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Neurobiology of Aging 96 (2020) 1e11

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Profound regional spectral, connectivity, and network changes

reflect visual deficits in posterior cortical atrophy: an EEG study
Casper T. Brielsa, b, *, Jakoba J. Eertinkb, Cornelis J. Stamb, Wiesje M. van der Fliera, c,
Philip Scheltensa, Alida A. Gouwb
Alzheimer Center Amsterdam, Department of Neurology, Amsterdam Neuroscience, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Amsterdam Neuroscience, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Amsterdam Neuroscience, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, the

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Patients with posterior cortical atrophy (PCA-AD) show more severe visuospatial and perceptual deficits
Received 20 March 2020 than those with typical AD (tAD). The aim of this study was to investigate whether functional alterations
Received in revised form 20 July 2020 measured by electroencephalography can help understand the mechanisms that explain this clinical
Accepted 29 July 2020
heterogeneity. 21-channel electroencephalography recordings of 29 patients with PCA-AD were
Available online 5 August 2020
compared with 29 patients with tAD and 29 controls matched for age, gender, and disease severity.
Patients with PCA-AD and tAD both showed a global decrease in fast and increase in slow oscillatory
activity compared with controls. This pattern was, however, more profound in patients with PCA-AD
Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA)
Alzheimer's disease (AD)
which was driven by more extensive slowing of the posterior regions. Alpha band functional connec-
Electroencephalography (EEG) tivity showed a similar decrease in PCA-AD and tAD. Compared with controls, a less integrated network
Oscillatory activity topology was observed in PCA-AD, with a decrease of posterior and an increase of frontal hubness. In
Functional connectivity PCA-AD, decreased right parietal peak frequency correlated with worse performance on visual tasks.
Functional networks Regional vulnerability of the posterior network might explain the atypical pattern of neurodegeneration
in PCA-AD.
Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction cortex (Alves et al., 2013; Crutch et al., 2017; Guerrier et al., 2019).
Different patterns in pathological cerebral amyloid and tau distribu-
Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is a clinico-radiological neuro- tion can be found in PCA-AD. The distribution of amyloid pathology
degenerative syndrome that is clinically characterized by an initially does not differentiate patients with PCA-AD from patients with tAD
isolated progressive impairment of higher order visual functions (Ossenkoppele et al., 2016; Putcha et al., 2019), but the deposition of
with relative preservation of memory, insight, and judgment until tau pathology in PCA-AD is in accordance with the atrophy of the
late in the clinical course of the disease (Beh et al., 2015; Crutch et al., parietal, occipital, and temporal brain regions (Lehmann et al., 2013a;
2013, 2017; Migliaccio elt al., 2012). The most common underlying Rabinovici et al., 2008; Rosenbloom et al., 2011). This pattern of tau
pathology of PCA is Alzheimer's disease (PCA-AD), and the onset is deposition is different from tAD where the medio-temporal lobes and
typically between 50 and 65 years of age (Crutch et al., 2012, 2017). lateral temporoparietal cortex are mostly affected (Crutch et al., 2012;
The clinical presentation of PCA-AD is in contrast with ‘typical’ Alz- Ossenkoppele et al., 2016). Furthermore, in PCA-AD, the distinct
heimer's disease (tAD), where memory loss is the clinically pre- patterns of atrophy, tau deposition, and hypometabolism (measured
dominant symptom next to other potential deficits in language, by fluorodeoxyglucose positron-emission tomography (FDG-PET))
executive functioning, behavior, and visual function. correlate with the level of visual dysfunction (Chen et al., 2019). Even
Radiological findings in PCA-AD are typically represented by though neuroimaging has given understanding of the development
predominant atrophy and hypometabolism of the parieto-occipital of the disease, the pathological mechanisms leading to tAD are not
yet fully understood. Neither is it understood why most patients
* Corresponding author at: Alzheimer Center Amsterdam, Department of develop the typical symptoms of tAD and some the ‘atypical’ symp-
Neurology, Amsterdam Neuroscience, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam
toms of PCA-AD. One explanation of this heterogeneity could be a
UMC, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Tel.: þ31 20
4440685; fax: þ31 20 4448529. difference in vulnerability of distinct functional networks of the brain
E-mail address: (C.T. Briels). network (Cho et al., 2016; Lehmann et al., 2013b; Stam, 2014; Zhou
0197-4580/Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2 C.T. Briels et al. / Neurobiology of Aging 96 (2020) 1e11

