Scientists at the medical center is trying to determine if there is a relationship between saccharine and
a. Is trying = are trying
b. To determine
c. Is
d. Saccharine and cancer.
3. Kepler’s laws, principles outlining planetary movement, was formulated based on observations made
without a telescope.
a. Was = were
b. Formulated
c. Made
d. A
There (is/are) 2 books
There (is/are) an accident
There (is/are) 2 people
Water is/are a natural material
Countable noun (many)
Uncountable noun (much)
There are/is much water

Degree of comparison (tingkatan perbandingan)

1. Positive degree
Untuk membandingkan adjective/adverb yang setara ataupun tidak setara dari dua
kalimat yang digabung menjadi satu kalimat.
As (Adj/Adv) as (+ - bisa)
So ( Adj/Adv) as (- saja)

Rina is beautiful.
Rini is beautiful.
Rina is as beautiful as rini (rina secantik rini)
Rina isn’t diligent
Rini is diligent
Rina isn’t as diligent as rini (rina tidak serajin rini)
Rina isn’t so diligent as rini (rina tidak serajin rini)
Teddy was quick
Henry was quick
Teddy was so quick as henry. Incorrect
Teddy was as quick as henry. Correct
The minister was so wise as the president. Incorrect
Your house isn’t so big as my house. Correct
My neighbour is so noisy as the factory noises. Incorrect
Aturan degree [er/est] [more/most]
One syllable [er/est]
Eg : Hard – Harder –Hardest
Dry – Drier – Driest
Two syllables [er/est]
Eg : fussy – fussier – fussiest
(ous, ful, ish, ing, ed) [more/most]
Eg : Careful – more careful – most careful
Famous- more famous- most famous
(some, ow, er) [er/est][more/most]
Eg : Handsome – handsomer – handsomest
Mellow – more mellow – most mellow
Clever -
Three syllabels or more [more/most]
Eg : beautiful – more beautiful – most beautiful
2. Comparative degree (more/-er) (lebih)
Untuk membandingkan dua benda yang tidak setara.
Smart = smarter
High = higher
Beautiful = more beautiful
Arrogant = more arrogant
Comperative …. + than ….. rumus 1
More (long Adjective) ….. than …..
(short adjective) –er …..than…..
Tina is 24 years old
Tono is 30 years old
Tina is younger than tono (tina lebih muda dari tono)
Tono is older than tina
Tono is more handsome than rudi (tono lebih ganteng rudi)
You are more beautiful than your friend
His score is 95
Her score is 76
His score is higher than her score
Her score is lower than his score

The comperative , the comperative rumus 2

The comperative + sentence, the comperative + sentence rumus 3
Semakin……., semakin ……..
The more handsome, the more arrogant
Semakin ganteng, semakin sombong
Semakin cantik, semakin pintar
The more beautiful, the smarter
The more handsome he is, the more arrogant he will be
Semakin dia ganteng, semakin dia akan sombong.
The more you go, the more I love
(semakin kamu pergi, semakin aku cinta)
3. Superlative degree (most/-est) (paling/ter)
Smart= the smartest
High = the highest
Beautiful = the most beautiful

You are the most beautiful girl.

You are the smartest

The + most (long adjective)

The + (short adjective) –est

The most/-est …. (of/among/in/adj clause)

Dwi is the smartest student among/of her friends (noun plural)

Soeharto is the longest president in indonesia (tempat)
Hadi is the most handsome boy who ever met me
My car is the most expensive car which I ever bought

Conditional Sentence

Bentuk kalimat yang akan menunjukan sebuah pengharapan, pengandaian, dan


Type 1 [pengharapan]

If + Present, + Future
Future + if + Present
if he invites me, I will come
I will come if he invites me
Type 2 [pengandaian]
If + Past, + Past Future (if I did, I would do)
Past Future + if + Past
If she loved me, I would live with her
I would live with her if if she loved me
If I passed the test, I would apply for the company
Fact : (berlawanan dengan kalimat) [ present ]
She doesn’t like me so I don’t live with her
I don’t pass the test so I don’t apply for the company

Type 3 [penyesalan]
If + Past perfect, + Past Future perfect (if i had done, i would have done)
Past Future Perfect If Past Perfect
If I had had much money, I would have bought a car
If I had worked hard, I would have got promotion for manager
Fact : (berlawanan dengan kalimat) [ past ]
I didn’t have much money so I didn’t buy a car
I didn’t work hard so I didn’t get the promotion



If she ....... , i would cook a delicious food
a. Come to my house
b. Came to my house
c. Comes to my house
d. Had come to my house

If i were an artist, i would buy a luxury house

He would be famous if he were on TV
If he had met my mother, i will be happy


Choose the correct conditional form to complete the sentences below.

1. If I had stayed in Barlinek, I would have found a new girlfriend.

2. He would do more to help the poor if he were the Pope.

3. If he goes to London on a business trip, he often will visit Soho.

4. We won't go to the film unless they arrive in the next 5 minutes.

5. She would have bought a new car if she had had the money.

6. If Yoko were me, she _______(go) to Manchester immediately.

7. They will talk to Jacek if he ______(come).

8. If Peter _____(think) twice, he wouldn't have made such a stupid mistake.

9. Kasia _____(become) a university lecturer if she studies hard.

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