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1 – Initiation and scope

Project brief

Project purpose and rationale

In order to accomplish the company’s goals, which is to build customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and
ethical obligations, Max Lionel Realty (MLR) decided to hire an external consultant from Ace
Consultants to manage project’s activities. The project purpose is to build customer goodwill and satisfy
its legal and ethical obligations based on building and maintain strong relationship with customers and
measure that relationship.
Project title
Building customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethical obligations
Project purpose
As other real estate companies, MLR is aware of the importance of customer goodwill to the company.
They believe that customer goodwill is a powerful business asset. It plays an important role in the long-
term relationship with customers. The more they build up, the stronger the relationship becomes. This not
only keeps the customers engaged with the products and services but also provides a safety net in case the
business makes a mistake.
Therefore, the purpose of this project is to build the customer goodwill and satisfy the company’s legal
and ethical obligations by implementing a program to inform agents of legal and ethical obligations
(particularly with respect to WHS and anti-discrimination legislation) and any standards or codes of
conduct followed by the organisation; promote high standards in professional conduct (see Real Estate
Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code of Conduct and relevant legislation); inform clients, tenants and
potential tenants of MLR’s commitments; achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
Background and strategic context
As mentioned above, customer goodwill is a powerful business asset. It plays a major role in customer
retention and can contribute to acquisition as well. Therefore, in order to be successful, it’s it really
important for MLR to build customer goodwill in a fierce competition with other companies in the
Furthermore, customer goodwill is also one of the most important factors in strategic context, which will
help Max Lionel Realty to achieve its mission and vision.

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In order to survive and develop in the current fierce competition, it is essential for every company to
improve their customer service to build customer goodwill, no exception for MLR. Moreover, according
to the previous needs analysis for the project, some issues, which affect company’s goals, are determined.
Consequently, it’s urgent for the company to do this project.
Related project
After some meetings and discussion with MLR’s managers, Project Manager is aware of some previous
projects that the company had done before, but they focus on different area. Therefore, the result of those
previous project will be utilised in this project.
Project client/owner

Max Lionel Realty

Project sponsor
CEO – Max
Project Manager
Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina)
Project status
What has already been decided about the project?
Project purpose:
build customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethical obligations
MLR decided to implement a program to:
● Inform agents of legal and ethical obligations (particularly with respect to WHS and anti-
discrimination legislation) and any standards or codes of conduct followed by the organisation
● Promote high standards in professional conduct (see Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code
of Conduct and relevant legislation)
● Inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments
● Achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
What decisions have already been made?
In order to achieve the objectives above, MLR hired external consultant from Ace Consultants.
Quality standards for deliverables:
● Clearly communicate legal obligations and REIV obligations

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● Contain as content or support company strategic directions
● No grammar or spelling errors
● Professional but friendly language
● Fair and flexible delivery for intended audience
● Meet audience requirements and sensitive to information needs, cultural diversity.
What work has already been done in relation to the project?
Previous needs analysis for the project has uncovered characteristics and requirements of Residential
and Commercial Agents and Clients:
Agents Clients Tenants
● Under stress; time poor ● Cynical: e.g. ‘why do I have to ● Sometimes feel discriminated
● Highly trained and competent pay attention to MLR’s internal against on basis of:
in selling and managing real business? I just want them to ○ Lifestyle
estate manage my property.’ ○ Family status
● Unaware of legal, ethical ● Time poor ○ Cultural background
requirement. just want to please ● Not sure of MLR obligations ○ Income, etc.
clients and commitment to best-of ● Residential agents have been
● Even if aware, have no idea breed client service and ethical rude or insensitive on occasion:
how to apply to daily client practice, REIV code of conduct e.g. ‘you wouldn’t treat your
practice ● Feel it’s the agent’s obligation rich clients or investment
● Unclear on overall strategic to fill rental/lease properties partners this way’
aims of MLR according to client wishes: e.g. ● Do not feel they are
● Culturally diverse. ‘I choose who lives in/leases my adequately consulted
property’ ● Residential/commercial
● Culturally diverse. agents/clients have let
themselves in without
● inspections are sometimes

- Good budget
- Staff are trained properly

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- Tenant list is updated every week.
- Tenant and agent need to be informed when there is any changes in MLR policies.
- Works are delayed because of other departments
- Lack of time
- Changes in state legislation.
Special provisions
Follow Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy, Anti-discrimination policy, Procurement policy and
procedures of the company.
Project approvals
Add any signatures that are required for approval to proceed to the next phase.