et al., 2012), leading to changes of brain activity in these specific Exclusion criteria for all groups were other significant neurological
networks and therefore to distinct clinical symptoms. Changes in diseases and major psychiatric disorders.
functional brain networks can be captured by electroencephalog-
raphy (EEG), which measures synchronized postsynaptic activity of 2.2. Standard protocol approvals, registrations, and patient
the cortical pyramidal neurons (Lopes da Silva, 2013). consents
EEG and magnetoencephalography (MEG) have been thoroughly
used to characterize AD. A diffuse slowing of the posterior dominant The ethical review board of the VUmc approved this protocol. All
rhythm is typically seen in patients with AD (Babiloni et al., 2004; de patients gave informed consent for the use of their clinical data for
Waal et al., 2012; Jeong, 2004). In addition, EEG offers a high tem- research purposes.
poral resolution which enables investigating functional connectivity
and functional networks. Compared with controls, patients with AD 2.3. Cognitive tasks
show a general decrease in functional connectivity (Dauwels et al.,
2010; Jeong, 2004) and a loss of communication between func- We used a standard cognitive test battery, covering the major
tional networks (de Haan et al., 2012b) with changing hub locations cognitive domains (van der Flier and Scheltens, 2018). The visuo-
(Engels et al., 2015). EEG research covering PCA-AD specifically is spatial ability domain was assessed using the dot count task and the
sparse and mainly consists of a few case studies and 2 retrospective fragmented-letters task. For the dot counting task, patients have to
studies which did not investigate the quantitative differences be- count the number of unsorted dots presented on a 500 x 300 card
tween PCA-AD and tAD (Goldstein et al., 2018; Ranasinghe et al., (maximum score ¼ 10). In the fragmented-letters task, patients
2014; Rogelet et al., 1996; Tom et al., 1998; Victoroff et al., 1994). identify letters, which increase in level of degradation (maximum
These studies indicate that abnormalities in EEG recordings in pa- score ¼ 20). Executive functioning and attention were assessed
tients with PCA-AD are likely, but it is unknown whether these using the trail-making test (TMT) A and B and the Dutch version of
findings are different from what is known in tAD. In this study, we controlled oral word association test (COWAT). Memory was
aim to investigate the EEG oscillatory, functional connectivity, and assessed by the Dutch version of the Rey auditory verbal learning
network signature of PCA-AD in comparison with tAD and controls. test (RAVLT), in which a list of 15 words was repeated 5 times and
Because the EEG signal is a representation of synaptic functioning, the immediate recall was tested after each repetition. The total sum
we hypothesize a predominant posterior oscillatory slowing in of correct answers on the immediate recall on each of the 5 trials
accordance with the findings of previous research with synaptic was used for the statistical analyses. Higher scores indicate better
markers such as FDG-PET (Ossenkoppele et al., 2015). Furthermore, cognitive performance on the fragmented-letters task, dot count
we hypothesize that a selective deterioration of the posterior well- task, COWAT, and RAVLT. Lower scores indicate better cognitive
connected regions in the network, the so called ‘hubs’, in PCA-AD performance on the TMT-A and TMT-B tests.
underlies the oscillatory slowing. Hence, we would expect a rela-
tive sparing in the rest of the functional network. 2.4. EEG recordings

2. Methods An eyes-closed task-free EEG of 20 minutes was recorded in all

patients with OSG digital equipment (Brainlab and BrainRT; OSG b.v.
2.1. Population Belgium). Twenty-one electrodes were placed in accordance with
the 10e20 international system (channels 1 to 21 respectively
Based on availability, we included 29 patients with PCA-AD and represent the following: Fp2, Fp1, F8, F7, F4, F3, A2, A1 T4, T3, C4, C3,
matched 29 patients with tAD and 29 controls with subjective T6, T5, P4, P3, O2, O1, Fz, Pz, and Cz). Electrode impedance was below
cognitive decline (SCD) from the Amsterdam Dementia Cohort (van 5 kU. Filter settings were as follows: time constant 1 second and low
der Flier and Scheltens, 2018). Patients were matched on the age, pass filter 70 Hz. Sample frequency was 500 Hz, and analogedigital
sex, and educational level of the PCA-AD group. Patients for the tAD precision was 16e20 bit. During recording, a common reference
group were additionally matched on Clinical Dementia Rating electrode was used (average of all electrodes or Fz). Patients were
(CDR) with the PCA-AD group, and only patients with SCD with a seated in a slightly reclined chair in a normally lit, quiet room. Pa-
CDR score of 0 were included in the control group. All patients had tients sat with their eyes closed and were alerted with acoustic
been referred to the Alzheimer Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam stimuli when slow horizontal eye movements or slowing of the
UMC. The diagnostic procedure consisted of a standard battery of posterior alpha rhythm appeared. For each patient, 5 epochs of
investigations including a patient- and informant-based medical 10 seconds were visually selected by an experienced neurophysiol-
history, physical and neurological examination, magnetic reso- ogist based on signal quality (artifact-free: no eye-blinks, slow eye
nance imaging (MRI), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis, and EEG. movements, excess muscle activity, or electrocardiogram artifacts)
Diagnoses were established by a multidisciplinary team. Patients and patient status (eyes closed, awake). Epochs were converted to
with PCA-AD and tAD both fulfilled diagnostic National Institute on ASCII format. The first 4096 samples of each epoch were used for
AgingeAlzheimer's Association criteria for probable AD (McKhann further analysis. EEGs were digitally re-referenced offline to the
et al., 2011), with biomarker evidence for AD pathology (Ab1-42 < source reference derivation (Hjorth, 1975). BrainWave software,
813 ng/L, t-tau >375 ng/L and p-tau >52 ng/L or positive amyloid written by C.J. Stam (Stam, 2019), was used to calculate spectral
PET imaging) (Tijms et al., 2018; Zwan et al., 2014). Patients with measures, functional connectivity, and the network measures.
PCA-AD additionally fulfilled the criteria of Mendez et al. and Tang-
Wai et al. (Mendez et al., 2002; Tang-Wai et al., 2004), and thus 2.5. EEG spectral analysis
fulfilled the PCA-plus and PCA-AD criteria as defined by the
consensus classification of Crutch et al. (Crutch et al., 2017). Patients Relative power was calculated for each EEG channel using the
with tAD all presented with initial memory complaints and had fast Fourier transform in the following frequency bands: delta
pronounced dysfunction in the memory domain. As a control group, (0.5e4 Hz), theta (4e8 Hz), alpha (8e13 Hz), beta (13e30 Hz). Peak
we included patients who presented with SCD at our memory frequency, defined as the frequency with the highest amplitude in
clinic, but performed normal on all clinical investigations (i.e., the 4e13 Hz range, was calculated for each EEG channel. For all
criteria for MCI, dementia or psychiatric disorder not fulfilled). analyses, all 5 epochs of each patient were averaged to obtain a
C.T. Briels et al. / Neurobiology of Aging 96 (2020) 1e11 3

