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SEKOLAH DASAR : ……………………. NOMOR : …………………….




Subject : English
Class : IV ( Fourth )
Day & Date : ………………………………………..
Curriculum : KTSP
Time : 90 Minutes
Petunjuk :
1. Tulislah nomor dan namamu pada sudut kanan atas lembar jawaban!
2. Bacalah dengan teliti seluruh soal-soal sebelum kamu memberikan jawaban!
3. Jawablah pertanyaan dengan benar dan tulisan harus rapi, sehingga mudah dibaca!
4. Periksa kembali hasil pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada guru pengawasmu!

I. Let’s Fill These Questions By Crossing A, B, C or D in The Right Answer

( Mari Bubuhkan Tanda Silang ( X ) Pada Huruf A, B, C, atau D Pada Jawaban Yang Paling Tepat ! )

1. Math is very … ( sulit )

a. easy b. soft c. Confuse d. difficult
2. My mother buys a … ( mahal ) bag.
a. chef b. expensive c. cheap d. expert

3. This is …
a. meatball
b. soup
c. porridge
d. chicken soup
4. She wants to eat a plate of … ( nasi goreng )
a. fried chicken b. fried noodle c. fried potato d. fried rice
5. Zack : What do you like to drink?
Rose : I like to drink … ( jus manga )
a. manggo juice b. mango juice c. manggoes juice d. mangoesteen juice
6. Hugo likes to eat …

a. hotdog
b. hamburger
c. sandwich
d. bread
7. The antonym ( lawan kata ) of clean is …
a. dirty b. tidy c. dark d. light
8. The class is very … ( besar )
a. small
b. fat
c. slim
d. big

Halaman 1
9. Likes – she – satay– to - eat
The correct sentence is ....
a. She likes eat to satay
b. She to eat satay like
c. She likes to eat satay
d. she likes satay to eat
10. Look at the picture below ! ( lihatlah gambar di bawah ini ! ) ....
This is …
a. Fried fish
b. Fried chicken
c. Baked fish
d. Omellete
11. Peter and Jack … ( tidak suka ) to eat porridge
a. does not like b. Do not like c. Is not like d. are not like
12. You … ( suka ) to drink milk.
a. like b. likes c. Is not like d. are not like
13. Grand mother in Bahasa is ...
a. kakek b. Nenek moyang c. Kakek buyut d. nenek moyang
14. Adik laki – laki in English is ...
a. young brother b. Older brother c. Young sister d. older sister
15. The bags are very ... ( murah )
a. light b. Expensive c. cheap d. hard
Score : 10
II. Let’s Answer These Questions Below With the Correct Answer !
( Marilah Kita Menjawab Pertanyaan ini di bawah ini Dengan Benar )
16. Rajin In English ( dalam bahasa inggris ) …
17. M – S – A – R - T . The Correct Arrangement ( Susunan yang tepat ) is …
18. This is …

19. The antonym of ‘EASY’ is …

20. Mr. Yudi is my … ( paman )
21. Vina is dania’s … ( keponakan perempuan )
22. Peter has … ( rambut ) hair.
23. Langsing in English is …
24. do – they – like - not – eat – to – donut . The Correct Arrangement ( Susunan yang tepat ) is
= …
25. She likes to eat …

Score : 10

Halaman 2
III. Let’s Answer These Questions Completely !
( Mari Kita Menjawab Pertanyaan ini Dengan Lengkap ! )

26. Write three Indonesian food do you like ?


27. Write these words into English ?

A. Dingin = …………………………………………………………….
B. Malas = …………………………………………………………….
C. Tinggi = …………………………………………………………….
28. Write these pictures in good English !

29. Write these sentence into English !

A. Kami suka makan mie rebus
= …
B. Haris tidak suka minum kopi.
= …
30. Write these sentence into English !
Pak hilman adalah kakak laki – laki saya
= …

Score : 15

Halaman 3

Halaman 4

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