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SOP - What NOT to say to Customers

Hourly Rate/Job Time

● Don’t give specific hourly rates for mechanics or hours assigned to the job.
● Do advise that we bill a flat rate for jobs based upon an industry standard (and if asked that we
pay our mechanics fairly).

Misdiagnosis / Escalate

● Do not offer the term “ MISDIAGNOSIS” to the customer​.

● Do not use the phrase “ Let Me Escalate”-
● Best practices​- Ask for a review of the situation

Mechanic Phone Number

● Don’t give out the mechanic’s contact number; it’s listed in the case for your internal use only.
● Do let the customer know to contact us if they need anything; the mechanics are in the field
working and so they should reach us and we can get messages or information to them best.
● Customer’s phone numbers are only to be provided , after permission is granted.
● Always keep in mind privacy issues and remember to ask permission from either the mechanic
or the customer. Document permission / info in the comm tab

# of Mechanics in the Area

● Don’t advise the customer the number of mechs we have in any given area.
● Don’t state that we have limited resources or mechs in the area.
● Do let the customer know that assisting them is our priority, and we are growing our workforce
the help meet the needs in the area.
● While some areas are more developed with mechs, we are constantly building our workforce to
establish our company and offer services in their area.

How Long Mechanic has been with YM

● You can direct them to the customer visible public profile.
● “We have experienced mechanics in your area that are matched up with each service based on
their skill level and tools.”

Mechanic Is Deactivated
● Don’t state the mech’s employment status or that he has left YM.
● Do say they are "not available".
● Do advise the customer that we have other mechs that can assist them.

Mechanic Are Contractors

● Do not tell the customers that the mechanics are contractors.
● Instead say all of our mechanics work with us directly and are highly screened.

Tipping Mechanics
● Do not tell customer you can give mechanics tips.
● Instead say “The best way to help the mechanic is to leave positive feedback and refer your

Why Rescheduling an Appointment

● Don’t state that the mech is ill, car broke down, family emergency.
● Do state that they are "not available" unless stated in customer-visible trail.
● Do advise the customer that the mech is unavailable for this appointment and attempt to
reschedule the appointment.

Lot of Calls Holding

● Don’t state that we have challenges connecting with our mechanics.
● Don’t give the impression that we are unable to manage our commitment to assist our customers.
● Do apologize for the wait and assist the customer accordingly.

● Do not offer discounts to customers. If a customer asks for a discount or a promo code, you can
say “Unfortunately we currently do not have any promotions available. ​YourMechanic uses fair
and transparent pricing​, you can always shop around for quotes and give us a call back or book
online, would you like me to email you the quote?”
● The best way for customers to remain informed regarding any potential promotions is to create a
profile on our website. From time to time, we send emails regarding seasonal (holidays, summer
time etc.) promotions.

● If we do not provide the service we cannot recommend a repair shop. Just say "we do not have ".

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