single value for each spectral measure per patient (van Diessen less efficient network. MST betweenness centrality and degree are
et al., 2015). The values of all EEG channels were averaged to indicators of how many connections run through a node. In other
obtain global spectral measures. words, they show the hubness of a node. Higher degree and higher
betweenness centrality indicate a higher hubness of a node.
2.6. EEG functional connectivity and network measures
2.7. Statistical analysis
Functional connectivity was measured in the alpha band by the
amplitude envelope correlation with correction for volume con- Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics
duction (AEC-c) (Hipp et al., 2012). This measure was chosen for Windows, version and RStudio ((Allaire, 2012) version
because of its validity (Hipp et al., 2012; Tewarie et al., 2019a), test- 1.1.463) software. Visual representations of the data were made by
retest reliability (Colclough et al., 2016), and reproducibility in the using RStudio, BrainNet Viewer ((Xia et al., 2013) version 1.63),
alpha frequency band in AD (Briels et al., under review). The AEC-c EEGLAB ((Delorme and Makeig, 2004) version 14.1.1), and MATLAB
is a functional connectivity measure which correlates envelopes of (The MathWorks, Inc., version R2019b). Differences in group de-
the amplitude of the signal between channels. The AEC-c was mographics were analyzed with independent t-tests, c2 tests, or
calculated using the following steps. The raw signal was first band- pairwise permutation testing where appropriate. Pairwise permuta-
pass filtered from 8 to 13 Hz. To correct for volume conduction, this tion testing with 100,000 iterations was used to test differences be-
filtered signal was pairwise orthogonalized in both directions, X to tween spectral measures, functional connectivity, and network
Y and Y to X. The orthogonalized data were used to calculate the measures between the 3 diagnostic groups. Spectral differences be-
amplitude envelope correlation (AEC) (Bruns et al., 2000), hence tween groups at an electrode level were tested with pairwise per-
creating the AEC-c. An adjacency matrix was created with the AEC-c mutation testing with additional false discovery rate (FDR) correction
for each possible pair of channels of each epoch. Global AEC-c was for multiple testing (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995). Within the PCA-
calculated by averaging all channels, and regional AEC-c was AD group, Pearson correlations were calculated between regional
calculated by averaging per channel. The average of the global and peak frequency and cognitive tasks for visuospatial functioning (the
regional values over 5 epochs was used for each patient. dot counting and fragmented-letters tasks). The cognitive tasks were
The network properties of the adjacency matrices of the alpha chosen because they test performance in the visual domain which is
band AEC-c were estimated with the minimum spanning tree typically affected in PCA-AD and (relatively) spared in tAD and con-
(MST). The MST was based on the algorithm of Kruskal (Jackson and trols. Peak frequency was chosen because it represents the dominant
Read, 2010; Kruskal, 1956). In short, the algorithm used creates a oscillatory activity and is a marker of general slowing in AD (Babiloni
network between all nodes (EEG channels) with the minimum et al., 2020; Jeong, 2004). The RAVLT was additionally compared with
possible total weight. The algorithm does this by creating the first the peak frequency to function as a control task. The other cognitive
edge at the smallest weight (i.e., strongest connection) and repet- tasks were regarded less relevant and therefore not analyzed. Hereby
itively adding edges in an order from a small to a large weight, we aimed to limit the chance of false positive results. The threshold
without creating loops, until all nodes are connected. The resulting for significance was set at p < 0.05.
graph is unweighted and undirected. To compare MSTs between
groups, the diameter (longest shortest path of the network), degree 3. Results
(number of edges to a node), leaf fraction (fraction of nodes with a
degree of 1), and betweenness centrality (fraction of shortest paths 3.1. Demographics
that run through a certain node) of the graph were calculated
(Barabási, 2016; Stam et al., 2014; Tewarie et al., 2015). These results Table 1 shows the demographics of PCA-AD, tAD, and controls.
were averaged over 5 epochs for each patient. The MST diameter Groups were well matched for age and sex. On average, patients
and leaf fraction are indicators of the efficiency of the whole were 63.4 year old, and 59% was female. Both the PCA-AD and tAD
network. In general, high diameter and low leaf fraction indicate a groups had lower CDR and mini-mental state examination scores

Table 1
Demographic and clinical characteristics of the diagnostic groups

Characteristics Control (n ¼ 29) tAD (n ¼ 29) PCA-AD (n ¼ 29)

Age 63.5  5.4 63.3  5.2 63.4  5.4
Sex ratio (f/m) 16/13 18/11 17/12
CDR 0 (0e0) 1 (1e1)a 1 (1e2)b
MMSE 29 (28e30) 18 (16e22)a 19 (16e23)b
Disease duration 2 (1e3) 3 (2e4)a 4 (2e5)b
Educational level 5 (4e6) 5 (4e6) 5 (4e6)
Fragmented-letters task 20 (19e20) (n ¼ 22) 17.5 (12.5e19.0) (n ¼ 16)a 7.0 (2.5e12.5) (n ¼ 25)b,c
Dot counting task 10 (10e10) (n ¼ 22) 10 (8e10) (n ¼ 18)a 7 (4e7) (n ¼ 25)b,c
RAVLT 43 (34e49) (n ¼ 28) 16 (9e19) (n ¼ 24)a 16 (14e23) (n ¼ 27)b
COWAT 39 (30e44) (n ¼ 20) 27 (16e30) (n ¼ 19)a 28 (21e35) (n ¼ 21)b
TMT-A 35 (28e48) (n ¼ 27) 76 (49e130) (¼27)a 200 (147e251) (n ¼ 19)b,c
TMT-B 86 (69e120) (n ¼ 27) 195 (170e247) (n ¼ 11)a 324 (266e453) (n ¼ 6)b,c
Amyloid-beta 42 1082 (996e1210) (n ¼ 19) 657 (592e714) (n ¼ 27)a 642 (561e730) (n ¼ 27)b
Total tau 267 (206e333) (n ¼ 19) 598 (540e962) (n ¼ 27)a 627 (496e1001) (n ¼ 27)b
Phosphorylated tau 45 (35e53) (n ¼ 19) 93 (68e106) (n ¼ 27)a 86 (68e110) (n ¼ 27)b

