2601.ITA203c.Nguyen Thi Kieu My - Analysis For Business Systems

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Assignment 1:

There will be two main deliverables involved with this project. First is
the statement of work, which includes the project information,
business need, key high-level business requirements, and the business
value estimates. The second deliverable is the analysis report. This
includes at least two of the following items: requirements, test cases,
DFDs, and or ERDs.

Course: ITA203c – Analysis For Business Systems

Full Name: Nguyen Thi Kieu My

Code: CS140251

Class: IB1301

Semester: Spring 2021

Can Tho, 26/01/2021


Executive Summary

Currently, the spa business is gradually becoming a trendy business with more and more spas
and beauty salons appearing in big cities but not yet meeting the actual needs of customers
who are increasing at a rapid rate. dizziness in Vietnam. That's because Vietnamese
perceptions about spas and beauty spas have gradually changed. From seeing spa as a luxury
destination, now skin-beautifying at the spa, restoring life energy at the spa after stressful
working hours has gradually become essential needs of each person. The spa business market
in Vietnam is becoming more and more vibrant and competitive. Therefore, to build a
successful business, we need to develop a complete business plan to be able to stand firm in
the competitive market. In particular, digital marketing plays an important role in the success
of businesses (Dermafirm, n.d.)

In this exercise:

- First, I will briefly introduce our spa, including our company, service, business goals,
market segment, and key competitors when entering the beauty market.

Next, I will go into Dahlia Spa's current digital strategy analysis, drawing out the company's
existing strengths and weaknesses and where they are. In addition, I will analyze the digital
strategy of my opponent against Dahlia.

Then, I will propose a digital strategy to the company. In this section, it is important to define
the following: the budget and implementation of a new digital strategy, how these strategies
will help the company to improve, and it will help Dahlia ahead of its competition. and
whether these changes affect corporate partners.

Finally, I will make a prediction about the difficulties Dahlia might face when adopting new
digital strategies and how the company solves them.
Table of contents

Executive Summary...................................................................................................................2

Table of Figures.........................................................................................................................4

1. Company Overview............................................................................................................5

1.1. Company introduction.................................................................................................5

1.2. Service introduction.....................................................................................................5

1.3. Business goals.............................................................................................................6

1.4. Market segment...........................................................................................................6

1.5. The main competitors..................................................................................................6

2. Proposed digital strategy.....................................................................................................7

2.1. New digital strategy with budget and timeline............................................................7

2.2. How will the proposal improve company?..................................................................8

2.3. How is it going to help company stay ahead of its competitors?................................8

3. Change management...........................................................................................................8

4. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................9



Table of Figures

Table 1: The Timeline..............................................................................................................9


1. Company Overview

1.1. Company introduction

Company name: DAHLIA CO., LTD (Dahlia Co., Ltd)

Head office: 124 Le Van Mien, District 2, HCMC.

Number of employees: 14

Initial capital scale: 600 million VND

Vision: Dahlia Spa strives to become the Top 30 beauty spa brand for the people in Vietnam
by 2030.

Mission: Serving high quality, taking care of physical and spiritual health for the community.

Core values

- Professional: Fully trained staff, all products and services provided are standardized
according to the professional process.
- Respect: Dahlia always pays respect to customers, partners and staff.
- Ethics: We always devote your dedication and ethics to be a top priority during
customer service and working with partners.

1.2. Service introduction

Featured Services at Spa:

- Massage body with hot stone: This is a service chosen by many people to take care of
beauty as well as relax and cure health. The hot stone massage is a healing method for both
body and soul.

- Foot massage: is the optimal solution to help you re-energize and relax after a long day of
walking. Foot massage helps circulation and blood circulation to the heart easier.

- Sauna & steam bath: In therapies that enhance health, flexibility, and beauty, steam is a
method that many people love. This is a method to help blood circulation better, the heart
beats faster, sweat secretes a lot, excrete more waste in the body.

- Relaxing massage: massage method mainly uses hands, feet to massage, punch, pinch,
massage, acupressure on the body to be massaged, helping to increase blood circulation and
eliminate toxins in the body.


1.3. Business goals

- Payback after 2 years of operation and expand branches in the next 3-5 years.

- Reach target customers and promote the brand through social networking sites (Fan page,
Instagram, YouTube ...), email, website ...

- Aim to become Top 5 Spa brands trusted by customers in District 2 in the next 3 years

1.4. Market segment

Dahlia's target customers are people aged 18 - 35, with average income and above. They have
a need to beautify and relax with products derived from nature, especially women.

1.5. The main competitors

Currently, the need for beauty, self-care, relaxation ... is increasingly being cared for by many
people, thereby attracting investment from many businesses. The number of companies
participating in this field is constantly increasing and some of Dahlia Spa's competitors such
as Lotus Spa, Sen Spa, and Authentic Spa. These are all brands that have been present in the
market for a long time, with many branches and solid financial resources.