Project Manager Project Sponsor

Project Client/Owner Other

Project Title: Building customer goodwill and Project Client: Date:

satisfy its legal and ethical obligations Max Lionel Realty Version:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y
CEO – Max Lionel Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina) Project brief

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Project scope document
Main objective
Building customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethical obligations
In order to achieve those goals, MLR decided to implement a program to:
● Inform agents of legal and ethical obligations (particularly with respect to WHS and anti-discrimination
legislation) and any standards or codes of conduct followed by the organisation
● Promote high standards in professional conduct (see Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code of
Conduct and relevant legislation)
● Inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments
● Achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
In Scope Out of scope Assumptions Constraints
- Inform agents of legal and - List of tenant is - Good budget -Over budget
ethical obligations (particularly updated by - Staff are trained -Works are delayed
with respect to WHS and anti- MLR’s properly because of other
discrimination legislation) and managers. - Tenant list is departments
any standards or codes of updated every week. -Lack of time
conduct followed by the - Tenant and agent -Changes in state
organisation need to be informed legislation.
- Promote high standards in when there is any
professional conduct (see Real changes in MLR
Estate Institute of Victoria - Staff are trained policies.
(REIV) Code of Conduct and properly by - Tenant and agent
relevant legislation) their are emailed often
- Inform clients, tenants and supervisor in about their legal
potential tenants of MLR’s the and ethical
commitments department. obligations
- Achieve employee and client
buy-in for initiative.
Project Title: Building customer goodwill and Project Client: Date:
satisfy its legal and ethical obligations Max Lionel Realty Version:

Page 5 of 17
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y
Main Board Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina) Project Scope Documents

Stakeholder analysis
Name Work area Stakeholder type Impact on/by project, requirements,
(client, end-user) success criteria
Thi To Nhu Project Manager Internal - To be hired by MLR to undertake the
Tran (Nina) stakeholder project works to achieve the company’s
Project team Internal - To be working under the management
member stakeholder of project manager to undertake the
Max Lionel CEO Internal - Set overall strategic directions, which
stakeholder affect the background and strategic
context of the project.
- Could affect the process of
implementing the project.
- Sponsoring the project
Operations General Internal - Sponsoring projects which affect
Kim Manager stakeholder operations of the organisation as a
Sweeney whole.
- Determining the project timeframe
Human Resources Internal - Affecting the communication in the
Les Goodale Manager stakeholder project.
- Training employee
Sam Lee Manager Internal - Managing the activities of residential
Residential Realty stakeholder agents.
- Managing all aspects of residential
Pat Misfud, Manager Internal -Managing the activities of commercial
Commercial Realty stakeholder agents.
-Managing all aspects of commercial realty
Clients External -To be valued and respected

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stakeholder -Understanding their obligations
-To be aware of MLR obligations and
Tenants External -To be valued and respected.
stakeholder -To be consulted properly.
Project Title: Building customer goodwill and satisfy its Project Client: Date:
legal and ethical obligations Max Lionel Realty Version:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page
CEO – Max Lionel Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina) Stakeholder analysis x of y

Communication plan
What Who Purpose When/frequency Type/methods
Initiation All Gather information for FIRST Meeting.
meeting stakeholders. initiation plan. Before project start
Distribut All Distribute plan to alert Before kick-off Project snapshot
e project stakeholders. stakeholders of project meeting. distributed via
initiation scope and to gain buy Before project start hard copy or
plan in. date. electronically.
May be posted on
project website.