Data are represented as mean SD or median (IQR). Disease duration is measured as years since onset of complaints. Level of education was rated according to Verhage
(Verhage and Van Der Werff, 1964). TMT-A and TMT-B scores are presented as time needed to complete the task, higher scores mean worse performance. RALVT is presented as
the sum score of 5 trials.
Differences between groups were tested using permutation tests, c2 tests, and independent t-tests, where appropriate. a ¼p < 0.05 between tAD and controls, b ¼ p < 0.05
between PCA-AD and controls, c ¼ p < 0.05 between PCA-AD and tAD.
Key: CDR, clinical dementia rating; COWAT, controlled word association test; IQR, interquartile range; MMSE, mini-mental state examination; RALVT, Ray's auditory verbal
learning test; TMT-A, trail-making test part A; TMT-B, trail-making test part B.
4 C.T. Briels et al. / Neurobiology of Aging 96 (2020) 1e11

Fig. 1. Global relative power and peak frequency measures per diagnosis. Boxplots of global peak frequency and global relative power per frequency band (delta, theta, alpha, and
beta) per diagnosis (SCD, PCA, and AD). The left y-axis represents the amount of relative power in each of the frequency bands. The right y-axis represents the height of the
frequency in Hertz (Hz) for the peak frequency (peak freq). Boxes represent the first to third interquartile range including the median value.

and performed worse on the cognitive test than controls (all p < compared with controls, reflected by lower global peak frequency
0.05). Furthermore, patients with PCA-AD performed worse on the (difference of medians (Dm) ¼ 2.18, p < 0.0001), decreases of
fragmented-letter, dot count, TMT-A, and TMT-B tasks than patients faster oscillatory activity (relative alpha power (Dm ¼ 0.16, p <
with tAD (all p < 0.05). CSF amyloid and tau biomarkers confirmed 0.0001), relative beta power (Dm ¼ 0.05, p ¼ 0.02)), and increases
the Alzheimer profile in patients with tAD and PCA-AD. of slower activity (relative theta (Dm ¼ 0.14, p < 0.0001) and delta
power (Dm ¼ 0.07, p < 0.01)). Moreover, patients with PCA-AD
3.2. Spectral analysis showed more severe oscillatory slowing than patients with tAD,
as indicated by more slow activity (relative delta power (Dm ¼ 0.05,
Fig. 1 shows the distribution of the values of the global relative p < 0.05)) and less fast activity (relative alpha power (Dm ¼ 0.02,
power and global peak frequency for each group, and Table 2 shows p < 0.05)). In addition, patients with tAD had oscillatory power
the results of the pairwise comparisons between the groups. results intermediate to controls and PCA-AD, where we found
Overall, controls had spectral characteristics which reflected fastest significantly lower global peak frequency (Dm ¼ 1.84 Hz, p <
oscillatory activity, whereas PCA-AD showed most outspoken 0.001), relative alpha power (Dm ¼ 0.14, p < 0.0001), and higher
changes from controls indicating slowest oscillatory activity. Pa- relative theta (Dm ¼ 0.10, p < 0.0001) (but not delta) power
tients with tAD showed spectral characteristics intermediate to compared with controls.
controls and PCA-AD. More specifically, patients with PCA-AD Electrode level spectral characteristics gave additional insight on
showed significant differences in all spectral power measures the global changes. Overall, patients with PCA-AD showed the most

Table 2
Global relative power and peak frequency measures per diagnosis

Measure (median, IQR) Control (n ¼ 29) tAD (n ¼ 29) PCA-AD (n ¼ 29)

Global PF (Hz) 9.41 (8.86e9.81) 7.57 (6.51e8.63)a 7.23 (6.61e7.77)b
Global delta power 0.27 (0.21e0.34) 0.28 (0.24e0.34) 0.34 (0.28e0.41)b,c
Global theta power 0.09 (0.07e0.11) 0.19 (0.14e0.25)a 0.23 (0.18e0.28)b
Global alpha power 0.32 (0.28e0.45) 0.18 (0.14e0.27)a 0.16 (0.11e0.21)b,c
Global beta power 0.21 (0.17e0.25) 0.17 (0.13e0.25)a 0.16 (0.12e0.23)b

For each group, the median and interquartile range (IQR) are shown. Significant differences (p < 0.05) between groups are indicated by a (control versus tAD), b (PCA-AD versus
control), and c (PCA-AD versus tAD).
Key: IQR, interquartile range; PF, peak frequency.
C.T. Briels et al. / Neurobiology of Aging 96 (2020) 1e11 5

Fig. 2. Peak frequency at electrode level per diagnosis. Topological representation of median peak frequency (Hz) at each electrode plotted per diagnosis. Red indicates a relatively
high peak frequency, whereas blue indicates a relatively low peak frequency. In both tAD and PCA-AD, there is a global slowing compared with controls. Compared with tAD, the
PCA-AD group shows a more severe slowing of the parietal, posterior temporal, and occipital channels. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader
is referred to the Web version of this article.)