The above businesses provide a full range of beauty services, helping customers, especially
women, always feel confident with a radiant appearance. Services can be mentioned as body
care, facials, massage, cosmetic embroidery, waxing, body bath ... with a dedicated team of
experts, have many years of experience.


2. Proposed digital strategy

2.1. New digital strategy with budget and timeline

What Who W
Set up a POS machine to make it easier for customers to pay with credit Receptionists and POS machi
cards. manager at reception
Upgrade CRM software to manage customer information and All staff and manager CRM soft
communicate more effectively among employees. computers

Improve content quality, images, and website speed

Made by Bizweb On the Dah
Investing in content for articles on the Fan page as well as improving the
External collaborators On the Dah
speed of replying to customer messages
Service information such as service fee, process, implementation method, All staff and manager - On Spa
utility computers.
Information on records, profiles, management, the contact information of

Table 1: The Timeline

No. Task name Start (date) Finish (date) Resource name
Upgrading Hardware 3 1-Jun 3-Jun
Buying and setting the POS machine 1 1-Jun 1-Jun Provider's engineer
Training how to use for staffs 1 2-Jun 2-Jun Provider's engineer
Testing before using 1 3-Jun 3-Jun Manager
Upgrading Software 4 1-Jun 4-Jun
Installing software for computer 2 1-Jun 2-Jun Provider's engineer
Training how to use for staffs 1 3-Jun 3-Jun Provider's engineer
Testing before using 1 4-Jun 4-Jun Manager
Upgrading Net working 7 1-Jun 7-Jun
3 Designing new website interface 4 1-Jun 4-Jun Bizweb
Recruitment the administrators 7 1-Jun 7-Jun Manager

2.2. How will the proposal improve company?

The application of CRM software enables Dahlia to store information about its customers,
thereby having a database for customer analysis. It also allows the spa to maintain customer
relationships and increase customer satisfaction.


Improve work efficiency between departments or employees. It allows them to work in
groups and collaborate seamlessly with each other. From there, improve operations and bring
better services to customers. Managers make it easier and more effective to control
everything when manipulation is done simply through the computer, creating a comfortable
working environment and reducing risks.

2.3. How is it going to help company stay ahead of its competitors?

With the CRM system, Dahlia has a large and constantly updated customer database, helping
the company to easily navigate development and improvement, improve service quality, and
increase customer satisfaction. Customers who are satisfied with Dahlia's service quality will
have positive reviews about the company and recommend them to friends, helping us to gain
new customers and increase brand awareness.

When the working efficiency between departments and employees is improved, it will
promote more working morale. Managers can also evaluate work performance, thereby
rewarding in time, helping to increase employee loyalty to the company. The investment in
website and Fan page helps Dahlia bring its brand and services closer to customers. When we
bring them a great online experience, they will rely on spa services with confidence.

3. Change management

Change management strategies are critical to the success of any change initiative in a
company, whether it's a specific transition, a goal within a division, or a transition. Digital is
important throughout the organization. Upgrading and implementing new digital strategies in
Dahlia Spa's business can face the following challenges:

- Employees will need a lot of time to get used to the new change. Therefore, managers need
to have meetings with all employees to inform the implementation of the plan and persuade
them to accept this change.

- When installing and putting the software and hardware into practical use, the company
needs training sessions for its employees and this is done in collaboration with the supplier's
IT team.

- New changes on the website and Fan Page, the company's customer service department will
notify customers and partners, as well as apologize if there is inconvenience during the


4. Conclusion

Digital strategies have a lot to do with your business's marketing goals. It's one of the most
effective ways to create an engaging marketing style for potential customers. A digital
strategy is essential as it provides direction for your business's marketing plans. In addition, it
can also be used to make good decisions about driving business goals to success. It has
become a part of the business world since technology has dominated the economy. A digital
marketing strategy forms the core of your business, and it's also one of the ways to acquire
leads. It gives customers a better journey.

In order to improve the quality of operations at Dahlia Spa, we have proposed the application
of CRM software to manage customer and employee information; use the POS machine at the
front desk for convenient payment; changing the website's interface, and improving the
quality of content, articles on Fan page; improve the quality of replying to customers'

With the above changes, we hope that Dahlia's business will be increasingly enhanced and
effective as expected.



Alpern, D. A. (2014, June 6). 10 Principles of Leading Change Management. Retrieved from
strategy+business: https://www.strategy-business.com/article/00255

NÀO? Retrieved Jul 21, 2019, from http://develop14.vtmgroup.com.vn:

O'Marah, K. (n.d.). 4 Change Management Keys To Digital. Retrieved June 2020, from
Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinomarah/2017/12/07/four-change-

SlimCRM. (n.d.). Phần mềm quản lý tốt nhất cho doanh nghiệp nhỏ. Retrieved June 2020,
from SlimCRM: https://slimcrm.vn/banggia.html


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