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What Who Purpose When/frequency Type/methods
Project All Communicate plans and At or near project Meeting.
kick-off stakeholders. stakeholder roles/ start date.
communication among
Status All project Update stakeholders on Weekly, Distribute status
reports stakeholders progress of the project report
such as: current electronically and
progress, issues, risks post via website.
Team Project team To review detailed plans Weekly, at least 24 Meeting, project
meetings (tasks, assignments, and hours before status plan, status report
action items). report is due
Report status, identify
issues, develop solutions
as a team
Team Development Quickly coordinate Start of each Timebox standup
standup team work for the day business day meeting of 15
Milestone All project Review status, present At project Meeting, review
review stakeholders deliverables, gather milestones. or demonstration
feedback, decide next of deliverables.
Sponsor Sponsor/s Update sponsor/s on Monthly Meeting.
meetings and Project status and discuss or as needed when
Manager. critical issues. issues cannot be
Seek approval for resolved or changes
changes to project plan. need to be made to
project plan.
Lessons Project team Review successes and At project end. Meeting that
learned failures to capture produces a
improvements for future lessons learned
projects. document.

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What Who Purpose When/frequency Type/methods
Project Title: Building customer goodwill and Project Client: Date:
satisfy its legal and ethical obligations Max Lionel Realty Version:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y
CEO – Max Lionel Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina) Communication plan

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Roles and responsibilities
Role Name/s Responsibilities Signature/s
Project Max Lionel Realty • Approving project plans, requesting ML
client/owner changes
• Raising issues and risks
• Approving milestones
• Releasing payments
• Accepting (or declining) the final
deliverables of the project.
Project CEO: Max Lionel • Make key business decisions for the ML
sponsor/project project
director/project • Approve the project budget
board • Ensure availability of resources
• Communicate the project’s goals
throughout the organization
Project manager Thi To Nhu Tran • Develop a project plan NT
(Nina) • Manage deliverables according to the
• Recruit project staff
• Lead and manage the project team
• Determine the methodology used on
the project
• Establish a project schedule and
determine each phase
• Assign tasks to project team members
• Provide regular updates to upper
Manager of the Operations General •Makes the business decisions for the KS
project manager Manager: program/project
Kim Sweeney • Participates day-to-day in one or
more programs/projects

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• Makes user resources available
• Approves work products
• Disposes of issues and project scope
change requests
Project team • Contributing to overall project
members objectives
• Completing individual deliverables
• Providing expertise
• Working with users to establish and
meet business needs
• Documenting the process
Steering • Max Lionel (CEO) • Providing input to the development of
committee/ • Riz Mehra (Chief the project, including the evaluation
working party. Financial Officer) strategy;
• Kim Sweeney • Providing advice on the budget; ML
(Operations General • Defining and helping to achieve the
Manager) project outcomes;
• Les Goodale • Identifying the priorities in the project
(Human Resources – where the most energy should be
Manager) directed;
• Sam Lee (Manager • Identifying potential risks;
Residential Realty) • Monitoring risks;
• Pat Misfud • Monitoring timelines;
(Manager Commercial • Monitoring the quality of the project
Realty) as it develops;
• Client’s • Providing advice (and sometimes
representative making decisions) about changes to the
• Tenant’s project as it develops.
Project Title: : Building customer goodwill and Project Client: Date:
satisfy its legal and ethical obligations Max Lionel Realty Version:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y
Max Lionel (CEO) Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina) Roles and Responsibilities

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Project snapshot
Project snapshot
Name of project: Building customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethical obligations
Project purpose:
As other real estate companies, MLR is aware of customer goodwill to the company. They believe
that customer goodwill is a powerful business asset. It plays an important role in the long-term
relationship with customers. The more they build up, the stronger the relationship becomes. This not
only keeps the customers engaged with the products and services but also provides a safety net in
case the business makes a mistake.
Therefore, the purpose of this project is to build the customer goodwill and satisfy the company’s
legal and ethical obligations by implementing a program to inform agents of legal and ethical
obligations (particularly with respect to WHS and anti-discrimination legislation) and any standards
or codes of conduct followed by the organisation; promote high standards in professional conduct
(see Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code of Conduct and relevant legislation); inform
clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments; achieve employee and client buy-in
for initiative.
Deliverables with timeframes Stakeholders
The final report of how to achieve the main  Project client: Max Lionel Realty
objectives, which is to build customer  Project sponsor: Max Lionel (CEO)
goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethical  Project manager: Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina)
obligations, will be finished in 1 months.  Internal stakeholders:
- Max Lionel (CEO)
- Riz Mehra (Chief Financial Officer)
- Kim Sweeney (Operations General Manager)
- Les Goodale (Human Resources Manager)
- Sam Lee (Manager Residential Realty)
- Pat Misfud (Manager Commercial Realty)
 External stakeholders:
- Clients