profound slowing of the posterior channels, whereas the other re- regional relative theta and beta power were found between tAD
gions had values equal to tAD. Fig. 2 shows peak frequency at the and PCA-AD.
electrode level for each group, and electrode level relative band
power is shown in supplementary Fig. 1. The controls showed a
posterior dominant peak frequency higher than 9 Hz. When
3.3. Functional connectivity
comparing tAD with controls, the patients with tAD showed a
significantly lower peak frequency in both frontal (around 7 Hz) and
Functional connectivity was estimated by the AEC-c in the alpha
posterior channels (around 8 Hz) (decreased peak frequency in all
frequency band on a global and regional level. Fig. 3 shows the
21 channels, pcorr < 0.01). The patients with PCA-AD also showed a
functional connectivity matrices of the 3 groups. The differences
significant decrease in peak frequency in all channels compared
between these matrices and the p-values of the permutation tests
with controls (all 21 channels, pcorr < 0.01), and importantly,
corresponding to these matrices are shown in supplementary Fig. 2.
compared with tAD, there was an even lower peak frequency in the
Both the tAD and PCA-AD groups showed a decrease in global alpha
posterior channels (below 7 Hz) with similar values in the frontal
band AEC-c compared with the control group (respectively
channels (around 7 Hz) (respectively O1 Dm ¼ 1.98 Hz, pcorr ¼ 0.01;
Dm ¼ 0.023, p ¼ 0.002; Dm ¼ 0.031, p < 0.001). However, there
O2 Dm ¼ 1.95 Hz, pcorr ¼ 0.01; P4 Dm ¼ 2.39 Hz, pcorr ¼ 0.02).
was no significant difference in global functional connectivity be-
Furthermore, regional analyses of relative band power
tween the tAD and PCA-AD groups (Dm ¼ 0.008, p ¼ 0.49). Regional
(supplementary Fig. 1) supported the observation that the more
analyses of functional connectivity showed similar results. When
severe global slowing in patients with PCA-AD compared with
comparing controls with tAD, all regional functional connectivity
patients with tAD was driven by more severe changes in the pos-
values, except channel F3, T4, and A2, were significantly reduced (p
terior regions. The PCA-AD group showed, after FDR correction,
< 0.05 after FDR correction). Similarly, all regional functional con-
significantly higher regional relative delta (channels T6, P3, O1, and
nectivity values were significantly reduced in PCA-AD compared
O2), lower alpha (channels T5, T6, O1, and O2) compared with tAD.
with controls. No regional differences were found between PCA and
In congruence with the analyses on a global level, no differences in

Fig. 3. Functional connectivity matrices per subject group. Pairwise alpha band AEC-c values between channels. Each channel is represented on the x-axis (1e21) and y-axis (21e1).
Dark red represents relative high and dark blue relative low AEC-c values between the corresponding channels. Both the tAD and PCA-AD groups show a global decrease in
functional connectivity compared with controls. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
6 C.T. Briels et al. / Neurobiology of Aging 96 (2020) 1e11

Fig. 4. Minimum spanning tree per diagnosis. Minimum spanning trees based on the alpha band AEC-c adjacency matrix for each group. Each surface electrode represents a node of
the network. For each diagnosis, left, right, and top-down views are shown. The MST of the control group shows posterior hubs connecting to the frontal nodes where the tAD and
PCA-AD groups show more frontal hubs and less connected posterior nodes.

3.4. Network measures letters task, and RAVLT were assessed within the PCA-AD group.
Regional plots and the individual data points of the correlations are
The functional networks were estimated by the MST based on shown in Fig. 6. The fragmented-letters task was significantly
the adjacency matrix of the alpha band AEC-c. The average MST of correlated with right parietal peak frequency (channel P4, r ¼ 0.51,
each group is shown in Fig. 4. Differences in global MST charac- p ¼ 0.008), in which a higher peak frequency was associated with a
teristics (diameter and leaf fraction) are shown in Table 3. The PCA- higher score on the task. The dot counting task scores significantly
AD group MST had a longer diameter (Dm ¼ 0.05, p ¼ 0.008) and correlated with the peak frequency of the right temporal-parietal
smaller leaf fraction (Dm ¼ 0.06, p < 0.001) than the control region (significant correlations with channel P4 and T4 individu-
group, indicating a less efficient network topology. The tAD group ally, correlation of combined channels: r ¼ 0.50, p ¼ 0.012). Again, a
showed a significant smaller leaf fraction than the control group higher regional peak frequency of these channels correlated with a
(Dm ¼ 0.04, p ¼ 0.02), but the diameter was not significantly higher score on the task. No significant correlations were found
longer (Dm ¼ 0.03, p ¼ 0.20). No significant differences were found between the scores of the RAVLT and the peak frequency of chan-
between the tAD and PCA-AD groups. tAD values were, on average, nels P4 and T4 (channel P4 and T4 combined r ¼ 0.10, p ¼ 0.614).
intermediates between controls and PCA-AD. Neither did the peak frequency of any of the other channels
Differences in regional MST characteristics (degree and correlate with the RAVLT.
betweenness centrality) are shown in Fig. 5. Both the PCA-AD and
tAD groups showed a lower maximum degree than controls 4. Discussion
(respectively Dm ¼ 0.03, p < 0.001), indicating that the most
connected regions, the hubs, have weakened. In PCA-AD, compared The results of this study indicate that patients with PCA-AD have
with controls, the degree showed a significant (p < 0.05) increase in severely affected oscillatory EEG activity together with disrupted
frontal regions (Fp1, F3, F4, and F7) and a decrease in parietal re- functional connectivity and less efficient network properties. Pa-
gions (P3, Cz, and Pz). After FDR correction, however, none of the tients with PCA-AD were more severely affected than typical age,
values reached statistical significance. The betweenness centrality sex, educational level, and disease severity matched patients with
was increased in the frontal regions (F3, F4, and F7) in PCA-AD tAD with respect to brain oscillatory activity. Spectral changes were
compared with controls. After FDR correction, only region F3 characterized by a pronounced decrease in posterior alpha power
reached statistical significance. The regional MST characteristics of and an increase in posterior delta power. In addition, right (tem-
the tAD group showed intermediate values between controls and poral-) parietal peak frequency correlated with performance on
PCA-AD. Although globally the tAD group showed a lower visual tasks. Functional connectivity was decreased compared with
maximum degree and betweenness centrality than controls controls but did not differ compared with patients with tAD.
(respectively Dm ¼ 0.02, p < 0.01; Dm ¼ 0.02, p < 0.01), regional Network properties indicate a less integrated network in patients
differences were not significantly different from the control or PCA- with PCA-AD, weakened hubs, and a relative shift in hubness from
AD group, which was potentially caused by a lack of power. posterior to frontal brain areas compared with controls, indicating a
selective deterioration of the posterior hubs with relative sparing of
3.5. Correlations with cognitive tasks the frontal hubs.
The comparison of EEG spectral measures between patients
Correlations between peak frequency of the individual EEG with tAD and controls confirmed earlier studies of EEG slowing in
channels and the scores of the dot counting task, fragmented- tAD. This was represented by a higher global relative theta power

