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A. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentences.

1. We __________ sleep on time. (Should/mustn’t)

2. She __________ finish this work before the deadline.
(must/ought to)
3. ____________ Ramya come here today? (Could/Must)
4. _________ you bring that book here, please? (May/Can)
5. Your letter __________ have got lost. (might/shall)
6. We _________ help you in this matter. (shall/ needn’t)
7. Of course, I __________ read and write English (can/may)
8. I _________ definitely recommend you to my boss.
B. Fill in the correct modal verbs.
1. I _________ eat a dozen bananas at one time.
2. You ________ sit down now.
3. You _______ get late if you don’t hurry.
4. They _____ work hard else they will not succeed.
5. You _______ worry about your son, he is in good hands.
6. We _________ help those in need.
7. ___________ you call him up?
8. _________ you have a long life!
9. He ________ be twenty this year.
10. You ___________ increase your vocabulary.

C. Rewrite these statements using could or would as polite

1. Do you want to go for a movie?
2. I want to eat fish.
3. Do you want me to lend you some money?
4. I want to buy that expensive dress.
5. Do you want me to clean your room for you?
6. Tell me how to use this washing machine.
7. Tell me what to write in this letter.

D. You are Akaash. Walking down the street, suddenly you

see a child being picked up by some persons in a car and the
car speeds away. You hear the shouts of the child. You look
on helpless. Write a diary entry of what you could/ would/
ought to have done to help the child get away from
Wednesday 7th April
As I heard the child screaming. I could have
shouted “Help! Help!” and attracted attention of
the crowd nearby.

I ___________

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