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- Tenants
Resources Risks
 Cash flow will be calculated according  Resource limitations:
to the financial budget and master - Short of people provided by MLR can cause a
budget. delay in implementing a project.
 People: external consultant (from Ace - Employees who are lack of experience will
Consultant)will undertake the project negatively affect the result of the project.
work  Deadlines: may put more pressure on employees
 Facilities: Max Lionel Realty office  Budget: poor budget allocation may negatively
 Software: Microsoft Office the success of the project.
 Technology may influence the process if there is
a problem with computer and IT team cannot
handle it immediately.
Interdependencies Success criteria
It requires a cooperation between all related  Customer goodwill is improved (good feedback
departments. from customers, understanding MLR’s
All stakeholders need to attend all meetings commitment, etc)
(mentioned in the communication plan)  Increasing in company’s income
 Agents are aware of legal and ethical
obligations and any standards or codes of
conduct followed by MLR.
Project Title: Building customer goodwill Project Client: Date:
and satisfy its legal and ethical obligations Max Lionel Realty Version:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y
CEO – Max Lionel Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina) Project snapshot

1.2 – Planning

Work breakdown structure

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Task 1: Sub-task 1.1: 1.1.1. Identify the type of message (legal and ethical
Inform agents of Identify the effective obligations; standards or codes of conduct)

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legal and ethical channels to 1.1.2. Identify who the message will send to (agents)
1.1.3. Identify communication channels (emails,
obligations communicate
meeting, etc)
(particularly with
Sub-task 1.2: 1.2.1. Create company’s policies about legal and
respect to WHS and
Inform agents the ethical obligations; standards or codes of conduct
anti-discrimination 1.2.2. Elaborate the budget for the task
legislation) and any 1.2.3. Inform agents the message through identified

standards or codes of channels.

conduct followed by
the organisation
Task 2: Sub-task 2.1 2.1.1. Identify stakeholders to promote
2.1.2. Research to gather related information
Promote high Create a document
2.1.3. Create a document (follow Real Estate Institute
standards in about standards in
of Victoria (REIV), Code of Conduct and relevant
professional conduct professional conduct
(see Real Estate Sub-task 2.2 2.2.1. Promote information in a document by using
Institute of Victoria Promote to identified effective channels (meeting, training sessions)
(REIV) Code of stakeholders 2.2.2. Organize tests to assess the success of the task
2.2.3. Elaborate the budget for the task
Conduct and
relevant legislation)
Task 3: Sub-task 3.1 3.1.1. Gather list of clients and tenants
3.1.2. Identify effective channel (email)
Inform clients, Identify effective
tenants and potential channels to inform
Sub-task 3.2 3.2.1. Determine MLR’s specific commitment for
tenants of MLR’s
Convey MLR’s clients or tenants, which is write in professional
commitments language.
3.2.2. inform clients and customer via selected
3.2.3. Elaborate the budget for the task
Task 4: Sub-task 4.1. 4.1.1. Develop objectives
4.1.2. Organize training session
Achieve employee Explain and
4.1.3. Explain company’s expectation
and client buy-in for communicate the 4.1.4. Elaborate the budget to the task
initiative. outcomes of the
project to employee
and clients

Page 14 of 17
Project Title: Building customer goodwill and Project Client: Date:
satisfy its legal and ethical obligations Max Lionel Realty Version:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y
CEO – Max Lionel Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina) Work breakdown structure

Project plan (version 1)

Project title
Building customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethical obligations
Project purpose
As other real estate companies, MLR is aware of customer goodwill to the company. They believe that
customer goodwill is a powerful business asset. It plays an important role in the long-term relationship
with customers. The more they build up, the stronger the relationship becomes. This not only keeps the
customers engaged with the products and services but also provides a safety net in case the business
makes a mistake.
Therefore, the purpose of this project is to build the customer goodwill and satisfy the company’s legal
and ethical obligations by implementing a program to inform agents of legal and ethical obligations
(particularly with respect to WHS and anti-discrimination legislation) and any standards or codes of
conduct followed by the organisation; promote high standards in professional conduct (see Real Estate
Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code of Conduct and relevant legislation); inform clients, tenants and
potential tenants of MLR’s commitments; achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.