Table 3
Minimum spanning tree characteristics per diagnosis

MST measure (median, IQR) Control (n ¼ 29) tAD (n ¼ 29) PCA-AD (n ¼ 29)
Diameter 0.41 (0.40e0.44) 0.44 (0.42e0.46) 0.46 (0.42e0.47)b
Leaf fraction 0.56 (0.54e0.58) 0.52 (0.50e0.56)a 0.50 (0.49e0.54)b
Maximum degree 0.28 (0.26e0.30) 0.26 (0.23e0.28)a 0.25 (0.23e0.26)b
Maximum BC 0.71 (0.70e0.74) 0.69 (0.68e0.72)a 0.69 (0.67e0.71)b

For each group, the median and interquartile range (IQR) are shown.
Significant differences (p < 0.05) between groups are indicated by a (control versus tAD), b (PCA-AD versus control), and c (PCA-AD versus tAD).
Key: BC, betweenness centrality; IQR, interquartile range.
C.T. Briels et al. / Neurobiology of Aging 96 (2020) 1e11 7

Fig. 5. MST betweenness centrality and degree at electrode level per patient group. Topological representation of MST betweenness centrality (top row) and degree (bottom row)
per subject group (columns). Red indicates relatively high values, and blue indicates relatively low values. In controls, the posterior channels show the most connections with a
relative high degree and betweenness centrality. In PCA-AD, the posterior distribution has disappeared and the frontal channels have a relatively higher betweenness centrality and
degree. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

and lower relative alpha and beta power in the patients with tAD The analyses of the functional connectivity showed that both
(de Waal et al., 2012; Jeong, 2004). We extend on this by showing patients with tAD and PCA-AD had decreased global alpha band
that patients with PCA-AD had more severe slowing of the oscil- functional connectivity compared with controls. Although patients
latory brain rhythms than patients with tAD. More specifically, with PCA-AD have more severe visual dysfunction, we could not
patients with PCA-AD showed similar changes as patients with tAD find a difference in functional connectivity compared with the pa-
in global relative theta and beta power, but in addition showed tients with tAD. Characteristics of functional network topology gave
higher global relative delta power and lower alpha power. This more information into the difference between the 2 diagnoses. The
difference was largely driven by a pronounced decrease in the networks were compared using the diameter, leaf fraction, regional
dominant frequency of the posterior regions. Compared with con- degree, and regional betweenness centrality of the MST. Less inte-
trols, both patients with PCA-AD and tAD showed a global slowing grated (or less efficient) networks generally show a longer diameter
of the oscillatory activity, but the slowing of the parietal, posterior and a loss of hubs (Stam et al., 2014). Hubs are locally highly con-
temporal, and occipital channels was more severe in PCA-AD. These nected nodes, allowing short path lengths from one node to the
findings support our hypothesis that slowing of oscillatory brain other, which makes the network more efficient, or ‘compact’. In our
rhythms in patients with PCA-AD was most pronounced in the study, patients with PCA-AD showed the highest MST diameter and
posterior part of the brain. This indicates that there is a profound lowest MST leaf fraction and therefore the least efficient network
loss of synapses in these areas (Lopes da Silva, 2013). Although the topology, compared with the other groups. Moreover, an indication
spatial resolution of EEG does not allow for detailed conclusions at of weakened parietal hub region (lower degree) and stronger
the level of functional subnetworks, the regions reported in this frontal hubness (increase in frontal betweenness centrality and
study are largely congruent with the visuospatial network, involved degree) was observed in PCA-AD. In summary, our results indicated
in PCA-AD. This predominant deterioration of the posterior regions that the functional network in PCA-AD becomes less integrated
in PCA-AD is also reported by studies that show posterior glucose because of a global loss of connectivity together with a selective loss
hypometabolism, posterior gray matter atrophy, and higher pos- of function of the posterior hubs with a relative increase of frontal
terior tau deposition in patients with PCA-AD (Ossenkoppele et al., hubness. These results were in line with our hypothesis, and
2016; Whitwell et al., 2017). The causational relation between perhaps the selective vulnerability of the posterior network could
these markers remains unclear. Perhaps the deterioration of func- explain the clinical and pathological characteristics of PCA-AD.
tional outcome measures like EEG oscillatory activity and FDG up- Unfortunately, no EEG or MEG functional network studies have
take are driven by regional tau-mediated neurodegeneration. On been performed in patients with PCA-AD to compare our functional
the other hand, regional tau accumulation could also be driven by network results with. Studies using functional MRI (fMRI) have,
regional network vulnerability (de Haan et al., 2012a). Therefore, however, shown similar patterns in network changes in PCA-AD. One
we looked more closely at the underlying functional network of study has shown increased connectivity in the dorsal inferior
each group. network in correlation with the amount of parietal atrophy in
8 C.T. Briels et al. / Neurobiology of Aging 96 (2020) 1e11

