Day 12 A Number of Dan The Number of

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Day 12

A number of dan the number of

- A number of ….. + plural Verb
- The number of …. + singular verb
1. A number of students are going to the class
2. The number of students is going to the class
3. A number of workers is trying to call the president. (are)
4. The number of cows at field are eating the grass. (is)
5. The number of months are twelve. (is)
6. A number of drivers do not care about the rule
One of the area of multimedia that is growing quickly yet is easily
overlooked is sound

Correlative conjunctions
Yaitu conjunction berpasangan.fungsinya Menghubungkan kata benda,
kata sifat, dan juga kata kerja.
Both …… and …….. (dua duanya terjadi)
Not only ….. but also ……. (dua duanya terjadi)
Either ……. Or……..(salah satu terjadi)
Neither …….. nor……. (dua dua nya tidak terjadi)
1. Both romeo and Juliet join English community. (baik romeo dan
juga Juliet bergabung dalam komunitas bahasa inggris)
Nurul is smart
Nurul is beautiful
2. Nurul is not only smart but also beautiful. (nurul tidak hanya
pintar tapi juga cantik)
3. Either nisa or her mother is a scientists.(kalau gak nisa ya
mamanya yang seorang ilmuan)
4. Neither my parents nor my brother enjoys watching movies. (baik
orangtuaku maupun saudaraku tidak menikmati tontonannya)
5. Not only the teacher but also the student will go to the museum.

He does not like swimming

you do not like swimming
Neither he nor you likes swimming

He drinks coffee
He eats sandwich
He both drinks coffee and eats sandwich
He not only drinks coffee but also eats sandwich

He doesn’t read novel

He doesn’t watch movie
He neither reads novel nor watches movie

He does not like dancing

He does not like singing
He likes neither dancing nor singing
John is clever
John is tidy
John is not only clever but also tidy
He not only drinks coffee but also eats sandwich
He both drinks coffee and eats sandwich

The president orders both the minister nor the judge to come to
his office right now

Alike vs Like
Ada beberapa adjective yang berfungsi sebagai predikat dalam
kalimat, yaitu adjective yang muncul setelah linking verb seperti be.
Kata-kata ini tidak dapat diletakkan sebelum noun yang dijelaskan.
Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:
Eg : The snake on the rock was alive.
The alive* snake was lying on the rock.
Pada contoh kalimat pertama, predicate adjective alive diletakkan
setelah linking verb was. Kata tersebut berfungsi untuk menjelaskan
noun snake. Pada contoh kedua, predicate adjective alive digunakan
dengan tidak tepat setelah noun snake. Dalam kalimat tersebut,
adjective yang tepat adalah live. Berikut ini beberapa predicate
adjective dan bentuk adjective yang sesuai untuk diletakkan sebelum
noun dalam kalimat:

Predicate adjectives Diletakkan sebelum noun
Alike, alive, alone, like, similar, live, living lone
afraid, asleep frightened, sleeping

A sleeping bag was thrown from the high

Those sisters are alike

The lizard is still alive
She is beautiful
The beautiful girl is on my side
You and i are like twin brothers

The two brothers do not look at all alike

We completed our two projects in a like manner

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