Background and strategic context

As mentioned above, customer goodwill is a powerful business asset. It plays a major role in customer
retention and can contribute to acquisition as well. Therefore, in order to be successful, it’s it really
important for MLR to build customer goodwill in a fierce competition with other companies in the
Furthermore, customer goodwill is also one of the most important factors in strategic context, which will
help Max Lionel Realty to achieve its mission and vision

Page 15 of 17
Other related projects
After some meetings and discussion with MLR’s managers, Project Manager is aware of some previous
projects that the company had done before, but they focus on different area. Therefore, the result of those
previous project will be utilised in this project.
Project objective
Project purpose: Build customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethical obligations
MLR decided to implement a program to:
● Inform agents of legal and ethical obligations (particularly with respect to WHS and anti-discrimination
legislation) and any standards or codes of conduct followed by the organisation
● Promote high standards in professional conduct (see Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code of
Conduct and relevant legislation)
● Inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments
● Achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
Scope including key deliverables
In Scope Key deliverables
- Inform agents of legal and ethical obligations (particularly with respect
to WHS and anti-discrimination legislation) and any standards or codes - Meeting
of conduct followed by the organisation - Report
- Promote high standards in professional conduct (see Real Estate - Emails
Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code of Conduct and relevant legislation)
- Inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments
- Achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
Out of scope:
- List of tenant is updated by MLR’s Managers
- Staff are trained properly by their supervisor
- Actively reach to potential customers
- Good budget
- Staff are trained properly
- Tenant list is updated every week.
- Tenant and agent need to be informed when there is any changes in MLR policies.

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- Works are delayed because of other departments
- Lack of time
- Changes in state legislation.
Full documentation, report, meeting are organized to achieve the main objectives of the project.
From project proposal – update if required. Attach a project organisation chart and additional information
on responsibilities if required.
Project client/owner
Max Lionel Realty
Project sponsor
CEO – Max Lionel
Project Manager
Ace Consultant - Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina)
Manager of the project manager
Operations General Manager - Kim Sweeney
Project team members
1. Alex Browns
2. Shine Wang
3. Mayy Kim
4. Oliver Mariko
5. Johnathan Smiths
6. Tom Wills
7. Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina) – Project manager
Key stakeholders (updated)
Internal stakeholders Externals stakeholders
Max Lionel - CEO Client representatives
Riz Mehra - Chief Financial Officer Tenant representatives
Kim Sweeney - Operations General Manager Suppliers
Les Goodale - Human Resources Manager Government, community
Sam Lee - Manager Residential Realty
Pat Misfud - Manager Commercial Realty
Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina) – Project manager
Project team members

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Task 1: Inform agents of legal and ethical obligations (particularly with respect to WHS and
anti-discrimination legislation) and any standards or codes of conduct followed by the
Item Milestone date Responsibility
1.1. Identify the effective Early stage of the project Project manager
channels to communicate Project team members
1.2.1. Create company’s policies Early stage of the project. Human Resources Department
about legal and ethical Update regularly (weekly,
obligations; standards or codes or when needed)
of conduct
1.2.2. Elaborate the budget for Weekly Financial Department
the task Project team
1.2.3. Inform agents the message Weekly Human Resources Departments
through identified channels.
Task 2: Promote high standards in professional conduct (see Real Estate Institute of Victoria
(REIV) Code of Conduct and relevant legislation)
Item Milestone date Responsibility
2.1 Create a document about Early stage of the project Human Resources Department
standards in professional Updated regularly (weekly Project Manager
conduct or when needed) Project team members
2.2.1. Promote information in a Daily Human Resources Department
document by using effective Project team
channels (meeting, training
2.2.2. Organize tests to assess Weekly Cooperation between all related
the success of the task departments
Project team
2.2.3. Elaborate the budget for Weekly Financial Department
the task Project team
Task 3: Inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments
Item Milestone date Responsibility
3.1. Identify effective channels Early stage of the project Human Resources Department
to inform Project Manager
Project team members