Fig. 6. Correlation between regional peak frequency and cognitive tasks. Correlation coefficients, within the PCA-AD group, between individual EEG channel peak frequency and the
dot count task (column A), fragmented-letters task (column B), and RAVLT (sum of 5 trials, column C) score are shown in headplots. The strength of the correlation is represented by
the area color. Black indicates no correlation where white indicates a perfect correlation. The individual data points of the significant correlations (T4 and P4 in A, P4 in B) are plotted
on the bottom row. No channels significantly correlated in C and the data points represent the relevant channels of A and B (T4 and P4). The 2 channels in A and C were averaged to
create a single plot for both channels. A decrease in right posterior peak frequency correlated with worse performance on dot counting and fragmented-letters tasks. No correlation
was found with performance on the memory task. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

patients with PCA-AD (Migliaccio et al., 2016). Another fMRI study only study the relation between network properties and clinical
has shown an increased connectivity in the anterior default mode progression but also try to predict the clinical progression with
network and a decrease in the visual network in patients with PCA- network properties. Another interesting design would be to combine
AD (Lehmann et al., 2015). And finally, a third study has found a longitudinal EEG and tau-PET data to observe the relation between
similar pattern in PCA-AD with an increase in the frontal salience tau accumulation with network deterioration. This could answer
network and default mode network accompanied by a decreased the question whether there is network deterioration due to
visuospatial network connectivity (Fredericks et al., 2019). This last tau-mediated neurodegeneration or whether tau accumulation is
study hypothesized the medial and lateral pulvinar of the thalamus driven by network vulnerability.
to coordinate compensatory shifts across the functional networks. Within the PCA-AD group, a decrease in right posterior peak
Where the lateral pulvinar showed decreased connectivity with the frequency was correlated with worse visual performance, assessed
visual network, the medial pulvinar showed increased connectivity with the fragmented-letters and dot counting task, indicating that
with the salience network. The results of these fMRI studies are in these effects are likely to be specific for PCA-AD. These correlations
line with the increase in frontal and decrease in posterior hubness are in line with a previous study. For example, in a study by Guerrier
we have observed. Drawing relations or conclusions between (f)MRI et al. (Guerrier et al., 2019), who found similar correlations of visual
networks and EEG networks should, however, be carried out with performance, tested by various visual tasks and including the dot
caution. Where fMRI has a high and EEG a low spatial resolution, EEG counting task, with right posterior [18F]FDG-PET metabolism in
has a high and fMRI a low temporal resolution. With this in mind, our patients with PCA. Both our study and the study by Guerrier et al.
results combined with previous fMRI research, indicate a deterio- have found significant correlations of the visual performance with
ration of the posterior visual network with a, potentially compen- the right posterior cortex but not the left posterior cortex. Another
satory or relative, shift of hubness toward the frontal network in study, using FDG-PET, found this right predominant asymmetry of
PCA-AD. Frontal hubs may partially take over the function as pos- the posterior cortex in PCA as well (Nestor et al., 2003). In conclu-
terior hubs get disconnected. However, a relative loss of posterior sion, our results indicate that the performance of PCA-AD on visual
connectivity and relative survival of frontal connectivity could have tasks is strongly dependent on the functionality of the right pos-
driven the MST estimation. This might have created a change of hubs terior cortex.
in the network because it was based on the selection of the strongest In literature, 2 retrospective studies using EEG or MEG to char-
connections. Our results confirmed that there is a selective deterio- acterize patients with PCA-AD have been reported. The first MEG
ration of the posterior hubs in PCA-AD. A selective vulnerability of study addressed cognitive functioning across different AD subtypes,
the visual network could explain the clinical presentation of PCA-AD including 7 patients with PCA, with functional connectivity esti-
(Lehmann et al., 2013b). To further investigate the hypothesis of mated by the alpha band imaginary coherence (Ranasinghe et al.,
network vulnerability, a longitudinal study would be needed to not 2014). This study did, however, not compare cognitive functioning
C.T. Briels et al. / Neurobiology of Aging 96 (2020) 1e11 9

