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Bhujbal Knowledge City,

MET’s Institute of Engineering, Nashik

Dept. of Computer Engineering
Model Answer Solution
Subject - Code (Course): Information systems and Engineering Economics –310244
2018- 19
Sr. No. Question and Answer Mapping
Question-1 What are the ethical and social issues related to Information system? CO2
Ethical issues – 3 Marks
Ethics are publicly accepted rules of behaviour for social management, i.e. moral rules
and codes that individuals in society follow.
- Privacy, internet challenges to privacy,
-Workplace monitoring, Information panopticon
-Role of monitoring
-Power over users
Social issues – 3 Marks
-Resistance and Conformity
-Changing work practices
-De-skilling and Alienation
Managing E-waste
Managing Acquisition
Centralized computing
Workplace behavior and Health
-Use of Renewable and Recyclable materials
Question-2 What are the basic features of Modern organization? CO1
Basic features – 2 Marks
Org. Have collection of people with shared goals.
E. g. Private companies that have goal to make and sell product or to fulfil some
specific goal. Hence Org. fold members, i.e. people who are engaged in activities to
serve org.s purpose.
Types of modern organization – 1 Marks each
IT Enabled org. - modern, IT structure, functions towards demands
Networked org. - Functions in digital n/w, linked with nodes where they can transmit
and receive info.
Dispersed org. - disperse their operations where resources or raw materials available
Knowledge org. - knowledge workers involves in accessing and dealing with knowledge.

Question-3 What are the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Order effects of IS when introduced in organization? CO1
Answer-3 1st order effect – 2 Marks
The outcome that arises as a direct consequence of the introduction of an IS known as
First order effects.
2nd order effect – 2 Marks
Further over time IS is responsible to improve orgs. Standing in market and profitability
these outcomes are known as Second order effect.
3rd order effect – 2 Marks
Long time changes, Industries in which org. is loacated also changes b'coz of IS.
ex. Banking products like trading, online banking, insurance etc.

Question-4 Define what is the IT infrastructure for an organization CO2

IT infra depends on the following things
Business needs - 3 Marks
- What business needs have to be met with the infra components?
-How does the tech helps the org. Compete?
- Is tech. Appropriate for the task?
-Is tech. Best in class?
Technological issue - 3 Marks
Answer-4 -Is tech. Scalable?
-Is tech. Inter operable?
-Road map for tech. ?
-What is renewable cycle?
-Is there vendor support?
-What will be nature of tech. Lock-in?
-Make or buy?

Analyse the bargaining power of the courier firms vs Flipkart. Who has an edge-
Question-5 CO1
Flipkart or courier firms.
Bargaining power explanation – Diagram – 1 Marks, 3 Marks

Buyers, who buy the services or goods of a firm, also have a bargaining power.
They can bargain, among other things, over prices and delivery schedule. They can
seek firms who have better prices. Also vice-versa can happen if there is less supply
than demand. So firms have more bargaining power.
Flipkart has an edge with justification – 2 Marks
Flipkart has an edge over courier firms as seen in diagram as flipkart has more courier
firms to select as partner for delivering product. Hence Flipkart has strong bargaining
power over courier firms.
Question-6 Explain IT Governance. CO2
For each IT governance - 1 marks each
Business Monarchy - All decision power held by Head of org. like CEO, Directors
etc. Head is like king or emperor
IT Monarchy - Decision making done by head of IT in ogr. Like president or VP
Feudal - In this archetype decisions are made by business, deptt., unit head etc.
Federal- Decision making done by business head and unit heads
IT Duoply - Decisions made by IT heads and business heads
Anarchy - No central or higher level, decisions done by user at low level

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