Page 18 of 17
3.2.1. Determine MLR’s specific Early stage of the project CEO
commitment for clients or Operation General Manager
tenants, which is write in Human Resources Department
professional language.
3.2.2. Inform clients and Daily Sale team
customer via selected channels Manager Residential Realty
Manager Commercial Realty
3.2.3. Elaborate the budget for Weekly Financial Department
the task Project team
Task 4: Achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
Item Milestone date Responsibility
4.1.1. Develop objectives Early stage of the project CEO
Project Manager
Operation General Manager
4.1.2. Organize training session Monthly or when needed Human Resources Department
Project Manager
4.1.3. Explain company’s Monthly or when needed CEO
expectation Human Resources Manager
4.1.4. Elaborate the budget to Weekly Financial Department
the task Project team
Resource and cost plan
Deliverable/milestone/phase Resource Cost
Pre-starting the project Software, internet, computers, labour 1450
Meeting Software, internet, conference room, labour, 550
Budget, selection and Software, internet, conference room, labour, 300
recruitment computers.
Checking external consultant Software, internet, meeting room, computers. 5100
Remaining budget for the rest Internet, software, labour, computers 7600
of the project
Project risk assessment
Risk Level Management strategy
Over budget Medium Identify the issue, re-allocate budget.
Lack of experience Medium-High Organise training session regularly
(monthly recommended)

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Lack of time Medium Improve employee’s work efficient by
training them properly.
Changes in State’s legislation Low – medium Regularly update state’s legislation.

Project plan (version 2)

After some meetings with stakeholders, there are some changes in project plan.
Project title:
Building customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethical obligations
Project purpose
As other real estate companies, MLR is aware of customer goodwill to the company. They believe that
customer goodwill is a powerful business asset. It plays an important role in the long-term relationship
with customers. The more they build up, the stronger the relationship becomes. This not only keeps the
customers engaged with the products and services but also provides a safety net in case the business
makes a mistake.
Therefore, the purpose of this project is to build the customer goodwill and satisfy the company’s legal
and ethical obligations by implementing a program to inform agents of legal and ethical obligations
(particularly with respect to WHS and anti-discrimination legislation) and any standards or codes of
conduct followed by the organisation; promote high standards in professional conduct (see Real Estate
Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code of Conduct and relevant legislation); inform clients, tenants and
potential tenants of MLR’s commitments; achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
Background and strategic context
As mentioned above, customer goodwill is a powerful business asset. It plays a major role in customer
retention and can contribute to acquisition as well. Therefore, in order to be successful, it’s it really
important for MLR to build customer goodwill in a fierce competition with other companies in the
Furthermore, customer goodwill is also one of the most important factors in strategic context, which will
help Max Lionel Realty to achieve its mission and vision
Other related projects
After some meetings and discussion with MLR’s managers, Project Manager is aware of some previous
projects that the company had done before, but they focus on different area. Therefore, the result of those
previous project will be utilised in this project.

Page 20 of 17
Project objective
Project purpose: Build customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethical obligations
MLR decided to implement a program to:
● Inform agents of legal and ethical obligations (particularly with respect to WHS and anti-discrimination
legislation) and any standards or codes of conduct followed by the organisation
● Promote high standards in professional conduct (see Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code of
Conduct and relevant legislation)
● Inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments
● Achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
Scope including key deliverables
In Scope Key deliverables
- Inform agents of legal and ethical obligations (particularly with respect
to WHS and anti-discrimination legislation) and any standards or codes - Meeting
of conduct followed by the organisation - Report
- Promote high standards in professional conduct (see Real Estate - Emails
Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code of Conduct and relevant legislation) - Analyse
- Inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments data
- Achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.

Out of scope:
- List of tenant is updated by MLR’s Managers
- Staff are trained properly by their supervisor
- Actively reach to potential customers
- Update information on website.
- Policies are updated
- Staff are trained properly
- Tenant list is updated every week.
- Tenant and agent need to be informed when there is any changes in MLR policies.
- Lack of time
- Changes in state legislation.