with functional connectivity within the patients with PCA-AD, nor modalities of functional connectivity, the direction of flow and the
did it look at differences between different AD subtypes at spectral, influence of common drive effects (Kus et al., 2004; Reid et al., 2019;
functional connectivity, or network level. The second study is a Seymour et al., 2017; Stam et al., 2007; Tewarie et al., 2019b). A
retrospective EEG study (Goldstein et al., 2018) on a subset of data different limitation is the relatively small sample size of this study.
from a larger set of patients with PCA. EEG data were available for PCA-AD is a rare clinical syndrome and even inclusion in a large
23 patients. In this study, the EEG characteristics were only assessed clinical center is low. Our study was the first to investigate quan-
by visual rating and not quantitatively. Of 23 patients with PCA, 17 titative EEG characteristics of patients with PCA-AD, and further
showed an abnormal EEG with either generalized or focal slowing research is needed to confirm these findings. The profound poste-
of the background rhythm. In addition, 2 patients showed gener- rior changes found with our EEG recordings potentially give ground
alized or temporal discharges. Our results confirm that patients to use EEG as a syndrome classifier, but larger groups are needed to
with PCA-AD have profound slowing of the background rhythm, perform such investigations.
and we further defined the regional characteristics in comparison
with tAD. We suspect few MEG or EEG studies have been carried out
5. Conclusion
because of the relatively rareness of the clinical syndrome of PCA-
AD. But nonetheless, EEG is a minimal invasive, cost-efficient, and
This study found that patients with PCA-AD were more severely
widely available method, and these results highlight its potential in
affected than typical age- and gender-matched patients with AD
further fundamental or trial-based research.
with respect to brain oscillatory activity, driven by slowing in the
In this study, patients with tAD and PCA-AD were matched on
posterior regions, and network properties. Visual performance
age, sex, educational level, and CDR as a marker of disease severity.
correlated with the oscillatory activity of the right (temporal-) pa-
The main difference in performance on cognitive tasks between the
rietal cortex. This reflects the selective deterioration of the parietal-
patients with tAD and the patients with PCA-AD was their perfor-
occipital regions in PCA-AD, which is potentially caused by local
mance on visual tasks. This was reflected by the worse performance
vulnerability of the underlying network. In addition, these results
of patients with PCA-AD on the dot counting and fragmented-
indicate that EEG is a potential sensitive modality for future
letters tasks compared with patients with tAD. Patients with PCA-
fundamental or trial-based research in PCA-AD.
AD and patients with tAD performed similar on the mini-mental
state examination, RAVLT, and COWAT tasks. It is perhaps not
contradictory that patients with PCA-AD performed worse, than Disclosure statement
patients with tAD, on the TMT-A and TMT-B tasks, but no difference
was seen on the COWAT task. Although the TMT-A and TMT-B are First author C.T. Briels declares no conflict of interest. J.J. Eertink
executive tasks, they also rely on visual functioning (SÁNchez- and C.J. Stam declare no conflict of interest. The chair of W. van der
Cubillo et al., 2009). The COWAT is also a task of executive func- Flier is supported by the Pasman stichting. P. Scheltens has received
tioning but focusses on verbal fluency without the need of visual consultancy/speaker fees (paid to the institution) from Biogen,
functions (Ross et al., 2007). When taking the differences and People Bio, Roche (Diagnostics), Novartis Cardiology. He is PI of
similarities in cognitive performance into account, the main studies with Vivoryon, EIP Pharma, IONIS, CogRx, AC Immune and
contributor of the reported EEG differences is likely to be the Toyama. A.A. Gouw has received past (2014e2018) research support
pathological heterogeneity of these AD subtypes rather than an from Probiodrug and Boehringer Ingelheim via the VUmc Alz-
effect of disease severity. heimer Center.
Strengths of our study include well-defined clinical subgroups
with availability of biomarkers and cognitive test results. Further- CRediT authorship contribution statement
more, we have investigated the EEG recordings in 3 modalities:
oscillatory activity, functional connectivity, and network properties. Casper T. Briels: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal anal-
We have used validated outcome measures to estimate these mo- ysis, Writing - original draft, Visualization. Jakoba J. Eertink:
dalities. A limitation of our study is the use of patients with SCD as Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Writing - original
controls. CSF results show, however, that these individuals were draft. Cornelis J. Stam: Resources, Conceptualization, Writing -
amyloid and tau negative which rules out influence of Alzheimer's review & editing. Wiesje M. van der Flier: Resources, Writing -
disease on the results of the control group. Additional limitations review & editing. Philip Scheltens: Resources, Writing - review &
can be found in the materials and methods of recording and editing. Alida A. Gouw: Conceptualization, Writing - review &
analyzing the EEGs in this study. Several factors can influence the editing, Supervision.
resolution and validity of the functional network estimations. The
use of an EEG system with 21 electrodes has limited the resolution
of our network estimations. Future studies could consider the use of
high density EEG or MEG which provides more potential in terms of
Research of Alzheimer center Amsterdam is part of the neuro-
source reconstruction and defining more detailed regions of inter-
degeneration research program of Amsterdam Neuroscience. Alz-
est. In this article, we have chosen the AEC-c to estimate functional
heimer Center Amsterdam is supported by Stichting Alzheimer
connectivity. This measure is an amplitude-based pairwise measure
Nederland and Stichting VUmc fonds. The clinical database struc-
of functional connectivity. As this article was the first to describe
ture was developed with funding from Stichting Dioraphte. W. van
EEG functional networks in PCA-AD, this choice was made based on
der Flier is a recipient of a ZonMW Top grant (project #91217043).
the reported reliability, validity, and reproducibility of this measure
A.A. Gouw is a recipient of a ZonMW Memorabel grant (#
of functional connectivity (Briels et al., 2020; Colclough et al., 2016;
733050812) and a recipient of a ZonMW Top grant (#91218018).
Hipp et al., 2012). However, previous research has indicated that
amplitude coupling might only capture one aspect of functional
connectivity (Engel et al., 2013). We encourage future studies to use Appendix A. Supplementary data
other methods including phase-based measures, phase-amplitude
coupling, dynamic connectivity, and multivariate approaches. Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
These measures could give more detailed information on other
10 C.T. Briels et al. / Neurobiology of Aging 96 (2020) 1e11

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