Page 21 of 17
- Over budget
- Lack of experience staff
- Working environment
Full documentation, report, meeting are organized to achieve the main objectives of the project.
From project proposal – update if required. Attach a project organisation chart and additional information
on responsibilities if required.
Project client/owner
Max Lionel Realty
Project sponsor
CEO – Max Lionel
Project Manager
Ace Consultant - Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina)
Manager of the project manager
Operations General Manager - Kim Sweeney
Project team members
1. Alex Browns
2. Shine Wang
3. Mayy Kim
4. Oliver Mariko
5. Johnathan Smiths
6. Tom Wills
7. Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina) – Project manager
Key stakeholders (updated)
Internal stakeholders Externals stakeholders
Max Lionel - CEO Client representatives
Riz Mehra - Chief Financial Officer Tenant representatives
Kim Sweeney - Operations General Manager Suppliers
Les Goodale - Human Resources Manager Government, community
Sam Lee - Manager Residential Realty
Pat Misfud - Manager Commercial Realty
Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina) – Project manager
Project team members

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Sale team members

Task 1: Inform agents of legal and ethical obligations (particularly with respect to WHS and
anti-discrimination legislation) and any standards or codes of conduct followed by the
Item Milestone date Responsibility
1.1. Identify the effective Early stage of the project Project manager
channels to communicate Project team members
1.2.1. Create company’s policies Early stage of the project. Human Resources Department
about legal and ethical Update regularly (weekly,
obligations; standards or codes or when needed)
of conduct
1.2.2. Elaborate the budget for Weekly Financial Department
the task Project team
1.2.3. Inform agents the message Daily Human Resources Departments
through identified channels.
Task 2: Promote high standards in professional conduct (see Real Estate Institute of Victoria
(REIV) Code of Conduct and relevant legislation)
Item Milestone date Responsibility
2.1 Create a document about Early stage of the project Human Resources Department
standards in professional Updated regularly (weekly Project Manager
conduct or when needed) Project team members
2.2.1. Promote information in a Daily Human Resources Department
document by using effective Project team
channels (meeting, training
2.2.2. Organize tests to assess Weekly Cooperation between all related
the success of the task departments
Project team
2.2.3. Elaborate the budget for Weekly Financial Department
the task Project team
Task 3: Inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments
Item Milestone date Responsibility
3.1. Identify effective channels Early stage of the project Human Resources Department
to inform Project Manager

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Project team members
3.2.1. Determine MLR’s specific Early stage of the project CEO
commitment for clients or Operation General Manager
tenants, which is write in Human Resources Department
professional language.
3.2.2. Inform clients and Daily Sale team
customer via selected channels Manager Residential Realty
Manager Commercial Realty
3.2.3. Elaborate the budget for Weekly Financial Department
the task Project team
Task 4: Achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
Item Milestone date Responsibility
4.1.1. Develop objectives Early stage of the project CEO
Project Manager
Operation General Manager
4.1.2. Organize training session Monthly or when needed Human Resources Department
Project Manager
4.1.3. Explain company’s Monthly or when needed CEO
expectation Human Resources Manager
4.1.4. Elaborate the budget to Weekly Financial Department
the task Project team
Resource and cost plan
Deliverable/milestone/phase Resource Cost
Pre-starting the project Software, internet, computers, labour 1450
Meeting Software, internet, conference room, labour, 550
Budget, selection and recruitment Software, internet, conference room, labour, 300
Checking external consultant Software, internet, meeting room, computers. 5100
Remaining budget for the rest of Internet, software, labour, computers 7600
the project
Project risk assessment
Risk Level Management strategy
Over budget Medium Identify the issue, re-allocate budget.
Short of staff Low Hire new employee, training properly

Page 24 of 17
Lack of experience Medium-High Organise training session regularly
(monthly recommended)
Lack of time Medium Improve employee’s work efficient by
training them properly.
Changes in State’s legislation Low – medium Regularly update state’s legislation.

Risk register (version 1)

This template is used to record identified risks associated with project, analyse the impact and determine
resultant action to be taken.

Page 25 of 17
Risk Likelihoo Impact Risk response Responsible
d (H/M/L) (contingency
(H/M/L) strategies)
Over budget Medium Medium Identify the CEO
issue, re-allocate Chief Financial Manager
budget. Project Manager
Short of staff Low Medium Hire new Human Resources Manager
employee, Operation General Manager
training properly
Lack of Medium- High Organise Human Resources Manager
experience High training session Operation General Manager
regularly Project Manager
Lack of time Medium Medium Improve Human Resources Manager
employee’s Operation General Manager
work efficient Project Manager
by training them
Changes in Low – High Regularly Human Resources Manager
State’s medium update state’s
legislation legislation.
Project Title: Building customer goodwill and Project Client: Date:
satisfy its legal and ethical obligations Max Lionel Realty Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of
CEO – Max Lionel Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina) Risk register y

Risk assessment form (version 1)

Identified risks are logged on a risk form and a cope is forward to the project manager.

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Project details
Project Name: Building customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethical obligations
Project Manager: Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina)
Risk details
Risk ID: R1234
Raised by: Project team
Date raised: 3/3/2021
Description of risk:
During the process of designing the project, project team has identified some of risks. Most of
them are related to the employees of the company, who will directly implement this project.
Likelihood of risk: Impact of risk:
Most of the risks are ranked around low to Most of the risks have medium to high
medium impact on the result of the project.

Risk mitigation
Preventative actions recommended:
in order to prevent the risk from occurring:
- Develop effective recruitment and induction process
- Always training new employee properly
- Regularly update related State’s legislation
- Allocating budget properly
Contingency actions recommended:
- Has list of casual labour to work in case short of staff
- Organise training session regularly (monthly)
- Extend time in case lack of time.
Approval details
Supporting documentation:
- Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy
- Anti-discrimination policy
- Code of conduct

Signature: _______________________ Date: ___ /___ /____

Risk register (version 2)

Page 27 of 17
Risk Likelihoo Impact Risk response Responsible
d (H/M/L) (contingency
(H/M/L) strategies)
Poor working Low Low Identify the issue Human Resources Manager.
environment and solutions by
doing survey.
Improve the
Short of staff Low Medium Hire new Human Resources Manager
employee, Operation General Manager
training properly
Lack of Medium- High Organize training Human Resources Manager
experience High session regularly Operation General Manager
(monthly Project Manager
Lack of time Medium Medium Improve Human Resources Manager
employee’s work Operation General Manager
efficient by Project Manager
training them
Changes in Low – High Regularly update Human Resources Manager
State’s medium state’s legislation.
Project Title: Building customer goodwill and Project Client: Date:
satisfy its legal and ethical obligations Max Lionel Realty Version: 2
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of
CEO – Max Lionel Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina) Risk register y

Risk assessment form (version 2)

Project details

Page 28 of 17
B Project title: Building customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethical obligation
Project Manager: Thi To Nhu Tran (Nina)
Risk details
Risk ID: R1235
Raised by: Project team
Date raised: 3/3/2021
Description of risk:
During the process of designing the project, project team has identified some of risks. Most of them are
related to the employees of the company, who will directly implement this project.
Likelihood of risk: Impact of risk:
Most of the risks are ranked around low to Most of the risks have medium to high impact on
medium the result of the project.

Risk mitigation
Preventative actions recommended:
In order to prevent the risk from occurring.
- Develop effective recruitment and induction process
- Always training new employee properly
- Regularly update related State’s legislation
- Always maintaining a healthy working environment
Contingency actions recommended:
- Has list of casual labour to work in case short of staff
- Organise training session regularly (monthly)
Extend time in case lack of time.
Approval details
Supporting documentation:
- Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy
- Anti-discrimination policy
- Code of conduct

Signature: _______________________ Date: ___ /___ /____

Budget version 1
Using financial budget because it’s easier to adjust during the implementation of the project.

Page 29 of 17
Expenses Actual
Content budget
Continuing education and training 1450
Insurance 1030
Project management 440
Analytics 790
Marketing automation 1490
Office equipment and supplies 90
Market research 2050
Taxes 500
Create/design software 590
Recruitment 4600
Inflation 1160
Depreciation exchange 810

Total operating expenses 15000

Budget version 2
If there is over budget during the time that the project is implemented, the team will adopt the budget
version 2, which is a bit lower than version 1.
Expenses Actual
Content budget
Continuing education and training 1450
Insurance 1030
Project management 440
Analytics 750
Marketing automation 1490
Office equipment and supplies 90
Market research 1950
Taxes 500
Create/design software 590
Recruitment 4000
Inflation 1160
Depreciation exchange 810

Total operating expenses 14260

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